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Odd Kemocite Entry In Combat Log...

virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
edited May 2015 in PC Gameplay Bug Reports
15:05:26:22:34:21.3::Meena,P[6727666@4209758 Meena@virusdancer],,*,Heavy Plasma Torpedo,C[6875 Plasma_Torpedo_Highyield_R2_Borg],Dual Heavy Resonant Disruptor Cannons - Scatter Volley III,Pn.O4k7ox1,,Miss,0,0
15:05:26:22:34:21.3::Somebody,P[5127305@9185170 Somebody@Somebody],,*,Heavy Plasma Torpedo,C[6875 Plasma_Torpedo_Highyield_R2_Borg],Disruptor Beam Array - Fire at Will III,Pn.F9hnmk1,Disruptor,Kill,2563.81,1680.78

15:05:26:22:34:21.3::Meena,P[6727666@4209758 Meena@virusdancer],Heavy Plasma Torpedo,C[6875 Plasma_Torpedo_Highyield_R2_Borg],Cube,C[6862 Space_Borg_Battleship_Raidisode],Kemocite Explosion,Pn.Y6j1qj,Radiation,,225.654,870.642

So Meena misses the HY Plasma Torp. Another player hits it with FAW. The torp's destruction results in my doing Kemocite damage to a Cube. Heh, lolwut? How did I take ownership of a Borg torp and why would somebody else blowing it up trigger that Kemocite? Trippy, yeah?
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