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Why don't you like Ground Combat?

It's better than Space Combat.
You would like it if you played it more.


  • postinggumpostinggum Member Posts: 1,117 Arc User
    Laughable aiming, mouse + keyboard makes combat a bit park and shoot and bugs.
  • baudlbaudl Member Posts: 4,060 Arc User
    RPG mode ground combat feels like a game from the 90's...combat and controles are simply not compareable to modern MMO's combat systems and gameplay. STO gets away with that since it has space combat and the gameplay in general is more focused on that.
    Shooter mode seems half done and more like a compromise than anything else. The engine and latency of STO were not designed to support it and it shows. Shooter mode is OK until you need more than 3 buttons for your captain abilities and kit abilities.
    Cryptic should have taken their NEVERWINTER UI combat system for STO, since this is really intuitive, fast and seems to work perfectly for an RPG like NEVERWINTER and should do so in STO too.
    If we take a close look at ground combat in STO it simply has too many abilities, of which 30% are not even used most of the time. They should condense those down to 4-5 usefull ones.

    "It's better than Space Combat.
    You would like it if you played it more."

    well, no. STO's ground combat was generally rated as THE worst aspect of the game by ALL (semi)professional reviewers I've read so far. I respect your opinion though.
    I would probably like it if it was 1998...however, in 2015 and even in 2010 already it was outdated and clumsy compared to other RPG's or shooters, even from their own house and with the same engine.

    If STO had a similar ground combat as NEVERWINTER, I'd agree in a heartbeat...unfortunately we are stuck with an antique RPG mode and a compromise called "shooter" mode.
    Go pro or go home
  • jbmaverickjbmaverick Member Posts: 935 Arc User
    I dislike ground combat for several reasons.

    Unlike space our careers strictly control what powers we have to play with. Most of the recent universal kit modules are extremely situational or are entirely worthless, so I have to use my career modules, many of which are kind of worthless themselves.

    NPCs frequently remove my shields in one or two hits, they may as well not exist in many cases, and there's very little you can do to bring them back. I play Engineer and even with the few shield heal powers I do have, it often still only gives me one or two more hits. And all this is ignoring the enemies with Psionic attacks that just ignore shields entirely, giving Engineers no defensive options other than breaking line of sight.

    Weapons are highly interuptive, especially those with longer firing animations. If my shields have just been dropped (see above) I may very well have half a second to try to get them back online before I go down, but if my full-auto rifle isn't done firing yet then I'm pretty much screwed. I don't use the majority of weapon types in the game for this reason, I prefer weapons that are more responsive to "I need to use a power right this instant." There's similar issues in space combat, but at least in a space PvE environment I have a hitpoint buffer that will give me longer to deal with input issues, and weapons don't prevent me from using other powers.

    Ground combat is overdone. Nearly all MMORPGs out there feature ground combat, how many can claim to have space combat and do it at least decently well?

    The universe has a wonderful sense of humor. The trick is learning how to take a joke.
  • seriousdaveseriousdave Member Posts: 2,777 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    baudl wrote: »
    ....lot's of stuff....

    baudl summed it up pretty good. Ground combat just has lot's of shortcomings that lead to clunky & unresponsive gameplay. Srsly "shooter mode" is a bad joke. It's like a RPG that pretends to be an FPS and fails miserably at both.
  • orondisorondis Member Posts: 1,447 Arc User
    From time to time I do ground combat when I get a little bored. Yes, ground combat got a repeatedly mentioned in reviews as the side that was letting STO down, but that was from before the ground revamp.

    As for the reason I don't do more ground, at the heart of the matter is that I like starships. I also like aspects of STO's space combat more than ground... Atleast originally, back when the game wasn't afraid of balance and requiring you to think somewhat (before universal consoles were able to be fitted on any ship). However, even with the dumbing down, I find STO's space combat far more enjoyable than ground.

    It's a shame we don't have the old STF's, which required you to be competent at both ground and space.

    I see STO's ground combat the same way I see StarCitizens upcoming FPS module. Essential for the immersion, fun to play, but not what I'm playing the game for.
    Previously Alendiak
    Daizen - Lvl 60 Tactical - Eclipse
    Selia - Lvl 60 Tactical - Eclipse
  • nulonunulonu Member Posts: 507 Arc User
    It's always interesting to read threads like this. I've been playing the game since about season 3 and my focus has always been ground combat. I've played space with beam boats, cannon escorts and torpedo bomber but none of them are as dynamic and fun as the ground combat. Yea it can be glitchy with animations but I'd still rather be on the ground with a phaser especially with the nutty HP buff everything got in space. Space feels like drudgery as you pound and pound on ships with millions of hps never mind the blinding keilidescope of effects. The pace of ground combat quickened substantially with Season 4 and really peaked around S7 or 8. It's actually been downhill for me since then but it's still far preferable to space!
  • typhoncaltyphoncal Member Posts: 247 Arc User
    Ground Combat – Ive been in game since Alpha and I tested the game when Ground Combat was in a really rough form, however it has come far since 5yrs ago. We all know that ground combat was simply a second thought add on, however with that said I find that it needs a lot of help and needs in the way or an overhaul of the existing ground combat.

    I would have to say that it is still rather sluggest, clunky and overall very restrictive in terms of a set path, but that has to do with a lot of what has been lacking in regards to the ground overall experience.

    However, over the seasons that we have had, we have had some very good elements introduced that have been restricted to those seasonable content pieces, while we have see in the foundry some of those pieces introduced. Yes, Cryptic has indeed gone back and redone a lot of the ground missions/season etc but it still seems rather hollow and empty when one plays ground combat.

    Areas of improvement id like to see, has to do with the overall gameplay of the ground that needs the overhaul more than addressing the ground combat itself as it is all integrated. Along with seeing a more robust system in the way of a perpetual progression on the ground, more than the current restrictive dedicated direction that is currently holds.

    Iam not entirely sure what would be the best direction, as everyone has an opinion and this is no way rant as i find it to be a very constructive criticism that needs to be discussed.
    Commander Shran - You tell Archer, that is three the pink skin owes me!
  • jerichoredoranjerichoredoran Member Posts: 195 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    Its still fun if you look a bit closer into it and get your toon going. Its also my current major occupation but sadly almost all counter arguments are true also.
    Most of the graphic works could be done in '99 Quake Arena just with reasonable FPS and responsiveness which both lacks in STO. Especially NRC and the all-new ESD reminds me very much of Quake times ;)
  • adamkafeiadamkafei Member Posts: 6,539 Arc User
    Ground could certainly use an improvement. Personally I'd like to see it rebuilt from the ground up so that you have a third person mode that works in a very similar way to how it does now and an FPS mode that is actually an FPS, where you don't get animation locks for anything except maybe sniper secondary fire due to the charge up time, one's full auto should be able to fire one shot at a time should the player want to, or you can fire endlessly and lose damage, maybe make a mechanic so that you have energy discharge which reduces your damage over long periods of constant fire along with a Halo style overheat that perhaps deals a small amount of heat damage to the player.

    In fact the UI wouldn't really need to change so the abilities could stay very much as they are. It would also serve as an excuse to redo most ground animations and perhaps finally fix the disparity between PC and NPC walk speeds.
  • sdkraustsdkraust Member Posts: 524 Arc User
    And everyone in here continues to think that Ground combat is supposed to be some quasi FPS, when that has never been the case. I'm going to put a lot of that blame on people obsession with running Tacs and thinking DPS = how fast you can shoot your gun.
  • farshorefarshore Member Posts: 353 Arc User
    I like ground combat. It's more relaxing and gratifying than space combat, which sometimes feels like a chore.
  • sdkraustsdkraust Member Posts: 524 Arc User
    skollulfr wrote: »
    wth are you going on about?
    if you reroute power from your ego to your cognative function you will realise sto has guns and tech, not enchanted crossbows & spells.
    this come with a weight of verisimilitude from the gameplay which sto doesnt attempt to match up to.
    and for no good technical reason, given that even old x-com dealt with guns better than sto does.

    as for assuming the game is all about dps, that is down to the gameplay & npc design.
    sto makes no attempt to allow expression of strategy or tactics that isnt based entirly on stacking buffs as high as possible for as long as possible, then passing off this "win-by-calculator" spam and clutter as somehow being "skill".
    ... or "complexity", rather than the more accurate description of "clunky".

    winning is entirely dependent on the simple metric of how much damage you can do with dedicated exclusion of nuance in how that damage is applied. not even allowing for differences in range due to the insipidly short range the 'spells' have, or variation in damage application along the lines of slow fire being better at armour penetration rapid fare being better at shield depletion.
    because neither the weapons or the armour ingame have applicable stats to allow for this.

    hell, it lacks something as basic an an incumbrance stat to affect gear choices.

    quite simply, ground play comes off as asinine and myopic. without even the novelty of spaceships.
    this game requires less thought and less attention, than minecraft.

    Holy TRIBBLE someone is angry that I share a different opinion than them.
    No wonder people say these boards are trash. You can't say anything positive without being attacked by this guy.
  • baudlbaudl Member Posts: 4,060 Arc User

    Holy TRIBBLE someone is angry that I share a different opinion than them.
    No wonder people say these boards are trash. You can't say anything positive without being attacked by this guy.[/quote]

    yeah but you base your opinion on how good ground combat is exclusively on your own "feelings"...that may be fine for you, but it is nonsense as a recommandation for others.
    Skollulfr atleast bases his opinion on objectively observable characteristics of the combat system ...as most people who write previews on games etc. do.
    His "opinion" is informative to a degree, yours simply isn't, since the only variable you speak of is your "feeling" and what you personaly find cool.
    Whatever you write is absolutely right...but only* for you. (*probably there are some people who share your feelings)

    objectively, STO's ground combat is atleast 15 years behind from a gameplay point of view. Doesn't mean it can't be fun though.
    Considering that NEVERWINTER runs on the same engine and has a combat system that was highly praised when it came out it is even more difficult to understand why STO lacks so much behind in that regard.

    "And everyone in here continues to think that Ground combat is supposed to be some quasi FPS, when that has never been the case. I'm going to put a lot of that blame on people obsession with running Tacs and thinking DPS = how fast you can shoot your gun."

    when a sentence begins with "everyone" it usually means that you just made that up...
    As Skollulfr stated, STO's ground combat has nothing to it that would make it stand out from pushing fire, fire, fire over and over again until everything is dead ... unfortunately.
    A nuanced game would offer already a balanced choice of weapons, STO basically punishes you for choosing a blast assault or stun gun by making even simple packs "hard".
    It shouldn't really matter what gun and powers I use, yet it does on a fundamental level.
    It is not really about rushing through missions with mega DPS, but more about some combinations not even being viable.
    These are only the bad balancing and gameplay designs and ontop of that you have to add the technical issues and bugs.

    To me it seems that cryptic delivered a horrible product of a ground combat when the game was released, they got the feedback, tuned it a little bit, popped a "quasi FPS" on it to get a little higher rating for it and never looked back at it since. They treated the symptoms (slow pase, clunky interface) but ignored the fact that it is very old at it's core.
    Personally I'd wish they'd take a close look at NEVERWINTER (it would make sense since it is the same engine and in the same building) and rework ground combat based on that.
    Go pro or go home
  • daveynydaveyny Member Posts: 8,227 Arc User
    I like the Ground Combat...

    It just doesn't like me.
    STO Member since February 2009.
    I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
    Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
  • warpangelwarpangel Member Posts: 9,427 Arc User
    Ground combat is too tied up with irreversible early decisions (=player class).
  • xyquarzexyquarze Member Posts: 2,117 Arc User
    sdkraust wrote: »
    You would like it if you played it more.

    And you would like Nickelback if you listened to their music for 20 hours straight.

    This line of thinking always gets me wondering: what is it that makes people think "I like it so everybody else I never met must like it too".

    My actual opinion (*) notwithstanding: if I like something in this game and everybody else likes it: fine, I'm having fun and they are, too. If I like something in this game and nobody else likes it: fine, I'm having fun and they are, too.

    So I do or do not like ground combat. That doesn't need a reason, it's just the way it is. I just don't need anybody telling me whether I should like it or not. And I like enough things to keep me occupied, so I am not desperately looking for something to try out more to have something to do.

    (*) actual opinion: I would love to like ground combat more. I spent a lot of time designing my boffs, some of them have kind of backstories. But to me it feels like it's just pressing 111112111112111112111112. Occasionally I use an ability which usually seems to help less than continue my rote. I am sure there is more to it but I don't have a feel for it. I don't dislike it but I very much prefer space. If I want to relax I do nothing and let my away team handle everything and, if necessary, revive me when they're done. They're good, they usually manage to do this.
    My mother was an epohh and my father smelled of tulaberries
  • delerouxdeleroux Member Posts: 478 Arc User
    Because it sucks.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    skollulfr wrote: »
    sdkraust wrote: »
    Holy TRIBBLE someone is angry that I share a different opinion than them.
    No wonder people say these boards are trash. You can't say anything positive without being attacked by this guy.
    you are mistaking analysis of observable charicteristics of the game for hostility, due solely to your current position on the matter being based around your emotional investment in your enjoyment. rather than objective or comparative description.
    Objective, and comparative are not words I would use to describe what you wrote ulfrick.....

    Why? Well it directly conflicts with what you posted.... actually most of what you posted is fluff.
    summarized version:
    paragraph 1: I don't like STO's ground combat. (it had some allusion to another game that was not explained at all.)
    paragraph 2: this was rambling about how you dislike the way strategy works, but not explaining what you dislike.
    paragraph 3: the first part of this is demonstrably false. Eng Turret spam is VERY different than Tac Melee ninja. the second part is a very specific example.... of something I see in VERY few games... and you act like it's mandatory to have good combat....

    And encumbrance? the last game I played that actually wasted time with that was Diablo 2. And it SUCKED in Diablo 2. All it really did was make you run slower and run out of stamina faster.... also it was an invisible stat.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    and by stating in your own words "you act like it's mandatory to have good combat...." you are admitting the combat sucks, and you know it.
    Hmmm that seems to be excessive use of pronouns on my part...

    Without the pronoun:
    you act like armor penetration stats are mandatory to have good combat....

    Which... yeah.. every game I've played that had them... all they did was make combat annoying.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • stuart1965stuart1965 Member Posts: 691 Arc User
    I think some players don't like ground combat because they are not well enough equipped for it. Personally though I am fine with it. bug hunt being a favourite.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    skollulfr wrote: »
    so, your entire point in posting in this thread, was to derail the subject for your own selfish personal feelings about anything beyond the most vapid and unchallenging game design possible, being annoying.
    Well if you ACTUALLY want to discuss how that improves the game... please, tell me how gear weight can make a game better. I've never seen it done well, and you act like you have. So please, enlighten us.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    Yeah, I didn't think you actually had any ideas for improving the game.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • deaftravis05deaftravis05 Member Posts: 4,885 Arc User
    Ground Combat... leaves a bit to be desired in its combat engagement style. I mean I love ground, but sometimes I find how the game does engagements on the ground awkward... Mortars in the tunnels shooting through the ceiling? bullets bending?
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    Ground Combat... leaves a bit to be desired in its combat engagement style. I mean I love ground, but sometimes I find how the game does engagements on the ground awkward... Mortars in the tunnels shooting through the ceiling? bullets bending?
    Yeah, it's just a computer game. :p

    the second one might be fixable, but to do so would likely require waiting for the data packet associated with you shooting to come back from the server.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    skollulfr wrote: »
    Yeah, I didn't think you actually had any ideas for improving the game.
    cirtainly not [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
    but then again, my goal would be having sto be an engaging nuanced balanced functional multiplayer environment. rather than trying to sabotage the game with game breakingly damaging nonsense like 'meaningful levelling', just so i can have a single player trek rpg.
    1: uh... sounds nice... but unimplementable.
    2: you're suggesting removing random loot entirely.... not gonna happen
    3: I don't see any helpful suggestions there
    4: seems kinda pointless.
    5: yeah... ok...
    6: yeah, not gonna happen.
    7: you have no idea how hard this would be to program do you?
    8: see#5
    9: sounds nice, but.... as-is it's only a few button clicks.
    10: sounds like a visit from the "good idea fairy"
    like i said. why would i want to deal with a determined weasel who has already made clear they only want he most unresponsive and myopically simple gameplay for their grind, so the 7th idea would probably make you cry since its entire point is to have the game difficulty totally dependant on ai rather than having stupid unreactive mooks to whale on.
    Prove it or shutup. At this point I think you're just making TRIBBLE up to be insulting.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • cirte86cirte86 Member Posts: 24 Arc User
    Ground Combat is much more fun than space. Not so many Zen/Lobi Store advancements and the Players need to Chose the correct abilitys.

    In Space Combat ist all about DPS, boring, easy and sad. No tank roles, no heal roles. Its kinda fun how fast the tacs fall in gound combat without Support and my engineer stands like a wall.

    This Space Part of this game is not my fav one like i written before. For me, the ground combat is the much more funny and advanced part, specially if u use shooter mode. They all like space cause mostly its easier and faster, thats all ^^
  • baudlbaudl Member Posts: 4,060 Arc User
    cirte86 wrote: »
    Ground Combat is much more fun than space. Not so many Zen/Lobi Store advancements and the Players need to Chose the correct abilitys.

    In Space Combat ist all about DPS, boring, easy and sad. No tank roles, no heal roles. Its kinda fun how fast the tacs fall in gound combat without Support and my engineer stands like a wall.

    This Space Part of this game is not my fav one like i written before. For me, the ground combat is the much more funny and advanced part, specially if u use shooter mode. They all like space cause mostly its easier and faster, thats all ^^

    there is nothing wrong with enjoying ground combat in STO in a subjective way...but this style of gameplay is at least 15 years old and has been done better in so many other games, that the only reason for you playing it in STO is the franchise and not actually gameplay reasons itself.

    Most people "like" space combat, because there aren't so many (F2P) MMOs on the market that offer that type of combat...and also because the ships are actually more iconic in the franchise than the characters.

    There are no trinity roles in space combat, because you can be all at once, if you chose the "correct" abilities...but you are right not so much stuff unbalancing Ground as there are for Space. However, almost all that are, are available only with Lobi.
    Go pro or go home
  • cirte86cirte86 Member Posts: 24 Arc User
    Cryp focusses his Gameplay of course in direction to space combat, new ships and further get more Money for lobi.

    My opinion space combat is kind the same of ground combat. Auto Attack, using abilities and try to get the enemys into your firing arcs.

    Its the same Default gameplay we expected in the past for "15" years, mostly much easier cause like u written, the roles tank, heal and dps are missing.

    Ground Combat is more challenging and i always try to list for the ground content but whatever, this game offers much more space content then ground and this is sad.

    Additionally: Ground Combat is really good balanced. Simple get the matching skills to reduce the incoming damage Spikes of the enemys, there are enough of them (engi, science, tac even intelligence and command officer) bus the Problem is, the most simple takes those kits with abilities, where they get pure dps, and if they will with that they get mad and leave with a previous blame to the Group x)
  • baudlbaudl Member Posts: 4,060 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    well, this game offers more space content because it is much more popular among the playerbase. And understandably so. Despite your opinion, it is a rather unique style of gameplay among RPG MMOs ... while on the other hand neither the shooter mode nor the RPG mode of ground combat got anything unique or especially well done about them.
    Does this mean you can't enjoy ground combat? certainly not, it simply means that would this game be rated on it's ground combat only, we wouldn't be having this conversation, because the game would have failed years ago.

    As I said, If you like shooter mode MMOs, you'll find plenty out there, all with more engaging PVP and PVE. And if you like the RPG mode, there should be some games still around still kickin' that have close to identical RPG gameplay mechanics but with more and better content and even better defined classes. (though they are not Star Trek)

    *edit: lol, while reading through my own post I realized that the RPG mode is called RPG mode simply because every other RPG game before STO used an almost identical gampley/combat system...in a way, by naming this gameplay mode RPG mode the devs themselves aknowledge that it is a standard "press button ability combat"
    True, space combat is also just "press button ability combat", but maneuvering and fireing arcs makes that feel much less "same old, same old"
    also the ship equipment and sortiment of abilities and a few other factors freshen that combat style up quite a bit, so that you can't really compare the 2 anymore. At least not in a simplified way as you did in the post before.
    Go pro or go home
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    cirte86 wrote: »
    Cryp focusses his Gameplay of course in direction to space combat, new ships and further get more Money for lobi.

    My opinion space combat is kind the same of ground combat. Auto Attack, using abilities and try to get the enemys into your firing arcs.

    Its the same Default gameplay we expected in the past for "15" years, mostly much easier cause like u written, the roles tank, heal and dps are missing.

    Ground Combat is more challenging and i always try to list for the ground content but whatever, this game offers much more space content then ground and this is sad.

    Additionally: Ground Combat is really good balanced. Simple get the matching skills to reduce the incoming damage Spikes of the enemys, there are enough of them (engi, science, tac even intelligence and command officer) bus the Problem is, the most simple takes those kits with abilities, where they get pure dps, and if they will with that they get mad and leave with a previous blame to the Group x)

    I really think that most people who say class doesn't matter in ground combat don't know what they're talking about. Part of "strategy" is pre-mission prep. If you don't do that, you will fail hard in ground. Seemingly simple choices like what type of weapon to use make a huge difference. Why? It's largely dependent on proximity to the enemy. If you're planning to being up close then pulsewaves are good, but snipers terrible. A heal/ranged attack build can make very good use of a sniper rifle.

    Personally I don't bother with shooter mode. It seems like a general waste of time to me. It's much easier to see where enemies are and plan accordingly in RPG mode. I'm not one of those people who grew up playing HALO. I spent more time playing Street Fighter and Diablo. So first person is generally unfamiliar.
    My character Tsin'xing
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