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Dev's! You Forgot To Add In High Resolution BackGrounds to the New sector Maps... !!!

starlazersstarlazers Member Posts: 0 Arc User
As the title states... the sector space background maps are such a low res it makes it all look Dated and meh....

Please can we have High Res Galaxy background maps to make it look and feel better when flying in the new Sector space...

Also please add more lighting.

P.S: I Think you have done a good job with S10 and the revamp as a whole just want to see a higher res galaxy...


Post edited by starlazers on


  • voivodjevoivodje Member Posts: 436 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Space is dark.
    Get used to it.
  • fruitvendor12fruitvendor12 Member Posts: 615 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    voivodje wrote: »
    Space is dark.Get used to it.
    Err no - in space there is little to nothing to block light. Unless you are between galaxies it is actually a dazzling display.
  • ak255ak255 Member Posts: 317 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I think the same thing, the stars/suns of system especially look horrible for what this game's capable of. I thought that that was just how they looked on Tribble, but I guess not. Probably gonna get updated later or something.
  • edited April 2015
    This content has been removed.
  • pottsey5gpottsey5g Member Posts: 4,260 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    voivodje wrote: »
    Space is dark.
    Get used to it.
    What has being dark got to do with low resolution blocky squares?
  • drokar2012drokar2012 Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Yep Backgroud grpahics are really low res, pls fix it.
    And fix the lightning in sector space, it is far too dark out there.
  • quepanquepan Member Posts: 541 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    no just no . as it stands the sector space is compatible with lower spec systems , and it looks fine it works well very little resource usage . if the devs were capable of making it to work both ways with the switch then the other resource intensive content like some of the Delta and dyson content wouldn't drop so much fps even on LOW settings . something you have to realize this is a 5 yr old game and should work with systems that could run it when it released . as it stands there are certain elements in some of the newier content that players cant control with the options which makes there games drop FPS like crazy .
    i would gladly except a balance of beauty and performance .
  • pottsey5gpottsey5g Member Posts: 4,260 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    quepan wrote: »
    no just no . as it stands the sector space is compatible with lower spec systems , and it looks fine it works well very little resource usage . if the devs were capable of making it to work both ways with the switch then the other resource intensive content like some of the Delta and dyson content wouldn't drop so much fps even on LOW settings . something you have to realize this is a 5 yr old game and should work with systems that could run it when it released . as it stands there are certain elements in some of the newier content that players cant control with the options which makes there games drop FPS like crazy .
    i would gladly except a balance of beauty and performance .
    There is no beauty though. Its an upgrade that downgraded the graphics. Where is the balance in that? Its now worse then a 5 year old game. The blurred blocky low res backgrounds remind me of games from 1999 over 15years ago.
  • sysil84sysil84 Member Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    starlazers wrote: »
    As the title states... the sector space background maps are such a low res it makes it all look Dated and meh....

    Please can we have High Res Galaxy background maps to make it look and feel better when flying in the new Sector space...

    Also please add more lighting.

    P.S: I Think you have done a good job with S10 and the revamp as a whole just want to see a higher res galaxy...



    Yes, high res pictures and lightning.

    We need this in a game that has already a big lag problem.
  • voivodjevoivodje Member Posts: 436 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    starlazers wrote: »
    Also please add more lighting.
    voivodje wrote: »
    Space is dark.
    Get used to it.
    pottsey5g wrote: »
    What has being dark got to do with low resolution blocky squares?
    Stay with the story, lad, stay with the story. XD
  • saborethsaboreth Member Posts: 62 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    They "forgot?" That's rather condescending. Perhaps it was never meant to be there. I'm sure there's a good chunk of STO players who don't have HD or high resolution options. Making this new space thing easy and accessible to everyone might be a higher priority, and frankly, it looks just fine. Gorgeous, really.
  • mrspidey2mrspidey2 Member Posts: 959 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I don't mind the lowered lighting. The Milkyway in the skybox needs to be of higher resolution though.
    It was fine before the revamp.
    It's a bit sad seeing Eckhard Slavik's famous and astonishing Milkyway composite image reduced to low res like this.
  • prolegapprolegap Member Posts: 65 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I asked Tacofangs about the background texture in the sector space zone chat. He said they ran into time constraints and only had time to smoothen it a bit. I didn't get to ask if they're going to still do anything to it, but hopefully they will. The low resolution skybox texture made the old sector space look cheap, and it continues to do that in the new one, even though everything else looks much prettier.

    I don't mind the dimmer lighting myself. It makes the space look slightly bigger since light sources seem further away.
    quepan wrote: »
    no just no . as it stands the sector space is compatible with lower spec systems , and it looks fine it works well very little resource usage . if the devs were capable of making it to work both ways with the switch then the other resource intensive content like some of the Delta and dyson content wouldn't drop so much fps even on LOW settings . something you have to realize this is a 5 yr old game and should work with systems that could run it when it released . as it stands there are certain elements in some of the newier content that players cant control with the options which makes there games drop FPS like crazy .
    i would gladly except a balance of beauty and performance .

    There are texture detail settings in the game. There's no reason why the background texture wouldn't respect those same settings. The problem now is that even the "high resolution" texture for the background is very blocky and low res.

    sysil84 wrote: »
    Yes, high res pictures and lightning.

    We need this in a game that has already a big lag problem.

    It's a bit unfortunate that you chose to use snark while having no idea what you're talking about. Lag is caused by something along the network route between your machine and the servers. Textures have no effect on it. Besides, like I said earlier in the post, the game has texture detail settings for a reason.
  • pottsey5gpottsey5g Member Posts: 4,260 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    sysil84 wrote: »
    Yes, high res pictures and lightning.

    We need this in a game that has already a big lag problem.
    Graphics have nothing to do with lag. Lag is to due to slow networks and speed not FPS.
  • hausofmartokhausofmartok Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Agree with op. I logged in to check out the new sector space and was totally underwhelmed with the super low res background. I thought there was something wrong with my screen for a second honestly.
    The feel of it is great. The look of it makes me feel like I'm playing a space game much much older than it is. They need to fix it.
  • quepanquepan Member Posts: 541 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    prolegap wrote: »
    I asked Tacofangs about the background texture in the sector space zone chat. He said they ran into time constraints and only had time to smoothen it a bit. I didn't get to ask if they're going to still do anything to it, but hopefully they will. The low resolution skybox texture made the old sector space look cheap, and it continues to do that in the new one, even though everything else looks much prettier.

    I don't mind the dimmer lighting myself. It makes the space look slightly bigger since light sources seem further away.

    There are texture detail settings in the game. There's no reason why the background texture wouldn't respect those same settings. The problem now is that even the "high resolution" texture for the background is very blocky and low res.

    It's a bit unfortunate that you chose to use snark while having no idea what you're talking about. Lag is caused by something along the network route between your machine and the servers. Textures have no effect on it. Besides, like I said earlier in the post, the game has texture detail settings for a reason.
    Only that thats not the CASE , i can turn all the settings OFF/low and have no effect of thing on certain skybox features and terrain features in "some" of the Detla patrol content . game losses alot of FPS . same thing with Dyson sphere maps and some parts of New romulus . even the new ESD suffers some FPS drop .
    when playing my Recruit , going thru the content i had noticed most areas even revamped areas there is little but no drop , only it those areas where there getting fancy with adding certain background effects that DONT CHANGE when you adjust options in the Menu . ever since LOR there have been issues with certain areas of the game with massive FPS drops . im not imaging it . the game isnt optimized well , nor can we fully turn off these GFX features . NOTHING TO DO WITH INTERNET LAG OR WHATEVER you claim .
  • szimszim Member Posts: 2,503 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Err no - in space there is little to nothing to block light. Unless you are between galaxies it is actually a dazzling display.

    Err yes! Interstellar space is as dark as a moonless night on earth! The brightness of as stellar object is approximatly inversely proportional to the distance from said object. Meaning double the distance and the brightness is lowered to one fourth of the brightness where you were before. And in interstallar space you are VERY far away from the stars.
  • royalsovereignroyalsovereign Member Posts: 1,344 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    quepan wrote: »
    Only that thats not the CASE , i can turn all the settings OFF/low and have no effect of thing on certain skybox features and terrain features in "some" of the Detla patrol content . game losses alot of FPS . same thing with Dyson sphere maps and some parts of New romulus . even the new ESD suffers some FPS drop .
    when playing my Recruit , going thru the content i had noticed most areas even revamped areas there is little but no drop , only it those areas where there getting fancy with adding certain background effects that DONT CHANGE when you adjust options in the Menu . ever since LOR there have been issues with certain areas of the game with massive FPS drops . im not imaging it . the game isnt optimized well , nor can we fully turn off these GFX features . NOTHING TO DO WITH INTERNET LAG OR WHATEVER you claim .
    I can vouch for this. I play with all texture/graphics settings all the way down to minimum, because my home machine is an old CADD workstation. Plenty of raw horsepower, but old hardware and old drivers that can no longer be updated. Still, for most locations in STO, it gives acceptable frame rates (30-35 FPS). But in the Dyson sphere, and in some Delta quadrant maps, my frame rate drops to slideshow speed, I'm talking to 4-5 FPS. The only way to finish some of those missions is to switch to a beam carrier and use nothing but pets and FAW, because I can't track anything.

    HD backgrounds in sector space - I lay even odds that it'd end up driving me out of the game entirely. :(
    "You Iconians just hung a vacancy sign on your asses and my foot's looking for a room!"
    --Red Annorax
  • prolegapprolegap Member Posts: 65 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    quepan wrote: »
    . im not imaging it . the game isnt optimized well , nor can we fully turn off these GFX features .

    Yep. The game isn't optimized well. A single texture is unlikely to break it however. Especially in the sector space, where there are normally very few objects and scenery around, which would eat texture memory. Maybe you should make a bug report about those unoptimized areas?
    quepan wrote: »

    You're awfully shouty, aren't you? And yes, framerate drops have nothing to do with lag. They're two separate issues, caused by two separate things. If your camera is jerky or stops moving for a while when you're rotating it, that's a framerate issue, not lag. If the camera moves fluidly but ships/characters jump around, rubberband or move jerkily, that's lag. And textures or your computer's 3D performance has no effect on the latter.
    I can vouch for this. I play with all texture/graphics settings all the way down to minimum, because my home machine is an old CADD workstation. Plenty of raw horsepower, but old hardware and old drivers that can no longer be updated. Still, for most locations in STO, it gives acceptable frame rates (30-35 FPS). But in the Dyson sphere, and in some Delta quadrant maps, my frame rate drops to slideshow speed, I'm talking to 4-5 FPS. The only way to finish some of those missions is to switch to a beam carrier and use nothing but pets and FAW, because I can't track anything.

    HD backgrounds in sector space - I lay even odds that it'd end up driving me out of the game entirely. :(

    The Dyson Spheres and sector space are different zones. The scenery in the Solanae Dyson Sphere is full of objects with their own textures, so it's much more taxing for your computer to render. Most of the scenery in the sector space consists of a giant box with the background texture. And the texture isn't massive. It's just been scaled to fit the giant box.

    To me it looks like they increased the texture's resolution anyway in the revamp, but just used the old texture upscaled and smoothed. The only reason why they didn't update the texture itself visually, was that they didn't have time to put together a new one from source material.
  • tacofangstacofangs Member Posts: 2,951 Cryptic Developer
    edited April 2015
    pottsey5g wrote: »
    There is no beauty though. Its an upgrade that downgraded the graphics.

    Um. . . what? Nothing was downgraded. The Systems/Planets were upgraded. The Backgrounds were left as they were.
    Only YOU can prevent forum fires!
  • prolegapprolegap Member Posts: 65 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    tacofangs wrote: »
    Um. . . what? Nothing was downgraded. The Systems/Planets were upgraded. The Backgrounds were left as they were.

    I wouldn't be surprised if the sector space background felt lower resolution than before to many people because everything else looks nicer.
  • mrspidey2mrspidey2 Member Posts: 959 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    tacofangs wrote: »
    Um. . . what? Nothing was downgraded. The Systems/Planets were upgraded. The Backgrounds were left as they were.
    And that's the problem right there.
    To use an analogy, you essentially upgraded from a 17'' screen to a 30'' screen but kept the 640x380 desktop image.
    So that image now has to fill a much larger screen. Obviously, that won't do it any favors, asthetically.
  • belidosbelidos Member Posts: 452 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    pottsey5g wrote: »
    Graphics have nothing to do with lag. Lag is to due to slow networks and speed not FPS.

    Both right and wrong in the same sentence, while it is true that graphics has nothing to do with network lag it does cause lag. There are four different kinds of lag, what you are referring to is network lag, which causes issues between us and the server, symptoms are usually rubber banding and network pauses etc, then there is graphics lag where the most common symptoms are fps decrease and screen freeze, there is also both memory and cup lag, cmmn symptoms of which would be delays in opening UI elements and longer load times etc.

    These are all forms of lag, people tend to use the word lag to mean just network lag, but technically it is a word to describe any kind of system decrease in performance with what type of lag prefacing it.
  • farmallmfarmallm Member Posts: 4,630 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    So far I love the change. Its dark and nice. Then you see stars glowing in the distance. And get larger and brighter as you get closer. To me this is a huge improvement. And the lights on my ship even show up better.

    USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
    Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
  • farmallmfarmallm Member Posts: 4,630 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    pottsey5g wrote: »
    Graphics have nothing to do with lag. Lag is to due to slow networks and speed not FPS.

    Actually it can. My comp is around 10 years old. And due to the graphics and processor is older. I can't play the game unless on lower settings. If I crank it too high I won't be able to play. Due to too much for it to render and causes lag. Where my net is fully operational.

    USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
    Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
  • smokeybacon90smokeybacon90 Member Posts: 2,252 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Err no - in space there is little to nothing to block light. Unless you are between galaxies it is actually a dazzling display.

    If only that was the case. :rolleyes:

    There are entire fields of observational astronomy devoted to trying to detect light blocked in other wavelengths by the ISM (Interstellar Medium).
  • farmallmfarmallm Member Posts: 4,630 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Then with all the stars we have and the moon to light our nights up. We should see what our cars look like color and all right? So why I can't I .... :rolleyes: Its supposed to be dark even up in space.

    USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
    Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
  • cajalacajala Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    prolegap wrote: »
    He said they ran into time constraints and only had time to smoothen it a bit.

    And here we have the reason this game is so bug infested. Instead of releasing stuff when it's done they push it in anyway. :rolleyes:
  • ufpterrellufpterrell Member Posts: 736 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    quepan wrote: »
    no just no . as it stands the sector space is compatible with lower spec systems , and it looks fine it works well very little resource usage . if the devs were capable of making it to work both ways with the switch then the other resource intensive content like some of the Delta and dyson content wouldn't drop so much fps even on LOW settings . something you have to realize this is a 5 yr old game and should work with systems that could run it when it released . as it stands there are certain elements in some of the newier content that players cant control with the options which makes there games drop FPS like crazy .
    i would gladly except a balance of beauty and performance .

    No offence, but you are aware we have settings such as "texture quality"? Just because those of us with high end systems would like something comparable to the rest of the game doesn't mean that users with older systems are going to suffer... that's why we have scaling graphics settings.

    Also, and I'm sorry to say it but PC gaming is a progressive beast. Just because something like an MMO which evolves over time worked on your system five or six years ago doesn't mean it will run the same now. When I was at University my Macbook Pro chomped through WoW with ease, now it would REALLY struggle as Blizzard have improved the graphical fidelity of the game immensely.

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  • prolegapprolegap Member Posts: 65 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    belidos wrote: »
    Both right and wrong in the same sentence, while it is true that graphics has nothing to do with network lag it does cause lag. There are four different kinds of lag, what you are referring to is network lag, which causes issues between us and the server, symptoms are usually rubber banding and network pauses etc, then there is graphics lag where the most common symptoms are fps decrease and screen freeze, there is also both memory and cup lag, cmmn symptoms of which would be delays in opening UI elements and longer load times etc.

    These are all forms of lag, people tend to use the word lag to mean just network lag, but technically it is a word to describe any kind of system decrease in performance with what type of lag prefacing it.

    Please stop conflating network lag with framerate drops and freezes. The only thing it does is make things harder to diagnose, and confuse people. The reason things have distinct names is that they can then be discussed about effectively.

    You already see multiple people talking about just "lag" in this thread when they mean client performance related framerate slowdowns and freezing. All this confusion means that when a company gets a bug report about "lag", they have no idea what the person sending the report means in that particular case.
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