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What would you like to see in the T6 Defiant when it arrives?



  • officerbatman81officerbatman81 Member Posts: 2,761 Arc User
    So i just got concerned about something...
    Dont they post a announcement about a ship one week ahead of time or at least two days or so ahead then post the fine details on said ship?

    Trendy really pushed the envelope on the T6 Defiant if the release is going to be Tuesday, not enought time for both blogs. Maybe it wont be Tuesday after all?

    Would Thursday make any sense to be a ship release when season released on Tuesday? I guess they could annouce Tuesday to coincide with season release, spec release on Wednesday, then release ship with Thursday patch?

    This wait has gone on long enough, TRIBBLE or get off the pot already crypic! Cheese-its!
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    I'd guess, a slightly upgraded T5, with a LtCom pilot seat.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • kyrrokkyrrok Member Posts: 1,352 Arc User
    I'm starting to doubt the arrival of these ships. I never really put too much stock in the rumors. But the last few announcements were short notice. Maybe we will see something official on Monday.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    well, given that the admiralty thing spoiled the surprise, I think they're waiting until it's time for a full reveal.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
    reyan01 wrote: »
    Whilst I don't know one way or the other, I'll be very surprised if news regarding the Valiant class isn't released this week.

    Mmmh... I am not certain. Lockbox + Ship release in the same week? Does that happen?
    Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
  • warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    kyrrok wrote: »
    I'm starting to doubt the arrival of these ships. I never really put too much stock in the rumors. But the last few announcements were short notice. Maybe we will see something official on Monday.

    The "rumors" about the upcoming ships that were brought up since Delta Rising had all been true. The site that used to do it was active for a while after that big release. Some of the ones that were dug up:

    Pilot Ships? - True
    "Iconic" Ships Galaxy / Negh'Var / D'Deridex - True
    JHSS - True
    Sheshar - True
    T6 Heavy Escort Carriers Akira / Ar'kif / Qin Raptor - True
    Iconian War interiors, instances - True
    Herald warship models - True
    Antiproton Crystalline Entity Torpedo - True

    It went offline a while ago and the last thing it dug up was the Galaxy-X / Guramba / Haakona T6 conversions. Guess what released not too long ago?

    Things found by that old site tend to be eventually be put into the game. It never predicted WHEN but it had a track record of letting us now what was coming down the pipeline, sooner or later. One ship that it found but not found as a playable ship was the Kazon Carrier. The other release that has yet to be official that the site found before it went out? Defiant / B'Rel / T'Varo release.
  • taylor1701dtaylor1701d Member Posts: 3,099 Arc User
    I'd like a viewscreen in my ready room, where there is a clip of Sisko knocking out Q, on repeat.

  • kyrrokkyrrok Member Posts: 1,352 Arc User
    kyrrok wrote: »
    I'm starting to doubt the arrival of these ships. I never really put too much stock in the rumors. But the last few announcements were short notice. Maybe we will see something official on Monday.

    The "rumors" about the upcoming ships that were brought up since Delta Rising had all been true. The site that used to do it was active for a while after that big release. Some of the ones that were dug up:

    Pilot Ships? - True
    "Iconic" Ships Galaxy / Negh'Var / D'Deridex - True
    JHSS - True
    Sheshar - True
    T6 Heavy Escort Carriers Akira / Ar'kif / Qin Raptor - True
    Iconian War interiors, instances - True
    Herald warship models - True
    Antiproton Crystalline Entity Torpedo - True

    It went offline a while ago and the last thing it dug up was the Galaxy-X / Guramba / Haakona T6 conversions. Guess what released not too long ago?

    Things found by that old site tend to be eventually be put into the game. It never predicted WHEN but it had a track record of letting us now what was coming down the pipeline, sooner or later. One ship that it found but not found as a playable ship was the Kazon Carrier. The other release that has yet to be official that the site found before it went out? Defiant / B'Rel / T'Varo release.

    I suppose, but they sure are taking a looooong time in getting around to it. Perhaps I should have been more clear that I doubt the timing is going to be season 11.

    As to what was released not too long ago... My Nausicaan engineer's new chariot, the Kolasi! =) I was quite pleased with that.
  • johnnymo1johnnymo1 Member Posts: 697 Arc User
    Season 11, being a more DS9 theme makes a lot of sense for the T6 Defiant. I think this will be the season 11.25 release, the devs will get the bugs cleaned up, give the lock box 2 or 3 weeks to sell some keys, then drop this on us. Whenever the ship arrives I just would like a vetailed dev blog on the ship, and a twitch tv type interview with the designer of the ship
  • lordgyorlordgyor Member Posts: 2,820 Arc User
    My prediction is console free cloak, a slight adjustment to boff stats, pilot hybrid seat, universal ensign, and the ability to act as a raider (flanking damage bonus).
  • happyhappyj0yj0yhappyhappyj0yj0y Member Posts: 699 Arc User
    So... I guess all the theories of the B'rel, Tvaro and Defiant launching with season 11 due to it being DS9-heavy hasn't exactly panned out, huh?

    Ah well, at least there'll be more unbalanced lockbox ships for the whaliest of whales to gamble for...
  • warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    So... I guess all the theories of the B'rel, Tvaro and Defiant launching with season 11 due to it being DS9-heavy hasn't exactly panned out, huh?

    Ah well, at least there'll be more unbalanced lockbox ships for the whaliest of whales to gamble for...

    Nobody ever said it would go with the launch of S11. Because a new lockbox always goes with a new season with its own set of premium ships. However, Defiant / T'Varo / B'Rel could come soon enough after S11, say a few weeks or month after it goes live. That's the trend with Cryptic and its ships.
  • medalionemissarymedalionemissary Member Posts: 612 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    T6 Defiant, I want it to still retain the visual impact of the original design while being T6-ified in moderness... I am not sure what unique console it could have... the main features of the Defiant have alread been documented into consoles... perhaps a Battle Cloak is the only other thing I can think of... or some kind of Ablative Armor reinforcement console would be nice. How about the Quad Cannons don't take any power from the Engines would be cool? Or maybe just less of it... or Quad HEAVY Cannons :)
    Deep Space Nine in HD, make it so!
  • happyhappyj0yj0yhappyhappyj0yj0y Member Posts: 699 Arc User
    Nobody ever said it would go with the launch of S11.

    Actually a lot of people speculated that they'd drop with Season 11. That theory was usually shopped around by someone every time anyone lamented the lack of a T6 BoP or Defiant due to S11 having a quasi-DS9 theme and both ships featuring heavily in that series.
  • delerouxdeleroux Member Posts: 478 Arc User
    lordgyor wrote: »
    My prediction is console free cloak, a slight adjustment to boff stats, pilot hybrid seat, universal ensign, and the ability to act as a raider (flanking damage bonus).

    It will probably require the console from a previous Defiant to gain the cloak. And it should require a console. It's not a KDF or Romulan vessel.
  • warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    The Guramba got not only a Fleet version, but a T6 C-Store and T6 Fleet version as well.

    **Anything** can happen :D
  • medalionemissarymedalionemissary Member Posts: 612 Arc User
    I don't think it makes sense to build the Cloak into the ships native abilitites, because other Defiant classes and variants don't have this ability native... it was a on-loan cooperative initiative between the Fed and Romulan, it is a unique thing for the main Defiant at DS9, no one else.
    Deep Space Nine in HD, make it so!
  • johnnymo1johnnymo1 Member Posts: 697 Arc User
    I actually doubt it would have, the only reason the original had one was to gather information on the Dominion.
  • hanover2hanover2 Member Posts: 1,053 Arc User
    reyan01 wrote: »
    I don't think it makes sense to build the Cloak into the ships native abilitites, because other Defiant classes and variants don't have this ability native... it was a on-loan cooperative initiative between the Fed and Romulan, it is a unique thing for the main Defiant at DS9, no one else.

    Also worth remembering that there was no evidence to suggest that the second Defiant (formerley the USS Sao Paulo) actually had a cloak at all.

    It's also worth remembering that it is now decades after all of those events, and the galaxy is a very different place. Are there not already a few other Federation ships with integrated cloaking devices now? Doesn't seem at all out of line for the T6 Valiant (not actually the original Defiant class anymore) to have one, too.
  • officerbatman81officerbatman81 Member Posts: 2,761 Arc User
    T6 Valiant class
    Tactical Escort
    Ship Details
    Tier: 6
    Faction: Starfleet
    Required Rank: Vice Admiral
    Hull Strength: 36,000 at level 50 and 42,000 at level 60
    Shield Modifier: 0.9
    Crew: 50
    Fore Weapons: 4
    Aft Weapons: 3
    Device Slots: 2
    Bridge Officer Stations: 1 Commander Tacical, 1 Lieutenant Commander Tactical, 1 Lieutenant Engineering, 1 Lieutenant Science/Pilot, 1Lieutenant Universal
    Console Modifications: 5 Tactical, 3 Engineering, 2 Science
    Base Turn Rate: 17 degrees/second
    Impulse Modifier: 0.2
    Friction/Traction: 70+
    15 to Weapons, +5 to Engines
    Console - Universal - Torpedo Salvo
    Fore weapon Dual Quantum Torpedo Launcher
    Can load dual cannons
    Starship Ability Package (Escort)
    Precise Weapon Systems (+Accuracy)
    Tactical Maneuvering (+Defense)
    Enhanced Weapon Systems (+Damage)
    Devastating Weaponry (+Critical Chance)
    Attack Pattern Zeta One (Starship Trait)

    Defying your Enemy (3 pieces)

    Equipping multiple items from this set will bestow set bonuses to your starship.

    Items in this set:

    -Phaser Quad Cannons
    Found on the Sao Paulo Tactical Escort
    -Console - Universal - Cloak
    Found on the Tactical Escort Retrofit
    -Console - Universal - Torpedo Savlo
    Found on the Valiant Tactical Escort [T6]

    Set Bonuses

    Enhanced Prefire Chambers (2 pc) – Passive
    +Cannon Damage
    +Starship Energy Weapon Specialization Skill
    Advanced Stealth Systems (3 pc) – Passive
    Enables Cloak during red alert
    Warp Signature undetecable at long range
  • officerbatman81officerbatman81 Member Posts: 2,761 Arc User
    One week in S11, still no sign of her.
  • kyrrokkyrrok Member Posts: 1,352 Arc User
    All those who bet against me swearing that the T6 Defiant was going to be here with season 11's launch, it's time to pay up. :D
  • johnnymo1johnnymo1 Member Posts: 697 Arc User
    i'm thinking the new ship will come with a featured episode centered around ds9.
  • sunfranckssunfrancks Member Posts: 3,925 Arc User
    edited November 2015
    reyan01 wrote: »
    I don't think it makes sense to build the Cloak into the ships native abilitites, because other Defiant classes and variants don't have this ability native... it was a on-loan cooperative initiative between the Fed and Romulan, it is a unique thing for the main Defiant at DS9, no one else.

    Also worth remembering that there was no evidence to suggest that the second Defiant (formerley the USS Sao Paulo) actually had a cloak at all.

    We can only assume it didn't, seeing as Sisko put himself in bad favour with the Romulans, and it was never talked about/used again..

    The T6 Defiant will just be the same ship as the Phantom, except with a pilot seat instead of Intel, and one less console slot if you choose to use the cloak.

    In this instance, I am not sure 3000z is worth a skin and a trait..
    Fed: Eng Lib Borg (Five) Tac Andorian (Shen) Sci Alien/Klingon (Maelrock) KDF:Tac Romulan KDF (Sasha) Tac Klingon (K'dopis)
    Founder, member and former leader to Pride Of The Federation Fleet.
    What I feel after I hear about every decision made since Andre "Mobile Games Generalisimo" Emerson arrived...

  • kerygankerygan Member Posts: 254 Arc User
    the Defiant will be just another vanity ship , usefull only for ... canon lovers . They wont add anything that will throw other box/lobi ships into shadow. The pilot/command/intel ships ,and the Arbiter made many lock box ships obsolete. Look at their prices.
  • hyefatherhyefather Member Posts: 1,286 Arc User
    The Defiant isn't just another old fed ship needing a update. That ship has alot of history and some ppl are attached to that history. I myself am one of those people. For me personally if it doesn't have a 5/2 weapon layout and a built in battle cloak (NOT Enhanced Battle Cloak, BIG DIFF) I'm out. Oh and it needs pilot menuvers. It has to be as good as the Pilot ships if not, whats the reason right? I read someone mention the use of dual quad cannons. That is such a good idea and here is why CRYPTIC (if your listning). This ship can come with a set and if you own the older defiant you can equip the cannons off of it as well. That would cause the older ship to always sell for people who purchase the new defiant and don't have it (Drops mic).

    Then again the Pilot ships may have very well killed the defiant. TBH if Cryptic would have just skinned the Pilot ships with an updated Defiant,B'rel and T'varo look I would have been just as happy. Now that we have the Pilot ships we may have to wait until T7 before we get a worthy successor to our beloved trio. It may be smart to wait until then anyways because if we get them now the only upgrades above the pilot ships will be gimmics. Maybe cryptic could give us just one ship and deck it out pretty nice. Enough to hold us over for the main course. Either way we know the trio is coming. I just hope cryptic knows what thier doing.

  • officerbatman81officerbatman81 Member Posts: 2,761 Arc User
    Dual quad cannons = Octuple cannons?

    How about a space party favor like we have on ground that takes up a weapon slot, activate it and rainbows, pot of gold, balloon animals come out, aft slot of course.
  • f9thretxcf9thretxc Member Posts: 505 Arc User
    hanover2 wrote: »

    It's also worth remembering that it is now decades after all of those events, and the galaxy is a very different place. Are there not already a few other Federation ships with integrated cloaking devices now? Doesn't seem at all out of line for the T6 Valiant (not actually the original Defiant class anymore) to have one, too.

    Not to mention, the Fed is the only side still around from that Treaty.
    My mother always told me to walk away from a fight, The Marines taught me how.
  • officerbatman81officerbatman81 Member Posts: 2,761 Arc User
    It simply cant have integrated cloak. It needs the cloak console for 3pc synergy. The gal-x cloak in in the yamato set, and the plasma quad cannons are apart of the ar'kif set. Its a part of cryptic's business model to encourge people to buy the whole set, as they do with re-released ships as T6.

    And besides, i already have the first 2 defiants. And i really hope part of the set synergy is a BATTLE cloak. If not ill seriously consider waiting for the T6 Patrol escort.
  • davideightdavideight Member Posts: 460 Arc User
    ltcom tac and commander tac AND pilot? thats BS you know that? cause you will run into heavy shared cds. in this case the defiant is DoA like the funny ferengi ship.

    com tac, ltcom tac/pilot, ltcom eng, lt uni/intel, ens sci (the intel seat isnt necessarily to be intel or hybrid at all. but it would be nice since the jemhadar ship also has double hybrid.)

    a set with the weapons is good. but instead of "more dmg" id really really like to see cannons range malus be countered by half.

    set with quadcannons and 2piece first setbonus is: "warpplasma infused weaponry" halfened the dmg loss amount per range with cannon weaponry.

    3piece second bonus is: "rapid launchers" enhances travelspeed of torpedos by 30%

    that would be my guess. and to be honest:

    the defiant really should get 5/2 or it just will never ever compete with the pilot ships. the brel should also get it as well as the tvaro. the damn aft weapons are just lost slots that drain weaponpower unnecessarily in escort builds.

    im still not sure why everyone is so damn clingy about the cloaking thing. i never got that. the defiant only cloaked three times in the show, and got found twice though beeing cloaked ;-)

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