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Dev's! You Forgot To Add In High Resolution BackGrounds to the New sector Maps... !!!



  • valianttomevalianttome Member Posts: 157 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    farmallm wrote: »
    Actually it can. My comp is around 10 years old. And due to the graphics and processor is older. I can't play the game unless on lower settings. If I crank it too high I won't be able to play. Due to too much for it to render and causes lag. Where my net is fully operational.

    Playing a 5 year old game on a 10 year old computer....Any lag you endure will be your fault.
  • farmallmfarmallm Member Posts: 4,630 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Playing a 5 year old game on a 10 year old computer....Any lag you endure will be your fault.

    Yes I'm fully aware of that. And I know what I got while playing the game. I'm not complaining about it either. Unlike the others crying about it.

    I would love to upgrade soon as the funding is good. Until then, only places I usually see lag is the Dyson sphere and Dyson ground zone. Unless something crazy happens.

    The statement was saying your computer don't cause lag, but it can. That was the reason for my comment, for correction.

    USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
    Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
  • nadiezjanadiezja Member Posts: 629 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I kind of get tired of people yelling that features should only be released when they're perfect. The fact is that chasing perfection would mean a lot less things would reach the game - a game whose playerbase is always starved for content and features.

    We get imperfect stuff, or we don't get stuff. That's how it works. The game's dev staff has limited resources and time; that time has to be divided among those goals. I want stuff.
  • johnstewardjohnsteward Member Posts: 1,073 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    quepan wrote: »
    no just no . as it stands the sector space is compatible with lower spec systems , and it looks fine it works well very little resource usage . if the devs were capable of making it to work both ways with the switch then the other resource intensive content like some of the Delta and dyson content wouldn't drop so much fps even on LOW settings . something you have to realize this is a 5 yr old game and should work with systems that could run it when it released . as it stands there are certain elements in some of the newier content that players cant control with the options which makes there games drop FPS like crazy .
    i would gladly except a balance of beauty and performance .

    Just get a better computer and stop whining^^ I'm not putting up with low ress just because someone here is to cheap to buy hinself a good graphics card. Its not like those are expensive.
  • johnstewardjohnsteward Member Posts: 1,073 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    nadiezja wrote: »
    I kind of get tired of people yelling that features should only be released when they're perfect. The fact is that chasing perfection would mean a lot less things would reach the game - a game whose playerbase is always starved for content and features.

    We get imperfect stuff, or we don't get stuff. That's how it works. The game's dev staff has limited resources and time; that time has to be divided among those goals. I want stuff.

    Well actually me and my friends are more starved for a playable game (as in not lagging) so no sto is sooo full of ****ty code it seems that it seemingly broke at some point around delta rising and has not been playable for us since. Or look at the number of times when already fixed bugs return because they somehow cant use versioning correctly and the fix gets left out at a later date.

    They are much to fast for their capabilities as in they f*** up all the time. A bit more testing and checking and bug fixing is desperatly needed to make existing content playable again not add in more stuff thats not playable.
  • pottsey5gpottsey5g Member Posts: 4,259 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    tacofangs wrote: »
    Your backdrop doesn't look any different from mine, except that your screenshot is considerably larger than my screen. What resolution are you running the game at?

    As for that sun, which "looks way, way better," that's the old sun, in old sector space. In my image, Old Sector Space is on the left, and New Sector Space is on the right.

    I'm sorry you dislike the look of the new suns. Your screenshot is sitting in a middle distance between the distant star lens flares, and the close star solar flares. I recommend turning on bloom/post processing, and flying closer to the star, which will cause the solar flares to show up.
    I have got both those settings on and like the other players complaining about the same thing all we have are those new flat lifeless textures as suns and planets which look terrible. The graphics of the new sector space are noticeably worse.

    Yes the new sector space is more functional but graphically it’s a massive step backwards. As for resolution I run at 2560x1440. Are you shrinking down my screenshot to view it as a whole? That might hide the problem? Not sure how you cannot see the problem its massive.

    I don't mean to be to negative. Its just you go from inside sectors that look stunning to this sector space that looks really bad. Is there no way to make the new suns look as good as the old ones?

    “We deal with things in chunks. We take care of one chunk at a time.”
    The problem is STO has a history of adding half-finished features and then never finishing them off. For example many players still cannot craft tech in R&D and upgrade their own consoles even at rank 20.

    I understand some graphics are not part of this update but surly someone should have taken a step back and gone, this looks worse, much worse than the old system perhaps we should do some more work before bringing it out. How are flat suns in my screenshot good enough for a modern game? Do many people think they are better then the old system art?
  • aelfwin1aelfwin1 Member Posts: 2,896 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    pottsey5g wrote: »
    I have got both those settings on and like the other players complaining about the same thing all we have are those new flat lifeless textures as suns and planets which look terrible

    I'm curious , is your issue with the actual texture ?
    I'm asking because for me the color choices used for the suns are kind of ... bland (of a pastel variety) .

    ... it's not something I thought to complain about (as I have my own lighting issue) , but that's how I see many of the suns . For me it's just a coloring issue ...
  • pottsey5gpottsey5g Member Posts: 4,259 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    aelfwin1 wrote: »
    I'm curious , is your issue with the actual texture ?
    I'm asking because for me the color choices used for the suns is kind of ... bland (of a pastel variety) .

    ... it's not something I thought to complain about (as I have my own lighting issue) , but that's how I see many of the suns . For me it's just a coloring issue ...
    Its really two things the background texture is so blocky I can see the squares clearly. The suns are bland and flat, no solar flares, no movement, barely even look 3D just what looks like a flat low detail texture.
  • aelfwin1aelfwin1 Member Posts: 2,896 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    pottsey5g wrote: »
    The suns are bland and flat, no solar flares, no movement, barely even look 3D just what looks like a flat low detail texture.

    Well , this is how the Sun (Earth sol) looks on my 4 year old GTX 460 card .
    As you can see there are solar flairs (1 on top , 2 at the bottom) .

    What you can't really see in the first pic was that there is a slight movement on the texture (think about how Cryptic animates lava on ground maps) , as well as very slight wispy tendrils around the sun -- not quite eruptions , but escaping heat & material perhaps ?

    ... as I said , the coloring is a bit flat for my taste , but there you have it ...
  • pottsey5gpottsey5g Member Posts: 4,259 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    aelfwin1 wrote: »
    Well , this is how the Sun (Earth sol) looks on my 4 year old GTX 460 card .
    As you can see there are solar flairs (1 on top , 2 at the bottom) .

    What you can't really see in the first pic was that there is a slight movement on the texture (think about how Cryptic animates lava on ground maps) , as well as very slight wispy tendrils around the sun -- not quite eruptions , but escaping heat & material perhaps ?

    ... as I said , the coloring is a bit flat for my taste , but there you have it ...
    I don't seem to get those flares on a GTX 970 and after flying around for the past 6 hours I agree on the coloring being too flat. Worse I now positively hate this "feature". Its causing me no end of problems. Somehow I keep getting stuck inside suns unable to move or fly away. Transwarp keeps going to the wrong place, auto navigate rarely works. I stand by what I said this feels like a downgrade. Just tired to join a Red Alert to get a little XP so I was high enough level for the next mission and got transwarped to a random location on the sector map!!!

    Graphically the sector map is worse and its half ruined my gameplay as its so hard to move around. I really like the idea behind the feature but I just cannot find anything positive about it. Its just taken me around 30mins to move between locations to start 1 mission due to bug after bug. :mad: It took 10mins to get away from the Xarantine Sun which someone got me stuck.
  • stokered2stokered2 Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    [Guilty of not reading all 70 pages]

    As was said, the game has five years track record and was most likely designed to work well with the hardware available in low spec computers then. The game needs to increase, gradually, the graphics over time as the hardware becomes more and more capable. Do it all at once, and low end users cant play. Take it one piece at a time and those low end users will be able to play, and keep playing as they hopefully get a new computer once in a while.
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