I was having some terrible graphics lag after S10 hit the street. Since /showFPS no longer works, you can use /FPSGraph 1 to view a graph of what is going on and it more helpful than /showfps anyways.
Here is what I did to solve the problem:
*Note I am using Win 8.1 on the Asus
So after I had an issue getting into game after character selection, I logged in safe mode and did the following:
I'm not going to list each setting, just the tab and what I set it too from top to bottom of the list
Full Screen
1920x1080 @ 60 (16:9)
Using the Sliders, set both to Minimum, then adjust World and Character Details to Max
1024+ MB (Read the description before setting this and make sure that it applies to your situation.
So those are my settings and they are currently working for me. I came to this revelation because I used /fpsgraph 1
Using that console command you can watch what your graphics are doing. The colors (if I remember correctly) are Blue (CPU Processing) Green (GPU Processing) and Purple (Graphical Lag Spikes). If you can get into game and watch those while you are flying around or whatever you will notice when certain aspects of you system start working. In my case, before I adjusted the GPU Slider do Minimum I would get insane graphical lag spikes. One after the other and my GPU Processing was through the roof. It was most notable to me on Fluid Dynamics where you pick up the Escape Pods.
Once I adjusted my settings to these, I have not had any issues with lag spikes (or not as bad) and I have had no more issues with logging in. I know this may not sound like one has to do with the other, but in reality I believe there is a DX issue going on that is causing the GPU to bog down during certain issues while transferring maps and on occasions logging in, which causes a CTD.
As an additional measure, I have also installed Razor Cortex, which temporarily disables certain aspects of your background processes, freeing up as much processing power as possible. I hope that this helps some people. I know that it will not help everyone. But if it does help, please let me and others know. I'd like to keep this thread as a solution thread and not an issue thread, so that Cryptic can see what people are doing that works and perhaps they can come to a solution to the overall issue at hand.
“In the strict scientific sense we all feed on death…..even vegetarians.” – Spock
Also, if you are trying to force DX11, please check which API your Video Card uses. This can be done on the Nvidia Control Panel on the bottom left corner there is a link that says System Information. The 2nd item down (under Details) tells you what type of DX your video card supports.