I'm talking about people running around and one shooting Borg sphere and cubes being died in 5 seconds Elite STF's ending in 2 mins Because people in Scimitars that are all tac's have a CritH of 50% and CritD of 200%. this game has turned into a DPS cluster TRIBBLE. Does no one find this sad.
Make a Rom, buy a scimatar, and you already have more dps than 90% of the players.
Borg spheres and cubes in elite STF are currently only encountered in HSE and VCE. Neither of those two missions are concluded within 2 minutes by anyone.
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This game offers you massive customization concerning how powerful you want to be. So play as powerful as you want to be yourself. If that is not SUPER OP I WIN MODE, then don't do that. On my main I am an incredibly resilient tank, the damage output is enough to draw aggro. Nothing very OP, but I enjoy it.
So you don't like high DPS? Then don't play with a high DPS build and stay away from high DPS people. Nobody forces you to do anything in this game whatsoever.
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Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
A battle of attrition is fine when its one on one but a map where you have multiple targets. No thanks to having to slowing pound my way through each one. If i want to slow down a STF and have a challenge i'll go PUG. Plenty of challenge playing with a group of randoms. Which is the real challenge.
Defending the game? I expect as much from a whale.
so they nerved it now the mk14 all ep8c builds go throu it like bnutter what do u expect?
if u balance it back up the low EQed palyers will cry again that they cant paly elite anymore
Why most of my gear is Mk 12 at best.
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!