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Advanced PVE Queue Changes



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    peterconnorfirstpeterconnorfirst Member Posts: 6,225 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    warpangel wrote: »

    Making Advanced the new Normal is stupid. Now the wannabes are going to be gunning for Elites next.

    They already did and this has nothing to do with those fails. They will queue up for whatever they want to queue up. Nobody queues up for NTTA when you can for NTTE and the queue number reflect that already for moths.

    At least on that map one can watch their toons burn right form the start.
    Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
    felisean wrote: »
    teamwork to reach a goal is awesome and highly appreciated
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    shadowwraith77shadowwraith77 Member Posts: 6,395 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    But again, where's the challenge for someone like you? You just said you could do it in Mark XI gear no problem. If it becomes even easier, what difference would it make?

    Because I take it upon myself, to make it challenging, by means of limiting myself dps wise to a manageable level, not too easy and, not way to hard.
    So again, I ask of you, what difference would it make to someone like you if it was made even easier?

    You worry about the quality of pugs declining, but of what concern is that to someone who uses private channels or flies with fleetmates, which I assume you do considering your disdain for pugs?

    Are current pugs that much better? Has the majority (keyword here) of the playerbase really improved itself as a result of the the fail objectives? The decline in que population would say otherwise: instead of improving, most people either found other things to do or simply quite playing altogether.

    Once more, I simply can't wrap my head around the vehemence that some of you have toward the idea of removing the fail objectives from the Advanced ques. This is meant to be a boon for more casual players, and should in no way effect the more serious players, who either are already playing Elites (which will be unaffected) or should be grouping up in private channels (as they already do now) if they really want to avoid the "riff raff".

    Because the quality of pug groups won't simply improve, just because things are made easier, it simply makes them stay literally bad at improving and, invites all amounts of leeching back to the queues.
    mosul33 wrote: »
    Ohh how wonderful. These changes are great and its nice to see Cryptic keeping its word. Even if these changes wouldve helped much more soo long ago, right after the awful DR hit, and not make so much players quit the game, its allways better late then never.

    Aaa, but here is the thing. This has nothing to do with everything you said. Its all about elitism and exclusiveness. You see, some wannabe DPS deities are really not happy with this at all. They werent happy anyway since they couldnt bring too many ppl (aka the majority of the playerbase) under their crapy DPS channels. In fact this scares them a bit. Becouse alot of ppl that joined those channels to do runs were barely tolerating them. And I mean, lets be honest, who could put too much with that toxic atmosphere from there. The 10kers were/are actually used alot of times for the amusament of the higher DPsers as audiance for their E-peen waveing parsers or for mockery. And what happened lately with their "gate" made it even worst. Lots of ppl didnt even rejoin those channels or having serious second thoughts of staying anymore or going back to Public ones like PESTF. This will help them decide better and leave those awful DPS channels. I really expect much less runs done in those channels when these changes make it to holodeck.

    Anyway, Kudos again to Cryptic for these changes.

    There is no elitism for say, I am not even a part of any dps channels nor, do I even use private channels to play.

    But, when stubborn players who fail to actually be of any real help, continue to do so instead of actually increasing their potential, than they simply remain a burden and, imo need not even be there.

    They want the game handed to them, on a silver platter, instead of getting up and obtaining it themselves.

    Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!

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    sheldonlcoopersheldonlcooper Member Posts: 4,042 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    warpangel wrote: »
    If it were my game, I'd direct the casuals and the beginners toward Normal, which always was geared for them. Because the point of having multiple difficulty settings is for everyone to have an appropriate level, not for everything to be super-easy.

    Making Advanced the new Normal is stupid. Now the wannabes are going to be gunning for Elites next.

    I've explained maybe 20 times why this won't work. Even ignoring the advanced materials and elite marks (which problem is now solved by 100 mark trades) not enough people will be willing to play normal. Why?

    Joe average played ISE on October 10th. He ruled this elite content. Now on October 20th, he can't even do advanced?? wtf dood!? I was elite yesterday now I'm not even advanced (which is lower than elite) Now I'm normal - wail. :(

    Joe has no enterest in being "normal." After 4 years of elite being normal but called elite, Joe is not willing to be called a scrub by the game and pay money to suffer the insult.

    My question that I've also asked more than 20 times over the past 8 months is - why can't the elite superstars leave advanced alone. Advanced has been the battleground. Those, like myself, advocating for the casual player to keep player numbers high, have made the compromise already and said - do what you want with elite - make elite as hard as you want but let the average player do advanced. Yet there is no compromise back from the elite players. As I say many times 10% of the population is demanding 66% of the queues. That's not right. Leave advanced alone. Or is it just a desire to keep the value of materials high? If so, that battle is now over. Maybe we made a mistake in ceding elite if we get nothing back on the deal.
    Captain Jean-Luc Picard: "We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, it's all ancient history. Then - before you can blink an eye - suddenly it threatens to start all over again."

    "With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."

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    peterconnorfirstpeterconnorfirst Member Posts: 6,225 Arc User
    edited June 2015

    Joe has no enterest in being "normal." After 4 years of elite being normal but called elite, Joe is not willing to be called a scrub by the game and pay money to suffer the insult.

    Yea man but I really think cryptic got that now. However the time it took em to see was eight moths. Hope there hasn’t been any damage done to the game which cannot be undone anymore.
    Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
    felisean wrote: »
    teamwork to reach a goal is awesome and highly appreciated
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    paxdawnpaxdawn Member Posts: 767 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Because the quality of pug groups won't simply improve, just because things are made easier, it simply makes them stay literally bad at improving and, invites all amounts of leeching back to the queues.

    This would be the reality of the new advance queues.

    Changing the difficulty of queues wont change the quality of players going to the PuGs.

    Nor will it change the queuing habit of players. Since these players who have forced to change the Advance queues cannot force others players who are quality players to go to PuG advance due to the realities of time, events, private, public, fleets, or different wants of certain players.
    There is no elitism for say, I am not even a part of any dps channels nor, do I even use private channels to play.

    But, when stubborn players who fail to actually be of any real help, continue to do so instead of actually increasing their potential, than they simply remain a burden and, imo need not even be there.

    They want the game handed to them, on a silver platter, instead of getting up and obtaining it themselves.

    A player wanting to be spoonfed with success is more elitist than a player trying each possible way to improve self.

    Certain Players want to create stigma of one is being elitist who makes more effort but the one who barely makes the required effort not an elitist.

    It is an upside world for them.
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    ussprometheus79ussprometheus79 Member Posts: 727 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Wonder what happened to choice of marks...I got Iconian on Crystal the other day, now nothing. Unless that was a glitch...
    If you've come to the forums to complain about the AFK system, it's known to be bugged at the moment.
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    racerexiaracerexia Member Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    This entire thread reads like this:

    "The weak shall perish."

    Bunch of elite dogmatism TRIBBLE.

    Lets be honest, pve queues are designed to make the player feel inadequate so that they will waste either time grinding for zen or directly purchase it so they can get what their elite counterparts tell them to get because it will magically make them better.

    Its all a game, life is more important than a game. (OH NOES!, He brought real life into it. Whatever shall we do?)
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    tunebreakertunebreaker Member Posts: 1,222 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    racerexia wrote: »
    This entire thread reads like this:

    "The weak shall perish."

    Bunch of elite dogmatism TRIBBLE.

    Lets be honest, pve queues are designed to make the player feel inadequate so that they will waste either time grinding for zen or directly purchase it so they can get what their elite counterparts tell them to get because it will magically make them better.

    Its all a game, life is more important than a game. (OH NOES!, He brought real life into it. Whatever shall we do?)

    If you don't bother to learn how to be sufficiently good in the game, then Advanced (let alone Elite) isn't for you. It's named Advanced or Elite for purpose. You still have Normal which is doable with any gear and skill.
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    khenaliankhenalian Member Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    There are so many broad generalisations about players in this thread.

    Just because there are some people that don't want auto-fail conditions does not mean that those people want to be "spoon-fed victories" or "leech off of people who carry the team". This is going to encourage more people to play the queues, and the more they play the better they'll get. Auto-failure was a poor policy.

    Rewarding good play with additional rewards instead of penalizing a mistake with auto-failure and a 30 minute cooldown is a good change that will encourage more people to play, and encourage people to learn without mistakes causing failure for the entire team. Encouraging play is honestly what this game needs if you want it to continue to be viable.
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    xtern1tyxtern1ty Member Posts: 796 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    khenalian wrote: »
    There are so many broad generalisations about players in this thread.

    Just because there are some people that don't want auto-fail conditions does not mean that those people want to be "spoon-fed victories" or "leech off of people who carry the team". This is going to encourage more people to play the queues, and the more they play the better they'll get. Auto-failure was a poor policy.

    Rewarding good play with additional rewards instead of penalizing a mistake with auto-failure and a 30 minute cooldown is a good change that will encourage more people to play, and encourage people to learn without mistakes causing failure for the entire team. Encouraging play is honestly what this game needs if you want it to continue to be viable.

    With all the dynamics at play, reckon it's more difficult to implement than it sounds though. Good they keep an eye out and update to try and get the desired balance.
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    mmankeimmankei Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    The game does not provide players with adequate data to know how much they're contributing to the team or whether they're in fact the dead weight. That's where the dps elitism talk should start (and stop). Needing to use a third party program for this that the average player has no reason to know exists is completely unacceptable. The game should provide this data to all players in a format that's useful, not just the indecipherable mess of the combat log. Then the average player will have some basis to test their builds and figure out whether they're ahead of or behind the curve. Without it, there's just a vague sense of whether the mission is easier and the enemy ships are exploding faster. The constant berating of players who aren't using what's essentially a mod is not attractive. You've got a scientific calculator while they don't even have an abacus, just some colored rocks thrown in a pile in the combat log with a note reading "good luck sorting this out."
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    notorycznynotoryczny Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Hey, if done properly, this thing may get me into pugging again. Just saying.

    Turns out that after all this time Cryptic finally realised that their "nonoptionals" were a deal-killer for many, many players.
    May 2013, automatic permanent ban for mentioning gold-seller sites
    pwebranflakes: this system is currently in place and working the way it should.
    moradum: I got banned for saying "I started my day with cutting off 3 MM off of the bottom of my cabinet"
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    icebluzicebluz Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Can we get a random que for each difficulty that lets you select your mark rewards and R&D package.
    I would love more variety in my play instead of the most run ones . Which usually leave out many of the older rep ques.
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    daviesdaviesdaviesdavies Member Posts: 277 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Change this and change that

    Never like any changes in the queue.
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    paxdawnpaxdawn Member Posts: 767 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    khenalian wrote: »
    There are so many broad generalisations about players in this thread.

    Just because there are some people that don't want auto-fail conditions does not mean that those people want to be "spoon-fed victories" or "leech off of people who carry the team". This is going to encourage more people to play the queues, and the more they play the better they'll get. Auto-failure was a poor policy.

    Rewarding good play with additional rewards instead of penalizing a mistake with auto-failure and a 30 minute cooldown is a good change that will encourage more people to play, and encourage people to learn without mistakes causing failure for the entire team. Encouraging play is honestly what this game needs if you want it to continue to be viable.

    A player playing queue is different from completing a queue.

    The problem has always been the players remaining at PuGs, lack of competence to finish advance and purposely trolling the queue.

    If these failures are the problem, no player should be able to finish advance. But a lot of players have. Competency has always been the problem of PuGs coupled with indenial and blaming the game at fault rather blaming self.
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    stalagmitestalagmite Member Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    beameddown wrote: »
    1: players that only use to play normal will now play more advanced cues, this will make more advanced cues slower to complete with less marks for a payout on account of unprepared players THAT should be playing normal difficulty

    Simple fix would be to put some kind of barrier not allowing players who are not tough enough to do advanced queues up failing queues because of missed optionals was bad from the start. Optional: available to be chosen but not obligatory. in case you don't know what optional means.
    beameddown wrote: »
    2: this is going to raise the hate, mid match advanced stfs will have more players voicing their opinion on why bonus objectives are not being met- WE ALL KNOW THIS WILL HAPPEN, thats not good for the advanced ready players and not good for the normal ready players

    My experience with this kind of behavior has and always will be that most players will be rude or feel they are superior to someone else which will always cause friction and in this game where there is certain builds people will be opinionated but their opinion isn't fact. as i said in response to #1 if they put a barrier to disallow weaker players join advanced queues optionals will get completed more than they wouldn't.
    beameddown wrote: »
    3: ALL of us experienced players do pug games, some its once in awhile, OTHERS its daily, in either case this change will dissuade experienced players from doing pug advanced stfs PERIOD because the high probability that some noob player that USE TO DO normals and is still got a junk build will probably be to weak as a teammember to complete the bonuses THUS causeing the team to just get "normal" stf payout

    if experienced players cannot be bothered to even take the time to discuss tactics they should not be doing pug queues and should be playing with their friends or fleet so as to not get mad/angry for nothing. On a side note Cryptic needs to fix STF chat for that very reason i cannot believe this game was released in 2012 and we are still having chat problems when it is now 2015.
    beameddown wrote: »
    4: it was fine the way it was before, THERES nothing to fix LOL, players that consistently failed advanced cues would retreat back to normal cues and grind up their marks there, and with the ability to convert marks to needed upgrade items... one can do normal difficulty and get everything they ever could need- MIND you, that all of this "normal player vs advanced player" b.s. is really just solved by the "normal player" spending the little bit of time nessessary to build a better ship and learn how to fly, something that all of us know the advanced cues can easily be beaten with a mirror escort/solid build/know objectives SO this all just appears to us as cryptic lowering the bar for players that BASICALLY want to win a game they dont know how to play LOL

    In your opinion you think the old way was best but in mine i say it was worst. If the feedback wasn't so positive they wouldn't be going through with the change so I'm guessing the amount of people against it are not as much as the ones for it while also guessing some of us advanced players are also for it because we are tired of failing advanced queues for whatever reason. some players are even able to do optionals with maybe 1 or 2 players supporting them and not the entire team but to sum it up communication is key and people are willing to listen sure you'll get some trolls but I've already giving up to the fact that some parents don't teach their children to respect others or be polite and that social media plays a roll in these individuals behavior.
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    derspenglerderspengler Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Viewing the numbers in the queues has been rather depressing. Favorites of mine like Mine Trap and The Big Dig are never filling due to the large numbers needed. In addition to these positive changes, it would be nice to see a scaled down number of players needed for these queues.


    I got to play Big Dig for the first time ever a few days ago (never thought I'd see anyone put together the groups, but someone did) and it was great.

    Always loved Mine Trap as well, but haven't had a single queue pop since DR.

    My suggestion is make it where only a single sector spawns, trying to spread five people over the town would be problematic even with mobs turned way down.

    The only other alternative would be give these rewards equal to the effort. If you need 20 people to complete a long, drawn out STF, it needs to offer incentives to get the ISA/E immediate gratification crowd interested.
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    stalagmitestalagmite Member Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    I don't think they are going to get worse i found it annoying for example to queue borg conduit and have it fail 2 mins in because no one could CC or kill the borgs before they healed the objective. with the upcoming change to it you will still get normal rewards and on the chance you get a good team you get bonus that is whats intended and it makes sense elite should stay as it is because it is the top of the top and they said that it will be unchanged.

    When i do STF's i run the chance of being 1 out of 5/10/20 of the ships powerful enough to proceed or sometimes i get put in with a strong group it is so random but that's what its about you are randomly queuing with people you don't know so you don't know if they are capable or not or if they understand or not to and to that i say if it bothers you so much continue to use the channels to form STFs. There is some validity to what you say people might become more lazy on optionals but optionals don't have to be completed its the whole point of being optional.

    This game is supposed to be fun for all. It is not a job and people forget that and push their feelings on to others and use phrases like noobs are going to ruin everything. Noob is actually a way of insulting someone who should know how to play but plays like they don't know anything. New players shouldn't be treated so harshly but again this is the way of things it has been like this in any MMORPG game with any kind of min-maxing statistics. Play for fun and enjoy playing with friends and when you cant anymore take a break it always works ^_^.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    xlesha911 wrote: »
    Dilithium reward for new Advanced must be changed as well.

    No optionals done = Normal Dilithium reward

    All optionals done = Advanced Dilithium reward

    Some optionals done = Normal Dilithium reward + some more.

    Yeah, so tired of players refusing to do the optional objectives because they don't need to be challenged by them to get the Dilithium and Crafting rewards.

    Without addressing that issue, this will just make this problem even worse. It was already happening in Azure. Once this goes to all the queues it will become much worse.
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    stalagmitestalagmite Member Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    huskerklg wrote: »
    Yeah, so tired of players refusing to do the optional objectives because they don't need to be challenged by them to get the Dilithium and Crafting rewards.

    Without addressing that issue, this will just make this problem even worse. It was already happening in Azure. Once this goes to all the queues it will become much worse.

    azure nebula is a poor example because if the games RNG decides to not let you complete it there is nothing you can do even if you have a sufficient team. a better example would be borg disconnected or undine assault.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    beameddown wrote: »
    its too bad there are so many folks out there that waste more time crying:(

    There is plenty of room for both play styles, as long as the reward system is fix I could care less if the Advanced queues are made easier if people don't do everything. It doesn't affect people who were already doing the advanced and elite queues. Quit crying over something that has nothing to do with you.

    I just don't want to be forced to deal with those refusing to do the optional parts just to get the final queue completion rewards and nothing else. Dilithium and crafting rewards should be proportional to what optionals you do.

    Otherwise you'll just have essentially trolls coming in and failing optional parts on purpose because they don't want to try.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    stalagmite wrote: »
    I don't think they are going to get worse i found it annoying for example to queue borg conduit and have it fail 2 mins in because no one could CC or kill the borgs

    Just wait until you want to do the optional parts and you have people that refuse to do so on your team. Which will get worse because they have every reason to do so to get the Advanced mission completion rewards that aren't affected by the optional parts.
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    stalagmitestalagmite Member Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    xlesha911 wrote: »
    Dilithium reward for new Advanced must be changed as well.

    No optionals done = Normal Dilithium reward

    All optionals done = Advanced Dilithium reward

    Some optionals done = Normal Dilithium reward + some more.

    we don't need dilithium reward increases on anything i mean its practically easier to get than EC. but that is just my opinion.
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    stalagmitestalagmite Member Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    huskerklg wrote: »
    Just wait until you want to do the optional parts and you have people that refuse to do so on your team. Which will get worse because they have every reason to do so to get the Advanced mission completion rewards that aren't affected by the optional parts.

    you are forgetting that it is optional no one has to do them if i want to do STF where i could complete optionals i will look to my fleet or use the proper chat channels. I always try to help achieve the optional if possible but with the upcoming change there will be no need to try and force people to do it and if you feel that pugging STF might waste your time i urge you to consider looking to your fleet or chat channels to find like minded people.

    again Optional: available to be chosen but not obligatory.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    stalagmite wrote: »
    if i want to do STF where i could complete optionals i will look to my fleet or use the proper chat channels.

    As will I, but that isn't always effective.
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    khamseenairkhamseenair Member Posts: 2,640 Bug Hunter
    edited June 2015
    stalagmite wrote: »
    we don't need dilithium reward increases on anything i mean its practically easier to get than EC. but that is just my opinion.

    You've misunderstood what he's saying. He's saying that if players fail the optionals in the advanced queues, they should not get the standard advanced queue dilithium reward. Not that is should be increased, simply that you only get the full amount if you manage the optionals.

    Personally, I think it should be left as it is. Whether you get the optionals or not, you're still fighting harder enemies and it still takes longer, no need to change it.
    Join date is wrong, I've actually been around since STO Beta.
    True alters don't have a "main". Account wide unlocks for all unique event rewards!!
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    stalagmitestalagmite Member Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Personally, I think it should be left as it is. Whether you get the optionals or not, you're still fighting harder enemies and it still takes longer, no need to change it.

    i agree with this statement.
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    paxdawnpaxdawn Member Posts: 767 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    huskerklg wrote: »
    There is plenty of room for both play styles, as long as the reward system is fix I could care less if the Advanced queues are made easier if people don't do everything. It doesn't affect people who were already doing the advanced and elite queues. Quit crying over something that has nothing to do with you.

    I just don't want to be forced to deal with those refusing to do the optional parts just to get the final queue completion rewards and nothing else. Dilithium and crafting rewards should be proportional to what optionals you do.

    Otherwise you'll just have essentially trolls coming in and failing optional parts on purpose because they don't want to try.

    Actually, the rewards have changed. What devs did has unattracted the quality players which would leave more dead weights in PuGs.

    The problem has always been the player and diversity. For example now, petterconnorfist ground borg. No one will do it at PuG. In private ground channels, these ground borgs have a very specific time that you can actually fill rather the the time you want.

    Players will do what they want which is not the specific STF you want at the specific time you want which has always been the complaint of the propaganda of "dead queues". They are tying dead queues with difficulty which is not exactly true.

    Look at the public queuing population now, hasnt changed even all with its nerfing down. Although I am sure there would be complaints about the events, but there will always be events or new stuff in STO which diverts population the other stuff rather than the STF one player specifically wants. Population of queues in advance isnt tied to difficulty of advance.
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