I missed out on the Black Friday sale, because it started late on Friday PM. So unlike usual the Jupiter was only reduced for a 24hr period instead of the first 48hrs or more for the "weekend" promotion they do for new releases. So I paid 3000 Zen for the Jupiter.
Today, I purchased the tier 6 Alita HEC. Literally less than half an hour later there is another 20% sale with no mention in GNN from what I could see. So over the last couple days I feel like I've been conned out of 1200 extra Zen than I needed to be. I've bought four t6 ships in the last month and feel really cheated by having to pay more for the HEC because of zero communication regarding a sale. Surely there should be a grace period where if you buy something just minutes before a sale you can get a partial refund? Otherwise it leaves a REAL sour taste in my mouth.
Cryptic, would appreciate some feedback on this. Not a great way to look after your spending customers.
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EDIT: I accept paying more for the Jupiter, it was the following day by the time I managed to get hold of it. The Alita however is different, about half an hour before the sale. You'd feel pissed off too.
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First, they announced the sale when it happened. Rarely will companies pre-announce sales, unless they're building hype for something specific. In STO's case, we often get a few days of notice before a ship launches.
Second, sure that may be the case in the UK, but Cryptic is an American company, which means they follow American standards, holidays, etc. So things like Cyber Monday will be followed, as per American sales practices. I'm not in the US, so I'd forgotten that last week's maintenance was going to be early for the holiday, for example.
There is nothing wrong with the way any of this was announced, and it is not poor costumer support. Poor CS would be giving a wrong price, or not completing the transaction. You simply bought at ship at full price prior to a sale happening.