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augm3ntaugm3nt Member Posts: 115 Arc User
edited April 2015 in PvP Gameplay
Hi there xd
Since you lied to us about S10 will be PVP revamp again (dont worry we arent that stupid) can you follow storyline at least? Can you make Red vs Blue teams in Kerrat, instead FED vs KDF? arent we allies now? KDF is heavily outnumbered by FED (thats your fault too since you dont give a **** about KDF)
So we beg you to do this minor change in our beloved Battlezone. we dont need another one, we dont need pvp season, we dont need 100 nerfs which makes PVE playerbase mad. Just a simple change.. and pls dont tell me you cant do that, because "switching teams" were exist 2y ago.

cheers. :P
Augm3nt@augm3nt - TNT
Post edited by augm3nt on


  • startrekfan#3249 startrekfan Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I would have to change my "feddy bears" sentence for something else...:confused:
  • bobtheyakbobtheyak Member Posts: 374 Arc User
    edited April 2015

    With the queues all but barren nowadays (for reasons that shall not be named), many of us are stuck with Ker'rat for our PvP fix. The Fed/KDF ratio is usually around 3:1 but it spikes up to 5:1 or worse at busy hours.
  • sysil84sysil84 Member Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    bobtheyak wrote: »

    With the queues all but barren nowadays (for reasons that shall not be named), many of us are stuck with Ker'rat for our PvP fix. The Fed/KDF ratio is usually around 3:1 but it spikes up to 5:1 or worse at busy hours.

    That is why I was never a fan of Ker'rat. The few times I've been there it's always been an unequal fight. 3 to 1 advantage is not fun at all.
  • kyle223catkyle223cat Member Posts: 584 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    augm3nt wrote: »
    Hi there xd
    Since you lied to us about S10 will be PVP revamp again (dont worry we arent that stupid) can you follow storyline at least? Can you make Red vs Blue teams in Kerrat, instead FED vs KDF? arent we allies now? KDF is heavily outnumbered by FED (thats your fault too since you dont give a **** about KDF)
    So we beg you to do this minor change in our beloved Battlezone. we dont need another one, we dont need pvp season, we dont need 100 nerfs which makes PVE playerbase mad. Just a simple change.. and pls dont tell me you cant do that, because "switching teams" were exist 2y ago.

    cheers. :P

    That's a really good idea! I definitely support this and if we can't have this, at least let us be able to switch sides as I would gladly switch to the side in need most.
  • kyle223catkyle223cat Member Posts: 584 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Ehi...Starfleet and KDF aren't allies...not at all! Who wants this is an evul traitor! Besides the evul
    Empire always lies to us, the evul bloodwine drunkards love being at war against the Federation!
    And about Ker'rat...it's true that maybe at the beginning there are many Feds fighting the evul
    Klinguns, but often when two or three HOBOs come the KDF scumbags are able to make a Fed
    spawncamping zone blockade...and then remain to fight only the most combative Feds who are
    also outnumbered...and so they call reinforcements to teach good manners to the evul barbarians!
    At last I can say almost every time...Adm. Quinn, reporting from Ker'rat...we kicked the evul candy
    asses...they withdrew to Qo'noS in shame again as usual...area secured, mission accomplished!

    They've already made the PvP queues all factions haven't they? I'm guessing they did that because of the lack of KDF players in the queue.
  • midniteshadow7midniteshadow7 Member Posts: 787 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    augm3nt wrote: »
    Hi there xd
    Since you lied to us about S10 will be PVP revamp again (dont worry we arent that stupid) can you follow storyline at least? Can you make Red vs Blue teams in Kerrat, instead FED vs KDF? arent we allies now? KDF is heavily outnumbered by FED (thats your fault too since you dont give a **** about KDF)
    So we beg you to do this minor change in our beloved Battlezone. we dont need another one, we dont need pvp season, we dont need 100 nerfs which makes PVE playerbase mad. Just a simple change.. and pls dont tell me you cant do that, because "switching teams" were exist 2y ago.

    cheers. :P

    I've never heard anything that ever said S10 would be a PvP revamp. Devs have said that PvP is something that they want to make better and do intend to someday make better; but for now it is not on their priority list. :(
  • ilhanskilhansk Member Posts: 620 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Well, a couple of seasons ago, we already sort-of had 'cross-faction' Kerrat. A small glitch allowed players to join the other side.

    That was one of the very rare bugs that actually improved the game lol. My friends and I usually joined the outnumbered side on principle, to compensate any unfun imbalances. Eight players constantly ganking one lone single player can get frustating for both sides after all; but if three players decided to glitch to support the minority side, you restored balance of powers. Kerrat was a bit less toxic and frustrating back then.
    Visit the Inner Circle YouTube Channel to watch some STO pew pew PVP action!

  • dylantrinidydylantrinidy Member Posts: 313 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    If I had told you over five yeas ago that pvp would still not be developed by 2015 would you have believed me?
  • kyle223catkyle223cat Member Posts: 584 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    patrickngo wrote: »
    actually, no...they did it, per Geko's own statements, so they would not be 'Forced to make KDF exclusive content anymore".

    FvF queues WERE always full-but in FvK queues, it was five Klinks and a fed waiting for four more Feds ninety percent of the time.

    Ahhh, gotcha.
  • illcadiaillcadia Member Posts: 1,412 Bug Hunter
    edited April 2015
    I don't think Kerrat should just automatically n'vak people. I think it should be more like people join normally and are put on kdf and fed alignment teams by default, BUT there's a prompt on the side that lets someone switch teams.

    That'd retain the classic Kerrat experience while letting players who want to balance the pvp aspect out do so.

    All the crowing about how unified Kerrat will kill the game like unified queues did... really feels like you guys weren't really around for the introduction of mixed queues and are only going off of hyper-exaggerated forum hearsay.

    Before mixed queueus, Fed vs Fed was always going, premade teams constantly running, very little pug activity. KDF vs Fed was always four or five klinks, one or two feds waiting on some more pugs to join and get stomped by the cloaking team, and KDF vs KDF queues were a graveyard from their inception.

    When queues were mixed, there was a brief upswing in activity, followed by a sharp downturn that persists to this day, but it is NOT strictly on account of the queues being mixed.

    Rather, it's because of the Romulans.

    The advent of a faction that has ready access to combat-usable cloaking devices on most of their ships and can be FED ALIGNED absolutely destroyed the then precariously balanced fed vs fed metagame.

    The reason Fed vs Fed queues were always going is that the general conception of them was that they were 'pure' or 'honest', since it was skill game of ship against ship, rather than, when KDF were involved, of ship against annoying OP gimmick back before reliably detection or effecting methods were really around.

    I know people harp on and on about surviving the alpha and the stuff Fed could do to mitigate cloak, but ultimately cloak, and especially combat used cloak was and is today a huge advantage that a lot of people didn't- and still don't- want to deal with.

    All those players who exclusively played fed vs fed now having to face romulans and klingons and not having an auto-popping pugging/premade team queue that excluded combat cloakers- that's what caused the initial die-off, and the loss of most of those public premades.

    But remember how I said that Fed vs Fed was always going, and Fed vs Klink was always waiting on those last few players?

    KDF vs KDF was a graveyard, and it was a graveyard because for all the feddies hated their 'pure' and 'honest' games being interrupted with cloak and backstabbing tactics, they were at least relatively resigned to their lot in this game, that by playing feds inevitably they would end up fighting cloakers at some point.

    The Klingon faction, at it's height, had no such resignation. For all the opportunities given to them to fight against eachother, the fact of the matter was that it never happened in the public queues, and only very rarely happened in the private queues due to the nature of teaming and fleet associations and the like.

    The Fed premades could stomach the occasional Klink cloaker versus. The KDF?

    Hahahaha, they were the most butthurt players in the game for a good month. Romulans, cross faction queues- they loved to go on and on about how fed vs klink and cloak is fair, it's balanced, but that fed should never ever ever get cloak because fed ships are better, shinier, get all the cool stuff- and some of that certainly has been factual.

    But a lot of it was double standard. It was okay for Klinks to have combat usable cloaks, but not feds.

    And the mere idea of having to deal with their own bullcrap, well, that didn't sit right with many of them. When cross faction queues were put into place and the Klingons had to deal with fighting cloakers every match- that was where we saw the major die-off.

    Klingon premades vanished overnight, and the die-hard feds followed them. Neither wanted to be involved in a game in which there was a better than 50% chance that they would be facing enemies who had combat usable cloaks in a given match, especially not with how degenerate cloak tactics had gotten.

    Entire premades hanging around both sides in cloak, unwilling to make the first move because the resulting clusterbomb would ruin their precious K/D ratios.

    And throughout that, sure, there were lots of players on both sides who stuck around, who worked to continue playing, and who adapted. Just as there are lots of players who have adapted to the current realities.

    But the population has undeniably lessened significantly, and I suppose that in time the reasons and justifications have been lost or faded, so we've gotten the very basic issue of 'mixed queues killed pvp', when really they didn't, it was a result of echo chamber hugboxing premades who were kings of their own isolated hills being smashed together and forced out of their very specific comfort zones.

    We live in a Post-Legacy of Romulas game. Cloaking ships, especially combat capable cloaking ships are not a frightening enemy anymore. They're expected, they're accepted and dealt with, and the meta has adapted to their presence.

    So the fear that cross faction teaming might expose you to a situation in which you might have to face the big bad scary combat cloaking vaper... really doesn't hold water anymore.

    Cross faction teaming in Kerrat won't kill it- the die-off from players being forced to either adapt or leave to the reality of enemies who can cloak in combat already did that. STO players spoke with their wallets and their tails between their legs.

    I commend everyone who stayed, and further everyone who stayed throughout all the trials and tribulations to the present. PVP is a tired shell of what it once was, but I really hope that the community has in itself the drive to build itself back up. There are new players joining regularly, and rather than try to drive them off like some of the forum pvpers, we should be encouraging them and giving them our help.

    Offering a Cross faction option to Kerrat is one way to do that.
  • drunkadmiraldrunkadmiral Member Posts: 197 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    If I had told you over five yeas ago that pvp would still not be developed by 2015 would you have believed me?

    This is sad :(
    But we have great pve in sto https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rwGQgqZYMWc ;)
  • kyle223catkyle223cat Member Posts: 584 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    deokkent wrote: »
    Some unbelievable things happened, actions from the company. So no I would not have believed you. I'm still trying to wrap my head around my signature. Pretty unbelievable isn't it?

    Yes, it is sad that they would say that about people who play their game. Especially since some of those pvpers, including me, spend actual money on this game - something I'm starting to regret.
  • driveclubfandriveclubfan Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    kyle223cat wrote: »
    Yes, it is sad that they would say that about people who play their game. Especially since some of those pvpers, including me, spend actual money on this game - something I'm starting to regret.

    That's one thing I'm happy about, didn't spend a dime. And good lord that I didn't, makes easier to forget about STO and their devs.
    This is sad :(
    But we have great pve in sto https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rwGQgqZYMWc ;)

    HAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH dude that's epic!
  • sharxtremesharxtreme Member Posts: 850 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    illcadia wrote: »

    There are new players joining regularly, and rather than try to drive them off like some of the forum pvpers, we should be encouraging them and giving them our help.

    Absolutely not. Best advice for anyone trying to PvP now is to just give up. Or if they are persistent- load all One shot kill gear, undead tank hax or perma disable gear and just show them how broken this sht is.
  • mladjaimladjai Member Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    augm3nt wrote: »
    Hi there xd
    Since you lied to us about S10 will be PVP revamp again (dont worry we arent that stupid) can you follow storyline at least? Can you make Red vs Blue teams in Kerrat, instead FED vs KDF? arent we allies now? KDF is heavily outnumbered by FED (thats your fault too since you dont give a **** about KDF)
    So we beg you to do this minor change in our beloved Battlezone. we dont need another one, we dont need pvp season, we dont need 100 nerfs which makes PVE playerbase mad. Just a simple change.. and pls dont tell me you cant do that, because "switching teams" were exist 2y ago.

    cheers. :P

    I support this proposal.
  • illcadiaillcadia Member Posts: 1,412 Bug Hunter
    edited April 2015
    patrickngo wrote: »

    but in general, for those who insist that FvF was somehow 'cleaner'...because, y'know, those durrty durrty cloakers...we didn't see anywhere approachign the sheer weight of unbalanced TRIBBLE that people here in the forums were howling about.

    Take note that I'm not espousing that view, I'm just stating that it was the general conception by those players. Absolutely the FvF queues were toxic stagnant cheesy ****. There's no doubt in my mind over it. But a good portion of those players well and truly believed that they were higher, mightier, more honest and pure and straight out better than the dirty lowly backstabbing klinks.

    Klinks had their own problems, mind you, but being a smaller percentage of the player base meant that they weren't nearly quite so vocal over them as the feds were, who constantly made thread after thread about ultimately trivial meaningless bunk.

    Also, when I say lots of players, I mean like, the twenty or so of you I encounter over the course of a week. At any given moment there's maybe ten pvpers in game doing ****, but half that number actually queuing up.
  • kyle223catkyle223cat Member Posts: 584 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    deokkent wrote: »
    One could argue some might have provoked him, but that's never an excuse to stop being a professional and communicate with unnecessarily passive aggressive language.

    Your tank was worth all the money you spent on it :D.

    Maybe, but it seems like every major update I have to rework my build to combat the newest and most overpowered abilites.:( Shield tanks like myself seem to be useless with all the shield penetrating abilities nowadays.
  • cepholapoidcepholapoid Member Posts: 284 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    But it gets boring with equal numbers :P

    Anyway, having a fed traited lag machine flying next to me would probably make my life harder then in a 2 vs 1 lol.

    Happily the que seems to be popping at an acceptable rate, so I can get my equal number matches there.

    But the team idea would generally be a great idea, and would hopefully finally allow for cross faction teaming as well.

    On a side note: BRING BACK SHARED SPAWN BALL! best part of kerrat lol
  • fonz71fonz71 Member Posts: 346 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    i would have like to see the glitch back again. red fed would give me a reason to actually play my fed toons.

    buuuuuut...... the other day i was one shotted by a proc.... some embassy console with 'plasma bomb' i think it';s called. did almost 40k damage... A PROC!!!! wtf?

    this game has turned into some asian world of ******** bs in space.

    the pve isn't even fun. bunch of dumb stuff that was barely in one episode and they make whole seasons of it.... dino with lasers was nearly the last straw for me.... but being killed by a random proc is just ridiculous. pretty much puts the final nail in the coffin for me.

    no skill left anymore... it's all rng.... i'll come say hi now and again. but i'm sticking to flying planes in war thunder :P
    Don't know why it says i'm an ARC user. i will never use that TRIBBLE Cryptic!
  • kyle223catkyle223cat Member Posts: 584 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    But it gets boring with equal numbers :P

    Anyway, having a fed traited lag machine flying next to me would probably make my life harder then in a 2 vs 1 lol.

    Happily the que seems to be popping at an acceptable rate, so I can get my equal number matches there.

    But the team idea would generally be a great idea, and would hopefully finally allow for cross faction teaming as well.

    On a side note: BRING BACK SHARED SPAWN BALL! best part of kerrat lol

    Ehehehehehe :P When you can't tank them, lag them to death!

  • kyle223catkyle223cat Member Posts: 584 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    fonz71 wrote: »
    i would have like to see the glitch back again. red fed would give me a reason to actually play my fed toons.

    buuuuuut...... the other day i was one shotted by a proc.... some embassy console with 'plasma bomb' i think it';s called. did almost 40k damage... A PROC!!!! wtf?

    this game has turned into some asian world of ******** bs in space.

    the pve isn't even fun. bunch of dumb stuff that was barely in one episode and they make whole seasons of it.... dino with lasers was nearly the last straw for me.... but being killed by a random proc is just ridiculous. pretty much puts the final nail in the coffin for me.

    no skill left anymore... it's all rng.... i'll come say hi now and again. but i'm sticking to flying planes in war thunder :P

    Yes, it's the new embassy console (plasma variant) plasma explosion proc. Because "balance"...

    It's definitely more OP than the hull and shield repairing embassy consoles whose procs don't even stack nor does the chance to proc increase when you have more than one.:confused:

    I demand a rework of the hull and shield repairing consoles to make their procs stack!!! I need to be able to have 28k hull healed every 10 seconds!! :P
  • webdeathwebdeath Member Posts: 1,570 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I would have loved to see Ker'rat get the N'vak treatment.. Where you log in and are assigned to either the Fed side, or the KDF side..

    Also one thing I wanted to bring up.. was that the Death of PVP didn't happen in 2012.. it happened back on March 24th, 2010..
    PVP Updates
    Wargames - FvF is here! Federation players can now participate in PvP against one another to better prepare for the dangers of the battlefield.
    New PvP Map – Explore “Shanty Town,” a brand new Ground Assault map available for both Klingon and Federation players.

    When they released FvF.. that was the death of PVP.. Sure they released Shanty town.. but that was also the LAST true PVP update until they released Shuttle PVP.. and then the Combined F+K queues.

    If I had realized then that PVP was going to be this dead in 5 years, I probably would not have played quite as religiously as I did. I already regret the Lifetime Sub.. except for the Race.. which mattered little.

    Anyway.. March 24 2010, Season 1, the true Death of PVP.
    You think that your beta test was bad?
    Think about this:
    American Football has been in open beta for 144 years. ~Kotaku
  • therealmttherealmt Member Posts: 428 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Kerrat used 2 be so fun b4 they reduced the instance limit a few seasons back :(

    Cant remember exactly but i swear it was like 20 vs 20 fights sometimes. excluding the kerrat farmers
  • biggs4everbiggs4ever Member Posts: 108 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Wells it's okay people are getting laid off the company must be suffering. Payback is a ***** and I have a feeling this isn't the end.
  • risingwolfshadowrisingwolfshadow Member Posts: 619 Arc User
    PvP is very unlikely to come back in any great way. Geko would see it as a step backward.
    He still refuses to acknowledge that he kicked out a community, the revenue they brought and the fact that it had some of the most committed players this game has ever seen.

    What a surprise they have now that after all the sparks, idiocy and bs arguments made by Devs and PvErs alike, PvErs now want balance and various equipment and powers beaten with the nerf bat.

    I wonder if they saw that coming.

    I personally don't see red&blue teams bringing back PvP. Not while any measurable balance has been hurled out of the window.

    I won't be returning unless there is some dedication given to PvP. The long awaited revamp and PvP season.
  • nebulgamnezarnebulgamnezar Member Posts: 152 Arc User
    This game had so much potentiel...
    [System] Link has been on active duty for 415 days, 23 hours, 9 minutes, 16 seconds.
    [System] Zelda has been on active duty for 126 days, 11 hours, 51 minutes, 48 seconds.

    French Canadian
  • sonicshowersonicshower Member Posts: 216 Arc User
    Queues maybe dead and carrot is still carrot after all of these years, however there is no shortage of people soliciting private matches in public zones. So there is that.
  • risingwolfshadowrisingwolfshadow Member Posts: 619 Arc User
    Yes, a lot of cocky people I've found. They don't expect to come accross PvPers any more lol.
  • rck01rck01 Member Posts: 808 Arc User
    edited January 2016
    There are officially too many "jacubs/jakubs/jacobs" on the "evul" side these days. Gets confusing! :smile:

    RCK - a.k.a. "Evul Jacob"
  • odinforever20000odinforever20000 Member Posts: 1,849 Arc User
    Jacub the evul...Is fun to shoot at. :D


    Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.

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