With the release of the Krenim Research Lab Holding, every captain gains an additional Slot for personal Traits (10 in total), ship traits, reputation traits etc. that can be unlocked.
If you have an Alien captain, that additional personal trait slot is missing. You only have your default 10 Slots but ther is no "locked" slot for the additional 11th personal trait.
The others(reputation, starship traits) gain their additional, unlockable slot.
Submitted Ticket ID: #3,772,305
Char@handle: Korgan@vorokvonrurik
P.S.: I was not yet able to check, if its just an UI issue. I don't have acces to a completed Krenim research lab.
It offers one additional:
Starship trait slot
Space Reputation trait slot
Ground Reputation trait slot
Active Reputation trait slot
R&D Project slot