What are peoples thoughts about removing the ability to stack consoles of the same type over and over again.... ?
Being a DPS player I am guilty of doing this also.
As many locators as I have tac slots, as many Embassy consoles as I have Sci slots which leaves only a few other slots to fill.
Makes build extremely boring and makes pretty much all the same. With the power creep it's also about the only way to go to finish things
IMO it would be far better and far more fun to dump the hit points back to where they used to be and remove the ability to stack consoles.
It would make building a ship far more exciting, builds would become far more varied and there would be a multitude of differently built ships out there.
Even for the DPS crowd it would be far more exciting as there would be dozens and dozens and dozens of different options to look at rather than waiting for the next OP consoles and stacking it in every slot that allows.....
It would certainly be a major shakeup to the shipbuilding meta. For the transition to be smoother, we should have a fleet console trade-in system. We'd also need a greater variety of holding consoles to help fill the gaps. To encourage the use of more "clicker" consoles, their restrictions should be lifted and cooldowns lowered.
that having been said, if stacking MUST be nerfed, rather than just saying no stacking, decreasing return would be more amenable than just a blanket no stack change.
I seem to remember a decreasing return system from the autoduel champions tabletop game that would fit the bill--two biggest boosts remain intact, next 2 biggest boosts only give 50% of their impact, next 2 only 25%, etc.
But again, I would far prefer NOT having my carefully structured buffs messed with. It took me a while to get each ship set up to do just what I want them to, and with 20 alts, no two ships are set up the same. If some players out there are incapable of coming up with creative original builds, limiting their ability to build one trick ponies will not make them better players or encourage new players to sto.
this kind of a major nerf is far more likely to drive a lot of players away from the game than to inspire them to use their brain. Give us more options, not less.
Ohh yah thats another good point too which makes this whole discussion of wanting to do it pretty pointless...
Dont forget OP that lots of people have spents lots of time probably a little bit of money to get fleet consoles and upgrade fleet consoles. You cant just make a change that makes all that time/effort/money obselete. I think a better solution is to just make 5 tac consoles baseline across all ships and then add in 3-4 more universal console slots to give people more to play around with. So you would have lets say 2 engineering slots, 3-5 sci slots, 5 tac slots and 3-4 universal slots. A lot of balancing issues would probably come of it though so i dont see them doing it.
If it's just DPSers who have now bored themselves after pursuing the Holy Grail of Deeps, you have no-one but yourself to blame for your boredom. Nobody forced you to go ramp it up to 11; you did that all on your own.
Yah i think i read a while back that while other consoles like engineering armor consoles have a DR, tac consoles did not. I'm too lazy to do searches to confirm it though hehe.
I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that you EARWIGVR6 are a new player of STO. And so with that, you don't have many resources in game as a person with more time and/or money invested in to STO. And so it follows that you want to gimp everyone else in the game that have paid their dues, to put those types on your level.
Nice try. But a very sloppy attempt or maybe you're just trolling. Let me tell ya something: It ain't gonna happen.
You could stack 5 armor consoles and have incredible kinetic damage resistance, and torpedoes would be nerfed to only 2 console buffs.
On top of that the damage nerf to tactical ships like escorts would be much too harsh. What are you supposed to do with 5 tactical consoles in this system? Stack damage consoles for weapons you aren't using? Because that's about all you could do.
Then there is science. A serious sci ship already has a hard time getting sci abilities to do anything even after stacking 4 or 5 science consoles for it. I used to use a drain build on a Vesta and stacked 4 flow capacitors. Tachyon beam was still mediocre. Imagine how useless it would be with only 1 flow capacitor.
Layers of armor would be the best thing you could fly. Everyone would fly cruisers with 5 different types of armor and shoot beams at each other all day. Utterly pointless. Everyone would stop playing.
Unfortunately you have a point
STO Resources: <Ship Comparison - All Tiers + Small Craft + Hangar Pets> <Damage Resistance>
<R&D + Upgrade Costs> <Duty Officer Finder> <Suliban Doff Reqs> <Fleet Costs> <Rep Costs>
<Keybind Tour the Galaxy> <Fleet / Armada Management> <Currency Exchange> <Other STO Links>
Exactly. Unfortunately that is precisely the problem. One way and one way only is not very trek at all. They had phasers and torpedoes, disruptors and torpedo, plenty of science too, from the deflector dish of the Enterprise D, to Martok's bird of prey that destroyed a Dominion using the dish, and the nearby sun. A very bright idea
I would disagree nerfing is NEVER the answer but I agree that console stacking doesn't need nerfing. It would also only TRIBBLE over anyone who spent time obtaining multiple consoles especially for those who spent 100s of 1000s of hard earned fleet credits on them (yes in some large armadas it IS difficult to find projects to contribute to)
"He shall be my finest warrior, this generic man who was forced upon me.
Like a badass I shall make him look, and in the furnace of war I shall forge him.
he shall be of iron will and steely sinew.
In great armour I shall clad him and with the mightiest weapons he shall be armed.
He will be untouched by plague or disease; no sickness shall blight him.
He shall have such tactics, strategies and machines that no foe will best him in battle.
He is my answer to cryptic logic, he is the Defender of my Romulan Crew.
He is Tovan Khev... and he shall know no fear."
Theres more problems than the consoles, gear nerfing should be the last thing considered because it potentially invalidates tons of player time spent working towards a build, just to have the gear be no good for it anymore.
If they do this, they should unbind the consoles from characters so we can transfer them to our alts when we can't stack em anymore.
"He shall be my finest warrior, this generic man who was forced upon me.
Like a badass I shall make him look, and in the furnace of war I shall forge him.
he shall be of iron will and steely sinew.
In great armour I shall clad him and with the mightiest weapons he shall be armed.
He will be untouched by plague or disease; no sickness shall blight him.
He shall have such tactics, strategies and machines that no foe will best him in battle.
He is my answer to cryptic logic, he is the Defender of my Romulan Crew.
He is Tovan Khev... and he shall know no fear."
If you don't like the DPS race then don't do it. You have the freedom to choose.
Its too late to do anything radical, not without COMPLETELY TRIBBLE over everyone who has spent time and resources obtaining gear and fully upgrading it to Mk XIV epic.