It's been here before and it's here again - a suggestion thread about spicing up the light cruiser. The logic is simple: Klingons have T1 B'rel, and then they have fleet B'rel. Romulans take it a few steps further, so they have T'varo, T'liss, Mirror T'varo, T'varo retrofit and fleet T'varo (that should take care about the possible counterpoint that T1 ship design cannot just be magically hyper-upgraded to fight toe-to-toe with endgame battlecruisers, because obviously it can).
Design-wise: As shown on the pictures of upside-down light cruisers below, the center-piece of the retrofit could be a Miranda/ShiKahr-style strut on the bottom of the ship (for refit or fleet variant, Centaur-style strut on the top of the ship), giving it a distinctive look with minimum model alterations (a definite must is a saucer that wouldn't clip into Miranda/ShiKahr pylons, and pylons that wouldn't clip into Miranda/ShiKahr saucers).

Gameplay-wise: Since the basic light cruiser is supposed to be a jack-of-all-trades kind of ship, suitable for trying out multiple styles, I'm thinking the retrofit could be based on evolving this idea a bit, maybe taking it in the direction of something like engineering-focused Aquarius, or it could feature a mix of pilotactical, scintelligence and commangineering boff seats.
TL;DR: Light Cruiser is a sexy little ship and I miss it in the endgame.
That being said, could we not have a T6 Light Cruiser, or T6 Cruiser with the Miranda or Constitution parts removed, respectively. The Shi'Kar and Vesper and the other Cruiser design are all meant to be 25th Century designs. I say why not?
USS Silverburn NX-150996-B
Fleet Tactical Escort Retrofit [T5-U]
Huh what? Finite? Since when? Last i checked i saw a lot of Excelsiors and Constellations flying around and Klingons even get a T5/fleet) K'Tinga and Somraw. The somraw is more than 100 years older than the Miranda/Connie.
So as long as these ships fly around any restrictions because of the timeline are nonsense. And CBS knows that ships likeExcelsior (T6 coming!?), miranda and Connie have a lot of fans who would buy T6 ingame versions. I really see no reason nhy they don't allow them as T6. Everyone can buy a Connie (original and Refit) and fly around with it , it is just useless in Battle. A T6 version (maybe with an extra JJ-Prise refit skin, that got here through some timetravel accident or whatever) would be perfect. But for now i'd be happy with a T6 Excelsior and Ambassador and a Successor to my Regent
I've made similar suggestions in the past, Though i took it a slightly different way and suggested the Light cruiser at T6 be Starfleets version of the BoP line, full universal boff stations, balanced console slots, high maneuverability and impulse mod and give it Raider Flanking/Mastery. It would be a departure from the stats of the T1 version and sure it would probably have a few of the die hard KDF plays hollering (I play KDF predominantly myself)
Could give it the ability to use the cloak console I suppose, or maybe have it come with a battle cloak console that can be used in the same ships as the standard cloak console, that would be sure to boost sales. (I only advocate cloaking for it on the basis that the Raider framework is pretty TRIBBLE without cloaking, If the BoP couldn't battlecloak there would be a lot less of them flying around.)
I'd really love a Heavy Cruiser at End-game, The Cheyenne, Dakota, and Stargazer Class are definitely modern hulls.
But my Two feds are using a Nebula and Manticore as their main rides in the time being.
(Mark Rademaker)
This one was included in the Ships-Of-The-Line 2012 Calendar as the U.S.S. Planck.
Cryptic would have to renegotiate to use this particular ship and from what I heard, Mark was very disgusted with the process he had to go through for the Aventine to be used in the game.
I doubt he wants to repeat the process.
I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
For all intents and purposes the Light Cruiser is a bit of an anachronism. Just about anything can fill its role and do it better.
So I guess I shall wait to see that day.
Geko says many things, I recall he once called the entire STO pvp community a bunch of '14 year old basement dwelling min-maxers' or something to that effect.
So yeah, I'm not holding my breath, I wouldn't if I were you either.
As for the main topic, personally, I would love to see an endgame version of the Miranda. Would make a good compliment to all of the 'mines bigger' that seems to be going around in the game in terms of ship design at the present time.
Oh I'm not. I want my T6 tac Vesta Class first.
But his logic for a T6 Miranda is that they were still active during the Dominion War... just like the Excelsior. So the Miranda Class has a better shot at becoming an in-game ship.