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Crash while entering instance

saravoratrelundasaravoratrelunda Member Posts: 11 Arc User
I'm not sure if this is the place for this question so if it isn't, can someone please tell me where it should go?

A few days ago, I was playing The Tribble With Klingons on one of my characters and just as I was transferring from that first space section to the first ground section (I think it's called Whack A Tribble?), my computer crashed. The next day, I came back in and played with a different character with no problems but when I headed in on the character who's doing The Tribble With Klingons today, the game crashed when I tried to beam down to the planet. I tried again to see if it was just a fluke but it crashed again. The second time I got this error message:

Fatal error: hog file incorrect/unreadable version 7

technical details: hog file incorrect unreadable version:
bin/geobin/maps/planets/crd/crd_minaskorva_ground/crd_minaskorva_ground.zone/terrain_default_atlases_5.hogg:7 16950

So does anyone have any idea what's wrong? And what I can do to fix it?



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    saravoratrelundasaravoratrelunda Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    Ok, with some help from support, I did manage to fix this. If anyone else ever has this problem, what I did was:

    1. Delete the piggs folder in Star Trek Online's Live folder.
    2. Open the Star Trek Online launcher.
    3. Click options (it's at the top right of the launcher) and check force verify.
    4. Leave the launcher open while it checks that all the files that should be there are there and then reinstalls the piggs folder.
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