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Why is the exchange so expensive ?



  • corelogikcorelogik Member Posts: 1,039 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Exchange prices are what they are because people with more $$ or EC than patience are paying the prices asked. Simple.

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  • grazyc2#7847 grazyc2 Member Posts: 1,988 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    coldnapalm wrote: »
    Let's see...it takes on average something like 150 keys to get a ship...the chances are under 1%. You can buy a ship by selling 40 keys...yeah...the exchange ain't too expensive. If anything it's a bloody steal.

    Just looked it up a Jem'hadar Dreadnought Carrier goes for almost 50.000.000 EC yes keys are at 2.500.000 that's about 40 keys and you do 10 extra keys because you like to outfit the damm thing to so let's say about 50 Euro or 5300 Zen should do the trick...

    But not only that it's also cryptic that's make this impossible because if you don't like to grind you are bound to get your stuff from the exchange because ingame you can't buy anyting highest gear mark is Mark IX from the shops and Fleet Starbases is the same problem if it isn't up to speed you can forget to buy an T5 U Fleet ship....

    They killed the Dilithium store I wish they never done that.... So then we are stuck with an Lobi Store which has good gear and such but pretty hard to acquire.
    Then we have Gold Pressed latinum thats a worthless store unless you like to buy an holo emitter...

    So that summed up it's up to the exchange !!!

    "Coffee: the finest organic suspension ever devised. It's got me through the worst of the last three years. I beat the Borg with it."
  • davefenestratordavefenestrator Member Posts: 10,779 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    You can use dil with the reputation stores to buy weapons, but if you're patient it's better to try to get gear from the daily and hourly rep XP projects instead -- those pay YOU dil.
  • seaofsorrowsseaofsorrows Member Posts: 10,919 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    kirk2390 wrote: »

    So that summed up it's up to the exchange !!!

    Between the Reputation Stores and Crafting, you can easily outfit any ship without buying a single thing from the exchange.

    It might take a while, might require patience, but it's easily done.

    Buy Weapons from Rep or Craft them, buy Impulse/Deflector/Warp/Shield from Rep or craft them and craft all of your consoles.

    With the exception of the Plasmonic Leech, I don't think a single item on my ship came from the exchange. It's all either crafted, bought from Rep Store, or from my Fleet.
    Insert witty signature line here.
  • aelfwin1aelfwin1 Member Posts: 2,896 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I think the question is also about the OPPORTUNITY to make EC .

    See, with the combination of NADORC and selling engines & deflectors for around 50K , I did manage to get a host of lockbox ships, at times even more than one of the same type .

    I could have played the "flipping" game on the exchange -- I knew of others who did that, but I never wanted more EC than I needed just like I never wanted the most uber gear out there (still don't) , plus I also didn't want to make profit on such highly desirable items as I knew that I'd only be responsible for driving up the prices , which in turn would turn around and bite me in the rear some day .

    Now, I started this with speaking about opportunity to earn EC .
    The new crafting system threw NADORC under the bus, but not before Cryptic 'adjusted' the EC costs & items drop rates to turn the vendor trash arena into a nearly empty shell .

    Which is why I've found making EC a lot harder after the two changes above .

    Now after the mad rush for 'gold' gear settled , I've found that the investment to make gold items and sell them was not all that worth anymore , as I found myself grinding for dil, and it wasn't too much fun .

    So to put things in perspective -- the lockbox ships prices may have stayed the same, but earning that EC price has gotten a lot harder, to a point where :

    a) you start to think about spending RL cash for them, or

    b) you just /shrug and don't bother .

    I've chosen 'b' for at least 3-4 lockbox ships of late, and while I am saddened , ultimately I have no regrets .
    Cryptic has chosen to drive me out of business , so I'm sure that they and the lockbox ship sellers & flippers will forgive me if they don't see my business on the customer side of things .

    ... it's interesting that now Cryptic is pushing the ship bundles instead of lockboxes ... , guess that's what happens when they destroy their own economy on purpose , while they continue to drive ppl to spend RL cash and not ingame resources ....
  • edited May 2015
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  • woodwhitywoodwhity Member Posts: 2,636 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Oh boy.
    kirk2390 wrote: »
    Just looked it up a Jem'hadar Dreadnought Carrier goes for almost 50.000.000 EC yes keys are at 2.500.000 that's about 40 keys

    Either one of your numbers are wrong or your math has much room for improvement ;)
    kirk2390 wrote: »
    But not only that it's also cryptic that's make this impossible because if you don't like to grind you are bound to get your stuff from the exchange because ingame you can't buy anyting highest gear mark is Mark IX from the shops and Fleet Starbases is the same problem if it isn't up to speed you can forget to buy an T5 U Fleet ship....

    MK XI is still far more than you need for even the elite missions, HSE aside. Now, the fleet stores and the repstores provide good weaponry for decent prices.

    There are a number of ways to get EC in this game, and it comes down to: Sell stuff. And I am not talking about zen-stuff.
    Just the other day I read the 10k stuff upon which I though I would do some stocktaking. And what shall I say, I found 150mio EC pilling up in my storage. Rarity: Rare (blue!).
    kirk2390 wrote: »
    They killed the Dilithium store I wish they never done that.... So then we are stuck with an Lobi Store which has good gear and such but pretty hard to acquire.
    Then we have Gold Pressed latinum thats a worthless store unless you like to buy an holo emitter...

    Aside from shipconsoles (and ships) the lobi-weaponry is second class. And the dilithium store? Buying there was a huge waste of dilithium, those things were far less powerful than you got ingame for free or from the fleet (for less investement). Its a good thing for new players that they closed down that thievery shop.
  • sheldonlcoopersheldonlcooper Member Posts: 4,042 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I remain ec 'poor.' and dilithium rich because the 'exchange rate' between dil to ec is unpalatable to me. The economy has moved to crafting. I feel crafting is a great improvement to the game. Gives us a lot to work on. For me the most reliable source of income now is selling materials - especially blues. My reserves have gone from around 300 mil to around 500 mil since DR and most of this has been through selling materials.

    It used to be you would make 2 or 3 million from vendor loot with a full run of killing things. Now this is more like 500,000 (or less) and not worth it to me. Instead focus on gaining the crafting materials and sell those. They are coming down but you can still make up for the vendor nerf by doing the materials or making weapons and consoles. Without this you basically will not see your ec grow.
    Captain Jean-Luc Picard: "We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, it's all ancient history. Then - before you can blink an eye - suddenly it threatens to start all over again."

    "With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."

  • tamujiintamujiin Member Posts: 321 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    kirk2390 wrote: »
    I know people like to get EC ingame to buy there Mk XIV gear....
    Why do people put it on therefore reasonable prices I mean a ship for 94.000.000 EC if you have to buy that with keys you have to sell almost 40 keys to get there ...
    I don't want to complain but I just don't understand it what could it is to sell stuff that high because there is no one having that much stuff to sell to get the EC except if he or she is selling Ship upgrades, Fleet Ship Tokens or Keys....

    Like to know what players think ?

    You need to learn how to make EC, expecially if your a KDF player, your not even playing the game correctly if you cannot make even 50 mil EC in a 2 hour session.
  • sheldonlcoopersheldonlcooper Member Posts: 4,042 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    tamujiin wrote: »
    You need to learn how to make EC, expecially if your a KDF player, your not even playing the game correctly if you cannot make even 50 mil EC in a 2 hour session.

    LOL, if you can't make 200 million in 15 min you are nub.
    Captain Jean-Luc Picard: "We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, it's all ancient history. Then - before you can blink an eye - suddenly it threatens to start all over again."

    "With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."

  • angrytargangrytarg Member Posts: 11,016 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    LOL, if you can't make 200 million in 15 min you are nub.

    LOL if you don't make 500 million in 5 min you are hopeless LOL
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  • kiralynkiralyn Member Posts: 1,576 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I remain ec 'poor.' ....

    My reserves have gone from around 300 mil to around 500 mil since DR...

    300-500mil is "ec poor"? :eek:

    (personally, I think the most I've ever had is 150m, after I'd sold a rare lockbox doff. Typical is more along the lines of 20-30m, spread across ~8 characters. But, then, I've never deliberately set out to "farm" EC.....)
  • sheldonlcoopersheldonlcooper Member Posts: 4,042 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    kiralyn wrote: »
    300-500mil is "ec poor"? :eek:

    (personally, I think the most I've ever had is 150m, after I'd sold a rare lockbox doff. Typical is more along the lines of 20-30m, spread across ~8 characters. But, then, I've never deliberately set out to "farm" EC.....)

    I'm something of a miser. I do buy expensive things a few times a year. Otherwise I hoard. I only got the xindi carrier by saving up a lifetime of lobi from replays and sold a ship for it for about the same - like 140 million. But I had to have that carrier.

    I say poor mostly in comparison to the refined dilithium. I ask - which would you rather have 8 million refined or 800 million ec? Frankly 8 million refined Should translate to more like 2 billion ec. Maybe 3 billion. If it did I would sell half.
    Captain Jean-Luc Picard: "We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, it's all ancient history. Then - before you can blink an eye - suddenly it threatens to start all over again."

    "With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."

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