Sorry, but it has to be noted - if you're going to blame Cryptic for this, that and the other at least blame them for things that are actually their fault.
The lag issue is NOT one of those things. They're a by-product of the ISP they use providing a poor service. That is not Cryptic's fault.
So.... I'm drving my car, I know the break doesn't work, I run over someone and kill him. But is not my fault! Is the stupid car that I use, it has no break!! And no, I dont have $$$ to buy another car.
I tend to find these threads much more interesting when I read the OP out loud using Urkel's voice.
At the end of the day if you are really, really, really frustrated by a game take a long break. I do it several times a year. There are lots of other games out there to keep you from being bored for a few months.
STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
Poor guy got tired of being a KDF punching bag. Being that I am the eternal Klingon punching bag I feel your pain. Just remember what is uninstalled can be reinstalled but it comes with a pact with malor among the death barge known as arc and the closure of the thread that will come before I can post this because I am too slow after eating all those trills.
To the OP - then leave, don't make a stink about it.
Saying how much time and effort you put into the game just makes me want to join the queue for your stuff. Be a good sport and give away the things you'll never need again anyways, eh?
So.... I'm drving my car, I know the break doesn't work, I run over someone and kill him. But is not my fault! Is the stupid car that I use, it has no break!! And no, I dont have $$$ to buy another car.
Come freaking on!
Yeah... no. You're at fault for not following the legal repsonsibilites of car ownership and proper driving. The ISP is at fault for not providing a reliable service that Cryptic has contracted them to provide.
Also, comparing death to lag in a game? Time to re-evaluate your priorities in life, I think.
Because the game is all about cruisers and bfaw and flying in circles faster and faster and thats the only game play mechanic that works in STO.
Because escorts with dhc's will never do as much dps as cruisers with bfaw.
Well "real" Star Trek is mostly about Cruisers. I find it more irritating that so many ppl want to fly Escorts or better said small nimble ships in the first place.
But you're right, FAW is the only sollution if you are about to DPS, and this is bad.
Because it excludes everything else and makes the game pretty boring imho.
because all you want is money and you dont really care about Star Trek.
"...'With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured...the first thought forbidden...the first freedom denied--chains us all irrevocably.' ... The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. I fear that today--"
- (TNG) Picard, quoting Judge Aaron Satie
To the OP - then leave, don't make a stink about it.
Saying how much time and effort you put into the game just makes me want to join the queue for your stuff. Be a good sport and give away the things you'll never need again anyways, eh?
Yeah... no. You're at fault for not following the legal repsonsibilites of car ownership and proper driving. The ISP is at fault for not providing a reliable service that Cryptic has contracted them to provide.
Also, comparing death to lag in a game? Time to re-evaluate your priorities in life, I think.
Actually, from what I've heard it's not solely Cogent's fault either. It's best described as a "dispute" between ISPs as to who gets preferential treatment.
just to say, part gens sci crafting trait will most likely get another nerf, when I dont know, but it will, it STILL is off the hook:) and as of all those sci ship captains out there crying over it, IF you want to do good damage? go be an escort- sick of reading wizards wanting to wear platemail and swing swords as good if not better than the warriors LOL
do what sci ships were ment to do, disable- control- AID your team- thats the point of those ships
If Scimitards and other Epeeners actually accepted me for controlling the foe instead of "making it take too long to dps our way through the slop"...
If my single ship's worth of disables put a meaningful, lasting, and noticeable dent in the effects of the bosses...
If I'm "really" supposed to be the healer instead of engineering...
THEN I'd be willing to listen to your commentary.
Until then, STO is balanced, predicated, and operates on one metric and one metric only. DPS. My pathetic sciencey existince in Korfez Elite does not translate into a win - unless I have the appropriate amount of DPS to go with that Sciency stuff...
And, for the record, back in my D&D days, most "warriors" had a hard time attaining 20 D6 damage in one round.
But my wizard could pop that off in one Delayed Blast Fireball... :P Flip side, I was tickling the paint damage once my spells were used up, warrior was maintaining their steady DPS till someone died... So I don't want to strap on plate and do damage like a warrior - I prefer my damage in one big whack then sulk till I can whack again...
Detecting big-time "anti-old-school" bias here. NX? Lobi. TOS/TMP Connie? Super-promotion-box. (aka the two hardest ways to get ships) Excelsior & all 3 TNG "big hero" ships? C-Store. Please Equalize...
To rob a line: [quote: Mariemaia Kushrenada] Forum Posting is much like an endless waltz. The three beats of war, peace and revolution continue on forever. However, opinions will change upon the reading of my post.[/quote]
Because the game is all about cruisers and bfaw and flying in circles faster and faster and thats the only game play mechanic that works in STO.
Because escorts with dhc's will never do as much dps as cruisers with bfaw.
Before LOR the game was known as Escorts Online, the only way to get ultra DPS back then was an Escort spamming Dual Heavy Cannons, funny now that Beam weapons are superior people are up in arms yet when Escorts were ruling the game it was fine, and this statement pretty much proves how the effectiveness of a build in purely based on how much DPS it is capable of doing, ever tired playing for something other than DPS?
As it has been well established before the Steam Chars are not a reliable source on the STO population, and what does that even have to do with this thread?
Kind of like there's been almost no discussion of the buff to FAW.
As if FaW needed yet another buff/benefit.
I'm with the OP on the lack of mechanics change for torpedoes, as there's only so many tricks one can do before being left in the space dust due to larger shields and higher DPS requirements going from GtGA to GtGE.
I'm with the OP on the lack of mechanics change for torpedoes, as there's only so many tricks one can do before being left in the space dust due to larger shields and higher DPS requirements going from GtGA to GtGE.
Aye, and running full torpedo boats in Advanced queues can be challenging.
As it has been well established before the Steam Chars are not a reliable source on the STO population, and what does that even have to do with this thread?
Look at his sig... he comes to the forum to preach doom and gloom. Thus anything is cause for panic.
Seriously just because you aren't happy with the state of the game doesn't mean everyone isn't.
Your Opinion is not fact, which is a common belief shared by many people.
listen this game has pissed me off more times then I can count. I've raged on forums till they banned me form them [twice in fact] I have never quit. lol only that which you love can truly make you mad but you can whine and quit like a ferengi or be like the borg adapt and overcome nuff said
I would type out a more eloquent response but I'm overcome with not caring.
Why do people do this, have some class and just go without the friggin drama.
If something is not broken, don't fix it, if it is broken, don't leave it broken.
"Anyone can smoke. But ,only a real man can take cancer."-John Wayne
I have no idea how that statement applies to your case OP, but if it does, bless ya.
Heard it some 20 odd years ago, not even sure it's true....those were his dying words.
Guess the point is, and I am obligated to ask.
"Can I haz yer stuff?":D
Game started a downward spiral since DR. The same people jumping up and down on everyone wanting to leave are the same people celebrating the death of PvP. The game is not getting better by any stretech of the imagination. This is an MMO where scimitars are better off firing beams instead of cannons, Fed beam boats fire antiproton weapons, the best ships are alien space craft (lobi). It stopped feeling like star trek a long time ago.
And yes I still play about 30 minutes or so a day. I used to play for hours when building a boat for PvP was fun as you had to pick and choose things. Now with bull**** like Kemocite, the stacking of debuffs from intel, and the best damage output coming from AOE spam, the fun just isn't there.
Right now if you have not trained two spec lines on a toon your PvP ability is really weak. Who has the time to grind like this on all their toons? I agree the drama of leaving is not necessary. But like many others he is irritated with the direction of the game. He more likely than not would prefer they fix the game so he didn't feel the need to leave. I have accepted that this game has gone down the toilet and isn't coming back. Geko needs to be canned in the worst way. And they need to make some PvP maps that eliminate the spec and lobi nonsense so the game can have some interest again. Building the perfect AOE spam build for killing HP sponges is about as interesting as watching paint dry. I will never understand how the fan boys can get so defensive about the current direction of AOE FAW spam and HP sponges.
well i love star trek been playing since 2012 but last few weeks have ranked up to Vice Admiral from Lt.Cmd
the only thing i have a fault is with the exchange most of the weapons need to win in red alerts are priced like 13,000,000
for example need a XIV quantum torpedo some in the exchange go for 3,000,000 to 44,000,000
priced to high out side of that its great ecept that star trek will lose thier license in 2018.
read on this forms
well i love star trek been playing since 2012 but last few weeks have ranked up to Vice Admiral from Lt.Cmd
the only thing i have a fault is with the exchange most of the weapons need to win in red alerts are priced like 13,000,000
for example need a XIV quantum torpedo some in the exchange go for 3,000,000 to 44,000,000
priced to high out side of that its great ecept that star trek will lose thier license in 2018.
read on this forms
Or you could just start training in Crafting and eventually get a Mk XIV torpedo for very little cost. All it takes is time - which few seem to want to invest. They want it all NOW!
And no one said they will "lose" their license in 2018. The license expires in 2018. At that point PW and CBS will need to renegotiate - and PW will decide whether the millions paid to CBS for the license are still financially worth it to them.
STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
Or you could just start training in Crafting and eventually get a Mk XIV torpedo for very little cost. All it takes is time - which few seem to want to invest. They want it all NOW!
So very true.
And no one said they will "lose" their license in 2018. The license expires in 2018. At that point PW and CBS will need to renegotiate - and PW will decide whether the millions paid to CBS for the license are still financially worth it to them.
I hope that itwi be..I mean, what else will I do with my spare time? :P
Because you just nerfed particle generator builds.
Because the part gen build i worked hard to build is now pointless.
Because my fleet t5u b'rel with 390 cloak gets seen and vaped in kerrat before i can fire off a torp.
Because you can only fire one torpedo at a time and the whole notion of torp bops dosnt work.
Because the game is all about cruisers and bfaw and flying in circles faster and faster and thats the only game play mechanic that works in STO.
Because escorts with dhc's will never do as much dps as cruisers with bfaw.
i wont tell you how long ive been playing. how many hours a day i play. how many toons i have or how much ive invested in the game. if anyone at STO really cares you can run a report on me and see ive lived in the game for quite a long time. i suspect your loosing alot of us. in fact i know you are.
because all you want is money and you dont really care about Star Trek.
spam me all you want. i wont be back to read any of this.
So.... I'm drving my car, I know the break doesn't work, I run over someone and kill him. But is not my fault! Is the stupid car that I use, it has no break!! And no, I dont have $$$ to buy another car.
Come freaking on!
Special snowflake is leaving omg, the doom is here.
At the end of the day if you are really, really, really frustrated by a game take a long break. I do it several times a year. There are lots of other games out there to keep you from being bored for a few months.
Saying how much time and effort you put into the game just makes me want to join the queue for your stuff. Be a good sport and give away the things you'll never need again anyways, eh?
Yeah... no. You're at fault for not following the legal repsonsibilites of car ownership and proper driving. The ISP is at fault for not providing a reliable service that Cryptic has contracted them to provide.
Also, comparing death to lag in a game? Time to re-evaluate your priorities in life, I think.
But you're right, FAW is the only sollution if you are about to DPS, and this is bad.
Because it excludes everything else and makes the game pretty boring imho.
What are you talking about?!?
My character Tsin'xing
If Scimitards and other Epeeners actually accepted me for controlling the foe instead of "making it take too long to dps our way through the slop"...
If my single ship's worth of disables put a meaningful, lasting, and noticeable dent in the effects of the bosses...
If I'm "really" supposed to be the healer instead of engineering...
THEN I'd be willing to listen to your commentary.
Until then, STO is balanced, predicated, and operates on one metric and one metric only. DPS. My pathetic sciencey existince in Korfez Elite does not translate into a win - unless I have the appropriate amount of DPS to go with that Sciency stuff...
And, for the record, back in my D&D days, most "warriors" had a hard time attaining 20 D6 damage in one round.
But my wizard could pop that off in one Delayed Blast Fireball... :P Flip side, I was tickling the paint damage once my spells were used up, warrior was maintaining their steady DPS till someone died... So I don't want to strap on plate and do damage like a warrior - I prefer my damage in one big whack then sulk till I can whack again...
To rob a line: [quote: Mariemaia Kushrenada] Forum Posting is much like an endless waltz. The three beats of war, peace and revolution continue on forever. However, opinions will change upon the reading of my post.[/quote]
I believe he is unhappy
Before LOR the game was known as Escorts Online, the only way to get ultra DPS back then was an Escort spamming Dual Heavy Cannons, funny now that Beam weapons are superior people are up in arms yet when Escorts were ruling the game it was fine, and this statement pretty much proves how the effectiveness of a build in purely based on how much DPS it is capable of doing, ever tired playing for something other than DPS?
As it has been well established before the Steam Chars are not a reliable source on the STO population, and what does that even have to do with this thread?
As if FaW needed yet another buff/benefit.
I'm with the OP on the lack of mechanics change for torpedoes, as there's only so many tricks one can do before being left in the space dust due to larger shields and higher DPS requirements going from GtGA to GtGE.
Fleet Defiant Kinetic Heavy Fire Support | Fleet Manticore Kinetic Strike Ship | Tactical Command Kinetic Siege Refit | Fleet Defiant Quantum Phase Escort | Fleet Valiant Kinetic Heavy Fire Support
Turning the Galaxy-X into a Torpedo Dreadnought & torpedo tutorial, with written torpedo guide.
"A good weapon and a great strategy will win you many battles." - Marshall
I knew using Kinetics would be playing the game on hard mode, but what I didn't realize was how bad the deck is stacked against Kinetics.
Aye, and running full torpedo boats in Advanced queues can be challenging.
And to think it wasn't that long ago people were calling the game 'Escorts Online',...
Oh, Can I haz yer stuff?
"There... are... four... lights!" ~Jean Luc Picard
lots of players leaving, OP is not alone
My character Tsin'xing
And he puts links to other games to give people "other options" I'm sure.
Sad, Very sad
Seriously just because you aren't happy with the state of the game doesn't mean everyone isn't.
Your Opinion is not fact, which is a common belief shared by many people.
Oh hey, /r/sto continues to gain new members, not lose them.
Your continued bait posting here is all the proof needed to know the game is doing well.
Why do people do this, have some class and just go without the friggin drama.
I have no idea how that statement applies to your case OP, but if it does, bless ya.
Heard it some 20 odd years ago, not even sure it's true....those were his dying words.
Guess the point is, and I am obligated to ask.
"Can I haz yer stuff?":D
And yes I still play about 30 minutes or so a day. I used to play for hours when building a boat for PvP was fun as you had to pick and choose things. Now with bull**** like Kemocite, the stacking of debuffs from intel, and the best damage output coming from AOE spam, the fun just isn't there.
Right now if you have not trained two spec lines on a toon your PvP ability is really weak. Who has the time to grind like this on all their toons? I agree the drama of leaving is not necessary. But like many others he is irritated with the direction of the game. He more likely than not would prefer they fix the game so he didn't feel the need to leave. I have accepted that this game has gone down the toilet and isn't coming back. Geko needs to be canned in the worst way. And they need to make some PvP maps that eliminate the spec and lobi nonsense so the game can have some interest again. Building the perfect AOE spam build for killing HP sponges is about as interesting as watching paint dry. I will never understand how the fan boys can get so defensive about the current direction of AOE FAW spam and HP sponges.
the only thing i have a fault is with the exchange most of the weapons need to win in red alerts are priced like 13,000,000
for example need a XIV quantum torpedo some in the exchange go for 3,000,000 to 44,000,000
priced to high out side of that its great ecept that star trek will lose thier license in 2018.
read on this forms
And no one said they will "lose" their license in 2018. The license expires in 2018. At that point PW and CBS will need to renegotiate - and PW will decide whether the millions paid to CBS for the license are still financially worth it to them.
So very true.
I hope that itwi be..I mean, what else will I do with my spare time? :P
PSSST!! i dont know you why would i care?
PSSST!! VD that is the funniest darned thing ive seen on the forum in some time thanks for the laugh lol