Was super excited to get the free ships today and thank you for the 1 ship I did not already have. Sadly I already purchased the Ar'kif Retrofit and the Marauder Patrol Cruiser from the Z-store. Would have been nice if there was some sort of mechanism to detect if players already have the ships that are being given away and instead those players given a voucher for a T5 ship. But thanks anyway for the 1 ship. I feel bad for the folks out there that got nothing because they already have all three of the T5 ships being given away. Sorry to those of you left out. Better luck next time.
Like you, I already had previously purchased the Ar'kif Retrofit for my Romulans while the Marauder was a freebie from one of the previous giveaways. I do like the fact that I have the Excelsior though now!
I see... It was cleverly disguised this time around... Thanks for the info.
Yes you have it the worst! I feel for you!
Individual people make up the community, so leaving part of the community out in the cold is still kinda messed up no matter how you want to word it.