Why not, cryptic could dedicate the first 5 instance maps to open world PVP. People would love it. You could have Klingons sneaking around on ESD and Feds on First City. Maybe even dedicat 1 of the Maps to PVP based missions so we could interact with each others worlds.
It could be World vs World 40 man vs. 40 man battles. Everything needed for this is already there. Crptics just needs to remove the faction lock on visiting each others Worlds. I think it would be fun.
This would be ok if the players had the option to log into these instances as a choice
Jellico....Engineer ground.....Da'val Romulan space Sci
Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng
JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
Nope, but I did play Freelancer, and remember how most modded servers had to declare the system with the game startup point a safe zone, because high end VHF pilots would park a gunshots length from the docking ring, and slaughter new players as they made their first launch.
Some tried to do this while clocked, became so bad merely mentioning cloaks on the servers forum would usually be an instant thread close, and often a site ban.
All that happened was the Titan-Boyz of Clan Mc NoobKiller relocated to the non safe end of the jumpgates leading from the start up system and demanded millions of creds in 'tax' from new players who didn't have 2 creds to rub together, THAN slaughter them.
Ah, yes. PvPers. One of the main reason I (and many others) avoid PvP games like the plague.
Make a huge Nimbus world open space, that has towns, jungle, desert, ...
Have 2 or 3 sides, each spawing in their own, protected, village.
Kill that what ain't your side.
Simplistic, but could be very funny.
And no, you, without BOff support. :P
Most STO players cant handle seeing the toon they have worked on for months get killed, the majority of STO players are happy to continue to spend real money only to use their expensive new ships to destroy npc's it has got to the point now where the only reason to even build up a ship is to destroy npc's faster then the last time....very sad state of affairs but cyrptic are content with their under 10k playerbase, back to war thunder pvp where every game is different oh look 100k players on
Most STO players cant handle seeing the toon they have worked on for months get killed, the majority of STO players are happy to continue to spend real money only to use their expensive new ships to destroy npc's it has got to the point now where the only reason to even build up a ship is to destroy npc's faster then the last time....very sad state of affairs but cyrptic are content with their under 10k playerbase, back to war thunder pvp where every game is different oh look 100k players on
Oh so true. Probably why I can't play a fed char. Right now when my characters dies or my ship blows up, I'm sitting here laughing going, "Well... that took a while."
Take Blood of the Ancients. I'm in the paper aiplane known as the qin heavy raptor, the one you get at level 40, I'll just pile in to the mobs with every AoE I have, just to see how long it takes the mobs to kill me.
speaking of this. I should load up my shuttle and que for a pvp match. Just to see how long I can annoy someone in a big bad ship. Ain't even gonna try to kill them. just buzz around them, and plink at them occassionally.
Most STO players cant handle seeing the toon they have worked on for months get killed, the majority of STO players are happy to continue to spend real money only to use their expensive new ships to destroy npc's it has got to the point now where the only reason to even build up a ship is to destroy npc's faster then the last time....very sad state of affairs but cyrptic are content with their under 10k playerbase, back to war thunder pvp where every game is different oh look 100k players on
Ooooooor.... most STO players are PvE'ers, who therefore don't share your opinion that "if only PvP, this game would be HUUUUUUUGE!" /shrug
(I've got no problem with my character or ship dying, it happens with some frequency. No problems with respawning, or whatever other silly fantasies the pvp fans in this thread have stated. I just have no interest at all in the trash-talking, testosterone-soaked, dudebro, jock/bully/griefer world that you guys seem to think is so awesome & are baffled that everyone else doesn't want to join in on your "fun".)
I can't think of a single MMO that doesn't regulate PVP away from the service zone. World of Nameless, even on the PVP dedicated servers folks holed up in their capital city just trying to browse the AH are safe. EVE Online, service and low level zones are protected by large, game breaking NPC guards that make PVP highly unprofitable. TSW and LoTRO don't even have open world PVP. It's done this way because service areas are used by all players regardless of level and are unavoidable, so PVP there in them would too often amount to higher level players who want to PVP grieffing and killing lower level players who just want to get to the ship yard, buy their stupid Tier-2 science vessel, and get back to leveling.
So, while I'm not against open world PVP rules being created for certain channels, along with the ability to automatically opt in or out of those channels at will. I would not say PVP on ESD and First City is a good idea.
Back in the original Everquest I had a lv 5 toon with an expensive bow that I would log on to parked outside the gnome starting city because I hated gnomes.
With the bow I could one shot lv 1s when they were meditating, or 2 shot people up to like lv 3. I was really really rich in EQ and a very skilled and veteran full time low level PKer so I twinked the toon enough that no newbie could possibly escape or beat me.
The guards had bad path finding so if they agroed on me I could do a loop de loop and zone into the gnome city and zone back to lose them.
I'd take all their starting gear and camp their corpses until I got bored. I figured best case scenario, they'd make a toon that wasn't a gnome.
Worst case, I had the honor of giving them their initial experience on the pvp server and giving them the benefit of learning what to expect and whether they would love the server as much as I did, or be happier somewhere else. I think it would be bad for somone to invest time I to something he would end up hating and leaving, so it was a service to show them exactly what they were getting I to from the start.
My first experiences in pvp Everquest of just a constant battle for survival, against the mobs and much more importantly the fellow players got me deeply hooked on it. To this day it's the best video game I've ever played, more than 10 years later.
Playing a really outstanding pvp game like that during my formative years taught me a great deal about human nature and convinced me very strongly that Thomas Hobbes was right.
Ok, firstly that's discraceful behavior even in a Hardcore MMO. STO is not a Hardcore MMO, you want a game like that go play EVE.
Also, this kind of behavior causes people to just say 'TRIBBLE this' and go play a different game assuming that all players who play X game are PK'ing @#&!-heads. MMO Companies try to avoid this like the plague, since players who leave don't buy anything, and don't earn the company any money.
As for open-PvP on homeworlds, I'd have to disagree Social hubs are suppose to be safe areas where people can gather, talk, transact some business, and NOT have to worry about some PK'ing #$#!-head murdering them on the transporter pad.
I'm not opposed to making more open-PvP zones in STO, even perhaps certain sections of the homeworlds, like ESD lower levels, or Qo'nos outskirts... something like that would be cool, but I'm fairly certain no one wants to be PK'd at an exchange terminal while trying to buy that fancy space gun before someone else does...
The ironic part about this thread is that most successful mmorpgs with a great pvp system have more people working on pvp than they do at Cryptic on lockboxes.
Although we had suggested this like 4 years ago and they said no. Then they tried to make a copy of pi canis beta missions in regulus sector block that was a pvp version of it but it just ended up being another kerrat they decided wouldn't work well because you would have 20 federation players for one KDF player and it was just not going to work so it was abandoned.
This suggestion is the only possible solution that could really be a way to save what is left of pvp and then to build on that to make it better. First thing is there would need to be some kind of compromise with something like people who care enough about pvp that they would work for them just for the sake of pvp. Then with a little bit of guidance some content to purchase for pvp would and should bring it up to the point where they could afford to hire said people or whoever they decide to be their sto pvp team or either one that works across multiple games.
I'll give you an example of one amazing pvp system and how it can be adapted to fix STO's development style. There is this one game which in pvp when you are essentially killed you are not dead until the mechanic of finishing off a player is done. Now that system it basically gives a player the chance of fighting back while on the verge of death so even an almost dead player isn't done fighting yet. Something similar could be done like with a warp core explosion minigame or something to make it different/sto-like. As well in this game I speak of you can really see how much they make off these they sell they cost like 10 bucks a piece but they are fun to have/use. Its also an opportunity for all the artists they have at Cryptic to make new content that is different than same old stuff and revitalize pvp. Plus the way gear and stats work pve vs pvp the pvp is even more balanced than the pve. Everyone basically has different stat and modifier choices so everyone has the same base stats only difference is which ones you pick.
Anyways it could work for esd and first city its just there needs to be someone who can grab the targ by its teeth and make it happen.
This suggestion is the only possible solution that could really be a way to save what is left of pvp and then to build on that to make it better.
Decades of bitter experience with weapons grade a$$hat PvPers, means that many people do not want to save PvP, especially not unregulated PvP in areas of the game that you cannot avoid having to visit.
<center><font size="+5"><b>Give a man a fire and he's warm for a day... Set a man on fire and he's warm for the rest of his life...</b></size></center>
Starfleet Dental member reveals their objectives...
Pictures at 11...
<center><font size="+5"><b>Give a man a fire and he's warm for a day... Set a man on fire and he's warm for the rest of his life...</b></size></center>
An emotionally delicate bunch, I reckon. I wonder how they handle the everyday, small failures and disappointments the rest of us learn from (and adapt to).
They go online an make themselves feel better by acting the Internet Tough Guy, spawn camping people 30+ levels below them, while congratulating themselves on their "amazing PvP ability"
...oh, you weren't talking about PvPers? :rolleyes:
It's interesting how vehement and unsettled certain players get at the very thought of PvP, almost as if they're self-diagnosed PTSD from getting ganked once or twice on other games. Their hands sweat, their eyes begin twitching uncontrollably. They have the urge to rush in and scream "NO NEVER" when anyone else floats the idea knowing full well it will never happen.
An emotionally delicate bunch, I reckon. I wonder how they handle the everyday, small failures and disappointments the rest of us learn from (and adapt to).
Oh right, they don't lol. There are literally people in this game trying to get themselves placed into long-term disability centers for ADD.
They go online an make themselves feel better by acting the Internet Tough Guy, spawn camping people 30+ levels below them, while congratulating themselves on their "amazing PvP ability"
...oh, you weren't talking about PvPers? :rolleyes:
Oh wait, you weren't talking about the Space Barbiers who pat themselves on the back for being able to take out swarms of NPCs that just sit there and soak up damage, and then cry to high heaven when they're faced with even the slightest challenge?
The "playerbase" (and I use that term loosely, since what most people do/want to do can barely be construed as playing) of this game astounds me.
Instead of being open and accepting to the idea of new forms of gameplay that doesn't impact what they do, they stomp their feet and go 'NO! I DON'T WANT THAT, SO NO ONE CAN HAVE IT!'
Slow your roll, princess, before you hurt yourself. No one is demanding PVP be put into the game. From the second post onward, we've all recognized and accepted that PvP wouldn't work on STO. You either didn't read anything but the title, or you decided to grandstand anyway.
Oh that's right I remember watching something on National Geographic: the great migrations of the wildebeast in Africa. In herds of thousands they ford through rivers infested with dangerous predators. In particular, I seem to remember the one crocodile seeking out the strongest member of the heard, a animal of equal strength and agility, ignoring all the young and elderly, sick and herd outliers. Oh wait -- that never happens
There will always be crocodiles taking down the weak and incompetent -- and if STO has taught me one thing, it's that there are lots of incompetent players out there; this is true in lifr as it is online, but even in STO, a largely PVE game, players go into conniptions when hit with a snowball that does zero damage. People are going to get mad regardless, and there will always be internet tough guys (people ish talking in STFs). I don't really see what you're getting at.
"I want a make believe world where nothing negative ever happens to me unless I write it in my toons's bio."
Are you actually trying to make out that PvPers are the big strong guys...lmfao
You seem to insult someone with every post you make, whether its a comment like princess or calling them irrelevant.
Guess what your posts are irrelevant, the majority of people playing this game don't want PvP. Not because they're soft because I can pretty much guarantee their setups and skills are a damn sight higher than yours. Get this into your brain, we don't play the pvp zones because we don't want to pvp..it's a simple thing you just can't seem to understand.
And if there is one thing that playing PC games since the 80s has done for me, is to make me realise that most pvpers believe that the world should rotate around them, even when they are in by far the minority.
There's games for pvpers and griefers to go to, but your here why??? Are they too scarey for you?
The vast majority of players in this game are PVErs....don't like it then go show your mad skills off to people who care, in a game that allows you do to it. Plenty out there.
The vast majority of players in this game are PVErs....don't like it then go show your mad skills off to people who care, in a game that allows you do to it. Plenty out there.
Likewise, if you just want to play Space Barbie/RP Hero/"Look mom, I can vape NPCs!", why not simply avoid the PvP portions of the game and allow those who wish to play those to do so?
As has been said before regarding STO and PvP, STO is in a very unique position in that there aren't any games quite like it. The gameplay of STO is crying for team play, cooperative action, and PvP.
This would be ok if the players had the option to log into these instances as a choice
Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng
JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
Ah, yes. PvPers. One of the main reason I (and many others) avoid PvP games like the plague.
Obvisouly that would be the way to do it , but pesonally i tink its a great idea .
Have 2 or 3 sides, each spawing in their own, protected, village.
Kill that what ain't your side.
Simplistic, but could be very funny.
And no, you, without BOff support. :P
Oh so true. Probably why I can't play a fed char. Right now when my characters dies or my ship blows up, I'm sitting here laughing going, "Well... that took a while."
Take Blood of the Ancients. I'm in the paper aiplane known as the qin heavy raptor, the one you get at level 40, I'll just pile in to the mobs with every AoE I have, just to see how long it takes the mobs to kill me.
Ooooooor.... most STO players are PvE'ers, who therefore don't share your opinion that "if only PvP, this game would be HUUUUUUUGE!" /shrug
(I've got no problem with my character or ship dying, it happens with some frequency. No problems with respawning, or whatever other silly fantasies the pvp fans in this thread have stated. I just have no interest at all in the trash-talking, testosterone-soaked, dudebro, jock/bully/griefer world that you guys seem to think is so awesome & are baffled that everyone else doesn't want to join in on your "fun".)
So, while I'm not against open world PVP rules being created for certain channels, along with the ability to automatically opt in or out of those channels at will. I would not say PVP on ESD and First City is a good idea.
Ok, firstly that's discraceful behavior even in a Hardcore MMO. STO is not a Hardcore MMO, you want a game like that go play EVE.
Also, this kind of behavior causes people to just say 'TRIBBLE this' and go play a different game assuming that all players who play X game are PK'ing @#&!-heads. MMO Companies try to avoid this like the plague, since players who leave don't buy anything, and don't earn the company any money.
As for open-PvP on homeworlds, I'd have to disagree Social hubs are suppose to be safe areas where people can gather, talk, transact some business, and NOT have to worry about some PK'ing #$#!-head murdering them on the transporter pad.
I'm not opposed to making more open-PvP zones in STO, even perhaps certain sections of the homeworlds, like ESD lower levels, or Qo'nos outskirts... something like that would be cool, but I'm fairly certain no one wants to be PK'd at an exchange terminal while trying to buy that fancy space gun before someone else does...
Although we had suggested this like 4 years ago and they said no. Then they tried to make a copy of pi canis beta missions in regulus sector block that was a pvp version of it but it just ended up being another kerrat they decided wouldn't work well because you would have 20 federation players for one KDF player and it was just not going to work so it was abandoned.
This suggestion is the only possible solution that could really be a way to save what is left of pvp and then to build on that to make it better. First thing is there would need to be some kind of compromise with something like people who care enough about pvp that they would work for them just for the sake of pvp. Then with a little bit of guidance some content to purchase for pvp would and should bring it up to the point where they could afford to hire said people or whoever they decide to be their sto pvp team or either one that works across multiple games.
I'll give you an example of one amazing pvp system and how it can be adapted to fix STO's development style. There is this one game which in pvp when you are essentially killed you are not dead until the mechanic of finishing off a player is done. Now that system it basically gives a player the chance of fighting back while on the verge of death so even an almost dead player isn't done fighting yet. Something similar could be done like with a warp core explosion minigame or something to make it different/sto-like. As well in this game I speak of you can really see how much they make off these they sell they cost like 10 bucks a piece but they are fun to have/use. Its also an opportunity for all the artists they have at Cryptic to make new content that is different than same old stuff and revitalize pvp. Plus the way gear and stats work pve vs pvp the pvp is even more balanced than the pve. Everyone basically has different stat and modifier choices so everyone has the same base stats only difference is which ones you pick.
Anyways it could work for esd and first city its just there needs to be someone who can grab the targ by its teeth and make it happen.
Decades of bitter experience with weapons grade a$$hat PvPers, means that many people do not want to save PvP, especially not unregulated PvP in areas of the game that you cannot avoid having to visit.
Set a man on fire and he's warm for the rest of his life...</b></size></center>
Breaking news...
Starfleet Dental member reveals their objectives...
Pictures at 11...
Set a man on fire and he's warm for the rest of his life...</b></size></center>
They go online an make themselves feel better by acting the Internet Tough Guy, spawn camping people 30+ levels below them, while congratulating themselves on their "amazing PvP ability"
...oh, you weren't talking about PvPers? :rolleyes:
I don't think anyone has ever said it better
Oh wait, you weren't talking about the Space Barbiers who pat themselves on the back for being able to take out swarms of NPCs that just sit there and soak up damage, and then cry to high heaven when they're faced with even the slightest challenge?
The "playerbase" (and I use that term loosely, since what most people do/want to do can barely be construed as playing) of this game astounds me.
Instead of being open and accepting to the idea of new forms of gameplay that doesn't impact what they do, they stomp their feet and go 'NO! I DON'T WANT THAT, SO NO ONE CAN HAVE IT!'
Are you actually trying to make out that PvPers are the big strong guys...lmfao
You seem to insult someone with every post you make, whether its a comment like princess or calling them irrelevant.
Guess what your posts are irrelevant, the majority of people playing this game don't want PvP. Not because they're soft because I can pretty much guarantee their setups and skills are a damn sight higher than yours. Get this into your brain, we don't play the pvp zones because we don't want to pvp..it's a simple thing you just can't seem to understand.
And if there is one thing that playing PC games since the 80s has done for me, is to make me realise that most pvpers believe that the world should rotate around them, even when they are in by far the minority.
There's games for pvpers and griefers to go to, but your here why??? Are they too scarey for you?
The vast majority of players in this game are PVErs....don't like it then go show your mad skills off to people who care, in a game that allows you do to it. Plenty out there.
Likewise, if you just want to play Space Barbie/RP Hero/"Look mom, I can vape NPCs!", why not simply avoid the PvP portions of the game and allow those who wish to play those to do so?
As has been said before regarding STO and PvP, STO is in a very unique position in that there aren't any games quite like it. The gameplay of STO is crying for team play, cooperative action, and PvP.