I dont know if anyone else is having these issue with the account bank on Sto for example you can take items out but not put any in to tranfer to another player the is also a issue with ibelieve it is called the paradox corrector it was not on my ground ability tray were it was supposed to be and then when I equipped the item to the tray i could not useit it did not work on blood of the ancients mission i hope these issues are sorted soon as it willl help me in any of the ground missions and pve queues.
I dont know if anyone else is having these issue with the account bank on Sto for example you can take items out but not put any in to tranfer to another player the is also a issue with ibelieve it is called the paradox corrector it was not on my ground ability tray were it was supposed to be and then when I equipped the item to the tray i could not useit it did not work on blood of the ancients mission i hope these issues are sorted soon as it willl help me in any of the ground missions and pve queues.
What he said! I second that.
:eek:The Account Bank no longer works for me as well. I tried both the Main character *Account Bank* Tab and the Bank options in the main menu when choosing *Account Bank* instead of *Bank* When using it. It either turns red when trying to move items in or if using the other way... It's white but, the items does not move into.
What he said! I second that.
:eek:The Account Bank no longer works for me as well. I tried both the Main character *Account Bank* Tab and the Bank options in the main menu when choosing *Account Bank* instead of *Bank* When using it. It either turns red when trying to move items in or if using the other way... It's white but, the items does not move into.
Thank you.:eek: