Actually some of these things made it into the game.
The Gorn fighter is ingame as a frigate.
And the Klingon outpost, or something very similar was in at launch.
It was the exterior of the First City before the revamp to it current form
Was there ever a reason given as to why we didn't get female Nausicaans, Gorn, and Letheans?
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The Klingon outpost, or something very similar was in at launch.
It was the exterior of the First City before the revamp to it current form
It was not nearly as good as the version in the concept art. For one thing, it was very limited in scope. Here's a video showing what the First City used to look like.
Was there ever a reason given as to why we didn't get female Nausicaans, Gorn, and Letheans?
No idea. But it's strange that they couldn't, at least, use a female humanoid body as a basis for the Nausicaan and the Lethean females, as they did with some other species. Considering that the issue has been brought up on the forums before, it's this kind of neglect that makes the faction less attractive for the players from the start.
You can see what the old first city looked like by Playing the mission where the Fek'lhri attack Qonos. they didn't update the mission when they made the new one.
It was not nearly as good as the version in the concept art. For one thing, it was very limited in scope. Here's a video showing what the First City used to look like.
I've been here since headstart so I know very well what it looked like.:)
It's also still possible to take a walk there in the Foundry...if and when it's up and running.
Yes it's not as large nor does it have that many levels. But when you look at the buildings and the arrangement then the First City we had is very similar to the topmost section of the concept art.
You can see what the old first city looked like by Playing the mission where the Fek'lhri attack Qonos. they didn't update the mission when they made the new one.
Sure but you can already see it well enough in the linked video without having to play the mission.
Yes it's not as large nor does it have that many levels. But when you look at the buildings and the arrangement then the First City we had is very similar to the topmost section of the concept art.
Even when it comes to the Great Hall at the top, it already gives a very different impression. The symbol at the front of the building is the most glaring difference. You can see that the old map had a rough approximation of the TNG version of the structure. By comparison, Robert D. Brown's artwork featured a fresh new take on it.
Klingon Boreth Monastery from PE's version of STO:
Klingon space zone from PE's version of STO:
Wow, very cool looking. :cool:
"...'With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured...the first thought forbidden...the first freedom denied--chains us all irrevocably.' ... The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. I fear that today--"
- (TNG) Picard, quoting Judge Aaron Satie
Lol @ the PC Gamer cover. That... thing doesn't even look like a Klingon woman, it's a regular "game babe" with way off scaled "ridges" that were applied in MS paint
^ Memory is not canon. It's a open wiki with arbitrary rules. Only what can be cited from an episode is. ^
"No. Men do not roar. Women roar. Then they hurl heavy objects... and claw at you." -Worf, son of Mogh
"A filthy, mangy beast, but in its bony breast beat the heart of a warrior" - "faithful" (...) "but ever-ready to follow the call of the wild." - Martok, about a Targ
"That pig smelled horrid. A sweet-sour, extremely pungent odor. I showered and showered, and it took me a week to get rid of it!" - Robert Justman, appreciating Emmy-Lou
In a recent P1 interview the male/female thing with the Letheans, Nausicaans, and Gorn was asked. The answer for Letheans and Naussicans was, iirc, that he didn't know why there were no female models.
For the Gorn he stated that the "male" option was actually a mistake that wasn't caught before launch or during the character creator revamp and barely avoided going into a full on nerd-rant about why he hated sticking TRIBBLE on reptilian species since real world reptile females don't have mammary glands (in fact the presence of mammary glands - aka TRIBBLE - is what makes something a mammal).
Or in short, the Gorn don't display mammalian gender dimorphism and the ones in game are only "male" for the purposes of easier costuming though he did say he'd look into possibly getting them access to female-only costumes but made no promises on whether it would actually happen or not.
Or in short, the Gorn don't display mammalian gender dimorphism and the ones in game are only "male" for the purposes of easier costuming though he did say he'd look into possibly getting them access to female-only costumes but made no promises on whether it would actually happen or not.
Onscreen Gorn wore what was, in effect, a short dress.
This would actually make them more canon-accurate - Leather vest + Bortas'qu skirt...?
the outpost concept art is awesome, if they did a klingon academy revamp i could see it be added as the new map....rather than the current random canyon #247 look it has now x3
the klingon base concept could be a basis for another First City revamp, i mean the Iconians are wrecking the First City in Brotherhood of the Sword...they're going to rebuild after the war, so perfect time to improve it ^^
and a Boreth monastery map with a Fek'Ihri arc revamp would be awesome
(maybe Taco can take some cues from the old concept art )
KDF for Life! Romulan at Heart Fed cause they made me ~ :P
humm, you know, i had not considered the concept of a First City revamp after it getting the TRIBBLE beat out of it in the mission... But then we did have a FE mission that was plugged in fed side just before the last ESD revamp.
SO maybe..Hopefully it'll include everything we have have liked.. and NOT liked about the previous incarnation of first city, and the current one. I do know it takes a lot less time to run about ESD to get to various and assort NPC vendors and services then it does First City.. and that was before the latest revamp!
Let be sure to include a few like ya know roof top gardens and such... Get a little inspiration from Babylon's hanging gardens which had a number of architectural features in common with the fictional Klingon style of buildings...
We have seen some fairly amazing visuals from different scources when it comes to Klingons... From the layered first city as portrayed in Interplay/14 East's Klingon Academy (um, I do belive it is considered canon)
the starships in game look like TRIBBLE compared to what we have today in STO, but game play was phenominally good for what was doable at the time. The new interplay could make an upgrade of the game using a modern graphics engine with nice high poly models and I would snap that puppy up in a heart beat! Missions and cut scenes could be exactly the same as the original and it would rock!
And I would love to have the outfit the Klingon Female on the magazine cover has. She looks totally bad TRIBBLE. The "bare chest" armor option we currently have has always left a lot to be desired compared to what we have seen of Klingon Female attire from television and the movies.
There has been some work on it, and I'm guessing one of the artist team as decided to "own" Kdf costumage and expand apon it.. God knows it needs it. So far said mystery artist type has been working on accessorizing the accessories.. ((ie: bare leg option for Orion females now allow a player to put boots on, instead of being limited to only sandals)) I'm rather hoping we can see the honor guard cape and fur option availible for use with other costumes.. for that matter same same with the rest of the parts, though I have given up on ever seeing the "Beeves" female chest costume option ever looking right. Not without a total rework of the costume. I've checked it on Tribble and I cannot change the color to reflect the skin color of my Orion..
If I wear the beeves option Honor Guard uniform on my Orion, I'll have to plagerize from World of ******** to explain it..
"They're real, they're not mine, but they're real!"
Even a remake "beeves" chest option to make it look like a formed piece of highly polished relective metal would be an improvement. If it can't be made to look right on females that don't have Klingon skin tones, then you find another solution It IS the little things that make the difference.
I am glad though that even if we aren't getting any new specificly Klingon costumes, the ability to accessorize those costumes with proper Klingon Style flash makes it far more bearable...
From a KDF point of View:
Uniforms are what Soldiers wear... and civil servants. Warriors wear what they are issued like a soldier but the accouterments do have to be earned, and can be worn if chosen with more "civilian" wear. More mix and match would fit the KDF costume options to a "T" and I will encourage the art team to push for just that sort of functionality. If your not allowed to make us that much that's new, then allowing us to do more with what we CAN have will do the job.
Some two possibly three years ago I posted on the forums a somewhat sloppy shopped image of my Orion Kui with the wrist accessories and boots from the Honor Guard uniform, along with the cape and fur over typical orion custume options. It was a vision of high barbaric flash. I can almost do that today. I use Bortasqu boots, and wrist accessories along with Vet Shoulders. But not quite yet.
It's frustrating as a player to see NPC's that get to wear what I cannot, in combinations I'm not allowed to use. The cut scene in one of the latest FE's is a fine example.. The Klingon general briefing the player is wearing a Bortasqu long jacket, with Academy should pads, and the Honor Guard cape... I have the cape, the pads, and the Jacket.. But I don't get to wear the cape with anything other then the rest of the honor guard uniform... I worked hard for that uniform.. and I did it way back when.. we you didn't get the costume from rep projects.. you had to get the "armor", Weapon" and "Personal Shield" as drops out of the STF's. I ran so damd many STF's that frankly, here, now, today.. You cannot PAY me to run an STF. I don't care if you rewarded me with Zen, and Lobi... I refuse! Never again.
Note: Just checked.. no.. I don't have the damd cape any more..great.. wonderfull, charming even.
Ahh well.. Outta here, sure someone else has stuff to say also..
Klingon space zone from PE's version of STO:
Gorn fighter-class ship from PE's version of STO:
Actually some of these things made it into the game.
The Gorn fighter is ingame as a frigate.
And the Klingon outpost, or something very similar was in at launch.
It was the exterior of the First City before the revamp to it current form
Don't think we'll ever see these show up, as unfortunate as it is.
Was there ever a reason given as to why we didn't get female Nausicaans, Gorn, and Letheans?
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Probably amounts to "we don't want to create unique female models because they would look off with TRIBBLE"
They didn't even take the slightly less lazy route they took with Saurians and just give us them without anything new anyway.
No problem.
It was not nearly as good as the version in the concept art. For one thing, it was very limited in scope. Here's a video showing what the First City used to look like.
No idea. But it's strange that they couldn't, at least, use a female humanoid body as a basis for the Nausicaan and the Lethean females, as they did with some other species. Considering that the issue has been brought up on the forums before, it's this kind of neglect that makes the faction less attractive for the players from the start.
My character Tsin'xing
I've been here since headstart so I know very well what it looked like.:)
It's also still possible to take a walk there in the Foundry...if and when it's up and running.
Yes it's not as large nor does it have that many levels. But when you look at the buildings and the arrangement then the First City we had is very similar to the topmost section of the concept art.
Sure but you can already see it well enough in the linked video without having to play the mission.
Even when it comes to the Great Hall at the top, it already gives a very different impression. The symbol at the front of the building is the most glaring difference. You can see that the old map had a rough approximation of the TNG version of the structure. By comparison, Robert D. Brown's artwork featured a fresh new take on it.
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For the Gorn he stated that the "male" option was actually a mistake that wasn't caught before launch or during the character creator revamp and barely avoided going into a full on nerd-rant about why he hated sticking TRIBBLE on reptilian species since real world reptile females don't have mammary glands (in fact the presence of mammary glands - aka TRIBBLE - is what makes something a mammal).
Or in short, the Gorn don't display mammalian gender dimorphism and the ones in game are only "male" for the purposes of easier costuming though he did say he'd look into possibly getting them access to female-only costumes but made no promises on whether it would actually happen or not.
Onscreen Gorn wore what was, in effect, a short dress.
This would actually make them more canon-accurate - Leather vest + Bortas'qu skirt...?
Too bad they couldn't bring the game to release (and the concept art into game assets) in the time they were asked to do so.
"Dress" may be a bit inaccurate (if you look between the legs).
It may be more like a hawaiian short unitard.:P
the klingon base concept could be a basis for another First City revamp, i mean the Iconians are wrecking the First City in Brotherhood of the Sword...they're going to rebuild after the war, so perfect time to improve it ^^
and a Boreth monastery map with a Fek'Ihri arc revamp would be awesome
(maybe Taco can take some cues from the old concept art
SO maybe..Hopefully it'll include everything we have have liked.. and NOT liked about the previous incarnation of first city, and the current one. I do know it takes a lot less time to run about ESD to get to various and assort NPC vendors and services then it does First City.. and that was before the latest revamp!
Let be sure to include a few like ya know roof top gardens and such... Get a little inspiration from Babylon's hanging gardens which had a number of architectural features in common with the fictional Klingon style of buildings...
We have seen some fairly amazing visuals from different scources when it comes to Klingons... From the layered first city as portrayed in Interplay/14 East's Klingon Academy (um, I do belive it is considered canon)
((heres a link to the visuals of the game:
the starships in game look like TRIBBLE compared to what we have today in STO, but game play was phenominally good for what was doable at the time. The new interplay could make an upgrade of the game using a modern graphics engine with nice high poly models and I would snap that puppy up in a heart beat! Missions and cut scenes could be exactly the same as the original and it would rock!
And I would love to have the outfit the Klingon Female on the magazine cover has. She looks totally bad TRIBBLE. The "bare chest" armor option we currently have has always left a lot to be desired compared to what we have seen of Klingon Female attire from television and the movies.
There has been some work on it, and I'm guessing one of the artist team as decided to "own" Kdf costumage and expand apon it.. God knows it needs it. So far said mystery artist type has been working on accessorizing the accessories.. ((ie: bare leg option for Orion females now allow a player to put boots on, instead of being limited to only sandals)) I'm rather hoping we can see the honor guard cape and fur option availible for use with other costumes.. for that matter same same with the rest of the parts, though I have given up on ever seeing the "Beeves" female chest costume option ever looking right. Not without a total rework of the costume. I've checked it on Tribble and I cannot change the color to reflect the skin color of my Orion..
If I wear the beeves option Honor Guard uniform on my Orion, I'll have to plagerize from World of ******** to explain it..
"They're real, they're not mine, but they're real!"
Even a remake "beeves" chest option to make it look like a formed piece of highly polished relective metal would be an improvement. If it can't be made to look right on females that don't have Klingon skin tones, then you find another solution It IS the little things that make the difference.
I am glad though that even if we aren't getting any new specificly Klingon costumes, the ability to accessorize those costumes with proper Klingon Style flash makes it far more bearable...
From a KDF point of View:
Uniforms are what Soldiers wear... and civil servants. Warriors wear what they are issued like a soldier but the accouterments do have to be earned, and can be worn if chosen with more "civilian" wear. More mix and match would fit the KDF costume options to a "T" and I will encourage the art team to push for just that sort of functionality. If your not allowed to make us that much that's new, then allowing us to do more with what we CAN have will do the job.
Some two possibly three years ago I posted on the forums a somewhat sloppy shopped image of my Orion Kui with the wrist accessories and boots from the Honor Guard uniform, along with the cape and fur over typical orion custume options. It was a vision of high barbaric flash. I can almost do that today. I use Bortasqu boots, and wrist accessories along with Vet Shoulders. But not quite yet.
It's frustrating as a player to see NPC's that get to wear what I cannot, in combinations I'm not allowed to use. The cut scene in one of the latest FE's is a fine example.. The Klingon general briefing the player is wearing a Bortasqu long jacket, with Academy should pads, and the Honor Guard cape... I have the cape, the pads, and the Jacket.. But I don't get to wear the cape with anything other then the rest of the honor guard uniform... I worked hard for that uniform.. and I did it way back when.. we you didn't get the costume from rep projects.. you had to get the "armor", Weapon" and "Personal Shield" as drops out of the STF's. I ran so damd many STF's that frankly, here, now, today.. You cannot PAY me to run an STF. I don't care if you rewarded me with Zen, and Lobi... I refuse! Never again.
Note: Just checked.. no.. I don't have the damd cape any more..great.. wonderfull, charming even.
Ahh well.. Outta here, sure someone else has stuff to say also..