I can't train Satra in Command specialization.
I am 11 points in Command Specialization. I have a command level 1 skill training manual in my inventory. What am I doing wrong? I was able to train Hiven in Pilot specialization after completing the Featured Mission Delta Flight without any issues. Where do I submit the ticket as I don't know where it should go under the bug reports.
How? How do I train her in that specialization. That was part of my question.
Then go to your boff, and on the upper right of the skills tab, there's a pull down menu that has Command, Intel and Pilot. Click on Learn.
You will then be able to train them in command skills.
I have a training manual already(see original post). The drop down tab on the BOFF is greyed out. Nobody is answering that question.
Is your boff promoted to commander? That's necessary to specialize.
Yes. She(Satra) is CDR. No other specialization training. However, Hiven is Pilot trained though I trained him via the token from "Delta Flight" as I am not yet level 10 in pilot specialization. I want to train Satra in Command. I have a skill 1 command training manual in my inventory.
Pilot was different in that they gave you one Specialization Qualification for free from a mission. You should also be able to make more from the R&D system in a similar way.
Thank you. I didn't realize there were two different kind of manuals. One for the skill and one for the qualification.