This is the only mmo I play.
And the only game I play at the moment; I suppose if I was in my 20s it would be different and I'd be using Steam.
When I first started playing STO, I used Steam. Since I switched to Arc, no problems, at all. I suppose it IS a problem for those of you who spend hundreds (or thousands) of dollars on Steam games, and have Steam running 24/7.
I have 16gb of RAM, so no problems with running a ~250mb ARC client+browser.
"Intelligence is finite, stupidity is infinite" -- Umberto Eco
I don't get the problem players have, what's wrong with Arc? I have no problems with it and I just close it whenever I launch STO.
Though I would like to be able to run it stand-alone like I used to when I had originally downloaded STO on the PWE site. I only have Arc because it wouldn't let me run STO without it.
I don't get the problem players have, what's wrong with Arc? I have no problems with it and I just close it whenever I launch STO.
Though I would like to be able to run it stand-alone like I used to when I had originally downloaded STO on the PWE site. I only have Arc because it wouldn't let me run STO without it.
You can go to the directory where Arc installed STO and just run the .exe, the game will launch without using Arc.
Anyone that installs with Steam or Arc already has the 'stand alone' version. Arc and Steam are merely overlays. You could move the install directory and completely uninstall Arc and the game will still work fine.
I have a 5 year old laptop and have always run from .exe. I don't see the point nor need to run from Steam or Arc as they aren't needed to run it, and are just plain bloatware, taking up memory and processing time that's needed to run the game. Apart from a couple of codes, which you don't need Arc for, there is no advantage to having either.
"You don't want to patrol!? You don't want to escort!? You don't want to defend the Federation's Starbases!? Then why are you flying my Starships!? If you were a Klingon you'd be killed on the spot, but lucky for WERE in Starfleet. Let's see how New Zealand Penal Colony suits you." Adm A. Necheyev.
Thanks for all of the responses. I had a feeling the majority of people used either Arc or the original .exe launcher, but I was curious how many used Steam. While this poll is obviously not scientific and only represents the folks here on the forum, it seems that about 1/4 of people use steam, so we could theoretically multiply these numbers x 4 to see approximately how many people are playing at any given time:
PS: to be clear, those numbers only show the amount of people online at the same time and do not represent the total number of people who play the game, spread out through the entire day.
Some times if I want to be left alone I'll afk on steam or log out and use arc...comes in handy from time to time...and getting new characters the Kahn set for the heck of it.
Can't have a honest conversation because of a white knight with power
Bought STO on Steam during the promo for the Steamrunner, don't have it installed through steam.
Installing and logged in through ARC once for the promo package, uninstalled it afterwards.
If I need to redeem a code I just use the redeem page.
90% of all my pc games are on steam so it makes sense to launch off steam
"The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
And the only game I play at the moment; I suppose if I was in my 20s it would be different and I'd be using Steam.
When I first started playing STO, I used Steam. Since I switched to Arc, no problems, at all. I suppose it IS a problem for those of you who spend hundreds (or thousands) of dollars on Steam games, and have Steam running 24/7.
I have 16gb of RAM, so no problems with running a ~250mb ARC client+browser.
Though I would like to be able to run it stand-alone like I used to when I had originally downloaded STO on the PWE site. I only have Arc because it wouldn't let me run STO without it.
You can go to the directory where Arc installed STO and just run the .exe, the game will launch without using Arc.
Anyone that installs with Steam or Arc already has the 'stand alone' version. Arc and Steam are merely overlays. You could move the install directory and completely uninstall Arc and the game will still work fine.
No reason for anything else. Needing a program to run another program is asinine.
what are promo codes?
You can redeem Arc codes here, so no need to ever install Arc.
PS: to be clear, those numbers only show the amount of people online at the same time and do not represent the total number of people who play the game, spread out through the entire day.
Join Date: Sep 2008
Ok, I won't argue semantics. Thanks for the bump!
Join Date: Sep 2008
I do have arc installed, as it is A way to Redeem Codes
I installed it on an old laptop (that can barely run STO at minimum graphics) for when I use a code.
My main PC is ARC-free.
Oh, well, not really, I figure it has been patched heavily over the years. And it might have even moved from one PC and hard disk to another.
Bought STO on Steam during the promo for the Steamrunner, don't have it installed through steam.
Installing and logged in through ARC once for the promo package, uninstalled it afterwards.
If I need to redeem a code I just use the redeem page.
11 August 2008
Wait! You can still use that? Maaaannn...
STO website is the place I input codes. Never ARC. I don't understand how you ppl could even say you need ARC.
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius