We've all seen the stats for the Jupiter by now so I have to wonder where the atrox fits in the lineup now. The Jupiter has a better turn rate, more hull and better bridge seating than the atrox. The fleet version of the atrox seems harder to aquire so it seems the Jupiter outright replaces her.
Apart from stalker fighters the atrox has no advantage over the Jupiter.
Another question is will the atrox be able to launch frigates?
Last question are frigates actually worth it? I've never rolled a kdf carrier pilot so I don't know how effective they are. Sure they'll survive a lot more but do they have the damage to back it up?
The frigate pets are most likely "Bound" to the Jupiter like the B'Rels are "Bound" to the Vo'Quv/Mirror Vo'Quv. You can't put B'Rels on the Kar'fi.
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Fek'lhri frigate pets: Ker'fi Carrier
B'rel BoPs: Vo'Quv/Mirror Vo'Quv
JH Attack Ships: JH Dreadnaught Carrier
Xindi Aquatic Frigates: Xindi Aquatic Carrier
Fed Light Escorts: Jupiter Carrier
Essentially its keeping with the established rules of frigate pets by being bound to one particular class. The only technical rule breaker is the Vo'Quv because of the Mirror variant. Other than that, all frigates go to specific carriers.
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I had the b'rels on a voquv, and the plesh breks on the sarr theln, they wittle down enemies pretty good. I also have the drone frigates for the scimitar, but theyre not as good as that.
I feel if i have to have a carrier the frigates are a requisite for me.
Even though i know it wouldnt make sense it be nice to have them on escort carriers with one hangar.
Just got the oblisk swarmers for my Ar'Kif, so that will be the best she can do.
It won't work out that way. The stalkers can't be slotted into anything other than the Atrox. Not even the Armitage can use them.
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This might be true except that if you look at the breen carrier, and others that use frigates they are actually about the same size almost as large a your own ship. Now for a escort carrier i would expect that it would be a wing of them that is called in acting as literal escorts to your carrier.
I thought the Xindi Frigs could also be used by the Insectoid or Primate ships? Or was that the heavy fighters?
Myself i would rather see them redo or rework the Ai and Hanger-pet Ui system to make the non-frigate pets more useful. Right now they are less than cannon fodder, and the frigates are just so much better even though to me they should be more of a sturdy durable type pet over the higher damage one.
I would not mind either a more micro-managing effective Ui that allows us to take more manual control of the pets, such as determining what abilties an weapons they will use on auto or manual an in some way how they are going to fly (such as cannon pets using a figure eight path, while beam users going the circular method). There is also the fact that i would love to see some fo the unused an neglected consoles such as the generic cannon/beam/torp boosting consoles, becoming more of a console that gives your pet's a boost as well as your main ship yet the boost is not as high as the normal version that goes onto a stand alone ship (main ship gets 15-25% phaser damage boost, while your pet get 5-10% boost, compared to the 30% phaser boost purple mark XII though very rough would need refining an balancing).
I think that was the heavy fighters.
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Just double-checked, the Ateleth Primate Dreadnought CAN equip a single set of Xindi Narcine Frigates.
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I'd like to use Elachi Frigates on frigate-capable carriers; even despite their stupid AI (takes forever to dock, abnormally slower than the NPC versions such as in the Elachi Invasion event queue), since their weapons and relative durability make up for it when holding a line.
Then swap them out for Tholian frigates when going on the offensive; their Tetryons and APB spam helping to soften up large groups of targets.
More realistically, I wouldn't be surprised if they relaxed the rules a bit and began allowing Faction frigates to be usable on other Frigate-capable carriers of the faction. If nothing else, it would help add some variety and flexibility (for now, Feds just have the Atrox to potentially share with while the KDF has the Vo'quv and Kar'Fi and two different Frigate pets).
But more immediately, I expect that the new light escort frigates will be Omega-only for now.