Have to describe it, because the Forum doesn't allow image uploads...
Just slotted all Tier 4 ships: "Tactical Escort", "Long Range Science Vessel" and "Exploration Cruiser".
All have the same Stats (36 in class, 12 in the other two), and the same Bonus (+8 in class per ship from the other two classes).
The stats work fine: (36/12/12) + (12/36/12) + (12/12/36) = (60/60/60).
The bonus however doesn't, it should be +16 ENG / +16 TAC / +16 SCI. All I get is +16 ENG / +8 TAC / +16 SCI. So I played around a bit.
Result: The "Tactical Escort" card doesn't recognize any ENG ship cards, and therefore doesn't grant the +8 TAC per EngShip bonus. To reproduce easily, just slot the "Tactical Escort" and add for example "Heavy Cruiser" & "Obelisk Carrier" (both have no bonuses that would alter the slotted stats): TAC bonus will be 0 instead of +16 TAC.
HTH, should be a rather simple fix to implement.