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Toggle Open-World PvP... With Rewards!



  • ssbn655ssbn655 Member Posts: 1,894 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I know this is general discussion but seeing as it'd involve everyone I thought the general forum would be appropriate.

    During the years that I've played this game, the biggest excuses that people have had to stay out of PvP is: "It's too elitist!", "I don't like people's attitude" and finally "I tried it once and I got spawn camped and said to myself, not again!".
    I'd like to make it clear that I have experienced these and I agree that it's not nice. Regarding spawn-camping, I have no respect for anyone that does it and if that's what people need to actually make a kill by attacking an opponent who's just re-spawned is sad and you should learn how to fight properly and respectfully.
    Regarding the other two, simply put, most of the elite have left. The gear they had is outdated. The elite in the game now are the people who have only been doing PvE all this time. T
    There are so many maps available for patrol missions and such, so why not use them for open PvP. Giving people rewards for attacking someone of equal level and gear, and giving people that are attacked by idiots who can't pick someone of equal high level/gear/skill a higher dilithium reward for each match especially if they loose to keep them interested in open-world PvP.

    To conclude, I would like to say thank you for reading this long and boring thread and I hope that you put down your thoughts and comments. I'll happily accept any constructive criticism but please be polite.


    OP in three words why this is a bad idea "World of ********" . Ganking yada yada yada...
    I better idea is to spinoff PVP to Redshirt and leave it there as a seperate thing with ZERO influence on the rest of the game and visa versa. You would clone a charecter onto it then have at it. Simple rules everyone starts with a t1 ship put a level cap on ships at t4 ships the max tier you get with promotion in the "normal" game. No crafting but max weapon and gear could be bought with victory points and even if you lost a battle you get say 1 victory point winning gets 10 say. Anybody can attack anybody at will friendly fire is great! I.E. a fed can attack a fed . So yeah spin it off and the PVP groups can beat the TRIBBLE out of each other at will and we no longer need to hear the whining about PVP.
  • edited May 2015
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  • edited May 2015
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  • risingwolfshadowrisingwolfshadow Member Posts: 619 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    ssbn655 wrote: »
    OP in three words why this is a bad idea "World of ********" . Ganking yada yada yada...
    I better idea is to spinoff PVP to Redshirt and leave it there as a seperate thing with ZERO influence on the rest of the game and visa versa. You would clone a charecter onto it then have at it. Simple rules everyone starts with a t1 ship put a level cap on ships at t4 ships the max tier you get with promotion in the "normal" game. No crafting but max weapon and gear could be bought with victory points and even if you lost a battle you get say 1 victory point winning gets 10 say. Anybody can attack anybody at will friendly fire is great! I.E. a fed can attack a fed . So yeah spin it off and the PVP groups can beat the TRIBBLE out of each other at will and we no longer need to hear the whining about PVP.
    One of my previous posts highlighted ideas that would have to be implemented to prevent ganking.
    Please read the previous posts before commenting. There have been a lot ideas that could be implemented to make this work.
  • sharxtremesharxtreme Member Posts: 850 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    The Witcher 3 preloaded. 3 more hrs to official release.

    PvP? can't be saved. STO stopped being a game the moment it became trekkie and farmer milking machine.
  • questeriusquesterius Member Posts: 8,627 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    One of my previous posts highlighted ideas that would have to be implemented to prevent ganking.
    Please read the previous posts before commenting. There have been a lot ideas that could be implemented to make this work.

    The thing is that if you know in advance that precautions will have to be taken then you should realize that the whole idea is destined for failure.

    There are war zones, there is a PVP queue and players can challenge other players directly and if that combination is insufficient to get people to play PVP then open wolrld PVP will only be a menace.

    Bottom line is that the vast majority of players in STO is not interested in PVP and the inevitable bad PVP experiences caused by an open wold PVP will only increase the antipathy against PVP and hurt what little is left of the PVP community.
    This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
  • risingwolfshadowrisingwolfshadow Member Posts: 619 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    questerius wrote: »
    The thing is that if you know in advance that precautions will have to be taken then you should realize that the whole idea is destined for failure.

    There are war zones, there is a PVP queue and players can challenge other players directly and if that combination is insufficient to get people to play PVP then open wolrld PVP will only be a menace.

    Bottom line is that the vast majority of players in STO is not interested in PVP and the inevitable bad PVP experiences caused by an open wold PVP will only increase the antipathy against PVP and hurt what little is left of the PVP community.
    Precautions have been implemented throught the game even in PvE. The problem with PvP is lack of content and general neglect. PvE has been the sole focus for years, my idea doesn't require as much focus as episodes and PvE queues have had.
  • edited May 2015
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  • praxi5praxi5 Member Posts: 1,562 Arc User
    edited May 2015

    But I won't support calls for opt out pvp, or open pvp in areas pve people have to use, or calls for pvp players to get large dilith payouts and refining cap boosts for slaughtering unsuspecting noobs suckered into matches they don't stand a snowballs chance in hell of surviving, especially if said matches inflict some form of loss on the victims.

    The group in STO I have the most respect for are not noob killing pvpers, or the chase-the-dps-dragon spacebar masher addicts. It's the Starfleet Battles people, with their "faction specific energy weapons and a faction torp fron and rear, no mega dps 2 billion credit builds" rules.

    They get on with their own take on the game, without asking for special payouts, refining cap boosts, or changes to the basics of the game to coerce others into their passtime.

    Live and let live, many pvpers could learn from them.

    More risk for more rewards? What's wrong with requiring a bit of knowledge and teamwork to get higher rewards, like Advanced and Elite queues? You're certainly not "required" to do those, as you wouldn't be required to do any of this.

    The difference between PvP and those Starfleet Battles guys is that they've got everything going for them - Space Barbie gets added all the time and there's a steady stream of new PvE content.
  • edited May 2015
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  • laferrari1laferrari1 Member Posts: 434 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I'd really set for a basic matchmaking system, boosting reward (including R&D packs), a complete mechanics & meta rebalance across the board. No Open zones or stuff. The above alone would make it playable again and that's all we need.
    Unfortunately borticus isn't capable of doing that: since adjudicatorhawk and brandon left, this place went complete downhill.

    So all of the above is pure dreaming like the rest of this subforum. I stopped bothering after they managed to break my launcher. I tried T5U channel, a new ship builds help place, many things. It went to hell ultimately, but I can't say I didn't try, which is quite satisfactory.

    Cryptic vaporized the dead horse, so yeah, you don't even beat it anymore.
    I need to get to him. I can't just leave him out there alone. - Sometimes you've got to makes sacrifices, Lara. You can't save everyone. - I know about sacrifices. - No, you know about loss. Sacrifice is a choice you make. Loss is a choice made for you. - I can't choose to let him die, Roth.
  • risingwolfshadowrisingwolfshadow Member Posts: 619 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Being 100% fair this is probably the point I don't think anyone in this game, PVPer or PVEer, will argue. You're right, STO does have a greater emphesis on PVE. And I'd even agree with the suposition that Cryptic is missing out on a viable line of income by not doing more for players looking for a PVP experience in the Star Trek universe.

    The point others have made through this thread that you seem to be either ignoring or avoiding is that open world PVP, in ANY form, is NOT the answer. Leaving aside whether it is even technically feasible in this game engine, open world PVP invites the potential for abuse that no amount of checks or consideration will ever fully address. This isn't because all PVPers are psychopathic, adequacy deficient man-children looking to "gank teh n00bs 4 teh lolz." It's because just enough of them are that they will make themselves perpetual headaches to everyone involved. Don't tell me they wont because we both know they will and the answer is NOT for the PVEers or other players to "toughen up."

    As I have said before on this topic: we have enough trouble with trolls and griefers in this game running around virtually unchecked. We do not need gankers and spawn campers on top of it.

    Look, I honestly have nothing against PVPers. We all play games for our own reasons and if PVP is something you honestly enjoy then more power to you. No sarcasm. I truly and sincerely mean that. I personally don't. I have no interest in trying it so, as such, I go out of my way to avoid PVP-centric games and stay out of the PVP sections of this one, and judging by some of the responses in this thread alone I'm not alone in that. STO is PVE-centric game with a little PVP on the side and like or not that does not look like it's going to change any day soon.

    If you like PVP in general, fine. If you want to find ways to improve what PVP there is here, fine. But the open world PVP horse is dead, minced, and in a dog food can at this stage. You already got a lukewarm response the first time you posted this idea back in October. I don't know what kind of response you were hoping for bringing it up again now.
    At the end of the day I posted an idea, sure I posted something similar in October but since the side that doesn't like PvP and won't fight for it is considerably larger than the side that wants a bit more attention in PvP (let's be honest, even new maps would be a massive improvement), I will keep beating the PvP drum.
    I totally agree that some in the PvP community will do their best to spoil the fun. But letting them to me is the same as giving up. I would be up for any regulation that would prevent un-courteous behaviour. I would like PvEers to try PvP even if it's once in a blue moon, with the right people and under the right conditions it'll be far more interesting, fun and challenging than PvE. But we have to fight to create the right conditions. We can't do it on my own but we will keep trying.
  • valarauko43valarauko43 Member Posts: 227 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I admit that my "search-fu" is weak. That being said, I can only find two(2) episodes in canon Trek that even remotely approximate PvP. "The Ultimate Computer"(TOS), and "Peak Performance"(TNG). There may be others but these illustrate my point well enough. As written, Kirk, Picard, and the other Starfleet personnel who were given a chance to express an opinion were not happy about being diverted from their other duties. PvP just isn't Trek. Then there are the players who only do/did PvP because it pays...As in fly around the map waiting to get destroyed enough to end the mission and get PAID. They're only fighting back enough to avoid being thought of as AFK or a bot. Lastly, the only "content" one needs in a sandbox is the sand and the imagination. I'm ok with people wanting to test themselves and the builds against other real people, but I would rather see production staff (writers, coders, directors, et al) used for actual story.
  • praxi5praxi5 Member Posts: 1,562 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I admit that my "search-fu" is weak. That being said, I can only find two(2) episodes in canon Trek that even remotely approximate PvP. "The Ultimate Computer"(TOS), and "Peak Performance"(TNG). There may be others but these illustrate my point well enough. As written, Kirk, Picard, and the other Starfleet personnel who were given a chance to express an opinion were not happy about being diverted from their other duties. PvP just isn't Trek. Then there are the players who only do/did PvP because it pays...As in fly around the map waiting to get destroyed enough to end the mission and get PAID. They're only fighting back enough to avoid being thought of as AFK or a bot. Lastly, the only "content" one needs in a sandbox is the sand and the imagination. I'm ok with people wanting to test themselves and the builds against other real people, but I would rather see production staff (writers, coders, directors, et al) used for actual story.

    You mean as they have been for the past 5 years? :rolleyes:

    When was the last time you saw half of Starfleet in alien ships? Even ships of "enemy" factions? Why are Fleet Admirals fighting in hand to hand combat? Taking water samples?

    They don't. But they do here, because it's a game.
  • jellico1jellico1 Member Posts: 2,719
    edited May 2015
    nothing wrong with open world pvp at all

    as long as you have to turn it ( On ) As long as the player with it on can see that it is on

    pvp is a totally different game that PvE is the only thing the same is the looks of the ships

    we had this in SWG and it worked well and no one complained because the player turned it on therself
    Jellico....Engineer ground.....Da'val Romulan space Sci
    Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
    Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng

    JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
  • corelogikcorelogik Member Posts: 1,039 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    praxi5 wrote: »
    Equal point: Are you too scared/totally lack the skill to go against something that doesn't just sit there and absorb your damage?
    ... snip ...

    It's that exact attitude right there, that turns people against PvP in general and PvPers in particular. Personally I do not enjoy the trash talk and intentional attempted humiliation that goes hand in hand with said practices.

    In my experience, PvPers mostly have one thing in common, destroy and humiliate their victims/opponents in as expeditious manner as possible,... and then rub in their face. They have no interest in teach or helping others become better outside their closed little gank clubs.

    I have zero interest in PvP personally, and no amount of juvenile taunts is going to goad me into suddenly seeing their point of view or take an interest PvP in any form, especially not an expanded version.

    praxi5 wrote: »
    ... snip ...
    You wouldn't be forced into it, you'd be flying around with a PvP option enabled. Don't want to engage in PvP? Turn your PvP flag off.

    As long as it remained optional and people could opt out completely if desired, I couldn't care less what PvPers do or don't do. Have at it, knock yourselves out and enjoy!
    "Go play with your DPS in the corner, I don't care how big it is." ~ Me
    "There... are... four... lights!" ~Jean Luc Picard
  • laferrari1laferrari1 Member Posts: 434 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    corelogik wrote: »
    It's that exact attitude right there, that turns people against PvP in general and PvPers in particular. Personally I do not enjoy the trash talk and intentional attempted humiliation that goes hand in hand with said practices.

    In my experience, PvPers mostly have one thing in common, destroy and humiliate their victims/opponents in as expeditious manner as possible,... and then rub in their face. They have no interest in teach or helping others become better outside their closed little gank clubs.

    I have zero interest in PvP personally, and no amount of juvenile taunts is going to goad me into suddenly seeing their point of view or take an interest PvP in any form, especially not an expanded version.

    As long as it remained optional and people could opt out completely if desired, I couldn't care less what PvPers do or don't do. Have at it, knock yourselves out and enjoy!

    Probably you should learn to give respect first instead of demanding it. If you enter a fight with a PvPer with that mindset of course you're gonna get humiliated verbally as well, you'd be the one provoking! No PvPer ever negated help to someone who asked him how to improve, I certainly didn't. Certainly they won't help by their own initiative unless you directly ask them, instead of letting your prejudices take over.

    Thing is you start by saying "PvPers are XYZ negative", while I assure you the vast majority gives zero importance and has zero prejudices on what's in front of them.
    I need to get to him. I can't just leave him out there alone. - Sometimes you've got to makes sacrifices, Lara. You can't save everyone. - I know about sacrifices. - No, you know about loss. Sacrifice is a choice you make. Loss is a choice made for you. - I can't choose to let him die, Roth.
  • praxi5praxi5 Member Posts: 1,562 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    corelogik wrote: »
    It's that exact attitude right there, that turns people against PvP in general and PvPers in particular. Personally I do not enjoy the trash talk and intentional attempted humiliation that goes hand in hand with said practices.

    In my experience, PvPers mostly have one thing in common, destroy and humiliate their victims/opponents in as expeditious manner as possible,... and then rub in their face. They have no interest in teach or helping others become better outside their closed little gank clubs.

    I have zero interest in PvP personally, and no amount of juvenile taunts is going to goad me into suddenly seeing their point of view or take an interest PvP in any form, especially not an expanded version.

    I was merely responding in kind to someone who insinuated that Open PvP was for people who feel that "pwning people that choose to be in a PvP zone has gotten too hard for you and you need to trick newbs into going into PvP mode now?" (Direct quote)

    As I said elsewhere, that's not really what most of us PvP for - we do it for the teamwork and the challenge. roflstomping noobs gets old, fast. That's why there was Boot Camp and a multitude of tournaments.

    The "gank club" is a small subset of the overall community. People bend over backwards to help others learn the ropes (as long as they have a baseline of knowledge and are willing to learn - people coming in with PvE builds, expecting to curbstomp everyone and then getting hurt when they learn the reality are a lost cause) and most people are more than willing to show their builds as guidelines. Again, hence things like Boot Camp. Asking in OrganizedPvP will almost always lead to good advice and help.
  • therealmttherealmt Member Posts: 428 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I know this is general discussion but seeing as it'd involve everyone I thought the general forum would be appropriate.

    During the years that I've played this game, the biggest excuses that people have had to stay out of PvP is: "It's too elitist!", "I don't like people's attitude" and finally "I tried it once and I got spawn camped and said to myself, not again!".
    I'd like to make it clear that I have experienced these and I agree that it's not nice. Regarding spawn-camping, I have no respect for anyone that does it and if that's what people need to actually make a kill by attacking an opponent who's just re-spawned is sad and you should learn how to fight properly and respectfully.
    Regarding the other two, simply put, most of the elite have left. The gear they had is outdated. The elite in the game now are the people who have only been doing PvE all this time. They may not have the skill that PvP veterans had but their gear is probably far superior because all they've done is grind and create dps tanks. Anyone who fits the profile I've just described, with a little tweaking and reading the PvP help forums would put up an epic fight with any veteran PvPer. A little humility and recognition that some will be better than you will also go along way to improving quickly. Most PvPers will be willing to share tips and tricks with you I'm sure, if you ask politely and humbly (no one likes a sore loser, or an idiotic winner for that matter!).

    The tittle of this thread is open-world PvP, so I'll get to that now.
    Allowing people to free roam sector space in a 'PvP mode" would greatly improve PvP. Instead of private matching someone and going to a map everyone is bored of. Allow players of an opposite faction to challenge someone in sector space when they get within a certain distance of their target and start an attack, but instead of doing damage in sector space (because that would be stupid), both get warped into the nearest system. Perhaps even allow teams to do it but obviously a team of 5v1 is highly unfair so perhaps restrict it to only allow a team of 2 to attack a single player and allow the player being attacked to call for help from a fleet member or friend.
    A reward to start off with could be; if you have 5 open PvP matches, you can refine an extra 1000 dilithium as well as rewarding dilithium for each match. Everyone would jump at the chance to refine extra dilithium and with hardcore and fairly stubborn PvEers having the ultra rare and epic gear, because grind and PvE is all they do, the elite/veteran PvPers (of which there are 5! Probably), would have to work quite hard to beat them.
    If this were to get popular perhaps later on include other types of PvP and give it more attention.

    There are so many maps available for patrol missions and such, so why not use them for open PvP. Giving people rewards for attacking someone of equal level and gear, and giving people that are attacked by idiots who can't pick someone of equal high level/gear/skill a higher dilithium reward for each match especially if they loose to keep them interested in open-world PvP.

    To conclude, I would like to say thank you for reading this long and boring thread and I hope that you put down your thoughts and comments. I'll happily accept any constructive criticism but please be polite.


    Funny thins is its not too hard to create even. Would be nice to have pvp encounters in Sector space. Make a flagging system so people can put their pvp flag on or something similar.
    this could greatly boost PvP interests.

    also nobody would be forced to actually pvp if they set the pvp flag off by default.
  • edited May 2015
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  • risingwolfshadowrisingwolfshadow Member Posts: 619 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    corelogik wrote: »
    It's that exact attitude right there, that turns people against PvP in general and PvPers in particular. Personally I do not enjoy the trash talk and intentional attempted humiliation that goes hand in hand with said practices.

    In my experience, PvPers mostly have one thing in common, destroy and humiliate their victims/opponents in as expeditious manner as possible,... and then rub in their face. They have no interest in teach or helping others become better outside their closed little gank clubs.

    I have zero interest in PvP personally, and no amount of juvenile taunts is going to goad me into suddenly seeing their point of view or take an interest PvP in any form, especially not an expanded version.

    As long as it remained optional and people could opt out completely if desired, I couldn't care less what PvPers do or don't do. Have at it, knock yourselves out and enjoy!
    I personally don't remember being abusive to you. I would however be happy to give you tips but the PvP help forums have the best tips, even the some of the old ones.

    Regarding your first quote, I have received plenty of abuse from this thread by PvEers for introducing an idea that would be optional, so please don't imply that only PvPers have a bad attitude and are abusive. Not only that but even in PvE I've gotten abuse for not chucking out 'enough' dps.
    All the posts that have added something to this idea have included the understanding that it would be optional. Why is everyone against it saying that it's a "must" when that is obvious and has already been stated numerous times? We agree! Not even the elitist of PvPers would want to be thrown into Open-World PvP immediately when they log in. Hence I titled the post "toggle open-world PvP"...
  • edited May 2015
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  • corelogikcorelogik Member Posts: 1,039 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    praxi5 wrote: »
    Equal point: Are you too scared/totally lack the skill to go against something that doesn't just sit there and absorb your damage? (EDIT: In case this was unclear, the tone of this is in response to the tone of the message I am quoting).

    That argument goes both ways.

    If there is a clearly flagged option where you can turn it on and off, what's the problem? What's the problem with offering a unique award (and desirable) reward for a different play style?

    Don't want the reward? Don't play ithat game type. Simple as that. Just like if you don't want Marks/Reputation, you don't have to play the Queues/Battle zones.

    You wouldn't be forced into it, you'd be flying around with a PvP option enabled. Don't want to engage in PvP? Turn your PvP flag off.
    I personally don't remember being abusive to you. I would however be happy to give you tips but the PvP help forums have the best tips, even the some of the old ones.

    Regarding your first quote, I have received plenty of abuse from this thread by PvEers for introducing an idea that would be optional, so please don't imply that only PvPers have a bad attitude and are abusive. Not only that but even in PvE I've gotten abuse for not chucking out 'enough' dps.
    All the posts that have added something to this idea have included the understanding that it would be optional. Why is everyone against it saying that it's a "must" when that is obvious and has already been stated numerous times? We agree! Not even the elitist of PvPers would want to be thrown into Open-World PvP immediately when they log in. Hence I titled the post "toggle open-world PvP"...

    I was using the 'royal' you/we,... not you personally. I don't know you, I am not qualified to speak intelligently on your opinion/attitude.

    Just pointing out that the comment you made "are you too afraid,..." is an example of the attitude that puts people off,...

    Also, I get the 'not enough dps' thing too,... hence my signature.
    "Go play with your DPS in the corner, I don't care how big it is." ~ Me
    "There... are... four... lights!" ~Jean Luc Picard
  • praxi5praxi5 Member Posts: 1,562 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    corelogik wrote: »
    I was using the 'royal' you/we,... not you personally. I don't know you, I am not qualified to speak intelligently on your opinion/attitude.

    Just pointing out that the comment you made "are you too afraid,..." is an example of the attitude that puts people off,...

    Also, I get the 'not enough dps' thing too,... hence my signature.

    Read the post ;)

    I wasn't intentionally being demeaning, I was replying in the same tone :P
  • nandospcnandospc Member Posts: 1,260 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I like OP's idea to be honest. As MT said, it could improve the PvP aspect of STO and its interest. As an "elite-pvper", like OP said, I approve ;)
  • edited May 2015
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  • risingwolfshadowrisingwolfshadow Member Posts: 619 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I don't think full open world toggle on/off pvp would go well with the Lore since the major powers in the Alpha and Beta Quadrant are in an Alliance against the Iconians and before that the Federation and Klingon Empire ended there short lived 1-2 year long war.

    They need to incorporate something into the lore that allows for a limited war between the Klingon Empire and Federation. Like certain systems wold be areas of conflicts over resources but the Federation and Klingon Empire is in an alliance outside these specific pvp areas.

    Totally agree.
    Right now the story wouldn't coincide with a Klingon/Federation war but perhaps as the Iconians are being beaten, there could be begin a bit of bad blood as the Federation tries to take the moral high ground by trying to control the spheres and whatever new systems are discovered, with the Klingon empire wanting to expand and not being trusted by the Federation.
    Could use the spheres and new systems as PvP battlezones with players fighting for territory control and resources. Fleets could be incorporated into this if its successful.
    However, balancing would be required of most abilities to allow people to compete successfully.
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