Umm, are you saying that the LTS should be pulled completely because the LTS exclusive races are currently not creatable despite the stipend, instant veteran rewards and gold member features all still working?
Cause if you are, that's like demanding that a gym stops taking new members because it's pool is closed for maintenance.
Players buy LTS for playables races. Did you already see a LTS player playing something else than a liberated Borg or a Talaxian after they bought it?
Maybe not remove it but at least something like a notice that say playables races are temporarily unavailable.
You have now, me. (I have two Vulcans, one Joined Trill, one Fed Romulan and one Human. All but one Vulcan and the Trill were created post LTS)
Hehe, I actually had 4 characters pre LTS. After LTS? I've only made 2 Borg(one Human, one Romulan), and 1 Talaxian. Both races are quite good in their own ways. But I also made a Joined Trill, a Bolian, a Human, a Vulcan, a non-Borg Romulan, an alien(purple that is), a Gorn, and a Reman. Why? because I felt like playing those races.
They never promised to fix it today, they'll probably not give a definitive day until the actual patch notes arrive in case the fix doesn't work or it breaks something else.
They never promised to fix it today, they'll probably not give a definitive day until the actual patch notes arrive in case the fix doesn't work or it breaks something else.
Yeah yeah, that's 3 weeks already, and I know bugs that have last more than a year on this game. But they don't care, as we already have bought their LTS and we can't reclaim our money. It is not even mentionned in the know issues lol.
I am from Belgium and english isn't my main language, sorry if I make mistakes.
Give it a rest, people. We have confirmation that they're working on it. This game is a piece of software, and can have bugs from time to time.
But really, if you're that horridly offended by this soon-to-be-fixed bug, cut your losses and move on. Good luck in your next MMO though, where you're likely to find similar issues - though without the benefit of Cryptic's very public and responsive Dev and Community teams.
Give it a rest, people. We have confirmation that they're working on it. This game is a piece of software, and can have bugs from time to time.
But really, if you're that horridly offended by this soon-to-be-fixed bug, cut your losses and move on. Good luck in your next MMO though, where you're likely to find similar issues - though without the benefit of Cryptic's very public and responsive Dev and Community teams.
I wonder, if the bug still here next month, are you still gonna say it is a soon-to-be-fixed bug?
Or if a bug affect your character and you can't play it anymore will you react the same?
Do you know some peoples bought that LTS 2 weeks ago 200$ to make a Talaxian and they can't because of these very public and responsive dev?
And do you really think we gonna look somewhere else after spending so much money in a game?
I want the feature I gave my money for, and won't give it a rest until I get it.
I know perfect world isn't on the Belgium floor, but in our country, the law clairly state that a delivry must be made within 14 days. PW are smarts, they are in China, knowing we can't attack them there and that's exactly why they don't give a TRIBBLE about this bug : it is affecting only a minority.
No matter what, real money stuff is the first thing to be solved.
I am from Belgium and english isn't my main language, sorry if I make mistakes.
This ^^^
I bought the LTS last week mainly so I can create the Rom Borg and talaxian, a bug is a bug and I got no problem with that... the problem I do have however is that they advertised it as being available and its not...
If Macdonalds advertise a special meal at a reduced rate, I go in and order, give them my money only to find out there's no frys which they say they may have later but they take my money anyway then I'm afraid that is false advertising.
This ^^^
I bought the LTS last week mainly so I can create the Rom Borg and talaxian, a bug is a bug and I got no problem with that... the problem I do have however is that they advertised it as being available and its not...
If Macdonalds advertise a special meal at a reduced rate, I go in and order, give them my money only to find out there's no frys which they say they may have later but they take my money anyway then I'm afraid that is false advertising.
If you have decided it is false advertising, did you file a complaint with the BBB or just going to keep throwing a tantrum on the forums?
And do you really think we gonna look somewhere else after spending so much money in a game?
There is an economic principle called "sunk costs". Basically: money you spent on a project should not be taken into account when deciding whether to continue with it.
I know perfect world isn't on the Belgium floor, but in our country, the law clairly state that a delivry must be made within 14 days.
Within the European Union, people having sold you a faulty good have the right to try and replace or repair it before they can be forced to give a refund. How long you have to wait is usually judged on an individual basis. Of course you don't have to wait for eternity, but I guess with a complex software which in large parts works - even if not the parts you want - that will be longer than 14 days. And, just from a judicial standpoint, the delivery was made. Also, as you already said, our laws do not apply here and you knew that before you made the purchase.
You may get better results if you really want to undo your LTS because of the Talaxian bug to contact support instead of complaining in the forums. Because the latter will achieve actually nothing, while usually you will get a return if you state your problem/complaint in certain but polite terms. It has happened in the past, e. g. when people bought a ship due to some typo in descriptions or similar.
My mother was an epohh and my father smelled of tulaberries
Yeah, if you bought a LTS for the sole purpose of playing a Talaxian, I kinda feel sorry for you, and not just because it is broken right now. The endgame ships for each faction, that's a logical reason. The stipend is another. XMPP chat was one that put me over the edge, but Playable Talaxian? From someone who has one: Not worth it. Sorry, dude.
And yeah, speaking of XMPP, I hope they fix that all the way before they let you play Neelix. Sorry, but I'm not sorry.
Not worth it, eh? So the Loyalty trait isn't worth anything at all? Strange. I have several Talaxians, and I think the Loyalty trait makes them extremely worth it, since it's the only trait from a race that grants XP to team and is stackable with other players who have Talaxians. So, it's still not worth it?
yes, I know that LTS get immediate access to the 700-day perk granting XP to team, I'm not talking about that, the trait is what made the Talaxians extremely attractive to me. So, you may think that it's not worth it. I think the trait from the Talaxians (Loyalty) makes them worth it.
And do you really think we gonna look somewhere else after spending so much money in a game?
There is an economic principle called "sunk costs". Basically: money you spent on a project should not be taken into account when deciding whether to continue with it.
I know perfect world isn't on the Belgium floor, but in our country, the law clairly state that a delivry must be made within 14 days.
Within the European Union, people having sold you a faulty good have the right to try and replace or repair it before they can be forced to give a refund. How long you have to wait is usually judged on an individual basis. Of course you don't have to wait for eternity, but I guess with a complex software which in large parts works - even if not the parts you want - that will be longer than 14 days. And, just from a judicial standpoint, the delivery was made. Also, as you already said, our laws do not apply here and you knew that before you made the purchase.
You may get better results if you really want to undo your LTS because of the Talaxian bug to contact support instead of complaining in the forums. Because the latter will achieve actually nothing, while usually you will get a return if you state your problem/complaint in certain but polite terms. It has happened in the past, e. g. when people bought a ship due to some typo in descriptions or similar.
Also the legal definition here would be "provide a service". Failure to deliver means not providing the service, which clearly they are. But it doesn't work right.
I know perfect world isn't on the Belgium floor, but in our country, the law clairly state that a delivry must be made within 14 days.
Within the European Union, people having sold you a faulty good have the right to try and replace or repair it before they can be forced to give a refund. How long you have to wait is usually judged on an individual basis. Of course you don't have to wait for eternity, but I guess with a complex software which in large parts works - even if not the parts you want - that will be longer than 14 days. And, just from a judicial standpoint, the delivery was made. Also, as you already said, our laws do not apply here and you knew that before you made the purchase.
You may get better results if you really want to undo your LTS because of the Talaxian bug to contact support instead of complaining in the forums. Because the latter will achieve actually nothing, while usually you will get a return if you state your problem/complaint in certain but polite terms. It has happened in the past, e. g. when people bought a ship due to some typo in descriptions or similar.
The big issue as well, when it comes to this law, is that the customer was provided with the LTS - the transaction was made, and electronic 'delivery' was made immediately. At no point did Cryptic state that they would not provide the playable races. At no point did they say that playable races would be removed, would be altered, or would be withheld intentionally. This is a software bug which is temporarily affecting a certain aspect of the online service. The service, and the status of the LTS, remains.
If Cryptic were to come out and say that they were removing the playable races outright, that would be an issue. But a bug that has been confirmed to be on the table for review and repair is not the same as denial of service, or failure to deliver.
My character Tsin'xing
They never promised to fix it today, they'll probably not give a definitive day until the actual patch notes arrive in case the fix doesn't work or it breaks something else.
Yeah yeah, that's 3 weeks already, and I know bugs that have last more than a year on this game. But they don't care, as we already have bought their LTS and we can't reclaim our money. It is not even mentionned in the know issues lol.
So still taking the money without delivering what they promised.
But really, if you're that horridly offended by this soon-to-be-fixed bug, cut your losses and move on. Good luck in your next MMO though, where you're likely to find similar issues - though without the benefit of Cryptic's very public and responsive Dev and Community teams.
I wonder, if the bug still here next month, are you still gonna say it is a soon-to-be-fixed bug?
Or if a bug affect your character and you can't play it anymore will you react the same?
Do you know some peoples bought that LTS 2 weeks ago 200$ to make a Talaxian and they can't because of these very public and responsive dev?
And do you really think we gonna look somewhere else after spending so much money in a game?
I want the feature I gave my money for, and won't give it a rest until I get it.
I know perfect world isn't on the Belgium floor, but in our country, the law clairly state that a delivry must be made within 14 days. PW are smarts, they are in China, knowing we can't attack them there and that's exactly why they don't give a TRIBBLE about this bug : it is affecting only a minority.
No matter what, real money stuff is the first thing to be solved.
I bought the LTS last week mainly so I can create the Rom Borg and talaxian, a bug is a bug and I got no problem with that... the problem I do have however is that they advertised it as being available and its not...
If Macdonalds advertise a special meal at a reduced rate, I go in and order, give them my money only to find out there's no frys which they say they may have later but they take my money anyway then I'm afraid that is false advertising.
If you have decided it is false advertising, did you file a complaint with the BBB or just going to keep throwing a tantrum on the forums?
There is an economic principle called "sunk costs". Basically: money you spent on a project should not be taken into account when deciding whether to continue with it.
Within the European Union, people having sold you a faulty good have the right to try and replace or repair it before they can be forced to give a refund. How long you have to wait is usually judged on an individual basis. Of course you don't have to wait for eternity, but I guess with a complex software which in large parts works - even if not the parts you want - that will be longer than 14 days. And, just from a judicial standpoint, the delivery was made. Also, as you already said, our laws do not apply here and you knew that before you made the purchase.
You may get better results if you really want to undo your LTS because of the Talaxian bug to contact support instead of complaining in the forums. Because the latter will achieve actually nothing, while usually you will get a return if you state your problem/complaint in certain but polite terms. It has happened in the past, e. g. when people bought a ship due to some typo in descriptions or similar.
yes, I know that LTS get immediate access to the 700-day perk granting XP to team, I'm not talking about that, the trait is what made the Talaxians extremely attractive to me. So, you may think that it's not worth it. I think the trait from the Talaxians (Loyalty) makes them worth it.
My character Tsin'xing
The big issue as well, when it comes to this law, is that the customer was provided with the LTS - the transaction was made, and electronic 'delivery' was made immediately. At no point did Cryptic state that they would not provide the playable races. At no point did they say that playable races would be removed, would be altered, or would be withheld intentionally. This is a software bug which is temporarily affecting a certain aspect of the online service. The service, and the status of the LTS, remains.
If Cryptic were to come out and say that they were removing the playable races outright, that would be an issue. But a bug that has been confirmed to be on the table for review and repair is not the same as denial of service, or failure to deliver.