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Do any of the newer players have any idea about how to equip themselves in STO???

Quite often in some of the PvE missions, ground and space,I've seen some players dead after a few minutes on the easiest of missions. I find out later that they are not equipped properly, and rely on more experienced players to save the day.
Experienced players can not finish a mission alone, its a team effort.
They don't equip with things like health hypo's and shield recharge batteries. They have no idea where you get these items.
Its also down to DPS as well. weapons and equipment ground and space not upgraded.Its not that expensive to upgrade gear as you go, and or change to better weapons and then upgrade those.
Personally if I am not equipped properly for a mission, I do not enter it.


  • coupaholiccoupaholic Member Posts: 2,188 Arc User
    No they don't. Because the game makes no effort to teach them.​​
  • questeriusquesterius Member Posts: 8,612 Arc User
    stuart1965 wrote: »
    Quite often in some of the PvE missions, ground and space,I've seen some players dead after a few minutes on the easiest of missions. I find out later that they are not equipped properly, and rely on more experienced players to save the day.
    Experienced players can not finish a mission alone, its a team effort.
    They don't equip with things like health hypo's and shield recharge batteries. They have no idea where you get these items.
    Its also down to DPS as well. weapons and equipment ground and space not upgraded.Its not that expensive to upgrade gear as you go, and or change to better weapons and then upgrade those.
    Personally if I am not equipped properly for a mission, I do not enter it.

    You forgot they don't know how to heal injuries.​​
    This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
  • ascaladarascaladar Member Posts: 186 Arc User
    You are partially right, but the problem is within the balancing and power creep.

    Example: Take your main character. Then remove all the Reputation traits, remove your upgraded gearm and replace it with Mk10 to Mk12 green and blue items. Put the shiny T6 ship away and replace it with a T4 hull, the last free ship you get as a Rear Admiral. Basically anything you could find or salvage while leveling or gain quickly at Level 50+. Of course the shiny lockbox traits and ship mastery traits, the crafted weapon etc, all of this has to go.

    Now you have the new player experience.
  • seaofsorrowsseaofsorrows Member Posts: 10,919 Arc User
    A lot of newer players don't know what they're doing, but the in game instruction (or lack thereof) are not soley to blame.

    We were all in that position at one time, but simply put, some players will make the effort to learn and some won't. When I got to the point where I was going to start doing Ques and group content I did some searching around online and used advice and examples I found on various sites to equip myself. The information is readily available, all it takes is the effort to read it.

    There are various places to learn. Between this site, reddit, the Wiki, and other sites anyone can find the information they need to get a solid start on putting together an effective build. I think the best you can hope for is that after these players get crushed a few times, they'll turn to some of these resources to learn how to improve.

    The STO community can be quite helpful, but ultimately it's the individuals responsibility to make the attempt to improve.
    Insert witty signature line here.
  • stofskstofsk Member Posts: 1,744 Arc User
    I stopped worrying about this ages ago. It takes so much time and money (either in-game or real) to get exceptional gear and ships in this game that I honestly don't begrudge people who have neither to devote to that end.

    Instead what bothers me are the people who don't know what they're doing re: the mission objectives, and kind of just go wherever and do whatever and coast through the game. Or people who don't have their chat windows open in a multiplayer game.
  • guljarolguljarol Member Posts: 980 Arc User
    No, because the game doesn't teach it. You have to go and reach out looking for the information, either on forums, friends, or fleetmates. But you are also not told to do that. So unless you stop and wonder why you suck, and try to do something about it, you will not even know you suck or that you can do something about it.​​
  • stofskstofsk Member Posts: 1,744 Arc User
    The stopping and wonder part is also difficult, if for example, you do CCA where the majority of players can DPS down the Crystalline entity by themselves. They don't care if they're carrying you, because they're got all they need to do it solo and they're there for either the marks or the radiogenic particle.

    And there's no real easy way to find out how your setup compares to other players, unless you parse it in a 3rd party utility program. And frankly, that's something most players don't even think about doing.
  • bernatkbernatk Member Posts: 1,089 Bug Hunter
    Now that's true. I just recently loaded up the Voldemort of MMOs, just on a freebie account. And get out, it has an Adventuring journal that basically teaches how to play. I know that company has a different kind of budget, but damn that's a nice thing.
    Dahar Master Mary Sue                                               Fleet Admiral Bloody Mary
  • thunderfoot#5163 thunderfoot Member Posts: 4,545 Arc User
    Did you when you started playing, OP?
    Were you born with being an expert STO player encoded into your DNA already?
    Have you ever offered to take a newer player under your wing and show them a better way to equip themselves and play?
    Is Star Trek Online an evening's entertainment or a religious lifestyle choice for you?
    Have you ever given gear or a ship to a newer player?


    As is usually the case, is all you can do is whine and and moan and TRIBBLE in these forums about how new players are making the game less fun for you?

    It is people like you, posting what you did, that gives the truly Elite players of this game such a bad reputation with newer players. No wonder they donlt listen when all they get is TRIBBLE from people like you everywhere they turn.
    A six year old boy and his starship. Living the dream.
  • laferrari1laferrari1 Member Posts: 434 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    Do new players know the recoil pattern of the M4A4 in Counter Strike? No they don't.

    What a... Captain obvious thread is this
    I need to get to him. I can't just leave him out there alone. - Sometimes you've got to makes sacrifices, Lara. You can't save everyone. - I know about sacrifices. - No, you know about loss. Sacrifice is a choice you make. Loss is a choice made for you. - I can't choose to let him die, Roth.
  • taylor1701dtaylor1701d Member Posts: 3,099 Arc User
    What bothers me more, is people who hurl insults at newer/less knowledgeable players.
    Nothing is worse then a "know it all", "Holier then thou" yelling at people about how they "sucked and screwed up" the mission.

    They must be amongst the worst people on the planet. Its a f'kn video game dude.
    Make a premade if you don't want to deal/play with noobs.

    Its very easy to get a game going in the dps channels and ground channels like subcomms and DPS G 200 - DPS G 400.

    Leave people alone

    If you want to be helpful and inform people, ask "Does anyone want to know why we failed, and how to avoid it in the future ?"
    No one responds ? Well move on.
    Someone answers back and wants help ? Give them advice without putting them down like a total elitist TRIBBLE hat.

  • stuart1965stuart1965 Member Posts: 691 Arc User
    Did you when you started playing, OP?
    Were you born with being an expert STO player encoded into your DNA already?
    Have you ever offered to take a newer player under your wing and show them a better way to equip themselves and play?
    Is Star Trek Online an evening's entertainment or a religious lifestyle choice for you?
    Have you ever given gear or a ship to a newer player?


    As is usually the case, is all you can do is whine and and moan and TRIBBLE in these forums about how new players are making the game less fun for you?

    It is people like you, posting what you did, that gives the truly Elite players of this game such a bad reputation with newer players. No wonder they donlt listen when all they get is TRIBBLE from people like you everywhere they turn.

    Yes I did from day one. I am inquisitive. Yes I have taken new players under my wing and taught them what to do.
    If players read what they need to do, and learned what to do it would help alot.
  • berginsbergins Member Posts: 3,454 Arc User
    I know some old players that don't know how to deal themselves.

    I know some new players who, within a week of playing, studied up enough to be able to teach knowledgeable players some new tricks.

    I have seen players who obviously have no idea what the objectives are in a STF, yet yell at the end about the idiots who blew the mission.

    What was your point again, OP?
    "Logic is a little tweeting bird chirping in a meadow. Logic is a wreath of pretty flowers which smell BAD." - Spock
  • seriousdaveseriousdave Member Posts: 2,777 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    The game dosen't do sh*t to explain stuff so it is understandable if a lot of new players get lost and confused of what actually works and what dosen't. It's been a problem since the beginning which unfortunately continues.
    But on the other hand there IS a considerable amount of players who outright refuse to put any thought into the game whatsoever and those are the people who cause the general bad reputation of newbs.

    Personally I've encounter both kind, the ones who are just new and are still getting a grasp of the basics while trying to improve and the others who just throw tantrums and rage because they refuse to think before mashing their face into the keyboard.
  • vaithhvaithh Member Posts: 30 Arc User
    STO is an MMO right?

    So naturally that means it has a social aspect to it which also needs to be used alongside other tools. When was the last time one of you responded to new player questions in open chat, joined them for a mission, or something else to assist them?

    I too have seen people blow the objective in STF missions and the likes, and even the ones who complain verbally. As opposed to jumping into flame / attack mode, I have sent a few /Tells to try to explain things, and help them understand how things can / do work. Some are too arrogant to discuss the subject, and others have turned into great (in game) friends.

    The community within game, and here on the forums plays a big part in how good a player can, or, will be (as well as the STO experience itself). If Arc / Cryptic / etc spent all of it's collective energy in training materials, there would still be clueless players roaming the galaxy, because just like Real Life, people learn in different ways.

    The world within STO
  • kavasekavase Member Posts: 771 Arc User
    Before you start blaming the users, you need to first put yourself in their shoes for just a moment and ask the following:

    1) Does the tutorial(s) explain most or all aspects of the game.
    2) If I need further help after doing the tutorial(s), where is the instruction manual in which I can learn *ALL* aspects of the game. This includes, but not limited to the skills trait system, passives, BOFF powers/skills etc.
    3) Do I understand how the equipment system works to provide what I'm looking for. Are there key notes which are basic enough to follow to what each weapon does in terms of real damage, or what increase effect there would be if a particular console is added.
    4) Do I understand how to access all content of the game, and do I understand how the rewards work and how I can use said rewards.

    Note that none of this should have to be found at external sources such as Wiki, forums, any other social media outlet. The only expectation should be the game website itself under a manual section.

    Of course, not EVERYONE will still get it. It just how it works for a number of other reasons, but there is also another aspect to this OP. The affordability of getting the equipment needed.

    Now I know, 'well then don't queue up for it then if your not equip for it', but some players feel left out not being able to play certain content and really would like to or at least try. Also, they may be trying to better themselves with new equipment by doing the said content to get the rewards to do so to begin with.
    Retired. I'm now in search for that perfect space anomaly.
  • seaofsorrowsseaofsorrows Member Posts: 10,919 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    What bothers me more, is people who hurl insults at newer/less knowledgeable players.
    Nothing is worse then a "know it all", "Holier then thou" yelling at people about how they "sucked and screwed up" the mission.

    They must be amongst the worst people on the planet. Its a f'kn video game dude.
    Make a premade if you don't want to deal/play with noobs.

    As someone that does a fair amount of PUG groups, I definitely agree with you. I'll say this, I have had a few times where I have had to take a breath and restrain myself (people do some really dumb stuff sometimes) but in the end, I agree, it's never ok to cut loose on players because you're upset with the outcome of a public que.

    I have had many times in the past where players who have struggled have been receptive to the offer of help. Yes, I have also been told to go **** myself by poor players that thought they were elite, but surprisingly, that is very very rare.

    Sometimes a polite offer of assistance can go a long way.
    Insert witty signature line here.
  • spaceeagle20spaceeagle20 Member Posts: 971 Arc User
    That's the reason why fleets, DPS channels, PvP channels, old STF channels are here.
    And, remember, Google is your friend.

  • captainoblivouscaptainoblivous Member Posts: 2,284 Arc User
    laferrari1 wrote: »
    Do new players know the recoil pattern of the M4A4 in Counter Strike? No they don't.

    What a... Captain obvious thread is this

    You called?
    I need a beer.

  • seriousdaveseriousdave Member Posts: 2,777 Arc User
    And, remember, Google is your friend.

    That is an advice that unfortunately too many people constantly forget and that's not limited to STO. :D

  • hravikhravik Member Posts: 1,203 Arc User
    It doesn't help that with each new season, each new 'big thing' in STO just adds more systems on top of systems on top of systems. Just take a step back and look at where the game is now compared to launch. Look how many things you need to learn to get up to speed if you're starting from scratch.
  • ilithynilithyn Member Posts: 903 Arc User
    coupaholic wrote: »
    No they don't. Because the game makes no effort to teach them.​​

    ascaladar wrote: »
    You are partially right, but the problem is within the balancing and power creep.

    Example: Take your main character. Then remove all the Reputation traits, remove your upgraded gearm and replace it with Mk10 to Mk12 green and blue items. Put the shiny T6 ship away and replace it with a T4 hull, the last free ship you get as a Rear Admiral. Basically anything you could find or salvage while leveling or gain quickly at Level 50+. Of course the shiny lockbox traits and ship mastery traits, the crafted weapon etc, all of this has to go.

    Now you have the new player experience.

    Also this.

    A lot of newer players don't know what they're doing, but the in game instruction (or lack thereof) are not soley to blame.

    We were all in that position at one time, but simply put, some players will make the effort to learn and some won't. When I got to the point where I was going to start doing Ques and group content I did some searching around online and used advice and examples I found on various sites to equip myself. The information is readily available, all it takes is the effort to read it.

    There are various places to learn. Between this site, reddit, the Wiki, and other sites anyone can find the information they need to get a solid start on putting together an effective build. I think the best you can hope for is that after these players get crushed a few times, they'll turn to some of these resources to learn how to improve.

    The STO community can be quite helpful, but ultimately it's the individuals responsibility to make the attempt to improve.

    First of, the information is spread out over so many various platforms that unless you're very stubborn or very dedicated you simply give up. I have quite frankly, never seen a game so bad at making a single guide for new players where they could go for basic information. And as mentioned before the game does zip to explain it in a coherent and understandable manner. At least for the Fed side which is where most players start out. The Romulan tutorial is a dozen times more helpful in explaining the basics of the game.

    And no, the STO community in game is mostly TRIBBLE. If you ask questions there's a 99% chance you'd either get yelled at for being a noob, ridiculed, or trolled. I don't know about you but after that most would be hesitant to ask in forum or on reddit.
    That's the reason why fleets, DPS channels, PvP channels, old STF channels are here.
    And, remember, Google is your friend.

    That might be, but new comers won't know about them would they?

    I have to say, that for all I love this game it is often, in game, very hostile to new comers.
    Logic is the beginning of wisdom, not the end of it.
  • lucho80lucho80 Member Posts: 6,600 Bug Hunter
    edited October 2015
    ascaladar wrote: »
    You are partially right, but the problem is within the balancing and power creep.

    Example: Take your main character. Then remove all the Reputation traits, remove your upgraded gearm and replace it with Mk10 to Mk12 green and blue items. Put the shiny T6 ship away and replace it with a T4 hull, the last free ship you get as a Rear Admiral. Basically anything you could find or salvage while leveling or gain quickly at Level 50+. Of course the shiny lockbox traits and ship mastery traits, the crafted weapon etc, all of this has to go.

    Now you have the new player experience.

    Even then, IF you figure out what you have to do, it isn't that bad for space content. Now ground, that is a whole other monster. A lot of the stuff the OP listed is ground based. I have to admit, ground requires people to be prepared and teamwork. That being said, it's not impossible to do some of the elite queues in MK XII rep gear IF it is the correct gear and you're prepared, but the specialization bonuses and the correct traits go a long way into making ground content easier to deal with.

    Even when I started, it took a year before I got good enough to try PvP. Then it took 6 months to learn all the intricacies of a drain build and make my ultimate drain ship for PvP. Science is hard to master. On the other had, making a DPS build is pretty simple. Then you just have to add piloting skill to polish it off.
  • ilithynilithyn Member Posts: 903 Arc User
    lucho80 wrote: »
    ascaladar wrote: »
    You are partially right, but the problem is within the balancing and power creep.

    Example: Take your main character. Then remove all the Reputation traits, remove your upgraded gearm and replace it with Mk10 to Mk12 green and blue items. Put the shiny T6 ship away and replace it with a T4 hull, the last free ship you get as a Rear Admiral. Basically anything you could find or salvage while leveling or gain quickly at Level 50+. Of course the shiny lockbox traits and ship mastery traits, the crafted weapon etc, all of this has to go.

    Now you have the new player experience.

    Even then, IF you figure out what you have to do, it isn't that bad for space content. Now ground, that is a whole other monster. A lot of the stuff the OP listed is ground based. I have to admit, ground requires people to be prepared and teamwork. That being said, it's not impossible to do some of the elite queues in MK XII rep gear IF it is the correct gear and you're prepared, but the specialization bonuses and the correct traits go a long way into making ground content easier to deal with.

    It most certainly isn't. My fleet just did 3 elite BoS runs this morning and only one of us have above MK XII gear. But we do know that pve off by heart to the extend that we can all run it in our sleep so our runs are based primarily on strategy and not pew pew something that is difficult for pugs.
    Logic is the beginning of wisdom, not the end of it.
  • tyrellityrelli Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    As said the Problem is the Game doesnt help you, you are thrown into the deep end and have to figure everything out yourself .. I mean even basic bits of info dont realy help .. EG why should I take Antiproton over diruptor? .. why is the Jem'Hadar space set better than the Iconian one ? the game could o with some basic tutorials / help page / Voicee acted step by step. for instance I still have no idea about the Point of Doffs or why its worth doing those missons ..
  • thatcursedwolfthatcursedwolf Member Posts: 1,617 Arc User
    That's the reason why fleets, DPS channels, PvP channels, old STF channels are here.
    And, remember, Google is your friend.

    Try googling to see if you want to put points into EPS or not.
    This is my Risian Corvette. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
  • dareaudareau Member Posts: 2,390 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    ilithyn wrote: »
    And no, the STO community in game is mostly TRIBBLE. If you ask questions there's a 99% chance you'd either get yelled at for being a noob, ridiculed, or trolled. I don't know about you but after that most would be hesitant to ask in forum or on reddit.

    My experience has trended that the "yelling" usually starts aimed at the other advice givers = and only angles back to the OP when they show a clear preference for following someone else's advice.

    To wit: Bob posts about Science builds, with no clear preference for what he wants to do with it, because he wants to do different things in the same mission without fighting the UI. I chime in and post my "mixed PartGen / Drain" build to give him a chance to experiment and maybe "have fun". Fred chimes in with a full-on PartGen build screaming "Since STO = DPS, you need to be PartGen or GTFO." Since I didn't agree with Fred, I draw flames (partially to "encourage" me to be like Fred, partially to discourage Bob from picking my build)...

    If Bob were to ask further questions about the mixed drain build, Fred would begin to flame Bob until Bob gives up and joins the "DPS is all" crowd.

    While I strive to not flame Fred, just because he has a differing viewpoint - too many others who "take my tact" begin to flame Fred because a game should not be "cookie cutter" where everyone runs DPS only builds. And again, the flames would be aimed at Bob if he indicates a preference to "Fred's viewpoint"...
    Detecting big-time "anti-old-school" bias here. NX? Lobi. TOS/TMP Connie? Super-promotion-box. (aka the two hardest ways to get ships) Excelsior & all 3 TNG "big hero" ships? C-Store. Please Equalize...

    To rob a line: [quote: Mariemaia Kushrenada] Forum Posting is much like an endless waltz. The three beats of war, peace and revolution continue on forever. However, opinions will change upon the reading of my post.[/quote]
  • tyrellityrelli Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    That's the reason why fleets, DPS channels, PvP channels, old STF channels are here.
    And, remember, Google is your friend.

    Try googling to see if you want to put points into EPS or not.

    Exactly this .. when putting points into the Ship ground .. I never realised there was a Cap on points, As the game didnt tell me, I thought you would be able to eventually put points into everything Max, Now if the game had explained how to do this then I could have "built" up what I wanted my ship to be.

  • stofskstofsk Member Posts: 1,744 Arc User
    ascaladar wrote: »
    You are partially right, but the problem is within the balancing and power creep.

    Example: Take your main character. Then remove all the Reputation traits, remove your upgraded gearm and replace it with Mk10 to Mk12 green and blue items. Put the shiny T6 ship away and replace it with a T4 hull, the last free ship you get as a Rear Admiral.
    Nitpick, T4 is captain level ships. Level 40 is where T5 actually begins.

    The rest of your post is fine as is the point you are making, like I said it's just a nitpick.

  • chrysanthenoirchrysanthenoir Member Posts: 37 Arc User
    Hate to say this and yes I will admit that at times I may get annoyed when players join the elite queues and then wreck the run not listening to advice or taking the time to read the starting instructions ... BUT....

    Lets not forget that at one point we were all new, we all had the low level gear and we all had to learn.
    Some do quicker than others that is true, some can afford to spend cash on the game to get better kit, ships etc....but some can't, that is just the way it is and this is after all a game, not the end of civilization as we know it.

    There is no point getting your knickers in a twist over it, if you have stringent rules as to who you want to play with, skills, kit etc then start your own elite channel or fleet, work within those parameters....or...you could try to be nice, to offer help to people, advice, give away (YES....I did say GIVE away) spare kit to newbies, I do that all the time through ESD Zone Chat... I dread to think of the cash I have put into this game over my time here on my various accounts, both as a subscriber on a monthly basis, a lifetime member and just plain buying zen but I can afford it and I know one thing.... throwing a hissy fit and swearing and berating newer/lesser players in an instance chat is never going to help them or encourage them to learn more about the game or become better players.

    This seems to me a matter of "The cow forgetting that it too was nothing but a calf once"
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