Hi guys. I love sales. It is a lot like big game hunting. It is a rush. When I sold insurance I was number one in my district. I even sold Aflac and as most people know; if you can sell Aflac you can sale anything to anyone. Hopefully that put a smile on your faces.
I have a few ideas that I know will sale. No, I am not looking for a job as I already have a great one. But I love playing STO to release the stress of the job.
You have to look at the untapped markets in the game because there is big money in players who feel ignored or left out. Here it is the Roumlan and Klingon players. You are leaving so much money on the table. I could get rich just off these players alone. When I look in the c-store I can hardly believe my eyes. If it was a physical store I would want it. Why? Because you are leaving so much money behind I could retire in two years off what I could do with it.
KDF: The d'k tahg (dagger). Every KDF player wants one. It is a sure money maker. Every Klingon in the series carried one. Every Klingon player want one. It should be carried in addition to any side arm and can be used in battle.
No T6 raiders? Seriously? That is throwing away money. The bulk of the Klingon fleet is and has always been the Bird of Prey. Yet there is no T6 BoP. Why? How did marketing miss this one?
Few costumes? Few ships. If they have nothing to buy then they buy nothing. It is far better to give customers too much to buy than nothing at all.
Romulans need more of pretty much everything.
D'Deridex should come in a tactical form. It was the main battle ship in the series. So why is their not a D'Deridex with 5 tactical consoles and a tactical commander seat? One of these ships was tough and built to fight against many enemy.
Every Faction: There is a lot you can do with the interior of ships
Exchange Console
Bank Console
Customizable interiors
The ability to keep moving while inside the ship
The ability to transport other players inside the ship
Multi-Faction star Base token. 2000 zen to make your Starbase and fleet multi-faction.
Everyone need more ships: However they love the classics. Most captains have a favorite ship that they will keep until their computer falls apart. If you sold T6 Upgrade tokens for the same price as a T6 ship people of all factions would buy them. Make every T5-U eligible. Set the price at say 2000 or 2500 zen and watch the money roll in. People will still buy the new shinny ships of course. But more people who would not buy a new ship would almost feel they owe their old ship an upgrade.
Don't believe me? Just log in and look at all of the T5-U ships. You will see more T5-U ships than T6. These players would happily spend 2000 or more zen to make their favorite ships a "real" T6. Or T7 when the time comes. Do not be afraid that these ship upgrade will hurt the T6 sales. In fact they will increase revenue many times over.
Making money is easy when you give the people what they want. People will buy a want before a need. Provide both want and need and you have a guaranteed sale. Players will always grumble. But treat players like customers. Grumble they may but buy they will, if you give them what they want.
Please do not get mad, get money. Give the players what they want at a price they can afford. I know game companies sometimes get the attitude that they do not want to listen to the players. I see that a lot. But from a guy who knows sales, that attitude may work but it will never make you as rich as you can be. Ask yourself, are my players here because they like the game or because it is he only Star Trek MMO? If it is because it is the only Star Trek MMO then you have a serious issue that need immediate attention. Players who like the game will spend more money on it.
Have a great day and remember to tap into your inner Ferengi. I do every time I walk out of that door.
One final thought: Exploration. Make most planets where players can land and roam around on them. Let the Risian floaters work to make transportation faster. You have an entire untapped market of players who are more into exploration than fighting. Put scientific and exploration missions on planets. have missions where a player passes a planet and receive a call. Let them beam down to investigate. Rescue mission, missions to find a cure to a deadly plague. There are thousands of things we could do on planets.
Good luck
Old Sales Guy