Title says it. All chars at 60 with max Spec Points and more Fleet and Rep gear than I'll ever use. All purple Boffs with max skills. All purple DOffs as well. Rare indeed when I don't Crit on a DOff mission. Fleet's coming along nicely and will be T5/T3 right on schedule. Twenty five plus ships. So the Admiralty system is starting to come into line as well. Gave away eight Malon Battlecruisers to junior Fleet members the other day just because I felt like it. Will probably do the same thing again in the near future. Bought everything a player could buy in the Z Store. Sitting on a gi-normous pile of both Dil and EC. Have a KDF char where every BOff is outfitted with KHG Ground gear. Fun to go harass the Borg and the Heralds. Apparently, they do not like nor want grenade launchers. And when the mortars kick in... do you want your Harbringer cooked Medium Well or Well?
Now what?
Mind you, I'm not complaining here. I worked my tail off to get this far and I have no regrets about either that or being in this state. I've had a ton of fun and met some really fine folks along the way.
And no, you can't haz my stufs. "Cuz this ain't an 'I quit!' thread.
Again, now what?
How can I keep enjoying myself while playing STO? This is not a frivolous or sarcastic question. Others before me have reached this state and are still playing and enjoying this game. How'd they do it?
Ding! Answered my own question! Or at least it is one answer. I think I'll go back and do the whole storyline again. From the beginning. And when I'm done with this, I'll try making a Foundry Mission or two.
So, how do you deal with this and keep enjoying this fine Cryptic product?
A six year old boy and his starship. Living the dream.
test different variations gear, stuff that others will scratch thier heads and think your nuts , go leeroy jenkins on a hard mission on defera alone just to see if you can.
or go shoot a tac cube not to kill it just to TRIBBLE in its wheaties a bit , this is stuff i do when i get that way do weird and strange things that make people think ive lost my mind
anyways theres plenty of ways to keep yourself occupied you just got to stop thinking mainstream and just do weird stuff not because it works because its fun
Seriously, it's a great game, and it's free. And it has SPACE NINJAS.
I already shoot stuff every day. Shooting stuff every day is how I got to here in the first place, lol. I've done the 'What Does This DO?' bit as well. One of the fastest ways to get my undvided attention in STO is to pop off in Chat or over TS something which begins with the phrase, "Everybody knows __ isn't any good!" This is how I got my 15K Tetryon build. I wanted to find out for myself why everyone seemed to be down on Tetryon as a weapon type. I have to work at it to get it there and keep it there but 15k DPS is more than enough to successfully complete any content in the game. I'm not a min/maxer nor a DPS monster, though. What I wanted was when I put something down, it stayed down. A former member of a former Fleet used to fill TS with technobabble about how Tetryon builds were not good. Yet whenever I offered her a go in PvP, she would decline or her computer would develop, ahem, 'connection problems'. Now ain't that odd? I am also not an expert PvPer by any means. Which is why my principle PvP ship is always called U.S.S. Shot Magnet or I.K,S. Torpedo Attractor or R.R.W. Clueless. lol.
Currently STO is my first and so far only MMO. Looks to be staying that way, too. I've spent enough time with my chars that playing another game would be like cheating on my wife. Also, I don't know if I have the patience to learn another game's ins and outs at this point.
"Altitis" is an old disease of mine. Fortunately, there is a cure. Cryptic called it Delta Rising. This is the best expansion ever and the players love it! Ask Geko if you don't believe me. I had twelve chars at various levels. Delta Rising intervened and my desire to experience the game from a slighly different viewpoint withered and died in its tracks right then. Cut myself back to just four chars. It became fun to play STO again, at least for awhile.
I do appreciate the effort guys. Thank you for attempting to help an old warhorse show it isn't time for the glue factory just yet.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
And yea... C-Store projects can be a good thing to work towards.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode