We had 2,5 hours of downtime! THis is gonna cost me my Breen ship!!!!!!!!!!
I DEMAND that the Winter Event be extended to compensate!!!!!!! Otherwise I'm gonna punch a Tribble! I MEAN IT!!!!!1!1!!!!!!111!!!!!!!oneoneone!!!!!
Well, now that that thread was created already this year: enjoy your forum browsing!
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
My character Tsin'xing
For my lost time, I demand three dancing orions..er make that four, in gumdrop cropped uniforms and skirts. Yes the males too.
And err cute cuddly fluffy raptor plushies, cause Tren...I mean reasons!
Otherwise I'm waking up Khan, I MEAN IT! SRSLY
I dare you, I double dare you to ignore my whining!
Just imagine, sleeping for soo long...the headache
Star Trek The Khangover
Coming to cinemas near you on February 30th.
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