Since the new season patch was launched in some missions my ship is missing in a mission. So I have no graphic for my ship. I have to look at the small hud in the upper right to know which direction I am facing. I fire, but no graphics showing I am firing beams or torps. The enemy ships are shooting aft as if I had fighters there and my ship suffers hits while also shooting in all directions. I know it is isn't a crappy graphics card (770 FTV EVGA 4gb, Core i7-2600k - using the 770 not the igpu). It happens in certain missions more than others.
Also while on graphics, all the klingons on the ground in all the missions, have white sleeves or forearms until I get within firing range, in which then it changes back to the normal forearm texture. This is not just on Vulcan, but everywhere.
What is up with this?