Long time no see in this subforum
Would be nice to have some kind of Q&A on how things are even going. Like a PvP suggestion thread?
He used to be the cool guy, and the only one, who cared about reading in here. I remember reading that the hitpoint buff thing was not implemented because many did not agree. What if we formulate something on which we all agree? Would that even be taken in consideration?
I need to get to him. I can't just leave him out there alone. - Sometimes you've got to makes sacrifices, Lara. You can't save everyone. - I know about sacrifices. - No, you know about loss. Sacrifice is a choice you make. Loss is a choice made for you. - I can't choose to let him die, Roth.
His last post here was the now-famous echo chamber statement. So... the answer should be quite clear.
Was it? Oh god. Guess what, I just rambled against a team of 3 eclipses running surgical with AP beams, abusing embassy plasma consoles and spawncamping the heck out of my team.
I guess it's time I resign from Starfleet, in other words... you got it.
Quite sad though.
I need to get to him. I can't just leave him out there alone. - Sometimes you've got to makes sacrifices, Lara. You can't save everyone. - I know about sacrifices. - No, you know about loss. Sacrifice is a choice you make. Loss is a choice made for you. - I can't choose to let him die, Roth.
1) The personal attacks against Geko, the hostility and pointless animosity, are not winning you guys any favors.
2) This idea was actually mine, which I pitched to Geko several months ago.
3) It was not intended as a 'solution' to anything, but merely as an experiment - to see what effect, positive or negative, it would have on the overall atmosphere of PvP matches.
4) We haven't made the change yet because we wanted ample time to test it, either on Tribble or in a special Test Queue. We are not interested in making an experimental change become a sweeping part of the game as a whole, without having a solid understanding of the effects it has.
I'm glad the subject was raised here, but deeply disheartened by the reaction you've all had to it. Maybe try to work WITH us a little when we attempt to do anything with PvP, instead of instantly jumping on the hate-wagon? It might make us more inclined to continue examining the issue, if the community of players involved seemed appreciative of those efforts.
Suffice it to say, what's the point in us providing any feedback whatsoever, when the result has previously been ignored?
As much as I'd prefer to see neither, silence would be preferable to personal attacks and flaming.
I admit there are communication failures on our end. But making this sub-community a volatile place to be doesn't encourage Dev attention or even sympathy among fellow players.
Posting these types of threads into the echo chamber that is this isolated PvP community is likely to do nothing but stir up additional ire among the small number of players that come here. They just go around in predictable little circles:
Player1: "Look at this Thing."
Player2: "That Thing is OP."
Player3: "Who cares? PvP is dead."
Player4-100+: "You are right, it's obvious because that Thing is OP."
These threads don't serve this portion of the community. All they do is reinforce negativity, and paint this sub-community in a negative light overall.
It will help all of us - Devs, and you PvPers - if you report the issues you see in a place they're more likely to be reviewed and acted upon, and try to avoid dwelling on the same circular arguments, over and over again.
* * * * *
Can look at how this thread's going already...yeah?
When did Bort frequent the PvP subforums checking on feedback? When there were adults instead of children discussing things...go back and look at the Naz threads, eh? Look at how the discussions were, eh?
Folks were able to ***** and moan about **** for years...and there was still dev interaction in the forums; cause the folks pointing out how ****ing stupid some of the ****ing **** was were still able to provide constructive negative feedback...it wasn't the spoiled TRIBBLE **** one has seen for months on end now since so many folks have left.
Then there's also the sheer dumbassery taking place of folks trolling random threads and just spreading the cesspool to the masses. We used to rip into PvE players that did that bull**** here in the PvP forums, but now there are PvPers doing that same stupid ****?
Maybe show there's somebody capable and worth a damn to have a discussion in these forums and there might just be some discussion going on. Continue running around like spoiled little ****ing toddlers in soiled diapers with ice cream dripping from pudgy chin to pudgy belly wanting a cookie now...and yeah, it's not likely to happen is it?
there's nothing to talk about unless bort first comes here and says ok, for real, we are going to fix pvp, please assist me with constructive feedback.
until then pvp is a corpus 6 feet under, let it lie
After virus's idiot reply I no longer even care about this thread. The acid and sheer stupidity I read was dumb enough to leave me speechless, so I'm going to use DDIS's words.
well that was the longest, most moronic, autistic, childish meltdown i ever read, about something not even real, and i thought i took this too seriously.
I need to get to him. I can't just leave him out there alone. - Sometimes you've got to makes sacrifices, Lara. You can't save everyone. - I know about sacrifices. - No, you know about loss. Sacrifice is a choice you make. Loss is a choice made for you. - I can't choose to let him die, Roth.
Can look at how this thread's going already...yeah?
When did Bort frequent the PvP subforums checking on feedback? When there were adults instead of children discussing things...go back and look at the Naz threads, eh? Look at how the discussions were, eh?
Folks were able to ***** and moan about **** for years...and there was still dev interaction in the forums; cause the folks pointing out how ****ing stupid some of the ****ing **** was were still able to provide constructive negative feedback...it wasn't the spoiled TRIBBLE **** one has seen for months on end now since so many folks have left.
Then there's also the sheer dumbassery taking place of folks trolling random threads and just spreading the cesspool to the masses. We used to rip into PvE players that did that bull**** here in the PvP forums, but now there are PvPers doing that same stupid ****?
Maybe show there's somebody capable and worth a damn to have a discussion in these forums and there might just be some discussion going on. Continue running around like spoiled little ****ing toddlers in soiled diapers with ice cream dripping from pudgy chin to pudgy belly wanting a cookie now...and yeah, it's not likely to happen is it?
Maybe grow the **** up...and it would be a start.
I struggled to read this amongst the profanity. If you are trying to make a point about acting respectfully, then make a respectfully worded post and don't become the thing you're attacking. There is disrespect on both sides of the table; some memebrs of our little subforum are dicks to Bort, but some aren't. Some of us try to have reasonable discussion, but it doesn't help when we are opposed by the dev team. Bort doesn't get a free pass because some people - people who do not represent the whole - spit bile at him.
I actually checked to make sure it was you and not etherealplanes. I expected better from you, virus.
I get that's it frustrating. Seriously, I definitely get that. Thing after thing added...like wtf? Are they smoking crack? Is CaptainWreko at it again? Hell, I've made some of those posts myself...wondering if they don't just outsource TRIBBLE and rubberstamp it without checking cause it looks that bad at times with things. But know what comes of posts like that? Er, outside of pesky PMs from mods/CMs/etc. Know what comes of that? Not a damn thing. Well, things actually just get worse, yeah?
On the other hand, go through - bite the tongue a bit - offer some constructive feedback, even if it's negative - even if it's bursting at the seams to break out with an army of /facepalms - but that it's still constructive. It opens up a dialogue. Might not go the way I want, Hell, usually doesn't. But sometimes it does. And that's a whole Hell of a lot better than getting nada...a whole Hell of a lot better than even starting to think they're doing **** out of spite and retaliation.
Cause if we look at some of the threads...then compare them to some other threads...how those threads start out and what comes of it stands out like a sore thumb.
"Bort, here are some concerns I've seen folks raise about things."
"Bort, you guys are a bunch of ****ing idiots doing these things."
Which one do you think Bort's going to look at? And after how many of the latter might he not even bother looking at the former?
Do you actually want to have a dialogue with Cryptic where maybe this or that might get done? No, you're not going to get everything you want - cause Hell, not everybody wants everything you want. The PvP community is as divided as the PvE community...different folks, different strokes...so you might not get something you want cause somebody else got something they want. Hell, the majority of time I spend on the forums these days is more about arguing with certain PvE folks about what they want vs. what I want...
I want some harder PvE options - I want PvE to be more like PvP - I want to set up that flow there, so it might feed more folks into PvP so the PvP community can grow again. By having PvE more like PvP, then more thought will be given to things that are done - meaning that fewer things will be the /ffsfacepalm that they end up being for PvP.
It basically comes down to...
1) Do you want there to be the slightest chance of things getting better?
2) Have you given up so that it doesn't matter?
3) Do you just want to swing your **** around like some punk kid?
A whole bunch of #2 have just walked away from the game...previously being #1s. A few remaining #1s are heading toward #2. But it's hard to see anything but a few #3s running around which makes it rougher for the #1s.
There are enough of the old Naz threads out there for a format that worked in getting dev attention to look at things - even if it was just an explanation of why certain things were the way they were, and sometimes that understanding eased the complaints. There was also a bunch of counter discussion that took place in those threads, where folks helped each other out with ways to try to deal with stuff.
It was a different community. It had a different interaction with the devs.
Was it all balloons, kittens, and ice cream? Hell no it wasn't. But it wasn't the steaming pile that it's become.
Except for some of his wording, I'm going with virus on this. Sure cryptic started all this by neglecting PvP (I'm not giving them a pass on it), but when cryptic shows the slightest interest in PvP, some people just spew hate and toxic TRIBBLE until either the dev gives up or the thread gets closed.
I struggled to read this amongst the profanity. If you are trying to make a point about acting respectfully, then make a respectfully worded post and don't become the thing you're attacking. There is disrespect on both sides of the table; some memebrs of our little subforum are dicks to Bort, but some aren't. Some of us try to have reasonable discussion, but it doesn't help when we are opposed by the dev team. Bort doesn't get a free pass because some people - people who do not represent the whole - spit bile at him.
I actually checked to make sure it was you and not etherealplanes. I expected better from you, virus.
You're right, but then you also need to stand against the people that spit bile.
What I can't figure out is why you keep trying. What do they say about repeating like behaviors and expecting different results? The PvP in this game is dead. It's a joke. There might be people who still do it. What does it matter? The match is over as soon as both people are finished building their ships to tweek their RNG percentages.
What we need is a mod (a reputable member of the PvP community) who's given free reign to delete any toxic posts in this subforum. Ideally, Bort should be able to look over the bad posts and find the good, but apparently if a thread gets negative Bort stops reading it altogether. So instead we'd have a mod to clean it up and keep it civil.
Funny enough, Smirk offered me a mod position lile that months ago, but it never went anywhere.
It's number three. They want to swing their epee around like some punk. They don't care about pvp getting better so all they want to do is feel vindicated whenever a dev tries to address any issue and they hate them out with their toxicity- so they can go "See, they hate us, it totally wasn't that a dozen people started spamming them with insults, it was that they're trying to destroy pvp!"
What we need is a mod (a reputable member of the PvP community) who's given free reign to delete any toxic posts in this subforum. Ideally, Bort should be able to look over the bad posts and find the good, but apparently if a thread gets negative Bort stops reading it altogether. So instead we'd have a mod to clean it up and keep it civil.
Funny enough, Smirk offered me a mod position lile that months ago, but it never went anywhere.
I totally agree. Sucks about the smirk thing. I don't want to talk bad about him but that seems about right. Trendy is a lot better. Maybe you can throw that idea in her direction. She seems to be a lot more receptive to the community.
What is the point of having a community member mod the PvP section when the section is dead.
I mean drama from the last day or so aside... lets get real. There hasn't been a real topic posted in this section in months. Every week there is a total of 10-20 posts (mostly junk) from 5-10 people. Perhaps double that refresh the section a few times a week looking for signs of drama and or life.
Would have been cool 2 years ago heck even a year ago. Now until the developers do something IN GAME, the forum section is what it is. And if you have not been paying attention, what it is, is a perfect reflection of PvP in STO.
Someone should make a thread in General Discussion named "Remove General Discussion subforum". I thought I had seen the worst of the worst, until a perfect idiot wrote a book of a post full of personal attacks to me and disconnected sentences that were failing to explain madness. Gotta say I smiled though.
I need to get to him. I can't just leave him out there alone. - Sometimes you've got to makes sacrifices, Lara. You can't save everyone. - I know about sacrifices. - No, you know about loss. Sacrifice is a choice you make. Loss is a choice made for you. - I can't choose to let him die, Roth.
What is the point of having a community member mod the PvP section when the section is dead.
I mean drama from the last day or so aside... lets get real. There hasn't been a real topic posted in this section in months. Every week there is a total of 10-20 posts (mostly junk) from 5-10 people. Perhaps double that refresh the section a few times a week looking for signs of drama and or life.
Would have been cool 2 years ago heck even a year ago. Now until the developers do something IN GAME, the forum section is what it is. And if you have not been paying attention, what it is, is a perfect reflection of PvP in STO.
Well the suggestion was obviously aimed at months ago, anyway.
Well the suggestion was obviously aimed at months ago, anyway.
Fair enough... at one time it may have helped. In the end though the same issues in game that spill over into more then heated debate here still would have. I would have started a betting pool on how long it would have taken for the PvP community to turn on who ever was silly enough to take on that responsibility. Just remember back to the clashes the community had over OPvP moderation.
Fair enough... at one time it may have helped. In the end though the same issues in game that spill over into more then heated debate here still would have. I would have started a betting pool on how long it would have taken for the PvP community to turn on who ever was silly enough to take on that responsibility. Just remember back to the clashes the community had over OPvP moderation.
I understand why they close some of the threads.
I'm still at a loss why they kept moving Damian's threads.
How can we foster a community if we can't have a community?
I'm still at a loss why they kept moving Damian's threads.
How can we foster a community if we can't have a community?
Well that is an example of having random people with "forum Moderation" experience doing your job for you. They read the rules and follow them to the letter, hard to blame them for that either. Most of the Captains threads where not in the strictest sense on topic. So I do understand why such moderators would see his threads as being off topic and move them to the "nothing to do with trek or the game" sections.
In those cases yes a community member doing the moderation would have realized his intentions and understood where he was coming form and how the majority of the community would read them.
In any event its obviously to late for any changes. The only changes any of us are or should be interested in any more are in game. Until a full on revamp happens there is little reason to log into STO. Wiping up the same groups of stale NPCs is soul crushing... I would rather be playing bejewelled or kingdom rush or something. lol
Five BoPs trying to hit up HSE, yeah? Then 30 minutes of BoP (no cloak) dogfighting in N'Vak, yeah? Maybe as more folks join up - hitting up some private arenas for some BoP (no cloak) dogfighting while waiting on those HSE cooldowns. Etc, etc, etc...
No Intel, no Command, no Pilot stuff (yet)...cause it's just BoPs!
He he, VD yells at people from time to time. It's fun to watch someone that collected lose his cool lmao :P. Or he's trolling.. Or what not. Whatever it is, it can get hilarious. He might have a point though, not that it matters.
dude TRIBBLE this pvp fourm if i need to tell the devs somthing i use twitter now that way they know who it is from and know that im not a TRIBBLE like some folks in here
The devs keep stressing the importance of "constructive feedback", but what actually is it that they consider constructive feedback? I asked this question back in 2012 when Gozer was supposed to take over PVP - and never got a reply.
Was it? Oh god. Guess what, I just rambled against a team of 3 eclipses running surgical with AP beams, abusing embassy plasma consoles and spawncamping the heck out of my team.
I guess it's time I resign from Starfleet, in other words... you got it.
Quite sad though.
Does Snix count? I know that a) he once did something for PvP b) he know longer works here.
I wasn't around when he was a dev, so I don't know much about him.
You don't remember February?
And that last one from April?
* * * * *
Can look at how this thread's going already...yeah?
When did Bort frequent the PvP subforums checking on feedback? When there were adults instead of children discussing things...go back and look at the Naz threads, eh? Look at how the discussions were, eh?
Folks were able to ***** and moan about **** for years...and there was still dev interaction in the forums; cause the folks pointing out how ****ing stupid some of the ****ing **** was were still able to provide constructive negative feedback...it wasn't the spoiled TRIBBLE **** one has seen for months on end now since so many folks have left.
Then there's also the sheer dumbassery taking place of folks trolling random threads and just spreading the cesspool to the masses. We used to rip into PvE players that did that bull**** here in the PvP forums, but now there are PvPers doing that same stupid ****?
Maybe show there's somebody capable and worth a damn to have a discussion in these forums and there might just be some discussion going on. Continue running around like spoiled little ****ing toddlers in soiled diapers with ice cream dripping from pudgy chin to pudgy belly wanting a cookie now...and yeah, it's not likely to happen is it?
Maybe grow the **** up...and it would be a start.
until then pvp is a corpus 6 feet under, let it lie
Yep, that kind of sums it up well.
Ricky expresses nubsauce in words.
Devs no longer post.
I struggled to read this amongst the profanity. If you are trying to make a point about acting respectfully, then make a respectfully worded post and don't become the thing you're attacking. There is disrespect on both sides of the table; some memebrs of our little subforum are dicks to Bort, but some aren't. Some of us try to have reasonable discussion, but it doesn't help when we are opposed by the dev team. Bort doesn't get a free pass because some people - people who do not represent the whole - spit bile at him.
I actually checked to make sure it was you and not etherealplanes. I expected better from you, virus.
On the other hand, go through - bite the tongue a bit - offer some constructive feedback, even if it's negative - even if it's bursting at the seams to break out with an army of /facepalms - but that it's still constructive. It opens up a dialogue. Might not go the way I want, Hell, usually doesn't. But sometimes it does. And that's a whole Hell of a lot better than getting nada...a whole Hell of a lot better than even starting to think they're doing **** out of spite and retaliation.
Cause if we look at some of the threads...then compare them to some other threads...how those threads start out and what comes of it stands out like a sore thumb.
"Bort, here are some concerns I've seen folks raise about things."
"Bort, you guys are a bunch of ****ing idiots doing these things."
Which one do you think Bort's going to look at? And after how many of the latter might he not even bother looking at the former?
Do you actually want to have a dialogue with Cryptic where maybe this or that might get done? No, you're not going to get everything you want - cause Hell, not everybody wants everything you want. The PvP community is as divided as the PvE community...different folks, different strokes...so you might not get something you want cause somebody else got something they want. Hell, the majority of time I spend on the forums these days is more about arguing with certain PvE folks about what they want vs. what I want...
I want some harder PvE options - I want PvE to be more like PvP - I want to set up that flow there, so it might feed more folks into PvP so the PvP community can grow again. By having PvE more like PvP, then more thought will be given to things that are done - meaning that fewer things will be the /ffsfacepalm that they end up being for PvP.
It basically comes down to...
1) Do you want there to be the slightest chance of things getting better?
2) Have you given up so that it doesn't matter?
3) Do you just want to swing your **** around like some punk kid?
A whole bunch of #2 have just walked away from the game...previously being #1s. A few remaining #1s are heading toward #2. But it's hard to see anything but a few #3s running around which makes it rougher for the #1s.
There are enough of the old Naz threads out there for a format that worked in getting dev attention to look at things - even if it was just an explanation of why certain things were the way they were, and sometimes that understanding eased the complaints. There was also a bunch of counter discussion that took place in those threads, where folks helped each other out with ways to try to deal with stuff.
It was a different community. It had a different interaction with the devs.
Was it all balloons, kittens, and ice cream? Hell no it wasn't. But it wasn't the steaming pile that it's become.
You're right, but then you also need to stand against the people that spit bile.
Funny enough, Smirk offered me a mod position lile that months ago, but it never went anywhere.
I totally agree. Sucks about the smirk thing. I don't want to talk bad about him but that seems about right. Trendy is a lot better. Maybe you can throw that idea in her direction. She seems to be a lot more receptive to the community.
I mean drama from the last day or so aside... lets get real. There hasn't been a real topic posted in this section in months. Every week there is a total of 10-20 posts (mostly junk) from 5-10 people. Perhaps double that refresh the section a few times a week looking for signs of drama and or life.
Would have been cool 2 years ago heck even a year ago. Now until the developers do something IN GAME, the forum section is what it is. And if you have not been paying attention, what it is, is a perfect reflection of PvP in STO.
Well the suggestion was obviously aimed at months ago, anyway.
Fair enough... at one time it may have helped. In the end though the same issues in game that spill over into more then heated debate here still would have. I would have started a betting pool on how long it would have taken for the PvP community to turn on who ever was silly enough to take on that responsibility. Just remember back to the clashes the community had over OPvP moderation.
I understand why they close some of the threads.
I'm still at a loss why they kept moving Damian's threads.
How can we foster a community if we can't have a community?
Well that is an example of having random people with "forum Moderation" experience doing your job for you. They read the rules and follow them to the letter, hard to blame them for that either. Most of the Captains threads where not in the strictest sense on topic. So I do understand why such moderators would see his threads as being off topic and move them to the "nothing to do with trek or the game" sections.
In those cases yes a community member doing the moderation would have realized his intentions and understood where he was coming form and how the majority of the community would read them.
In any event its obviously to late for any changes. The only changes any of us are or should be interested in any more are in game. Until a full on revamp happens there is little reason to log into STO. Wiping up the same groups of stale NPCs is soul crushing... I would rather be playing bejewelled or kingdom rush or something.
BoP League!
Five BoPs trying to hit up HSE, yeah? Then 30 minutes of BoP (no cloak) dogfighting in N'Vak, yeah? Maybe as more folks join up - hitting up some private arenas for some BoP (no cloak) dogfighting while waiting on those HSE cooldowns. Etc, etc, etc...
No Intel, no Command, no Pilot stuff (yet)...cause it's just BoPs!
Lol, I couldn't listen to more than a few seconds...heh.
dude TRIBBLE this pvp fourm if i need to tell the devs somthing i use twitter now that way they know who it is from and know that im not a TRIBBLE like some folks in here