I Dont know. But the Set bonus and no Quads included is an epic fail. The Romulan Set is awesome
Not even sur why that's a fail. You only need two items and you get 2 bonuses. And the Quad Cannons are not really as awesome as the idea behind them was.
Though I admit it would have been nice if they upgraded them to be more useful. That engine power penalty is completely unwarranted for what it does.
Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
My epic Quads are awesome, Dps too compared to other phaser cannons. Not sure if you parse your runs. I Do. Quads get a dmg x5, acc and a critd x. Great arsenal. IT earned a Set bonus
Octo-cannon weapon, no energy drain.
"I think I heard something crazy in my ear."-Clevand Brown
Tal'Shiar/Reman Resistance/Romulan Nemesis uniform, pls.
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Fingers crossed...
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Though I admit it would have been nice if they upgraded them to be more useful. That engine power penalty is completely unwarranted for what it does.