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Game Freezes/Crashes After Cinematics; SFX Borked

archangelmortenarchangelmorten Member Posts: 23 Arc User
edited April 2015 in Graphical and Sound Issues
I've been having problems ever since the launch of 'Delta Rising'. Here's what keeps happening:

I have four main characters I've had since last year, across all three factions. I play them normally. But since 'Delta Rising' was launched, when I go to create a new character, once the opening cinematic finishes (or for that matter, any cinematic within the game) or I try to use ESC to skip it, the game window freezes and won't respond. It's especially bad when I try to start a new Federation character because, unlike with the Romulan and Klingon factions, the opening cinematic starts playing again after closing and relaunching the game, and the same problem occurs. When a new Romulan or Klingon faction character is created and the cinematic crashes the game window, I can simply restart and the game will begin normally.

None of this began happening until the launch of 'Delta Rising'. Support tickets end up being replied to only with something along the lines of, "we're aware of the problem and we're working on it, so please be patient."

Now, since 'The Iconian War' launch, SFX have been messed up. Torpedoes, cannon blasts, and other space battle FX don't show up on screen, ground weapons don't render, star effects are not there—the list goes on.

I realize and appreciate that the devs are hard at work on this stuff, but could another month or two of getting out as many bugs and glitches as possible have really killed anyone? I plopped down quite a bit of money on STO, including for the lifetime membership, and I would like to use the product I paid for with as few problems as possible.

Now, as to the problems I've noted, is there any news as to what is being done about them and how long it might take for fixes?
Post edited by archangelmorten on


  • archangelmortenarchangelmorten Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Bumping the topic.
  • grnlbrtnfrntgrnlbrtnfrnt Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Iirc some people have gotten around this by deleting the bink32.dll from the gane folder
  • limalinkslimalinks Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Correct grnlbrtnfrnt..

    I found the fix and others refined it as it's got to do with timing (as in rename/deleting the dll and clicking on Engage etc. etc...

    >>> http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=1417361

    Hope it helps you..

    Limalinks / T'Ippex - Fleet Admiral - PC Gamer Fleet
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