After the July 9th 2015 Server maintenance and patch.
Time in a Bottle is NOT able to start from the featured episode tab, its all greyed out, there is no replay button.
the mission is still in the featured episode but is not interactive, if this is intentional they WHY has this mission NOT been moved to the Iconian War list like the others?!!??!!!
What's going on over there?
Is everyone sleeping?
they should really automatize it though, like make episodes be placed in their correct tab, marked as a feature from date x to date y, then if the date's valid have the client hide it in its correct tab and create a copy in feature tab, and once feature's over, remove it from feature tab so it's back to its real place. that way they wouldn't have to be moving them manually and keep forgetting about it.
We fight them too. Entire armies spilling out of Volkswagens.
We do our best to fight them off, but they keep sending them in.
The "Time in a Bottle" Featured Episode has been placed outside of our time stream...
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"Someone should do a story where a Horta meets a Vorta. And then they find a portal to Vorta-Vor and become immortal. Sorta." ~Christopher L. Bennett
I think everybody imagined that even if they will tell us nothing... lolz.