To answer the OP: I will likely not be disappointed, but yes, the forum community (we) well likely be dominated by people whining about the ship's stats.
I have to say, though: if I were Cryptic, I would have had a little fun with the player base by "leaking" an Admiralty card for a ship that will never exist. Since it is a new system, and the dreadnaught is the most likely ship anyways, I'm guessing this isn't the case here, but I'm calling it now:
For release the 1st of April, 2016: UR T6 Constitution Class Admiralty Card
"Logic is a little tweeting bird chirping in a meadow. Logic is a wreath of pretty flowers which smell BAD." - Spock
Shouldn't this have been a Poll on people's relative disappointment levels (scale it one to five) on perceived sadness for something that may or may not be coming out that we don't even know what the Stats may or may not be. Maybe it could be scaled in numbers of sad faces or smiley faces instead.
Don't forget Trendy's mysterious comment about a free ship something something Timeship during the highly successful rollout of the Annorax 'It Costs What!!!' Science Dreadnought.
'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
Judge Dan Haywood
'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
Well it won't be the best ship evar and the only thing you'll ever use forever and always, so you'll see the odd "total garbage!" post whatever the stats are. That said, when have those ever really mattered?
Okay, I was looking for a notice or article or post, and I'm either blind or just not seeing it. Free dreadnought?
Using magic (and we'll just leave it at that) some have figured out what the upcoming winter event ship is going to be (eng-focused Breen Dreadnought.) You can also look at the game and fill in the blank on "what Breen ship don't we already have?" and remark on the fact that of the three Breen admiralty cards available now there's no Eng (cruiser's tac for some reason.)
Anyway that's what people are referring to here.
Bipedal mammal and senior Foundry author.
Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
The Samsar, as nice looking as it is, was a disappointment boff seating wise. If it had a LT Cmd tac, I'd proably be using it a LOT more. Will the dreadnought end up the same? I don't eve know what's the requirement for a dreadnought. Cruisers have 4x4, BC's have 5x3, escorts have 4x3 with cmd tac. Science ships typically seems to have 3x3 with many sci boff seating.
How would they fit out a dreadnought class? Are there even any specific guide lines for dreadnoughts? Does it get LOTS of hp and sacrifice the boff seating? or do they increase a little bit of HP and add fighter bays?
Not all battlecruisers are 5/3 as not all escorts are 4/3...some dreadnoughts are 5/3 and some are 4/4.
Since this is a free one I wouldn't be surprised if this was a 4/4...
Can't have a honest conversation because of a white knight with power
Shouldn't this have been a Poll on people's relative disappointment levels (scale it one to five) on perceived sadness for something that may or may not be coming out that we don't even know what the Stats may or may not be. Maybe it could be scaled in numbers of sad faces or smiley faces instead.
Don't forget Trendy's mysterious comment about a free ship something something Timeship during the highly successful rollout of the Annorax 'It Costs What!!!' Science Dreadnought.
I still think people who took what Trendy said as getting a Annorax were fooling themselves...
I don't even remember what she said but I think it is along the same line as the people who thought they were gonna get a T6 upgrade for their T5 Bug...people like jumping to conclusions in this game and throw logic out the window.
Can't have a honest conversation because of a white knight with power
I never took it as an Annorax but something else. The only thing in the game right now named a Timeship is the Aeon Shuttle.
'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
Judge Dan Haywood
'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
I never took it as an Annorax but something else. The only thing in the game right now named a Timeship is the Aeon Shuttle.
Didn't say you were...but I saw all over the place people talking like they were going to get a free Annorax...even on these forums...I said what I did now..."People are fooling yourselves if you think you're getting a free Annorax"
Especially after how popular and costly the Annorax is...
Can't have a honest conversation because of a white knight with power
Instead of talking about how disappointed we'll be, let's get a realistic expectation formed:
Let's cover what we know about the Breen Rezreth Dreadnought Cruiser [T6]:
Cruiser: Almost certain it'll have Engineering Commander BOff station, with a weapon layout of 5/3 or 4/4, mid to low turn rates
Dreadnought: Dual cannons and a single hangar bay are common for these, as is Lt Cmdr or higher Tactical BOff stations, low turn rates, bonus power often biased towards weapons
Breen: Breen ships all have a science lean to their BOff layouts and/or console spread. Breen vessels also make use of Polaron weapons, and since many dreadnought cruisers have a Lance, I'd say we can expect a Polaron Lance. Breen ships also tend to have a power drain theme/gimmick. The existing breen ships have average hull and shield levels for their type. Given that the previous Breen event ship has Intel spec, I would not expect it on this one.
Weapons: 5/3 or 4/4
Hull: 45k at Lv50, 53k at Lv60
Shield: 1 or 1.1
Impulse: 0.15
Turn: 6-8
Power Bonus: +10 wep with another +10 in engines or spread as +5 each to engines and auxiliary
Hangar: 1, loaded with Breen fighters, possible option to use Breen frigates if you have another Breen ship
BOffs: Cmdr Eng, Lt Cmdr Tac, Lt Cmdr Sci/Com, Lt Uni, Ens Uni
Consoles: 4 eng, 3 sci, 4 tac or 5 eng, 3 sci, 3 tac
Specials: dual cannons, Comm Arrays: Weapon Efficiency and Attract Fire, Polaron Lance/Javelin
Trait and Unique Console: Harder to predict, but a suitable Breen console and trait would be ones that employed Flow Caps to increase the ship durability
Well it won't be the best ship evar and the only thing you'll ever use forever and always, so you'll see the odd "total garbage!" post whatever the stats are. That said, when have those ever really mattered?
Okay, I was looking for a notice or article or post, and I'm either blind or just not seeing it. Free dreadnought?
Using magic (and we'll just leave it at that) some have figured out what the upcoming winter event ship is going to be (eng-focused Breen Dreadnought.) You can also look at the game and fill in the blank on "what Breen ship don't we already have?" and remark on the fact that of the three Breen admiralty cards available now there's no Eng (cruiser's tac for some reason.)
Anyway that's what people are referring to here.
It's not magic, it's admiralty. There's a Rezreth card in admiralty, and it's a yellow card.
Oh and Chel Gret is a red card because it has a Commander Tac.
I don't think I will. Unless the ship is too darn ugly to have. Which has stopped me from getting ships. Unless I didn't have time to run the daily for it. Or my character would not make use of it.
USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
The Samsar, as nice looking as it is, was a disappointment boff seating wise. If it had a LT Cmd tac, I'd proably be using it a LOT more. Will the dreadnought end up the same? I don't eve know what's the requirement for a dreadnought. Cruisers have 4x4, BC's have 5x3, escorts have 4x3 with cmd tac. Science ships typically seems to have 3x3 with many sci boff seating.
How would they fit out a dreadnought class? Are there even any specific guide lines for dreadnoughts? Does it get LOTS of hp and sacrifice the boff seating? or do they increase a little bit of HP and add fighter bays?
Not all battlecruisers are 5/3 as not all escorts are 4/3...some dreadnoughts are 5/3 and some are 4/4.
Since this is a free one I wouldn't be surprised if this was a 4/4...
Wow, complain about free stuff. Well my faith in humanity, keeps just going lower.
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!
Dyson - worst ship in the game
Samsar - very durable but not enough oomph
Breen carrier - sci tac hybrid. I still use it for 1 character. top marks
Ferengi - just blows up
Dyson - Wasnt around when it was added, so cant really say one or the other.
Samsar - Probably the best healer around, very useful in Elite ques
Breen Carrier - Amazing torpboat base.
Nandi - Another amazing torpboat base.
Everything isnt about faw spamming.. Torpboats can put out some pretty decent dps, just need to use it right.
Why stop at 4/4 and let's make demands for it to be 5/5! Because we're entitled to!
3/2/2/3. The game engine supports left/right weapon banks. Time to put them to use.
And lose forward firepower? It's gotta be at least 5/4/4/4.
And hangars with Sarr Theln pets that launch their own Plesh Brek pets!
But the funniest thing is, people would still be on these forums posting about how they're "disappointed" by it.
Course I would, I need a bridge where all my boffs are around with Bank, Exchange, Mail and Dabo access, a pool, and all the doff ssignment officers standing in the corner next to a CXP-Fleet Mark console and a liaison to my faction to get all these doff buy options.
Also I think your previous console layout wasn't as good, a Dreadnaught would need Eng consoles. To not upset the Eng-Tac-Sci balance how about 5/8/7?
Not needed but welcome would be a choice of materials in all the primary colors, the neon the better. And a "seductive" option to switch the looks.
My mother was an epohh and my father smelled of tulaberries
On a more serious note: I never flew a dread but would like to, so I might be disappointed by how dreads do not live up to my expectation. There would still be no reason to complain whatsoever.
My mother was an epohh and my father smelled of tulaberries
On a more serious note: I never flew a dread but would like to, so I might be disappointed by how dreads do not live up to my expectation. There would still be no reason to complain whatsoever.
Dreadnought is used lightly in STO, most dreadnoughts cruisers are just 4/4 with a hangar bay (voth, Xindi), dreadnought carriers are 4/3 with 2 hangars (Jem'hadar, Narcine, Herald), sci dreadnoughts are 4/3 with one hangar (Annorax so far) and "cool" dreadnoughts are 5/3 with 1 hangar (Sheshar, scimitar).
Now the Breen Rezreth is classified as Dreadnought cruiser which means it can be 4/4 or 5/3, its admiralty stats (62 eng 33 tac 31 sci) are very similar the Sheshar (57 eng 38 tac 32 sci), so I bet is gonna be similar to the Sheshar but with command seating, 4/4 and +1 eng console -1 tac console.
On a more serious note: I never flew a dread but would like to, so I might be disappointed by how dreads do not live up to my expectation. There would still be no reason to complain whatsoever.
The only one I have is the Fed Galaxy Dreadnought. I have lots of fun with mine. Which is why I created a new character just to fly it!
USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
I have to say, though: if I were Cryptic, I would have had a little fun with the player base by "leaking" an Admiralty card for a ship that will never exist. Since it is a new system, and the dreadnaught is the most likely ship anyways, I'm guessing this isn't the case here, but I'm calling it now:
For release the 1st of April, 2016:
UR T6 Constitution Class Admiralty Card
Don't forget Trendy's mysterious comment about a free ship something something Timeship during the highly successful rollout of the Annorax 'It Costs What!!!' Science Dreadnought.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
Using magic (and we'll just leave it at that) some have figured out what the upcoming winter event ship is going to be (eng-focused Breen Dreadnought.) You can also look at the game and fill in the blank on "what Breen ship don't we already have?" and remark on the fact that of the three Breen admiralty cards available now there's no Eng (cruiser's tac for some reason.)
Anyway that's what people are referring to here.
Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
Not all battlecruisers are 5/3 as not all escorts are 4/3...some dreadnoughts are 5/3 and some are 4/4.
Since this is a free one I wouldn't be surprised if this was a 4/4...
I still think people who took what Trendy said as getting a Annorax were fooling themselves...
I don't even remember what she said but I think it is along the same line as the people who thought they were gonna get a T6 upgrade for their T5 Bug...people like jumping to conclusions in this game and throw logic out the window.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
Didn't say you were...but I saw all over the place people talking like they were going to get a free Annorax...even on these forums...I said what I did now..."People are fooling yourselves if you think you're getting a free Annorax"
Especially after how popular and costly the Annorax is...
Let's cover what we know about the Breen Rezreth Dreadnought Cruiser [T6]:
Cruiser: Almost certain it'll have Engineering Commander BOff station, with a weapon layout of 5/3 or 4/4, mid to low turn rates
Dreadnought: Dual cannons and a single hangar bay are common for these, as is Lt Cmdr or higher Tactical BOff stations, low turn rates, bonus power often biased towards weapons
Breen: Breen ships all have a science lean to their BOff layouts and/or console spread. Breen vessels also make use of Polaron weapons, and since many dreadnought cruisers have a Lance, I'd say we can expect a Polaron Lance. Breen ships also tend to have a power drain theme/gimmick. The existing breen ships have average hull and shield levels for their type. Given that the previous Breen event ship has Intel spec, I would not expect it on this one.
Weapons: 5/3 or 4/4
Hull: 45k at Lv50, 53k at Lv60
Shield: 1 or 1.1
Impulse: 0.15
Turn: 6-8
Power Bonus: +10 wep with another +10 in engines or spread as +5 each to engines and auxiliary
Hangar: 1, loaded with Breen fighters, possible option to use Breen frigates if you have another Breen ship
BOffs: Cmdr Eng, Lt Cmdr Tac, Lt Cmdr Sci/Com, Lt Uni, Ens Uni
Consoles: 4 eng, 3 sci, 4 tac or 5 eng, 3 sci, 3 tac
Specials: dual cannons, Comm Arrays: Weapon Efficiency and Attract Fire, Polaron Lance/Javelin
Trait and Unique Console: Harder to predict, but a suitable Breen console and trait would be ones that employed Flow Caps to increase the ship durability
Oh and Chel Gret is a red card because it has a Commander Tac.
My character Tsin'xing
USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
Why stop at 4/4 and let's make demands for it to be 5/5! Because we're entitled to!
3/2/2/3. The game engine supports left/right weapon banks. Time to put them to use.
And lose forward firepower? It's gotta be at least 5/4/4/4.
And hangars with Sarr Theln pets that launch their own Plesh Brek pets!
But the funniest thing is, people would still be on these forums posting about how they're "disappointed" by it.
I'm mostly just expecting a free admiralty card for each character. Does that count?
I do expect we can get special admiralty ship cards from the event.
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!
Dyson - Wasnt around when it was added, so cant really say one or the other.
Samsar - Probably the best healer around, very useful in Elite ques
Breen Carrier - Amazing torpboat base.
Nandi - Another amazing torpboat base.
Everything isnt about faw spamming.. Torpboats can put out some pretty decent dps, just need to use it right.
Course I would, I need a bridge where all my boffs are around with Bank, Exchange, Mail and Dabo access, a pool, and all the doff ssignment officers standing in the corner next to a CXP-Fleet Mark console and a liaison to my faction to get all these doff buy options.
Also I think your previous console layout wasn't as good, a Dreadnaught would need Eng consoles. To not upset the Eng-Tac-Sci balance how about 5/8/7?
Not needed but welcome would be a choice of materials in all the primary colors, the neon the better. And a "seductive" option to switch the looks.
Dreadnought is used lightly in STO, most dreadnoughts cruisers are just 4/4 with a hangar bay (voth, Xindi), dreadnought carriers are 4/3 with 2 hangars (Jem'hadar, Narcine, Herald), sci dreadnoughts are 4/3 with one hangar (Annorax so far) and "cool" dreadnoughts are 5/3 with 1 hangar (Sheshar, scimitar).
Now the Breen Rezreth is classified as Dreadnought cruiser which means it can be 4/4 or 5/3, its admiralty stats (62 eng 33 tac 31 sci) are very similar the Sheshar (57 eng 38 tac 32 sci), so I bet is gonna be similar to the Sheshar but with command seating, 4/4 and +1 eng console -1 tac console.
The only one I have is the Fed Galaxy Dreadnought. I have lots of fun with mine. Which is why I created a new character just to fly it!
USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.