maybe the new season will have the storyline split a little.
I hope, I know they have made mention of doing some things on New Romulus, and I am hopeful that with the new season and it's "rebuild" theme to be the season that they do something. However, I hope it is something for the Romulan's and the New Romulan Republic, and not a slight retooling and upgrade to the adventure zone only.
I, like many others, would love to see us get a city finally, and maybe one that has some from of academy in it so we can get doff missions for specific races like the KDF/Feds. I am also open to it being a place all can go, much like the city on Bajor.
ruff, meow, moo, whatever.... *shrug* [ Still Waiting for a Shiny New T6 Romulan Science Ship to Command ]
"He shall be my finest warrior, this generic man who was forced upon me.
Like a badass I shall make him look, and in the furnace of war I shall forge him.
he shall be of iron will and steely sinew.
In great armour I shall clad him and with the mightiest weapons he shall be armed.
He will be untouched by plague or disease; no sickness shall blight him.
He shall have such tactics, strategies and machines that no foe will best him in battle.
He is my answer to cryptic logic, he is the Defender of my Romulan Crew.
He is Tovan Khev... and he shall know no fear."
The United Federation of Planets is not the one you believe it is. It is not the respectful, understanding, and cordial Federation of Archer, Kirk, and Harriman; no, the one you are steadfast to, is the bloated, corrupt, and decadent Federation of Picard, Sisko, and Janeway. This one that you are steadfast to, it has lost it's conscience, it is now more conerned with it's version of Sentient Rights, than with diversity, inclusion, or the sovereignty of it's neighbours. The Cardassians, most infamously, have paid a heavy price for mistakening the Federation for what it once was, and have only just begun to realise their error, as have their Bajoran brothers and sisters.
My fed main would respond,
"Even if that ever proved true ..."
While I don't share Byron's views of Picard, Sisko, and Janeway, I do think it quite a shame that the Exploration Clusters are gone, because you can't go play those missions now and see the way the Federation was portrayed in them. Extortion, aggressive expansionism into territory already claimed by another sovereign power, bellicose officers, the whole gamut (and yes, let me repeat: extortion; Federation officers demanding "tribute" from native cultures in exchange for their "protection," and then attacking them if such "tribute" were not forthcoming). It was so astounding to one of our people who had previously played exclusively as Fed that he made a number of comments about it, including "Now I see why the KDF players hate the Federation so much."
The only way to reconcile this portrayal with the Federation of the series and movies is to assume that the Fed ships and personnel in those missions were Undine imposters (but there was never any evidence of that in the missions themselves), or that they had gone rogue.
Clarification: The Exploration Clusters to which I refer are those which were previously available only to KDF and KDF-allied RRF players, such as, and in particular, the T'Ong Nebula (which that same player I mentioned above designated "Treason Nebula" due to the number of criminal Starfleet personnel in there).
The United Federation of Planets is not the one you believe it is. It is not the respectful, understanding, and cordial Federation of Archer, Kirk, and Harriman; no, the one you are steadfast to, is the bloated, corrupt, and decadent Federation of Picard, Sisko, and Janeway. This one that you are steadfast to, it has lost it's conscience, it is now more conerned with it's version of Sentient Rights, than with diversity, inclusion, or the sovereignty of it's neighbours. The Cardassians, most infamously, have paid a heavy price for mistakening the Federation for what it once was, and have only just begun to realise their error, as have their Bajoran brothers and sisters.
My fed main would respond,
"Even if that ever proved true ..."
While I don't share Byron's views of Picard, Sisko, and Janeway, I do think it quite a shame that the Exploration Clusters are gone, because you can't go play those missions now and see the way the Federation was portrayed in them. Extortion, aggressive expansionism into territory already claimed by another sovereign power, bellicose officers, the whole gamut (and yes, let me repeat: extortion; Federation officers demanding "tribute" from native cultures in exchange for their "protection," and then attacking them if such "tribute" were not forthcoming). It was so astounding to one of our people who had previously played exclusively as Fed that he made a number of comments about it, including "Now I see why the KDF players hate the Federation so much."
The only way to reconcile this portrayal with the Federation of the series and movies is to assume that the Fed ships and personnel in those missions were Undine imposters (but there was never any evidence of that in the missions themselves), or that they had gone rogue.
Clarification: The Exploration Clusters to which I refer are those which were previously available only to KDF and KDF-allied RRF players, such as, and in particular, the T'Ong Nebula (which that same player I mentioned above designated "Treason Nebula" due to the number of criminal Starfleet personnel in there).
You just have to go on with this nonsense don't you? That's it I'm done with this childish conversation, nothing good can come of it.
"He shall be my finest warrior, this generic man who was forced upon me.
Like a badass I shall make him look, and in the furnace of war I shall forge him.
he shall be of iron will and steely sinew.
In great armour I shall clad him and with the mightiest weapons he shall be armed.
He will be untouched by plague or disease; no sickness shall blight him.
He shall have such tactics, strategies and machines that no foe will best him in battle.
He is my answer to cryptic logic, he is the Defender of my Romulan Crew.
He is Tovan Khev... and he shall know no fear."
My issue with the Federation has always been their agenda. For all its claims to the contrary, it's very much an empire. Starfleet and Federation lawmakers always speak about brining freedom and positive values to the galaxy, but they only consider a society to be ‘free’ or ‘positive’ if it fits the UFP definition of such.
The Romulans did not take that same approach. The expansion of the Empire was specifically designed to further the reach of Romulan influence. I make no claims to say that the RSE always went about it in a good way – they often didn’t, of course – but I appreciate the honesty of the policy and direction.
Given that divide, it’s a little hard to come to terms with anything approaching reunification between the Romulans and the Vulcans. Reconciliation is definitely possible, in the current political climate. The Republic and UFP is at a happy peace right now, so this is the best time to reach out to each other and make cultural connections that weren’t possible for the last 2,000 years. But even if the Republic is not so much in the business of forceful expansion – and we haven’t seen anything to suggest it is – I can’t see the majority of Romulans being interested in getting too deep in with the Vulcans. That divide is real, where the Vulcans and Federation like to take a holier-than-thou approach, but often hide it behind ‘morality.’ The Romulans have a history of thinking themselves superior, of course, but there’s more honesty in how they go about it.
The Federation will try to make you feel terrible about what you do, saying that it's somehow objectively immoral. The Romulans will just show up and say that it's not how they do things so it's not as good, and admit the subjectivity of their claims.
And where would the Remans fit in this reunification?
Heck I have as many Remans as I have Feds.
As for Cultural Exchange between Vulcan and the Romulan Republic, including officer exchanges I think that is reasonable. Although I find it far more likely a Romulan ship might contain a Vulcan Crewmen, than a Vulcan Science academy having a Romulan member.
Thanks for the Advanced Light Cruiser, Allied Escort Bundles, Jem-Hadar Light Battlecruiser, and Mek'leth
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And where would the Remans fit in this reunification?
Heck I have as many Remans as I have Feds.
As for Cultural Exchange between Vulcan and the Romulan Republic, including officer exchanges I think that is reasonable. Although I find it far more likely a Romulan ship might contain a Vulcan Crewmen, than a Vulcan Science academy having a Romulan member.
From the Tal'Diann Recruiting Application Questionnaire:
D'Tan's personal philosophy includes the ideal of Reunification. This ideal has two implications: Reunification of Romulans with Vulcans, and Reunification of Romulans with Remans. How do you feel about Reunification with the Vulcans? How do you feel about Reunification with the Remans? How do you feel about Vulcans? How do you feel about Remans?
We're all good with Reunification between Rihannsu and Havrannsu, since the cultural differences are minor compared to those between these two species and the Thaessu, and since these two species already share a common government. It's the Thaessu who have a distinct culture and government which results in significant challenges to the ideal of Reunification -- even more due to the fact that the government of the Thaessu is subordinate to the government of the Federation itself, and we will not be giving up our sovereignty to join the Federation, so that puts what might be seen as a burden on the Thaessu to reclaim their sovereignty from the Federation and unify with the Republic instead. The chances of that are, I believe, rather slim, at least at the present time.
That said, the Tal'Diann, like the Republic itself, does have included in our membership not only those who favor Reconciliation with the Thaessu, but also those who favor Reunification with the Thaessu.
I hope, I know they have made mention of doing some things on New Romulus, and I am hopeful that with the new season and it's "rebuild" theme to be the season that they do something. However, I hope it is something for the Romulan's and the New Romulan Republic, and not a slight retooling and upgrade to the adventure zone only.
I, like many others, would love to see us get a city finally, and maybe one that has some from of academy in it so we can get doff missions for specific races like the KDF/Feds. I am also open to it being a place all can go, much like the city on Bajor.
[ Still Waiting for a Shiny New T6 Romulan Science Ship to Command ]
"He shall be my finest warrior, this generic man who was forced upon me.
Like a badass I shall make him look, and in the furnace of war I shall forge him.
he shall be of iron will and steely sinew.
In great armour I shall clad him and with the mightiest weapons he shall be armed.
He will be untouched by plague or disease; no sickness shall blight him.
He shall have such tactics, strategies and machines that no foe will best him in battle.
He is my answer to cryptic logic, he is the Defender of my Romulan Crew.
He is Tovan Khev... and he shall know no fear."
While I don't share Byron's views of Picard, Sisko, and Janeway, I do think it quite a shame that the Exploration Clusters are gone, because you can't go play those missions now and see the way the Federation was portrayed in them. Extortion, aggressive expansionism into territory already claimed by another sovereign power, bellicose officers, the whole gamut (and yes, let me repeat: extortion; Federation officers demanding "tribute" from native cultures in exchange for their "protection," and then attacking them if such "tribute" were not forthcoming). It was so astounding to one of our people who had previously played exclusively as Fed that he made a number of comments about it, including "Now I see why the KDF players hate the Federation so much."
The only way to reconcile this portrayal with the Federation of the series and movies is to assume that the Fed ships and personnel in those missions were Undine imposters (but there was never any evidence of that in the missions themselves), or that they had gone rogue.
Clarification: The Exploration Clusters to which I refer are those which were previously available only to KDF and KDF-allied RRF players, such as, and in particular, the T'Ong Nebula (which that same player I mentioned above designated "Treason Nebula" due to the number of criminal Starfleet personnel in there).
You just have to go on with this nonsense don't you? That's it I'm done with this childish conversation, nothing good can come of it.
"He shall be my finest warrior, this generic man who was forced upon me.
Like a badass I shall make him look, and in the furnace of war I shall forge him.
he shall be of iron will and steely sinew.
In great armour I shall clad him and with the mightiest weapons he shall be armed.
He will be untouched by plague or disease; no sickness shall blight him.
He shall have such tactics, strategies and machines that no foe will best him in battle.
He is my answer to cryptic logic, he is the Defender of my Romulan Crew.
He is Tovan Khev... and he shall know no fear."
The Romulans did not take that same approach. The expansion of the Empire was specifically designed to further the reach of Romulan influence. I make no claims to say that the RSE always went about it in a good way – they often didn’t, of course – but I appreciate the honesty of the policy and direction.
Given that divide, it’s a little hard to come to terms with anything approaching reunification between the Romulans and the Vulcans. Reconciliation is definitely possible, in the current political climate. The Republic and UFP is at a happy peace right now, so this is the best time to reach out to each other and make cultural connections that weren’t possible for the last 2,000 years. But even if the Republic is not so much in the business of forceful expansion – and we haven’t seen anything to suggest it is – I can’t see the majority of Romulans being interested in getting too deep in with the Vulcans. That divide is real, where the Vulcans and Federation like to take a holier-than-thou approach, but often hide it behind ‘morality.’ The Romulans have a history of thinking themselves superior, of course, but there’s more honesty in how they go about it.
The Federation will try to make you feel terrible about what you do, saying that it's somehow objectively immoral. The Romulans will just show up and say that it's not how they do things so it's not as good, and admit the subjectivity of their claims.
Heck I have as many Remans as I have Feds.
As for Cultural Exchange between Vulcan and the Romulan Republic, including officer exchanges I think that is reasonable. Although I find it far more likely a Romulan ship might contain a Vulcan Crewmen, than a Vulcan Science academy having a Romulan member.
From the Tal'Diann Recruiting Application Questionnaire:
We're all good with Reunification between Rihannsu and Havrannsu, since the cultural differences are minor compared to those between these two species and the Thaessu, and since these two species already share a common government. It's the Thaessu who have a distinct culture and government which results in significant challenges to the ideal of Reunification -- even more due to the fact that the government of the Thaessu is subordinate to the government of the Federation itself, and we will not be giving up our sovereignty to join the Federation, so that puts what might be seen as a burden on the Thaessu to reclaim their sovereignty from the Federation and unify with the Republic instead. The chances of that are, I believe, rather slim, at least at the present time.
That said, the Tal'Diann, like the Republic itself, does have included in our membership not only those who favor Reconciliation with the Thaessu, but also those who favor Reunification with the Thaessu.