I am not sure why but when I go into the console upgrade screen and hover over the item it shows (example) 205,420 TP 19% Rarity. When I go to the possible result side it shows 133,708 TP 8% Rarity. If the item is in the inventory or on my ship it shows the 204,420 / 19%. So are the upgrades not registering correctly or is it a typo?
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the 1k discrepancy between being on the ship and in the inventory I think could possibly be something but the upgrade window preview i wouldn't worry about too much.
Star Trek Online volunteer Community Moderator
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Ex: phaser beam array mk xiv [crtd]x3 20% rarity 200k tp.
Suppose that's the item you have and that's what it shows outside the upgrade window preview. When you plop it in the window as I said above it shows the following.
EX2:Phaser Beam Array Mk xiv [????]x4 10% rarity 100k tp.
In that case what you're seeing is the possible result of the upgrade. Assuming it did flip you would have a 4th modifier along with 10% rarity and 100k TP left over. Suppose it does flip you could then have this.
EX3: Phaser Beam Array Mk xiv [crtd]x4 10% rarity 100k TP.
Each time you jump in rarity the chance to flip rarity is cut in half and must be built up again if you don't flip it. So if you start at 20% at rare, you would have 10% chance at very rare, then 5% chance at ultra rare. That of course assumes that you were lucky enough to hit the upgrade each time.
The preview is just that, a preview of the possibility of the item. You're not losing upgrades or anything along those lines if that's what you're worried about. From what I can tell this is working as intended. If this still doesn't explain things then please explain what you're after in a bit better detail and I'll do my best to explain
Star Trek Online volunteer Community Moderator