-1) MINES: One can mount up to 4 mine droppers on a ship, but only 2 will work, the other(s) will take the CD time of the first. Considering one can add more than 2 droppers (and I have) one would expect them to work properly. Adding a tiny pause in between each drop might solve the problem.
-2) SKILLS: Some ships can use more than 2 of the same BOff type, for instance 3 Tacs on the Qin Heavy Raptor. However, if you have three using the same skill, only 2! will function, the third will start a CD with the second (Example: 3 Tac DOff with Tactical Team 1 can only use 2 x the skill. Thus rendering one entirely useless!). Even more: if you have 3 Tacs, one running for instance Rapid Fire, another Cannon Sactter 1, and the third Cann0n Scatter 3, then only 2 will be useable, the third again becomes dead. Now, what is the use of having three Tac Officers (or another class, I just use the Tacs as example) if you cannot use three? This too must urgently be addressed, since this does hold us back a lot.
-3) SHIP BOff STATIONS: Well, the old BOff AWOL bug is still around. I believe it is about time somewhat to finally address this bug?
-4) INVENTORY: Closes upon map transfer, it did not before S10 (which is an awesome Ep! Thank you Devs!!!). Please check into this.
-5) CUTSCENES: quite a few can't be escaped, and in some cases, this is REALLY annoying (Like when a cutscene forces it's way up during a fight). Make the not-escapable ones ascapable, please.
-6) SOUND: Many a sound gets buggered, especially when there is a lot of shooting.
-7) NPC LIPSYNC: quite often not even existing. Would be nice to see it fixed.
This comes from the top of my mind, thus not complete.
I'll add more as I remember them or encounter them.
As far as 1&2 go, this is intended behaviour. Mines, torpedoes, and skills start a global cooldown on related items when they are used. This global CD is usually less than the 'normal' CD, but it still exists.
It is an intended game mechanic, and some of the DOFFs interact with it when you put them on active space duty.
Considering no item tells us that, I do not believe that.
If it was intended like that, there would have been a limit to these things.
I can recall items telling me only one of these can be mounted.
If it was indeed intended like that, they would have done the same, but with 2 as the limit.
Aside: Tac BOffs only have ONE skill as first skill: Tactical Team 1.
The other skills... well...
For 4 mines there should be 4 different CD times, and ditto for the BOffs.
ADDENDUM: once can mount 4 working cannons.
4 Torpedo Launchers frontal placed, working correctly.
One could build a pure laser boat (I have one) that works splendidly.
Why would mines be treated differently?
Makes no sense, does it...
Starts 15 second cooldown on:
Tyken's Rift
Duplicate ability cooldown:
40 seconds
You can reach the official wiki by clicking on 'Wiki' in the ARC client, if you wisely choose not to click on some link some guy put in a forum thread.
(Torpedoes actually have a global 1sec CD. You can watch the weapons fire off if you bring up the weapon element of your HUD).
Excuse me, I am not English: what do you mean with duplicate cooldown, Sir?
As for the Torps, I know (and I have the weapon element up ).
But frankly, mines should work the very same, no?
All other weapons do...
Energy Weapons do not have a cooldown.
Torpedoes have their one second cooldown between each other.
Mines also have a cooldown between each other.
You had mentioned having four torpedoes and it working fine. Depending on the torpedoes you have, the fourth torpedo will not fire. If you add in Projectile Weapon Officer Duty Officers with cooldown reduction, even the third torpedo may not fire.
And it repeats itself, because the standard Photon torpedo has a 6 second cooldown. However, there are certain torpedoes with a shorter cooldown. And if you add in a PWO DOFF that reduces the CD...say you had a VR one, got lucky with the 20% chance, that's still going to be -5 seconds.
0.0 seconds, Photon Torp #1 selected.
0.5 seconds, Photon Torp #1 fired - 1.0 second triggered delay.
1.5 seconds, Photon Torp #2 ready...but so is Torp #1, so it's going to fire instead of Torp #2. Could even get lucky and have Torp #1 fire before Torp #2 again. Depending on the number of PWOs you have, the odds of Torp #4 firing can get extremely rare...even Torp #3 can be very rare.
Will get into what torpedoes are slotted and their cooldowns.
Depending on the mines being used, you may find only two work or possibly three...would have to double check to see if one could get to four.
Standard triggered cooldown is what...12 seconds? So if you were using Photon mines, you could only use two of them for example. The first Photon mine would be ready at the same time as the third (or fourth), so the first would trigger again if on automatic.
A similar principle applies to your issue with Bridge Officer abilities.
Say you have an ability with a 30 second cooldown that triggers a 15 second cooldown on a duplicate of the ability. You use the first ability, which triggers the 15 seconds on the second one. When you use the second one, it triggers the 15 seconds on the first one. That's going to cover the 30 second cooldown the first had, so it will be ready to be used again. If there was a third copy, it would still be subject to the 15 second triggered cooldown from the use of the second one...so both it and the first one would be available at the same time.
Which basically means for that Qin Heavy Raptor with the following BOFF layout...
X, X, X, X
X, X, X
X X, X X, X
...for that third Ensign Tac BOFF slot, it's going to be a case of selecting an ability other than TT1 again.
And beyond that, it would be a case of having to keep in mind any triggered cooldowns that come about for families of abilities even when they're not duplicates. Beam and Torpedo at Ensign rank, Beam, Torpedo, Cannon, Mine, and Attack Patterns at the other ranks.
It is an intended game mechanic, and some of the DOFFs interact with it when you put them on active space duty.
If it was intended like that, there would have been a limit to these things.
I can recall items telling me only one of these can be mounted.
If it was indeed intended like that, they would have done the same, but with 2 as the limit.
Aside: Tac BOffs only have ONE skill as first skill: Tactical Team 1.
The other skills... well...
For 4 mines there should be 4 different CD times, and ditto for the BOffs.
ADDENDUM: once can mount 4 working cannons.
4 Torpedo Launchers frontal placed, working correctly.
One could build a pure laser boat (I have one) that works splendidly.
Why would mines be treated differently?
Makes no sense, does it...
Check out the page on the official wiki for Gravity Well, for instance (http://sto.gamepedia.com/Ability:_Gravity_Well)
Notice the lines:
Starts 15 second cooldown on: Tyken's Rift Duplicate ability cooldown: 40 seconds
You can reach the official wiki by clicking on 'Wiki' in the ARC client, if you wisely choose not to click on some link some guy put in a forum thread.
(Torpedoes actually have a global 1sec CD. You can watch the weapons fire off if you bring up the weapon element of your HUD).
As for the Torps, I know (and I have the weapon element up ).
But frankly, mines should work the very same, no?
All other weapons do...
Energy Weapons do not have a cooldown.
Torpedoes have their one second cooldown between each other.
Mines also have a cooldown between each other.
You had mentioned having four torpedoes and it working fine. Depending on the torpedoes you have, the fourth torpedo will not fire. If you add in Projectile Weapon Officer Duty Officers with cooldown reduction, even the third torpedo may not fire.
For example
0.0 seconds, Photon Torp #1 selected.
0.5 seconds, Photon Torp #1 fired - 1.0 second triggered delay.
1.5 seconds, Photon Torp #2 ready.
2.0 seconds, Photon Torp #2 fired - 1.0 second triggered delay.
3.0 seconds, Photon Torp #3 ready.
3.5 seconds, Photon Torp #3 fired - 1.0 second triggered delay.
4.5 seconds, Photon Torp #4 ready.
5.0 seconds, Photon Torp #4 fired - 1.0 second triggered delay.
6.0 seconds, Photon Torp #1 ready.
6.5 seconds, Photon Torp #1 fired - 1.0 second triggered delay.
And it repeats itself, because the standard Photon torpedo has a 6 second cooldown. However, there are certain torpedoes with a shorter cooldown. And if you add in a PWO DOFF that reduces the CD...say you had a VR one, got lucky with the 20% chance, that's still going to be -5 seconds.
0.0 seconds, Photon Torp #1 selected.
0.5 seconds, Photon Torp #1 fired - 1.0 second triggered delay.
1.5 seconds, Photon Torp #2 ready...but so is Torp #1, so it's going to fire instead of Torp #2. Could even get lucky and have Torp #1 fire before Torp #2 again. Depending on the number of PWOs you have, the odds of Torp #4 firing can get extremely rare...even Torp #3 can be very rare.
Will get into what torpedoes are slotted and their cooldowns.
Depending on the mines being used, you may find only two work or possibly three...would have to double check to see if one could get to four.
Standard triggered cooldown is what...12 seconds? So if you were using Photon mines, you could only use two of them for example. The first Photon mine would be ready at the same time as the third (or fourth), so the first would trigger again if on automatic.
A similar principle applies to your issue with Bridge Officer abilities.
Say you have an ability with a 30 second cooldown that triggers a 15 second cooldown on a duplicate of the ability. You use the first ability, which triggers the 15 seconds on the second one. When you use the second one, it triggers the 15 seconds on the first one. That's going to cover the 30 second cooldown the first had, so it will be ready to be used again. If there was a third copy, it would still be subject to the 15 second triggered cooldown from the use of the second one...so both it and the first one would be available at the same time.
Which basically means for that Qin Heavy Raptor with the following BOFF layout...
X, X, X, X
X, X, X
X, X
X, X
...for that third Ensign Tac BOFF slot, it's going to be a case of selecting an ability other than TT1 again.
And beyond that, it would be a case of having to keep in mind any triggered cooldowns that come about for families of abilities even when they're not duplicates. Beam and Torpedo at Ensign rank, Beam, Torpedo, Cannon, Mine, and Attack Patterns at the other ranks.