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Goodbye Season 10: The war that never was.



  • orangeitisorangeitis Member Posts: 5,222 Arc User
    The problem that Cryptic probably has about a larger-scale war in practice(I'm guessing) is... what about the players who aren't up to the Iconian War episodes yet? Playing the monthly FE is enough of a spoiler. Having the Heralds all over Sector Space, or worse, invading social zones(as cool as that would be) would come from seemingly nowhere.

    But let's say we had those, but they'd be gone by Season 11. What about players who join the game later on and only reach the Iconian War arc afterward? They'd be in the same boat we are right now, effectively.

    IMHO, the best way to do this is to have Sector Space alerts only appear to those currently in the Iconian War story arc or currently running the rep from tiers 1-5. But, I'd imagine that would be too small of a window for Cryptic to wish to invest in.

    I had a feeling that introducing the Iconians this early in STO's life was a bad idea. Sigh.
  • farmallmfarmallm Member Posts: 4,630 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    The whole Iconian Fiasco story arc is bad. Its like either they just gave up, or never really planned it out. Either way it shows it. Granted you had all those battles the Iconians was setting up. Still the main battle should be lot better. Where is all these "ships and troops". The Delta Rising was well written and fun. I fought the Vaadwaur since last Oct, and still fighting them almost a year later. The Heralds only a few weeks and now their story is ending. Where is the enemy encounters, red alerts, where is a battle zone for ships and troops. Instead we get a single mission to collect marks if you solo. And a few horrible written FEs. We getting such horrible story. So bad they have to write blogs to make up for it. To me I rather see it in game story, not having to read a book on it. The Cardassian struggle story was a lot better and had more action. And many claims that was the worse. The Iconian Fiasco is nothing but a bore and chore to do. Way they handle the war. I'm glad it will be over soon. So I can move on to something else. At least something with more substance.

    USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
    Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
  • waldotrekwaldotrek Member Posts: 320 Arc User
    I wish they would have introduced Advanced Iconian RA in sector space. Make them pop frequently. If the team loses the RA the sector has a travel penalty (no faster than warp 4 or so) or you forfeit some dil. Making players put some skin in the game would help it feel more war like.
    Former Moderator 10-28-16
  • solarwraithsolarwraith Member Posts: 191 Arc User
    Maybe the limitations of the game engine are finally starting to be felt...maybe.
  • kyrrokkyrrok Member Posts: 1,352 Arc User
    Yes, I'm really surprised we didn't get some sort of 'Iconian Red Alert' system for the war. If they wanted to make it different from the Borg or Tholian RAs, they could have done it like the Iconians were raiding major Fed/KDF/Romulan star systems (like say you end up defending Betazed from an Iconian fleet, and the space map is you fighting over the planet Betazed.
    Had they done this for some of the new Fed home world systems they added with the sector space revamp; they could have in a way added these worlds to the game in a meaningful way, without having to do a ground social map. (And they're had in the story missions how the Iconians have attempted attacks on major Federation and other facilities, so it would have tied in nicely.)

    IMO - big missed opportunity.

    They missed more than the opportunity for Iconian Red Alerts, which I agree would have made it seem more like an invasion. The upcoming battlezone that I thought was going to be real challenge and fun against the Heralds, is said to be tied in to the New Dawn season coming up, almost certainly negating any hope for a Herald BZ. :| Most disappointing
  • lizweilizwei Member Posts: 936 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    Part of me wonders if they're just going to retcon this into a giant false flag operation.
    Maybe the Klingons wanted a way to make permanent peace with the Federation while saving face, and the Feds go along with it because hey peace at any cost.
    Or maybe the Iconians are part of a massive Section 31 conspracy to cover up the fact that we really did attack the Undine to get at their anti-Borg biology. Or something.

    Hey it'd make more sense than this and would explain why strange reports of a desperate, unwinnable war are coming in while my captain sunbathes on Risa
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  • thegrandnagus1thegrandnagus1 Member Posts: 5,166 Arc User
    While we obviously haven't seen the "grand finale", there is nothing they can do at this point to make up for the very mediocre fighting up to that point. The only chance they have to make this war "mean" anything is in future stories, to show some serious death and destruction that happened on planets we weren't fighting on ourselves, but are helping to rebuild after the war is over.

    Join Date: Sep 2008

  • kyrrokkyrrok Member Posts: 1,352 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    If I could replace the story writers for a day, the next episode would have us defending Earth, Qo'nos, or New Romulus from the extermination squads, destroying strange field emitters that stop a certain type of ally from arriving. After you destroy the last one, and the dread afterward, some unexpected help arrives, forcing them to retreat. The next would be a final showdown at the Herald Sphere again, fighting wave after wave of warships, and a ship even more horrible than the previous dread. After the new dreadnought is destroyed, a battle inside the sphere with all allies, including even more unexpected aid allows us to beam down to the main fortress loaded with a harbinger in every attack group and after you fight off half a dozen, you find yourself hopelessly surrounded. When all seems lost, "Boothby" drops down with a few of his Undine friends and you get a clear path to T'ket... You'd use some Omega against her and alternate between fighting her and her protection squad, until you chop off her head. Your toon holds T'ket's head before the other Iconians already at the Kyana and warn them this is the result of their continuing extermination. The time ship hovers over Iconia ready to remove them from ever having been. Then L'miren concedes and packs up the heralds, and moves off to anywhere but here. Galaxy saved... for now.

    Just to have some of those big bads to fight off, the heralds of M'tara and T'ket should still be stirring up trouble in the galaxy trying to get revenge for their fallen masters.

    Sure this was just off the top of my head, but I'm sure it would have been better than the snoozer ending they have in store for the final 2 episodes.
  • iconiansiconians Member Posts: 6,987 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    I thought Season 10 was very light on features. It was kind of like... I don't know. Star Trek Insurrection. Pitched as a movie but really just seemed like a two-part episode of TNG.

    I could go into an exhaustive list of "What ifs" and "Maybe if theys", but I've done that plenty already.

    I love a bunch of the bug fixes they dealt with this season -- the nameplate bug that has been there since 2010 was finally fixed, and I think they deserve kudos for cranking out old bug fixes and freeing up tailor customization despite the mediocre season release.

    Season 10 isn't the worst season. It's not the best. It is just that, mediocre. I was hyped for it at first, but when I saw what was finally given to us, I just thought, "What, this is it?"

    The Peghazi nontroversy was entertaining, but likely for reasons unintended.

    This isn't to sell the massive sector space revamp short, since that is the biggest highlight of the season, and I'm sure the team has put in a lot of hard work. But when it comes down to facts, Season 10 did not introduce enough new features to get me hyped.

    Season 10 really seems more like "A very special episode of Star Trek Online". The new episodes are kind of hit and miss. The replay rewards are neat. But these are all things we've seen before. The Iconian Resistance Reputation system is just another rehash of something we've seen before. The queued missions? Things we've already seen before.

    There was very little innovation and creativity outside the sector space overhaul. Cryptic failed to bring a "Wow!" factor, at least in my opinion (again, with exception to the sector space revamp). But no company bats 100, to be fair.

    They were phoning in the season with the same things we've seen already, and compounding these same things with T6 ships and new gambling promos. I can't blame Cryptic for wanting to make money, but the new shinies they've come out with really don't compare to the content they arrived next to.

    The lag and rubberbanding is worse than before. They keep trying to make the system resources more lean and reworking it, and I do give props to Borticus and the programmers for keeping at it. It just seems really self-defeating when they're releasing more powers and more bells and whistles while trying to conserve system resources.

    I wanted to like the new T6 ships, but when the mission content is so laggy, underwhelming, and quite frankly boring (after running Gateway to Gre'thor and Brotherhood of the Sword a million times), there is really no incentive for me to pick up any of these ships and toss Cryptic a few bucks.

    Given the hype of the dev blogs, the hype of the Season 10 trailer, and comparing it to what we actually have in game -- my days of taking Cryptic hype seriously is certainly coming to a middle.

    I'm not even cautiously optimistic about Season 11. I'm not hateful of its impending release. I'm not even salty over missed opportunities. At this point I am ambivalent.

    Season 11 is coming, I'm not looking forward to it but I'm also not dreading it. It's going to come, and it's going to be a thing. The hype trailers do not impress me because they don't accurately represent the game. If I'm impressed, good. If I'm not impressed, oh well. I'll still play and post my opinions to the forums, but my gaming budget is going to other companies.
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  • kodachikunokodachikuno Member Posts: 6,020 Arc User1
    kyrrok wrote: »
    If I could replace the story writers for a day, the next episode would have us defending Earth, Qo'nos, or New Romulus from the extermination squads, destroying strange field emitters that stop a certain type of ally from arriving. After you destroy the last one, and the dread afterward, some unexpected help arrives, forcing them to retreat. The next would be a final showdown at the Herald Sphere again, fighting wave after wave of warships, and a ship even more horrible than the previous dread. After the new dreadnought is destroyed, a battle inside the sphere with all allies, including even more unexpected aid allows us to beam down to the main fortress loaded with a harbinger in every attack group and after you fight off half a dozen, you find yourself hopelessly surrounded. When all seems lost, "Boothby" drops down with a few of his Undine friends and you get a clear path to T'ket... You'd use some Omega against her and alternate between fighting her and her protection squad, until you chop off her head. Your toon holds T'ket's head before the other Iconians already at the Kyana and warn them this is the result of their continuing extermination. The time ship hovers over Iconia ready to remove them from ever having been. Then L'miren concedes and packs up the heralds, and moves off to anywhere but here. Galaxy saved... for now.

    Just to have some of those big bads to fight off, the heralds of M'tara and T'ket should still be stirring up trouble in the galaxy trying to get revenge for their fallen masters.

    Sure this was just off the top of my head, but I'm sure it would have been better than the snoozer ending they have in store for the final 2 episodes.
    you do all that... while my Romulans use some stealth and just turn off the power nodes in the herald sphere and while the Iconians are shrieking at their loss of power I'll detonate a trilithium torpedo in the sun there and beam out :p and impressive sphere shattering kaboom to wipe away this terri-bad war permanently :p
    tacofangs wrote: »
    STO isn't canon, and neither are any of the books.
  • bernatkbernatk Member Posts: 1,089 Bug Hunter
    i got mass effect 3 the day it was released , never have i been so pissed of with a video game before , the original ending was utterly bewildering , what just happened , did i just destroy all the relays , did i just destroy galactic civilization , did i kill edi , is joker left trapped on some eden planet with liara forever since nobody can rescue them because i destroyed all the relays , the occasional moaning on the STO forums are nothing compared to the sheer outrage that erupted on the bioware forums . but one comparison between STO and ME3 is the iconians and the reapers , both were great as a far off distant threat but when they actually turned up , not so good .

    Original ending was fine too. If you chose synergy or control then nothing changed, mass relays are there to use. If you destroyed reapers, then yeah, you need to wait till Cohrane is born lol... that's what you get when you rely on alien tech.
    It's really simple really.
    Dahar Master Mary Sue                                               Fleet Admiral Bloody Mary
  • picard51picard51 Member Posts: 56 Arc User
    The only thing that might make me feel like we had a real conflict is if the final two episodes destroy some stuff of significance and they pass it off as, "This was happening on the frontier all along, you just didn't see it because you were at command or at the Front." Like, if for the next episode we're defending our respective home ground zones (The Academies and New Romulus Command) from an Iconian invasion that leaves them totally torched so we can see them revamped in New Dawn. Kinda like they did with ESD back when we fought the Undine. Then for the finale we do something drastic in a massive battle of some kind where we fly the timeship in prepared to shoot at something important before it's hijacked by T'Ket gating in with strike teams. We have to blow the thing and the ensuing explosion is so biblical it wipes out the sphere around Iconia, the Herald fleet, a few Iconians, and probably a significant portion of our own fleets. The Iconians that are left go back to Andromeda to lick their wounds and vow to butt out of our affairs.

    Come New Dawn, we go on a tour of the worlds the Iconians wrecked like they did with our ground zones and the explanation's given that this was all happening and we just couldn't be spared from the frontlines to see it. The lack of a fleet to speak of also explains why we don't simply renew hostilities with the opposing faction immediately. We need to rebuild our worlds and our fleets and this all gives us some story reason for New Dawn to be all about exploration and reconstruction when all we've seen before this in-game is war: we just can't afford to wage one right now. We spend some time doing other trek-y stuff for a season or two. They could even spend that time consolidating the Romulan story and their building up their worlds and expanding into the territory of their former empire. After that season or two, they reintroduce PvP with the story reason being that the Klingons are trying to grab some of the shiny, newly rebuilt, worlds of the Federation and the Republic with their freshly built fleet and the Feds and Romulans have to respond. This could also be the introduction of T7 ships to coincide with the new technology a new fleet would have.

    This is all just my idea but I'm hoping I'm on the same brain wave as the Devs. Maybe? Plz?
  • kyrrokkyrrok Member Posts: 1,352 Arc User
    picard51 wrote: »
    The only thing that might make me feel like we had a real conflict is if the final two episodes destroy some stuff of significance and they pass it off as, "This was happening on the frontier all along, you just didn't see it because you were at command or at the Front." Like, if for the next episode we're defending our respective home ground zones (The Academies and New Romulus Command) from an Iconian invasion that leaves them totally torched so we can see them revamped in New Dawn. Kinda like they did with ESD back when we fought the Undine. Then for the finale we do something drastic in a massive battle of some kind where we fly the timeship in prepared to shoot at something important before it's hijacked by T'Ket gating in with strike teams. We have to blow the thing and the ensuing explosion is so biblical it wipes out the sphere around Iconia, the Herald fleet, a few Iconians, and probably a significant portion of our own fleets. The Iconians that are left go back to Andromeda to lick their wounds and vow to butt out of our affairs.

    Come New Dawn, we go on a tour of the worlds the Iconians wrecked like they did with our ground zones and the explanation's given that this was all happening and we just couldn't be spared from the frontlines to see it. The lack of a fleet to speak of also explains why we don't simply renew hostilities with the opposing faction immediately. We need to rebuild our worlds and our fleets and this all gives us some story reason for New Dawn to be all about exploration and reconstruction when all we've seen before this in-game is war: we just can't afford to wage one right now. We spend some time doing other trek-y stuff for a season or two. They could even spend that time consolidating the Romulan story and their building up their worlds and expanding into the territory of their former empire. After that season or two, they reintroduce PvP with the story reason being that the Klingons are trying to grab some of the shiny, newly rebuilt, worlds of the Federation and the Republic with their freshly built fleet and the Feds and Romulans have to respond. This could also be the introduction of T7 ships to coincide with the new technology a new fleet would have.

    This is all just my idea but I'm hoping I'm on the same brain wave as the Devs. Maybe? Plz?

    I think I will keep my stash of zen for the T8 ships after the winter event. Or maybe do the smart thing and hold out until the T9's come out after Risa :D
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  • kodachikunokodachikuno Member Posts: 6,020 Arc User1
    patrickngo wrote: »
    Things that might have made it feel more like a war without interrupting the theme-park?

    Story ideas that never got told:

    Mission to cover a retreating allied force-never happened, but it would have fit so very much better than the recitation of 'wins'.

    Escorting a refugee convoy out of the danger area.

    witnessing the actual "FALL" of a major world.

    Diplomatic mission to try and keep one of the smaller powers from crossing the fence and joining the Iconians.

    a fight against internal traitors in the alliance bent on forcing "Peace at any cost" through treason.

    Missions to quell panic and rioting.

    Rescuing escaping victims.


    What we have instead, is two blown commando raids that still materially succeed, and a superweapon to retcon the whole mess by fait accompli, and a pile of blog posts that really don't feel connected to anything you see or experience in the game. Lots of 'Tell', very little 'show'.
    ^I like his season 10 better than the one we got
    tacofangs wrote: »
    STO isn't canon, and neither are any of the books.
  • gulberatgulberat Member Posts: 5,505 Arc User
    While we obviously haven't seen the "grand finale", there is nothing they can do at this point to make up for the very mediocre fighting up to that point. The only chance they have to make this war "mean" anything is in future stories, to show some serious death and destruction that happened on planets we weren't fighting on ourselves, but are helping to rebuild after the war is over.

    This is indeed mission-critical, IMO: make us part of the rebuilding and at least show us the consequences, since they haven't shown us the action while it happens.

    Christian Gaming Community Fleets--Faith, Fun, and Fellowship! See the website and PM for more. :-)
    Proudly F2P.  Signature image by gulberat. Avatar image by balsavor.deviantart.com.
  • thay8472thay8472 Member Posts: 6,264 Arc User
    patrickngo wrote: »
    Things that might have made it feel more like a war without interrupting the theme-park?

    Story ideas that never got told:

    Mission to cover a retreating allied force-never happened, but it would have fit so very much better than the recitation of 'wins'.

    Escorting a refugee convoy out of the danger area.

    witnessing the actual "FALL" of a major world.

    Diplomatic mission to try and keep one of the smaller powers from crossing the fence and joining the Iconians.

    a fight against internal traitors in the alliance bent on forcing "Peace at any cost" through treason.

    Missions to quell panic and rioting.

    Rescuing escaping victims.


    What we have instead, is two blown commando raids that still materially succeed, and a superweapon to retcon the whole mess by fait accompli, and a pile of blog posts that really don't feel connected to anything you see or experience in the game. Lots of 'Tell', very little 'show'.
    ^I like his season 10 better than the one we got

    What this guy said.

    Thank you for the Typhoon!
  • seansamurai1seansamurai1 Member Posts: 634 Arc User
    The iconian stuff can just go.
    They are horrid to fight on the ground and just horrifically annoying in space outside the story arc.
    Which is also another thing, the background simulation in the social zones never changes so it never feels like you're at war outside of the story.
    It never has.
  • mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    With five years of build up, I was expecting something a little more lengthy and epic.

    Instead, it's going to be, in all likelyhood, a "tell" instead or "show" or "do" kinda war.

    I dunno.

    I think the only thing lacking is iconian red alerts / Herald Deep Space Contacts.

    But the Iconian War missions did show the war, at least the military side of things.

    Before the Herald Sphere attack, we see a giant fleet of ships around the station.
    When we attack the sphere, the giant fleet is there, fights happen everywhere.
    When we leave the sphere, t here is a giant cloud of destroyed ships (from both sides).
    Back at the base of operations, only a small number of ships meet with us.

    There clearly is a war going on. And it's a lot busier than the KDF/FED war, for example.

    And Bioware undid that epic feel with the color coded endings.

    I would prefer to forget anything that was released after the first game.
    There is way too much butthurt over those endings still. And way too many people expect happy endings and plots/endings that don't require you to think and see little clues.
    I didn't need an happy ending, but I did need that this stupid star child thing realize that by creating peace between the Quarians and the Geth I had proven it wrong. Even if it disagreed, I should have been able to throw this in its face! Machine and Organic Life can co-exist. I needed the fracking ending to respect what I had achieved, not ignore it.

    Happy Ending? I liked one of the ideas that apparently orginally floated around, where the humans would need to die to beat the machines for good. What an interesting future of the setting - humanity being remembered as dead species, that sacrificed itself for the survival of the rest of the galaxy.
    Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
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  • farmallmfarmallm Member Posts: 4,630 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    With five years of build up, I was expecting something a little more lengthy and epic.

    Instead, it's going to be, in all likelyhood, a "tell" instead or "show" or "do" kinda war.

    I dunno.

    I think the only thing lacking is iconian red alerts / Herald Deep Space Contacts.

    But the Iconian War missions did show the war, at least the military side of things.

    Actually it lacks more. For a solo player you have to fight Vaadwaur on Kobali which has nothing to do with the war. For Iconian Marks. Compared to the Vaadwuar, Voth, Undine battles. There is a lot missing. This is why they create the Blogs. To add to it where they failed to bring it.

    Funny part is. Many players might not even visit the website main page. So if you didn't read the horror blogs you would only see it in game. Truth I quit reading them after like the 3rd one after saw it was garbage.

    USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
    Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
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  • thay8472thay8472 Member Posts: 6,264 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    I'll be honest with you. I don't think we'll be a part of the battle for Earth / Sol III. (Whatever it was from the S11 Trailer.)

    I think said battle will take place ... but It'll be a cutscene ... and the line almost right after said cutscene stops playing will be from the Romulan Science lady from "Sphere of Influence" going "Ha, now you know how it feels ... I'm firing the time weapon!"
    Thank you for the Typhoon!
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  • kodachikunokodachikuno Member Posts: 6,020 Arc User1
    thay8472 wrote: »
    I'll be honest with you. I don't think we'll be a part of the battle for Earth / Sol III. (Whatever it was from the S11 Trailer.)

    I think said battle will take place ... but It'll be a cutscene ... and the line almost right after said cutscene stops playing will be from the Romulan Science lady from "Sphere of Influence" going "Ha, now you know how it feels ... I'm firing the time weapon!"
    and then the enterprise goes back in time and magics the planet back into place.. because only earth deserves that
    tacofangs wrote: »
    STO isn't canon, and neither are any of the books.
  • thay8472thay8472 Member Posts: 6,264 Arc User
    thay8472 wrote: »
    I'll be honest with you. I don't think we'll be a part of the battle for Earth / Sol III. (Whatever it was from the S11 Trailer.)

    I think said battle will take place ... but It'll be a cutscene ... and the line almost right after said cutscene stops playing will be from the Romulan Science lady from "Sphere of Influence" going "Ha, now you know how it feels ... I'm firing the time weapon!"
    and then the enterprise goes back in time and magics the planet back into place.. because only earth deserves that

    Obviously... Humanity or nothing!
    Thank you for the Typhoon!
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