So I decided to today to make my science captain ground battle ready. For years now I have just been dealing with his ineptness on the ground. Today I decided I was going to change all that and make this guy beastly like my Tactical and Engineering captains.
So got some kit mods that I like, and I started going through the Duty officers both that I already owned and those on the exchange. I was not happy with what I saw here. Not many choices in the offense department. I guess that is understandable, the science captains are supposed to be healers, sort of, I guess. But I wanted to be able to really whoop some tail. So I got the exothermic induction field Doffs, the one that creates the fireball and the one that reduces cooldowns when it is used.
But there was another, a biochemist...
These guys look promising, damage resistance debuff when science kit debuffs are applied. Sounds great, I could definitely use that!
So I try to equip him. No dice, I get a message that flies across my screen "You cannot equip more than 1 items of that category."
I have seen this message before, this means that I have a conflict with my equipped duty officers, I get that. But wait. this guy is a medical officer and a biochemist. The other two I have here are a Science officer that is a biologist and the other is an Operations officer who is an explosives expert. They are not just a different categories, they are completely different professions. And to add to their difference, the effect they add each are so different from each other that they can hardly be considered something even remotely close to the same category.
Still, I humored it. I removed the explosives expert and tried to equip the biochemist. No dice, still getting the message that I cannot equip him. Okay fine! I remove the biologist. Surely this should resolve the conflict, I no longer have any ground duty officers equipped at all. So i try one last time. Nope! Wrong again. "You cannot equip more than 1 items of that category."!!! Okay, this is impossible at this point, I have duty officers equipped at all. This guy should now fit like a glove.
In a last ditch effort, I close my client, I log out and exit the game and go all the way back to my desktop. I load my game, I load my character and then try one more time, hoping, begging that the game allow me to equip this guy. FAIL. Okay, now I am frustrated. There is one more thing I have not tried. I head to the exchange and I buy a different biochemist. I try to equip him. Same thing.
Now, at this point I can only conclude that biochemist is broken entirely. I have done everything I can possibly think of at this point. Well, except for post here and ask about it.
What is the deal with biochemists?
Only two things remain, make a reddit post and make a ticket. Before I do that I will wait and hope for a response here, thanks for any assistance on this matter.
Wow... Okay, well that is just stupid. Thanks anyway, I appreciate the rather quick response, really. Yeah, i had a biochemist equipped in my active space. It makes no sense that it would count both space and ground as the same thing. That is just ridiculous.
I guess at this point, they are either going to make it make sense or I will just work around it. It is highly likely I will just have to work around it.
Though when one thinks about it, they really should make the two compatible with each other. I mean, think about it...
How this is going to play out is, while I am in space I will have my "space" biochemist equipped and when I go to ground, I will just unequip it and equip my "ground" biochemist. It is going to play out exactly like that. So why not just give us the ability to equip our space AND our ground Doffs? It isn't like I will be getting the effect in space from ground DOff and vise versa after all...
Or would it work like that? And even if it would work like that then that is a "shame on you" moment for the developers of the game. Just sloppy, right? I know I may hurt someone's feelings here but this is the reality of it, isn't it? If I sat everyone who has ever played this game at a table and started a discussion on whether or not ground abilities should activate in space or not and vise versa, everyone there would surely settle on a unanimous no, right? So why does it work like that in game(if indeed it does, that is the only possible reason why it would not work that I can think of).
If you can only use 1 doff its for ground and space !!
I guess at this point, they are either going to make it make sense or I will just work around it. It is highly likely I will just have to work around it.
Though when one thinks about it, they really should make the two compatible with each other. I mean, think about it...
How this is going to play out is, while I am in space I will have my "space" biochemist equipped and when I go to ground, I will just unequip it and equip my "ground" biochemist. It is going to play out exactly like that. So why not just give us the ability to equip our space AND our ground Doffs? It isn't like I will be getting the effect in space from ground DOff and vise versa after all...
Or would it work like that? And even if it would work like that then that is a "shame on you" moment for the developers of the game. Just sloppy, right? I know I may hurt someone's feelings here but this is the reality of it, isn't it? If I sat everyone who has ever played this game at a table and started a discussion on whether or not ground abilities should activate in space or not and vise versa, everyone there would surely settle on a unanimous no, right? So why does it work like that in game(if indeed it does, that is the only possible reason why it would not work that I can think of).