Once the Iconian story has come full circle, and once we've finished up with whatever it is we're doing in the Delta Quadrant, would it be possible to focus a little more on the homefront for a season or two? I'm not necessarily after waves and waves of new content (though I understand that new content is needed to keep the game alive) but I also feel that there are areas that could use a touch up.
Examples being;
- A revamp of Starfleet Academy, Klingon Academy and the First City.
- Reworking the character/officer tailor; working those builds and face morphs, adding more hairstyles (KDF especially), maybe even get the Caitian/Ferasan redesigned to better fit how they're often requested.
- Starship Tailor, specifically the ability to use owned skin sets without having a specific item equipped (if we have a Dyson Shield Array, but want to use a Nukara Shield Array, could we not have the option to equip one, whilst having it look like we've got the other one on?)
- Tidying up old and existing ships; the Galaxy was revamped not too long ago, but the Galaxy Dreadnought was not. Furthermore, multiple axis on various ships could do with a tweak (Ambassador Class - I'm looking at you).
- Might be a WIP already, but female Nausicaans? Female Gorn?
I'm sure this list is endless, but I can't presently think of an endless list of things to type, so I'll let everyone else do that. This is not to be confused with a request of re balancing the game, that's out of my depth to be quite honest. I get by with what I have, and what I choose to do within.
Come to think of it people have been saying that about every season.
But I'm sure "this" time they're right. :rolleyes:
Nothing more to see here folks, STO is ending...
As for female Gorn... they're reptilian. It would be harder to tell the difference between a male and female Gorn because they don't share the same... gender related dimorphism that mammalian species do between male and female. Saurians can be handwaved, but Gorn really can't. The body structure is completely different. At best... female Gorn might be a different color and maybe bigger than males. Otehr than that... they'd probably look the same.
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That's what I'd put my money on. Not saying that the old social zones couldn't use a touch up though. I wouldn't mind a First City, Klingon Academy and Starfleet Academy revamp, add in New Romulus as well as we really haven't gotten past the staging area for a city that's supposedly under construction (but somehow the Republic can afford to build Scimitars and new D'Deridexes so maybe that's why the city hasn't been built yet. Bloated defence budget).
It is in serious need of his attention.
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I hope not,
We don't need a Dominion War re-enactment.
I hope the Gamma Expansion will bring some Unknowns and Exploration into the game.
For a brief moment, I thought to myself, those would almost have to be holodeck missions or Time travel, as they happened a loooooooong time before the current timeline.
Still, Good memories, esp. with Klingon academy. such great voice over and live video in a time that has been forgotten. Now if I can only find my old copy of Borg, I'll be a happy man.
Hmm. Maybe time to play some Tex Murphey also.
oh for the love of...
go shout doom somewhere else.
it would be nice if just for once the trolls would actually have something positive to say >.>
I for one believe the game will keep going past S10. the universe does not consist of just 3 quadrants of 1 small (litterally) galaxy.
I was being Sarcastic.
I don't think STO is ending, I was poking fun at the 15 threads on "What happens after season 10?"
Same here!
Especially if they had skin coloring like in ENT...
Norway and Yeager dammit... I still want my Typhoon and Jupiter though.
JJ Trek The Kelvin Timeline is just Trek and it's fully canon... get over it. But I still prefer TAR.
'...I can tell you that we're not in the military and that we intend no harm to the whales.' Kirk: The Voyage Home
'Starfleet is not a military organisation. Its purpose is exploration.' Picard: Peak Performance
'This is clearly a military operation. Is that what we are now? Because I thought we were explorers!' Scotty: Into Darkness
'...The Federation. Starfleet. We're not a military agency.' Scotty: Beyond
'I'm not a soldier anymore. I'm an engineer.' Miles O'Brien: Empok Nor
'...Starfleet could use you... It's a peacekeeping and humanitarian armada...' Admiral Pike: Star Trek
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
But we won't get that. We'll get Dominion War part 2 which lasts for six months and then we'll move on to some other bad guy for season 12. Seriously, is there anyone in this setting the Federation and klingons AREN'T at war with?
Same. Dominion War II doesn't interest me a whole lot, and kind of undercuts the sacrifices made in DS9.
Now a situation where the Dominion and the allied powers are in something of a cold war, or nervously eyeing each other while the Dominion tentatively allows sort of an "exchange program" with allied ships in their territories could be interesting and show that Odo is a good influence on the Founders. Getting them to start reducing their paranoia.
Besides each other now? :P
Lets see... Hortas, Benthans...
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Call me delusional but I still hope they will reintroduce Exploration.
You're delusional.
Lol, just kidding. :P
Seriously, I hope they reintroduce exploration too, I miss the old star clusters.
I remember the uproar that their removal caused, but honestly I feel that Exploration was never in the game to begin with.
The Clusters were nothing more than entering a system doing a mini mission for the "Generic" alien race and then warp out and never see or contact them again, if you ask me that isn't exploration.
Talking about a revamp on SFA... Hah see I'm not the only one with the same point of view.... Hah!
Aye, they did wear thin after a while, but they did provide a distraction from the 'save the galaxy', or 'wage war with X' missions for a while.
1) I agree the Academies need more significance...perhaps we can send our BOffs there for DOff-like missions?
2) I agree.
3) I kind of like the way things are...you have to equip a certain set to get it's visuals.
4) I guess...
5) Yup...need moar wimmenz!!
RIP KDF and PvP 2014-07-17 Season 9.5 - Death by Dev
The first war was due to their fear of us. Thanks to the Federation (and allies) and no doubt a high thanks to Odo, the Founders now know that they don't need to fear us. There's nothing out there that would make them need to reenact a war with us anymore. If the Dominion are going to war with anybody, it'll be the Iconian.
There is no logical sense, no purpose, no reason, no justification, no anything for round #2 with the Dominion. In the seriously unlikely event that there is, we'd quite possibly win easier. Firstly the Dominion would be lacking the (former) power and resources of the Cardassian Union, and we're seemingly far more technologically advanced than we were the first time. We're flying in and around Dyson spheres and are capable of taking the fight to the Voth, Borg, Undine and whoever else crosses our path. The Dominion would be a walk in the park. Hell, we could even fight them with a fleet of their own ships.
A 2nd Dominion assault isn't going to happen. Stop fretting over it.
The request of ship visuals is no different to character visuals. You can wear any armour (visually) without it actually being equipped. I would like the same setup for our ship skins as we already have with our character skins.
Sometimes I miss the old exploration clusters because of gems like that.
I'm just saying I'm not going to hold it against Cryptic for removing them as they were pretty sub standard.
In time they might take a break from the NPC genocide and follow some more "Peaceful" story, I was rather fond of the Idea of aiding the Romulan Republic on New Romulus and doing the missions, they were much more Diplomatic and they reward Romulan Technology through the Reputation system, Perhaps something similar could happen with the Krenim as they were most likely attacked by the Vaadwaur and the rewards of Krenim technology would be...
Improbable but, hey I like temporal weapons.
I do want more stuff relating to the main space of the factions (Alpha/Beta quadrant border), and we haven't explored much of either of those quadrants yet right? The galaxy is a big place, and we haven't been there yet iirc.
If there is one thing I've learned in STO, it's that Cryptic does not care too much about any details in Star Trek that can be changed without compromising things too much. It's like VOY changing the age of the Borg or like ENT changing first contact with Klingons and Ferengi. I can see them making us fight the Dominion and just saying some bs excuse that contradicts something already established.
-Edmund Blackadder-
I still haven't seen any details on "quality" exploration content. My suspicion is that non-combat content would be sufficient. Not minigames or similar, but missions which are heavy on story/setting and (extremely) light on combat.
The Iconians can't time travel, so logically, this is the weakness we will use to wipe em out. They had the Vaadwaur attack the Krenim Imperium. Voyager went on a secret mission into Krenim space. The map on which sector space is based shows the Krenim having borders with the Dominion.
So conclusion: Krenim-Dominion conflict, in which we will be going around like: hey, stop shooting, I AM THE ONE WHO BFAW'S, NOT YOU!
Join the Deltas today!
In defense of Enterprise and the Ferengi encounter... I don't think that was counted as official First Contact as that wasn't with a representative of the Ferengi Government. It was a couple marauders trying to make off with loot from Enterprise and got outsmarted by Archer playing on their greed. Hell... those marauders thought Porthos was smarter than the humans because of the size of his ears!
Also I have no idea when First Contact with the Klingons is "Supposed to be" but I think the pilot of Enterprise did a pretty good job.
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In one of the priority one podcasts gecko said the war will end in season 10 and that season 11s plot will be revealed in the ending.
Good guesses on the krenim, remember in the forum poll for enemies from voyager the krenim won and we haven't seen em yet.
Also the hints about "the other".
I predict the krenim betray the alliance and manipulate time not only to smush the iconians, but also to try and conquer the galaxy themselves.