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What are the ingredients for the perfect Defiant?

Hello all!

So this comes up every now and again, and why not? The Defiant is many people's favourite borg-busting, phaser-blastin' 'tough little ship'. For my part, I wants one for my fed tac Captain, a fleet defiant with which to enjoy the new (new to me, just getting back into STO) Iconian storyline.

But a ship builder I'm not! I currently have an Anti-proton, obelisk-cored Stream-runner, and I've been away from the game so I don't know what the 'new hotness' is right now. I'd like to build an effective Defiant. Now, again, this is for the missions (elite difficulty), NOT PvP. I'd also like to keep it canon(ish) if I can by ideally using the quad cannon, certainly using the cloak. Yes, I know, there's more effective stuff out there, more effective escorts even, but I would like to use a phaser-toting Defiant if possible (next choice would be polaron 'cos I like the effect and could imagine Defiants being retro-fittet with Domion weaponry) !

IF that's too straight-jacketing and it seriously affects the killing potential, advice on just how to make it the most effective killin' machine would be welcome (even if it means defiling my Defiants sleek physique with adapted borg bitz)!

I have access to fleet-stuff, and many of the sets already. Any advice on weapon loadouts and sets would be especially welcome, but any general advice would be greatfully received!


  • reginamala78reginamala78 Member Posts: 4,593 Arc User
    Have you purchased a T5 (Fleet, Upgraded, or otherwise) Defiant yet? If not, T6 version is coming out shortly, and since the T5 version has a somewhat-annoying boff layout and no trait, a little patience would be worth it. That said the differences are likely to be minor enough that if you DO already have the T5 version, no sense wasting $35 more on the switch since the new stuff is likely to be of the 'cool but not game altering' variety.

    As for keeping it canon-ish, go for it. No you won't be capital-O Optimized, but there is absolutely no reason you can't build a Defiant with cloaking, quad phasers, quantum torps, and even a beam array (omni-directional FTW) and still blast the TRIBBLE out of things well enough to queue just about any mission you like. Heck, search the forums for Trizeo and his Star Trek Battles channel where to my knowledge they still do runs specifically with canon ships.
  • hydrafacehydraface Member Posts: 41 Arc User
    Thanks for advice! I have heard rumors of a T-6 Defiant. I would be willing to wait for it, but these rumors seem to have been around for a while now, are we sure there's main-course of fire to go with that side-order of smoke (sorry for the confusing mixed metaphors)? I can indeed hold off if it's going to happen (how cool! it'd be a major 'Shut up annd take my money' moment for STO) I shall seacrh for Trizio's productions, thanks for the tip.
  • mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
    hydraface wrote: »
    Thanks for advice! I have heard rumors of a T-6 Defiant. I would be willing to wait for it, but these rumors seem to have been around for a while now, are we sure there's main-course of fire to go with that side-order of smoke (sorry for the confusing mixed metaphors)? I can indeed hold off if it's going to happen (how cool! it'd be a major 'Shut up annd take my money' moment for STO) I shall seacrh for Trizio's productions, thanks for the tip.
    No one can know how long it will take until some asset already partially in STO is in the game.

    But I would really recommend patience when it comes to ship acquisition, I think.

    Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
  • xanthraelxanthrael Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    Your weapon plan seems more than adequate; with the right tactical consoles, your Defiant should be more than a match for anything the Iconians throw its way. (Within reason, I mean.) I have more advice, though, if you're interested.

    Your science bridge officers will need to be able to use tractor beams in order to hold fast-moving enemy ships in place for withering cannon volleys. Your tactical bridge officers, of course, will need cannon abilities. Cannon: Rapid Fire is a must-have for me, and Cannon: Volley is useful for crowd control. Torpedo: High Yield will allow you to rapidly destroy enemies once their shields have been removed. If you want to go for an omni-directional phaser beam, be sure one of your tactical officers knows some beam abilities.

    However, since the Defiant is an escort, you will need to improve its survivability. For that, I recommend the Kobali Regenerative Circuitry set, which you can get by repeatedly playing "Dust to Dust". Get the best possible ablative hull armour consoles, and, if possible, upgrade your shields as much as you can. Your engineering bridge officer would do well to know Reverse Shield Polarity, and your tactical officer(s) should know Tactical Team, both of which provide valuable reinforcements to your shields.
    I am a radical feminist, and as such have no fear of being controversial. Delta Rising is the best expansion ever and I love it.
  • kayajaykayajay Member Posts: 1,990 Arc User
    *sigh*...I wonder when we'll be able to build our own ship, like ordering a Dell computer or a pizza. I'll have so many universal stations, that many console slots, Interpid nacelles, Galaxy saucer, Reman skin, etc...
  • dgdolphdgdolph Member Posts: 592 Arc User
    The ingredients for the perfect [insert ship name here] are: billions of EC, millions of Dil and thousands of Lobis.
  • reginamala78reginamala78 Member Posts: 4,593 Arc User
    hydraface wrote: »
    Thanks for advice! I have heard rumors of a T-6 Defiant. I would be willing to wait for it, but these rumors seem to have been around for a while now, are we sure there's main-course of fire to go with that side-order of smoke (sorry for the confusing mixed metaphors)? I can indeed hold off if it's going to happen (how cool! it'd be a major 'Shut up annd take my money' moment for STO) I shall seacrh for Trizio's productions, thanks for the tip.

    Eh the people find this stuff (I'd link you but they ask not to be overtly identified) usually have a window of 4-6 weeks in advance, and have a pretty good track record so far, so I'd be surprised if we didn't see it by the end of July if not sooner. They do show so far the silhouette and a trait that boosts Cannon Scatter Volley, a 3-pack with T6 copies of the B'rel and T'varo so most likely a Pilot seat, and the usual one extra console and boff seat. My guess is that they'll boost the ensign to lieutenant, then a hybrid pilot/tac ltcmdr, because its not a sci-scort and if they boosted the engineer to ltcmdr it'd be identical to the Phantom, though maybe outside chance they go 6-seat like the Nandi with ensign universal. Were I in the market, that sounds worth waiting a few weeks for.

    xanthrael wrote: »
    Your weapon plan seems more than adequate; with the right tactical consoles, your Defiant should be more than a match for anything the Iconians throw its way. (Within reason, I mean.) I have more advice, though, if you're interested.

    Your science bridge officers will need to be able to use tractor beams in order to hold fast-moving enemy ships in place for withering cannon volleys. Your tactical bridge officers, of course, will need cannon abilities. Cannon: Rapid Fire is a must-have for me, and Cannon: Volley is useful for crowd control. Torpedo: High Yield will allow you to rapidly destroy enemies once their shields have been removed. If you want to go for an omni-directional phaser beam, be sure one of your tactical officers knows some beam abilities.

    However, since the Defiant is an escort, you will need to improve its survivability. For that, I recommend the Kobali Regenerative Circuitry set, which you can get by repeatedly playing "Dust to Dust". Get the best possible ablative hull armour consoles, and, if possible, upgrade your shields as much as you can. Your engineering bridge officer would do well to know Reverse Shield Polarity, and your tactical officer(s) should know Tactical Team, both of which provide valuable reinforcements to your shields.

    ..........Wut? While everyone certainly has their own build style and TRIBBLE cookie-cutters and I'm certainly not one to criticize people for unique build choices, a lot of this seems like a questionable idea. Tractor beams are fun but on a ship with only 2 sci slots you need your counters first, stuff like Sci Team and Hazard Emitters, maybe Polarize Hull or even Transfer Shield Strength or Jam Sensors if you want something less standard, but Tractor is a luxury here.

    RSP is the same way, maybe fun in PVP parties but on a Defiant's limited slots doesn't make the top 5 behind a Drake chain or maybe a hull heal, and a Defiant shouldn't be in that kind of sustained fight anyways. Rapid Fire and High Yield are fun for spiking and dogfighting (I have a Mat'ha set up that way and its hilarious) but most PVE stuff is clustered groups of mobs and AOE simply does more, trading 1/6 less damage for hitting multiple targets at once. Single-target is for fun and if thats what you wanna build for then more power to ya, but AOE wins for maxed effectiveness.

    On hardware, ablative armor....just no. You should have your defense too high, your shields too hardened, and your heals too cycling for energy to be a genuine threat. Kinetic, physical, kinetic, occasional exotic/radiation, and kinetic are what really kill you in PVE, and for that your only real choice is neutronium or evasion. Energy-specific armors are a waste of a console slot. And the Kobali set, its a good set for healing and I'll totally agree its worthwhile and good for absorbing punishment, but a well-flown cannon escort isn't really taking punishment in the first place. The whole point of escorts is to kill your target before they can hurt you, then you don't need major heals. And in that case, a more offense-oriented set like the similarly-free Solanae or the Counter-Command or Iconian Resistance rep sets would all fit better.

    I don't mean this as a personal attack or anything, and if you've made what you recommended work for you then cool, but if some truly-newbie player reads that list and does that stuff they're just making things harder for themselves. I firmly believe that people should build their own ships to their own styles, and I will help with whatever knowledge I have even when I disagree with their goal, but when someone is giving out incomplete data its helpful to everyone to speak up. We're all here just to pool our collective knowledge right?
  • hyperionx09hyperionx09 Member Posts: 1,709 Arc User
    I feel that a theoretical T6 Defiant might more likely copy the Pathfinder layout rather than the Andromeda layout, only because it's already effective with its Tac seating arrangement (whereas the older T5 Galaxy-classes were not, hence the BOFF seat overhaul).

    That would leave it with only an Lt Science/Hybrid but not be gimped in any way (it's going to be a straight DPS-centric build anyway for most players the way the Pathfinder was mostly made a straight Sci build). Sure, an LtC would be nice, but it's not necessary unlike on the Andromeda.
  • freakiumfreakium Member Posts: 439 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    If you're fighting the new Iconian ships, I would highly suggest bringing both an engineering team and a science team. I fly a BoP myself and have been caught quite a number of times in their disables quickly turning me into a fireball.

    And, as others have suggested, if you decide to equip a single Omni-phaser on the back of your ship, I would recommend having 1 beam overload slotted in your boff seat. Best case scenario, your canon phaser cannons will knock down the shields and your beam overload will hammer the hull.

    As for the T6 Defiant, it is most likely to be coming out within the next 2 monthes after this current battlecruiser line. If you can hold off until then, I highly suggest it as the current T5 Defiant boff seats aren't quite worth it with 3 tac boff seats.
  • mrsmitty81mrsmitty81 Member Posts: 102 Arc User
    The T6 Defiant is the ship I am waiting for I will buy it immediately upon release. So hurry Cryptic and take my money
  • johnnymo1johnnymo1 Member Posts: 697 Arc User
    I've gotten to the point where waiting for the T6 Defiant is like waiting for christmas. I have been flying fleet defiants with multiple characters. They are still one of the best ships in the game, and deal a ton of damage. Hazard emmitters and transfer shield strength are great science powers, emergency power to the shields and engineer team help keep the ship around a lot longer, although when I have an engineer captian flying the ship, I will sub it out for either emergency power to the weapons or engines, thanks to the miricle worker traits. The phaser omni beam, kenetic cutting beam from the omega reputation system and the maco shields from the omega rep as well work great. I use the quad cannons myself, tend to not use any of the armor consoles, instead I favor consoles like the bio neural jel pack, and others that tend to up power levels. Running your weapon and engine power levels at maximum will not only allow you to evaporate your enemies, but keep your defence so high that your survivabliity goes up. The aux setting will help with your hazard emmitters and shield heals, and the shields setting is pretty much, just that. A well built/flown defiant works just like it did on DS9, it never stops moving and keeps its enemies in front of it, blasting them into oblivian.
  • hydrafacehydraface Member Posts: 41 Arc User
    I like the suggestions in the last post. There is a time limit on how long I'll wait for the T-6! But I'll be patient for a little longer, baring in mind it may change the validity of the advice offered. I think I'll go with officer skills that boost survivability, and go with the types of consoles that boost killiness. I'll go with phasers, including the quad cannons, and chuck in some funky omni-beams like the cutting beam. Which set to go for? I may well go for the maco set...or that kobali award set that really boosts survivability if I find myself going kaboom too often! Tge cloak is also in 'cos... It's the Defiant for gosh sake!
    From there, I try a few different styles... anyone got tips for a torpedo build? It might just be fun to give that a whirl too for fun!
    Thanks for the advice all! Any more is still welcone, and I may chuck out further ideas for feedback. But first, we play the waiting game... For a while!
  • rattler2rattler2 Member, Star Trek Online Moderator Posts: 58,975 Community Moderator
    Perfect ingredients?
    1 Miles O'Brien
    1 Jadzia Dax
    1 Sisko
    1 Kira Nerys
    1 Worf
    Maybe an Ezri Dax...

    OH! You meant build... I got nothing.
    I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
    The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
    normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
    colored text = mod mode
  • kayajaykayajay Member Posts: 1,990 Arc User
    rattler2 wrote: »
    Perfect ingredients?
    1 Miles O'Brien
    1 Jadzia Dax
    1 Sisko
    1 Kira Nerys
    1 Worf
    Maybe an Ezri Dax...

    OH! You meant build... I got nothing.

    Oh, but how I bet Terry Farrell regrets leaving when their was only one season to go...and because "Becker" treated her so badly. I also won't comment on the trick DS9 missed by not having the new Dax be a man...
  • tinead51tinead51 Member Posts: 449 Arc User
    Deep pockets.
  • edited June 2015
    This content has been removed.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    It needs to have a hull plate with explodium. :D
    My character Tsin'xing
  • qjuniorqjunior Member Posts: 2,023 Arc User
    When did the Defiant ever bust any Borg ? The ship was turned into a burned-out wreck by that Cube in First Contact......

    Otherwise...be rich. ;)
  • warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    I don't think the Defiant was ever a Borg-Buster. The ONE time we see it in combat against the Borg, it was already in bad shape and getting ready to ram the cube because it no longer had the means to fight and survive.

    Then along came a Sovereign-class to save the day :D
  • rattler2rattler2 Member, Star Trek Online Moderator Posts: 58,975 Community Moderator
    I don't think the Defiant was ever a Borg-Buster. The ONE time we see it in combat against the Borg, it was already in bad shape and getting ready to ram the cube because it no longer had the means to fight and survive.

    Then along came a Sovereign-class to save the day :D

    Well... the Defiant was originally designed with fighting the Borg in mind. She just ended up being an overpowered little ship that was liable to rip her own nacelles off and was shelved until the threat of the Dominion came up.
    I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
    The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
    normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
    colored text = mod mode
  • farmallmfarmallm Member Posts: 4,630 Arc User
    Good access to Tac abilities. Quad cannons and mines a must! This is how I ran my Defiant on my Fed Tac. She would be lot higher in levels if it wasn't for so much time DR takes to level.

    USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
    Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
  • kayajaykayajay Member Posts: 1,990 Arc User
    The Defiant was supposed to be part of a battle fleet...can you imagine a battle with dozen of them against a cube :-)
  • sunfranckssunfrancks Member Posts: 3,925 Arc User
    rattler2 wrote: »
    Perfect ingredients?
    1 Miles O'Brien
    1 Jadzia Dax
    1 Sisko
    1 Kira Nerys
    1 Worf
    Maybe an Ezri Dax...

    OH! You meant build... I got nothing.

    Pah, how could you not include Nog?

    Not only did he pass orders throughout the ship, but he even piloted the ship later in the series! ;)
    Fed: Eng Lib Borg (Five) Tac Andorian (Shen) Sci Alien/Klingon (Maelrock) KDF:Tac Romulan KDF (Sasha) Tac Klingon (K'dopis)
    Founder, member and former leader to Pride Of The Federation Fleet.
    What I feel after I hear about every decision made since Andre "Mobile Games Generalisimo" Emerson arrived...

  • originalspockoriginalspock Member Posts: 809 Arc User
    Oh I had a defiant cake in mind. Boy am I embarrassed.
  • hydrafacehydraface Member Posts: 41 Arc User
    Fire flavouron torpedoes! Set faces to yum! Cool-TRIBBLE cake.
    Anyway,on the topic of waiting for a T-6 Defiant, does anyone know of, were I to aquire a current fleet Defiant, would I get a discount on a new, shiney T-6 if and when it comes out? Seems that'd be fair, anyone know if that'd be the case?
  • adamkafeiadamkafei Member Posts: 6,539 Arc User
    1 Sisko and as much plot as you can get.
    That is all.
  • johnnymo1johnnymo1 Member Posts: 697 Arc User
    well, take into account when seeing the defiant actually fighting the borg that nobody ever under Piccards command ever did well when in command of a ship, Worf got the defiant rocked, Beverly Crussher gets the pasture in trouble in the possible future, Riker.......crashed the ship into a planet.
    Key thing for a t6 defiant will come down to the abilities and weapon set ups. A 3 to 4 piece console/gear set would be nice, and the more I think about it I would love a 360 degree phaser array, so there would be a 2nd equip-able arc phaser. Combine that with the quads, some kind of rapid fire torpedo and a new overpowered warp core you could have a killer 4pc or more set. Take the bridge officer set up from the fleet, change the ensign tac to a universal, personally I'd love to see a slight increase in the engineer rank on the ship, but most importantly no reduction on the shields or any drains at all for the use of the quads.
  • hydrafacehydraface Member Posts: 41 Arc User
    Got it! I waited long enough, so I got myself that lovely vessel and I love it! Here are my observations:
    toughlittle ship? You have to use your manoeuvrability to survive, it can't stand there and take a beating. It's not a criticism! It's the flying style you have to adopt and that's actually pretty suitable for it. Still, a kobali set is, I think, in order to boost survivability.
    Phasers shmasers: I was pretty hooked on the idea of loading up with phasers but... They just ain't nearly as good as anti-proton cannons with decent upgrades. Not really a problem, those red bolts do look funky anyway.
    Set faces to fun: it's great fun to fly! A totally different deal from the scimitar I use with my rommie, or even the steamrunner I had used. Using a pure-escort Iis a great laugh, and you can easily bring those cannons to bear so yep, it's effective too!
    If you'd thought about getting a Defiant, I recommend it!
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    Did anyone mention explodium? It needs lots of that. :p
    My character Tsin'xing
  • alex284alex284 Member Posts: 366 Arc User
    xanthrael wrote: »
    Your weapon plan seems more than adequate; with the right tactical consoles, your Defiant should be more than a match for anything the Iconians throw its way. (Within reason, I mean.) I have more advice, though, if you're interested.

    Your science bridge officers will need to be able to use tractor beams in order to hold fast-moving enemy ships in place for withering cannon volleys. Your tactical bridge officers, of course, will need cannon abilities. Cannon: Rapid Fire is a must-have for me, and Cannon: Volley is useful for crowd control. Torpedo: High Yield will allow you to rapidly destroy enemies once their shields have been removed. If you want to go for an omni-directional phaser beam, be sure one of your tactical officers knows some beam abilities.

    However, since the Defiant is an escort, you will need to improve its survivability. For that, I recommend the Kobali Regenerative Circuitry set, which you can get by repeatedly playing "Dust to Dust". Get the best possible ablative hull armour consoles, and, if possible, upgrade your shields as much as you can. Your engineering bridge officer would do well to know Reverse Shield Polarity, and your tactical officer(s) should know Tactical Team, both of which provide valuable reinforcements to your shields.

    Uh, what? Did comment travel to today from 2012?

    Why both CSV and CRF? You're going to use one every 15 seconds because of the cds, so why do you want CSV/CRF/CSV/etc. every 15 seconds? CSV is better in PVE, but even without knowing that, don't you prefer one to the other? why not use 2 copies of what you like instead of alternating between them?

    I don't know how HY destroys enemies fast once the shields are down. Say you're facing like 20 enemies (an average mob in STO). You target one. pew pew its shields in 5 seconds. 1 second to activate your HY, 1 second to fire the torp, maybe 3 seconds for the torp to reach its target. Let's say it dies right when the torp hits. Now you have to do that 20 more times. If all goes well, you're going to take over 3 minutes to clear that mob. Oh, and your HY is on cd every other enemy. And, no, not saying no one should use torps. Just that this isn't the ideal way to use them.

    And tractor beams? You have 20 enemies. You tractor one and start firing it. Great! Now you have 19 left and your tractor beam is on CD.

    The kobali set is ok for a free set. Iconian is better but it costs some grinding. The OP can figure out what they want to do, but the amount of grinding required for a decent space set isn't prohibitive.

    Ablative consoles? I don't even know what to say. I thought everyone knew those were vendor trash. Even the folks I talk to who don't know much about builds go straight for neutronium.

    Also, how many tac boff slots will this ship have? You are recommending 8 abilities already (cannons, torps, beams, and tac teams) and haven't even mentioned attack patterns or klw.

    @OP: Phasers are fine. Don't listen to what people say about them - phasers have set their fair share of DPS records. Sure, their proc is useless, but they have the CC ordnance space set bonus, plus lots of fed ships come with consoles that benefit from buffing phasers (nadeon bomb, phaser lance).

    If you want cannons, run DHCs/quads up front with the most crtd mods you can find and a pen mod for good luck. Get the iconian space set and vulnerability locaters for your tac consoles. For boff abilities, use2 copies of CSV, either 2 copies of attack pattern beta or 2 APBs and 1 attack pattern omega (so they go off every 15 seconds, like your CSV), and 2 copies of tac team (or 1 copy with 2 boffs to reduce the cd on those tac teams). Get 1 emergency power to weapons, 1 emergency power to shields, and 2 or 3 of the damage control engineers to reduce the CD on those powers. Hazard emitters is a must, then fill up the rest of your boff slots with heals or fun stuff. Upgrade everything as much as you can.

    Ta da, you'll be able to do almost all the content in the game.
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