actually, if you play as a Reman, when you go into Oblisk's base Tovan says things like "they probably think you're one of them" and some other dialogs. So it is there. But yeah, generally they treat you as a Fed/Klingon, not as a fellow Romulan. which sucks.
(slightly off topic, but why would a Romulan join the KDF anyway? Most of their missions are "hunt the Romulans" and "find the Remans" etc)
The tutorial mission for what later becomes "Empire Defense against Romulan Encroachment" (usually abbreviated as "Empire Defense: Romulans") is "Removing the Romulan Star Empire." That seems entirely consistent with RRF values.
True but I don't think the RRF would be able to compeltly remove the Romulan EMpire as there are still ROmulans loyal to the EMpire itself
In the context of the mission, it's removing RSE/Tal'Shiar ships from the Yan Nebula, which is Klingon territory.
As far as removing the entire RSE, just take a look at the map in-game now, vs the map in-game when LoR went live. The RSE territory has shrunk, while the NRR territory has grown. To such an extent, in fact, that the RSE now holds roughly a single sector (spread across two sectors, but not holding the entirety of either).
Which is no excuse to not give use a Romulan D-7 a la "The Enterprise Incident", Or sell us one. Especially at T-5/T-5U. In the Zen Store. Where they could PROFIT from it. (*Hint, hint*)
ally with the klinks and get the retrofit? lol prolly the only way it will happen
I have the Koro't'inga on several of my characters, always with the D7 skin. It's not T5, or my Romulans couldn't use it. Furthermore, the ships in TEI were Romulan-built, based on the design of D7 battle cruisers; none of them was a D7, and none of them was Klingon-made. They are known by the designation V-11 Stormbird Akif class. A Romulan V-11 Stormbird would have a raptor on the bottom and have an interior like the one seen in TEI, which would be the most obvious differences to most. It would also have a Romulan cloak, albeit not ERBC (although that would of course be welcome).
The issue is really that the devs will refuse to let the Romulan Republic be a separate faction in anyway. If tyhey did that then they would have to let ships and material be released fro theme.
Not necessarily. Witness the neglect the KDF has to deal with.
Believe it or not I just watched TEI this week, iirc Spock's statement was 'Intelligence reports Romulans are now using ships of Klingon design.' this could mean they're using klinky ships or stole the prints and were building their own versions, its too ambiguous to be sure.
The Enterprise Incident... the ToS Episode where the female romulan captain tries to woo spock to the empire and kirk pretends to be even more violent and irrational than usual
Some vet players here still haven't gotten the memo about Cryptic's terrible history with developing for factions that isn't the Federation. It was bad enough over the years with Cryptic's Fed-slanted ship releases. It was worse with Non-Fed faction content. The last KDF faction mission for instance, was way back in LOR. We are also talking about the dev team that celebrated the end of the Federation-Klingon War so that they no longer had to do Non-Fed faction missions, because ever since then, everything has been a Fed-flavored mission with a few word switches to make it "Klingon" or "Romulan." Replace the word "Admiral" with "General" and randomly insert "Honor" and "Glory" to make the mission "Klingon" in nature. You get extra credit if you use "Honor" and "Glory" in the same sentence. Romulans? They don't even have to do that. Just keep using "Admiral" because the Roms still use that title. And there's nothing in particular with how the Roms ingame talk, behave, that distinguishes them from a Starfleet character.
Uniforms? The KDF had been fighting for more uniforms since STO released in 2010. Screenshots, links, videos showing canon TV show and movie attire worn by Klingons have been provided by players over the years. The result? Just look at the ingame C-Store menu and look at the Fed uniforms listed. Not counting the crossfaction off-duty stuff, it's a very extensive list representing lots of Star Trek canon attire. Then look at the KDF & Rom selections.
It's been one helluva fight over the years just to get ships for the KDF and then the Roms when they were introduced. But everything else: Content, uniforms, just hasn't panned out. Even then, the number of ships between the Feds and everyone else is amazingly lopsided. Except for the NX-01, Constition & Miranda classes, you can take every ship model you played with at lower levels to play with at endgame. The KDF? Shitloads of lower tiered ships cannot be played at endgame. Almost all the KDF-aligned race ships (Orion, Nausicaan, Gorn) that you see ingame are not playable.
One thing at least is sure: if we don't bother to ask for improvements, we're unlikely to receive improvements.
We could give up, but we are Romulan. Our entire home star system was destroyed, our own government betrayed us, we lost family and friends. Still we fight on for our very existence.
"What we knew ... is gone.
Our home, our lives, all that we were ... Dust!
Blasted across empty, heartless skies...
"But we live! Our legacy lives!
Within every ship we fly, upon every world we touch!
In our hearts, in yours!
"There will be challenge, you will know fear!
But you will overcome! You will survive!
And answer vengeance with blood!
"You will do as you must!
Rule cannot be handed to the faithless!
Our legacy cannot be lost to villains!
Bury the past to face the future!
In enemies, find allies!
"There is no price we have not paid!
No loss we have not felt!
Our dead world!
Our long suffering!
"These are not ends!
We are not ended!
For your crew, for your people, for this new home!
"We must face all doubt!
We must break the strong who would destroy us!
We must overcome the impossible!
We must fight, against any, and all!
Post about Winged Ponies frolicking in a grassy field with a bright sun and rainbows arcing over. With an occasional glitter sound effect.
"Because friendship is magic!"
-- Temer
Sorry, Cryptic provides it's own Reality Checks.
Seriously, pretty much all those things the OP was asking about, the KDF had been asking for in a similar way for years. Hard enough fighting for ships. Uniforms and faction content (and not generic Fed-POV missions) haven't been happening.
You know how long have we been asking for the Nemesis Rom uniform? Since LOR came out in 2013. I know, I've been clamoring for it since then. You know how long we've been asking for a Rom D-7? Since LOR came out in 2013. I know, I've been clamoring for it since then also.
What year is it now? Two-Thousand-TRIBBLE-Fifteen
Outside of ships, do you guys still really think there'd going to be Non-Fed Faction uniforms, missions, etc?
Let me see. What does the MAGIC 8-BALL say?
"My reply is no"
Anyways, all you can do is keep asking. But you really can't expect anything.
Anyways, all you can do is keep asking. But you really can't expect anything.
That's the way I see it as well. At least for ships the new approach of making three carbon-copy ships (with minor differences in cloaks and base cruiser/battlecruiser/warbird stats) at least leads to non-fed ships being released, but it begs the question if we really can go crazy for new ships when there is nothing to do with them. Don't forget, all of us players (yes, even "feds") do not get anything to do with their ships. We get a FE every odd-month with all financial resources being invested in contracting a former trek actor to record a few odd lines and then we are expected to run the same mission three or four times in a row to claim items we put on our ships (new or old) to do the same thing again.
As long as there is no sustainable gameplay offered (and I will never stop suggesting procedually generated, open-ended gameplay without any story but a feel of randomized, explorative gameplay with rewards earned througha ctually playing the game, not grinding currency) what do I do with my ships?
^ Memory is not canon. It's a open wiki with arbitrary rules. Only what can be cited from an episode is. ^
"No. Men do not roar. Women roar. Then they hurl heavy objects... and claw at you." -Worf, son of Mogh
"A filthy, mangy beast, but in its bony breast beat the heart of a warrior" - "faithful" (...) "but ever-ready to follow the call of the wild." - Martok, about a Targ
"That pig smelled horrid. A sweet-sour, extremely pungent odor. I showered and showered, and it took me a week to get rid of it!" - Robert Justman, appreciating Emmy-Lou
Anyways, all you can do is keep asking. But you really can't expect anything.
That's the way I see it as well. At least for ships the new approach of making three carbon-copy ships (with minor differences in cloaks and base cruiser/battlecruiser/warbird stats) at least leads to non-fed ships being released, but it begs the question if we really can go crazy for new ships when there is nothing to do with them. Don't forget, all of us players (yes, even "feds") do not get anything to do with their ships. We get a FE every odd-month with all financial resources being invested in contracting a former trek actor to record a few odd lines and then we are expected to run the same mission three or four times in a row to claim items we put on our ships (new or old) to do the same thing again.
As long as there is no sustainable gameplay offered (and I will never stop suggesting procedually generated, open-ended gameplay without any story but a feel of randomized, explorative gameplay with rewards earned througha ctually playing the game, not grinding currency) what do I do with my ships?
Until the glorious day comes, when one can inspect one's shuttles in one's own shuttle bay, or take a turbolift to deck whatever for a holodeck simulation, roleplaying will be the cane that gets the immersion to a passable level.
In the context of the mission, it's removing RSE/Tal'Shiar ships from the Yan Nebula, which is Klingon territory.
As far as removing the entire RSE, just take a look at the map in-game now, vs the map in-game when LoR went live. The RSE territory has shrunk, while the NRR territory has grown. To such an extent, in fact, that the RSE now holds roughly a single sector (spread across two sectors, but not holding the entirety of either).
I have the Koro't'inga on several of my characters, always with the D7 skin. It's not T5, or my Romulans couldn't use it. Furthermore, the ships in TEI were Romulan-built, based on the design of D7 battle cruisers; none of them was a D7, and none of them was Klingon-made. They are known by the designation V-11 Stormbird Akif class. A Romulan V-11 Stormbird would have a raptor on the bottom and have an interior like the one seen in TEI, which would be the most obvious differences to most. It would also have a Romulan cloak, albeit not ERBC (although that would of course be welcome).
Not necessarily. Witness the neglect the KDF has to deal with.
We want to turn her so she'll defect to the Republic.
*cough* had to fix that for ya
Uniforms? The KDF had been fighting for more uniforms since STO released in 2010. Screenshots, links, videos showing canon TV show and movie attire worn by Klingons have been provided by players over the years. The result? Just look at the ingame C-Store menu and look at the Fed uniforms listed. Not counting the crossfaction off-duty stuff, it's a very extensive list representing lots of Star Trek canon attire. Then look at the KDF & Rom selections.
It's been one helluva fight over the years just to get ships for the KDF and then the Roms when they were introduced. But everything else: Content, uniforms, just hasn't panned out. Even then, the number of ships between the Feds and everyone else is amazingly lopsided. Except for the NX-01, Constition & Miranda classes, you can take every ship model you played with at lower levels to play with at endgame. The KDF? Shitloads of lower tiered ships cannot be played at endgame. Almost all the KDF-aligned race ships (Orion, Nausicaan, Gorn) that you see ingame are not playable.
This battle has long since been lost.
One thing at least is sure: if we don't bother to ask for improvements, we're unlikely to receive improvements.
We could give up, but we are Romulan. Our entire home star system was destroyed, our own government betrayed us, we lost family and friends. Still we fight on for our very existence.
"What we knew ... is gone.
Our home, our lives, all that we were ... Dust!
Blasted across empty, heartless skies...
"But we live! Our legacy lives!
Within every ship we fly, upon every world we touch!
In our hearts, in yours!
"There will be challenge, you will know fear!
But you will overcome! You will survive!
And answer vengeance with blood!
"You will do as you must!
Rule cannot be handed to the faithless!
Our legacy cannot be lost to villains!
Bury the past to face the future!
In enemies, find allies!
"There is no price we have not paid!
No loss we have not felt!
Our dead world!
Our long suffering!
"These are not ends!
We are not ended!
For your crew, for your people, for this new home!
"We must face all doubt!
We must break the strong who would destroy us!
We must overcome the impossible!
We must fight, against any, and all!
"We must, we will!
WE ... ARE ... ROMULAN!"
-- Temer
Sorry, Cryptic provides it's own Reality Checks.
Seriously, pretty much all those things the OP was asking about, the KDF had been asking for in a similar way for years. Hard enough fighting for ships. Uniforms and faction content (and not generic Fed-POV missions) haven't been happening.
You know how long have we been asking for the Nemesis Rom uniform? Since LOR came out in 2013. I know, I've been clamoring for it since then. You know how long we've been asking for a Rom D-7? Since LOR came out in 2013. I know, I've been clamoring for it since then also.
What year is it now? Two-Thousand-TRIBBLE-Fifteen
Outside of ships, do you guys still really think there'd going to be Non-Fed Faction uniforms, missions, etc?
Let me see. What does the MAGIC 8-BALL say?
"My reply is no"
Anyways, all you can do is keep asking. But you really can't expect anything.
That's the way I see it as well. At least for ships the new approach of making three carbon-copy ships (with minor differences in cloaks and base cruiser/battlecruiser/warbird stats) at least leads to non-fed ships being released, but it begs the question if we really can go crazy for new ships when there is nothing to do with them. Don't forget, all of us players (yes, even "feds") do not get anything to do with their ships. We get a FE every odd-month with all financial resources being invested in contracting a former trek actor to record a few odd lines and then we are expected to run the same mission three or four times in a row to claim items we put on our ships (new or old) to do the same thing again.
As long as there is no sustainable gameplay offered (and I will never stop suggesting procedually generated, open-ended gameplay without any story but a feel of randomized, explorative gameplay with rewards earned througha ctually playing the game, not grinding currency) what do I do with my ships?
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
Until the glorious day comes, when one can inspect one's shuttles in one's own shuttle bay, or take a turbolift to deck whatever for a holodeck simulation, roleplaying will be the cane that gets the immersion to a passable level.
Tal'Shiar/Reman Resistance/Romulan Nemesis uniform, pls.