Okay, so Cryptic is making their way through creating T6 canon ships. I think the Galaxy was a good idea because the ship needed a lot of work and it is a firm fan favourite. Then we had the Intrepid refit, again sensible as Voyager got revamped for DR.
At this point, many players, myself included, were expecting a T6 Defiant to complete the trio of TNG hero ships. But no joy......we got the Akira refit (understandable from a business point of view for Cryptic as it is a very popular ship). And we got the Excelsior; although I didn't really see too much point in this as it doesn't seem as popular now as it used to be.
But I would hope for, and expect, the Defiant to come soon, along with probably the Sovereign. Really we only have the choice of the Intel escort or the pilot ships for true escorts at T6 now (I know the Armitage refit is technically an escort carrier, but as it's a carrier the playstyle is slightly different). Science is feeling the pinch a bit too.......whereas cruisers we have many of.....
On the subject of a T6 Defiant, what console/equipment/weapon would you include with it to go with the T4 Quad cannons and the T5 cloak?
What other T6 ships would you like to see next?
Fleet Admiral Robert Leece
USS Silverburn NX-150996-B
Fleet Tactical Escort Retrofit [T5-U]
I think we may have already seen the new Defiant in game: During "Broken Circle", Admiral Paris ships seem to contain a few Defiant, that might look somewhat different than the Defiant or the Sao Paulo variants, but it's hard to make out.
As consoles. I don't know exactly. If we go by canon precedent (which is not a given - something like the Andromeda console seems to have no basis in canon precedents for either the Galaxy, Neg'Var or D'Deridex):
- A special ablative console that is somehow better than the regular ones. Maybe another generator like the VOY one? A few episodes made special point that the ablative armor of the Defiant was very powerful. Maybe it would be some experimental device, a continuation of the original research on AA technology.
- A "self-replicating mine launcher" - the Defiant was used to mine the Wormhole against a Dominion invasion force. Mines are pretty lame in STO, but I suppose a mine field that regenerates itself for some time might make a difference.
- Dual Quantum Torpedo Launcher. Canonically, the Defiant used to have at least two quantum launchers that were regularly used. The effect might be mostly optical, the launcher might have a few extra perks. But if the ship is part of a 3-pack and all ships will get the same trait, dual quantums don't really make sense for the B'Rel with its single, central (and awesome) torpedo launcher.
- Subspace Compression Field: Turns your ship tiny and allows you to take it as a combat pet in ground combat.
- Unstable Wormhole Generator: Creates a wormhole that you can fly through to teleport randomly to any location within 10 kms. Removes threat and makes your ship untargetable for a second.
What I hope is that they also look at the "old" special items for these ships (if they even have any) and imrpove them. The Quad Cannons seem to get nothing out of that extra energy drain.
The whole post was good; solid info and good ideas as far as consoles. This, though, made me giggle.
T6 Flagships (Odyssey, Bortas, Scimitar)
T6 Vesta
T6 Andorian Battlecruiser (new design, not Kumari)
T6 Son'a Lock Box
Maybe some storyline or ships from the Devore.
I vote for a Dual Quantum launcher to go with the Quad cannon.
Sovereign, the Flagships, Guramba, Tempest, Luna, a non-box science option for KDF and Roms...
And the T6 B'rel BoP or NO DEAL!
Anyhow, my Zen is ready.
I'm all for tier 6 Defiant and may actually spend some money again if they do add it and fix cannons.
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Otherwise, I want a T6 MVAE Prometheus. Can't get around to getting a T5 + upgrade + fsm only to have an outdated class ship that may or may not get a T6 treatment only to repeat the process and pay more than 2x in total for 1 ship that would practically be less capable than existing intel or pilot or lobi/lockbox/promo ships. To top it off, it comes with a useless and nerfed and eternally broken (in 2 ways: stop to separate, no pet UI) multi-vector module. That's STO's take on "one of the most advanced Starfleet vessels in operation during the later half of the 24th century [...] designed for deep-space tactical assignments." At least we have the Dauntless but whose only advantage at the time (2nd Deflector) was given away to every other science ship and that also has a useless console.
Otherwise, in order of priority, as T6: Romulan Science ship with everything the Vesta has + cloak, Scimitar, Vesta, Odyssey, Wells & Mobius, Risian Corvette as an event giveaway, and Proteus (won't ever happen as it's a ST fan design, but wish for a science ship that's large and triangular).
It is in my signature Besides that, I would like to see all other 24th century canon ships get their T6 variants (including Defiant, Prometheus, Nebula, Vorcha, K'Tinga, B'Rel, T'Varo...).
Who cares about a cloak? It's not even model-default.
Even if i am cruiser with beams and FAW player, i absolutely agree with you, a cannons (and torpedoes and mines too) need major buff, it is weird now, you can do higher damage with beams with better arc. Canon/cannons ships like defiant and BoP deserve a cannons and a ship trait something like "Efficient cannons system" : +15% dmg cannons and turrets and 50% lesser distance-loss.
Now, if you haven't a trait from jem'hadar strike ship (99% or more players) , cannons are always weaker.
In tabletop circles, this sort of thing would be called a 'tax,' requiring a player resource to fix a problem inherent in the system (e.g. the Weapon Expertise 'feat tax' from D&D 4th Edition). It's bad design, and should be avoided. Players should be free to use resources (like Starship Traits) to enhance their characters in ways they want, not patch a broken system. The change should be made to the game itself, altering faulty systems and/or the way they interact until the result is no longer faulty. I shouldn't have to acquire a T6 ship and grind out its trait just to fix what the devs broke.
That said, a trait that 'overcompensates' by not only patching the problem but also granting an additional benefit might be a more realistic way of fixing things, if the underlying game mechanics prove too difficult to correct.