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Arrrggghhh, Why is HE! on my bridge?

roadghostroadghost Member Posts: 394 Arc User
edited April 2015 in Romulan Discussion
So I quit playing my first Romulan way back in LoR because if the spawn of satan. Hadn't done anything but doffs with him since. For Delta I made a new Romulan, went with the whole ToS styling theme. All groovy 60's chick bridge officers. I did everything to shove the evil one aside. Never promoted him, put him in the lamest civilian clothes I could find, basically a turtleneck and skinny jeans colored yellow, took him out of every possible boff slot. He's not on any away team, no bridge/shuttle crews not even a department head, he is NOTHING. I cringed every time he popped up to whine about something, but since he looked like an idiot I could deal better.

Today I did "Mine Enemy" at then end I beam to my ship to read the files, there HE is.. sitting on my bridge like he belongs there. #%&* YOU, TOVAN!
Post edited by roadghost on


  • jagdtier44jagdtier44 Member Posts: 376 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Must be the only Romulan player that doesn't hate Toven.. Honestly don't mind the guy at all and enjoyed the feeling of having a buddy through the story.. And honestly I use him in my away team as he has good ground traits.
  • roadghostroadghost Member Posts: 394 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    So I had this idea. When Virinat is attacked and you are running to the shuttle, you have Tovan and Rinna with you. When you get to the shuttle you find it overloaded and someone has to stay behind. You have to make a choice, save Tovan or save Rinna.

    All the dialogues would be the same after that, just you have either Tovan or Rinna giving them. It gives your character some reason for wanting to help find the sibling, since you were the one who had to choose to abandon them and would give you ownership of the boff you chose.
  • herbiehdykemanherbiehdykeman Member Posts: 210 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I don't hate Tovan either. I think they should've made him dismissible after "Installation 18", of course that would mean you would not be able to replay many of the episodes prior to that one, even if you chose to skip.
  • tolmariustolmarius Member Posts: 400 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    roadghost wrote: »
    So I quit playing my first Romulan way back in LoR because if the spawn of satan. Hadn't done anything but doffs with him since. For Delta I made a new Romulan, went with the whole ToS styling theme. All groovy 60's chick bridge officers. I did everything to shove the evil one aside. Never promoted him, put him in the lamest civilian clothes I could find, basically a turtleneck and skinny jeans colored yellow, took him out of every possible boff slot. He's not on any away team, no bridge/shuttle crews not even a department head, he is NOTHING. I cringed every time he popped up to whine about something, but since he looked like an idiot I could deal better.

    Today I did "Mine Enemy" at then end I beam to my ship to read the files, there HE is.. sitting on my bridge like he belongs there. #%&* YOU, TOVAN!

    Seriously. Stop it. Tovan is one of the most personable characters in the game. One of the few with a story beyond his interactions with you. He tracks you down and saves you from Hakeevs clutches.....twice. His devotion to finding his little sister was one of the better parts of the story. One of the few times STO has made me grin on its own. I actually went and made a Rinna boff so they can hang around my ship. Tovan adds something to the Romulan storyline that the others lack. The Feds have their Starfleet issued Big Sister Elisa Flores, the Klinks get K'Gan, aka Stereotypical Klingon Warrior #20, and the Romulans get to run around with a more mild mannered version of Bryan Mills from Taken.
  • kodachikunokodachikuno Member Posts: 6,020 Arc User1
    edited April 2015
    tolmarius wrote: »
    Seriously. Stop it. Tovan is one of the most personable characters in the game. ... Romulans get to run around with a more mild mannered version of Bryan Mills from Taken.

    no... we get a whiney TRIBBLE that doesn't want the big chair but takes command from you every chance he gets and issues orders to you. We get a single npc that makes you his sidekick through many of the early romulan missions, and we have to keep him forever on the off chance we want to relive those missions.

    Yes it was cool they tried makin an NPC that had a third dimension to him... but they would have been better off giving him 1/4 the lines and giving veril, satra, and hiven the other 3/4. They also could have done so many better ways of giving you companions/BOFFs that you actually interact with an talk to. Hell this could have been, if done well, a really good reason to use ship interiors. Hit the lounge, notice Tovan sulking in a corner with the 'Q' or '!' over his head, talk to him, find out his sister is missing and he's worried. Head to engineering, "hear" some reman profanities over by the Singularity Core and see Veril. Chat her up and she expresses her 'love' for a 50yr old core and segues into how shes worried about her father.
    tacofangs wrote: »
    STO isn't canon, and neither are any of the books.
  • misterde3misterde3 Member Posts: 4,195 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    jagdtier44 wrote: »
    Must be the only Romulan player that doesn't hate Toven.. Honestly don't mind the guy at all and enjoyed the feeling of having a buddy through the story.. And honestly I use him in my away team as he has good ground traits.

    You're not alone. What people seem to forget is that he did not deliberately seek out this life kind of life, but circumstances left him no choice.
    He's more like a Romulan everyman stuck in the middle of war and intrigue than a soldier or James Bond who was trained for this kind of life or even enjoys it.
    And that is what influences his opinions and thus his comments.
  • tancrediivtancrediiv Member Posts: 728 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Why waste any energy hating a bunch of pixels and stats? Because that is all any Boff is. The tutorial Boffs for each faction are the same, whether Khev or Flores. They are great ground Boffs and have a space trait.

    Player and forumite formerly known as FEELTHETHUNDER

    Expatriot Might Characters in EXILE
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Oh please.... this isn't a dead horse....

    It's a horse that was fossilized and ground to dust afterwards.....

    I'm not sure there's anything left to beat.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • antonine3258antonine3258 Member Posts: 2,391 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    jagdtier44 wrote: »
    Must be the only Romulan player that doesn't hate Toven.. Honestly don't mind the guy at all and enjoyed the feeling of having a buddy through the story.. And honestly I use him in my away team as he has good ground traits.

    I like Tovan and his voice. Interesting little character-sideplot to the big actions your captain gets up to.

    I can see why people don't like him, though.
    Fate - protects fools, small children, and ships named Enterprise Will Riker

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    My forum single-issue of rage: Make the Proton Experimental Weapon go for subsystem targetting!
  • kodachikunokodachikuno Member Posts: 6,020 Arc User1
    edited April 2015
    misterde3 wrote: »
    You're not alone. What people seem to forget is that he did not deliberately seek out this life kind of life, but circumstances left him no choice.
    He's more like a Romulan everyman stuck in the middle of war and intrigue than a soldier or James Bond who was trained for this kind of life or even enjoys it.
    And that is what influences his opinions and thus his comments.
    then I will happily discharge his TRIBBLE and let him go back to farming and rebuilding virinat
    tancrediiv wrote: »
    Why waste any energy hating a bunch of pixels and stats? Because that is all any Boff is. The tutorial Boffs for each faction are the same, whether Khev or Flores. They are great ground Boffs and have a space trait.

    except k'gan and flores can be gotten rid of
    tacofangs wrote: »
    STO isn't canon, and neither are any of the books.
  • revanindustriesrevanindustries Member Posts: 508 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I dress him up in a Tal Shiar uniform for the lols. But honestly, he's a BOff with Rom Op, while I may not like the overwhelming amount of the story that comes with him, as far as Bridge Officers go he's better than the equivalent ones you get for KDF and Fed.
  • zeatrexzeatrex Member Posts: 212 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    tolmarius wrote: »
    The Feds have their Starfleet issued Big Sister Elisa Flores, the Klinks get K'Gan, aka Stereotypical Klingon Warrior #20, and the Romulans get to run around with a more mild mannered version of Bryan Mills from Taken.
    That cracked me up, cause it's so true!
  • trillbuffettrillbuffet Member Posts: 861 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Tovan is a descendant of urkel popping up every couple minutes saying "Did I do that?".
  • protogothprotogoth Member Posts: 2,369 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    misterde3 wrote: »
    You're not alone. What people seem to forget is that he did not deliberately seek out this life kind of life, but circumstances left him no choice.
    He's more like a Romulan everyman stuck in the middle of war and intrigue than a soldier or James Bond who was trained for this kind of life or even enjoys it.
    And that is what influences his opinions and thus his comments.

    This. And I like him, too. Yes, he oversteps his authority -- twice, maybe three times -- but all this furor is unmerited.

    Oh, we can't delete him! So what? He's intrinsic to the story. He adds depth and helps make the story more personal. I know there are Republic supporters who dislike him, or wish he were done differently, but I wonder if some of the Tovan hate is not due to his moderately pro-Republic attitude. We have already established in the past that some of it is due to him being male (I clearly remember someone making a misogynistic comment to the effect that they would like him fine if they were able to put mammaries on him and dress him in a skirt, or words to that effect), but this isn't Leisure Suit Larry; it's Star Trek Online, and women in the Trek universe do not exist solely to stroke the male ego -- deal with it.

    I also agree strongly with tolmarius. This whining about Tovan was already old and tired a month after LoR came out. If you really can't stand him, keep sending tickets, and maybe someone at Cryptic will finally give you the option to dismiss him. JUST DON'T TRIBBLE HIM UP FOR THE REST OF US.

    I will remind you Tal'Shiar-lovers who are Tovan-haters that, were you allowed to play your precious fascist bully boys, you would get NO choice in your BOffs, because the Tal'Shiar would assign your crew to you.
  • chipg7chipg7 Member Posts: 1,577 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    misterde3 wrote: »
    You're not alone. What people seem to forget is that he did not deliberately seek out this life kind of life, but circumstances left him no choice.
    He's more like a Romulan everyman stuck in the middle of war and intrigue than a soldier or James Bond who was trained for this kind of life or even enjoys it.
    And that is what influences his opinions and thus his comments.

    Good point. He's just a common Romulan, not a Star Navy or Tal Shiar officer. It's a side we didn't see much of in on-screen Trek, and having him around kind of brings that extra dimension to the faction as a whole.

    And I think it was a neat experiment, game mechanic wise. Kinda neat to give everyone a BOFF that has his own story. Sure, head-canon stories for all of your other crew, but this is the poor bugger you barely escaped Virinat with. There's a shared experience, and it's designed to connect the player more closely into the story.
  • potasssiumpotasssium Member Posts: 1,226 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Actually after I played around with his appearance in the tailor, I found him less annoying.
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  • shadowwraith77shadowwraith77 Member Posts: 6,395 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    My only real problem with him is, when you find his sister and, find a new world for your people, why exactly is he really still hanging around, if he really isn't into being an avid military officer?

    Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!

  • narthaisnarthais Member Posts: 452 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    potasssium wrote: »
    Actually after I played around with his appearance in the tailor, I found him less annoying.

    When did they allow this? Last time I tried his appearance was locked, well face/body at least, uniform was always malleable.
  • mrspidey2mrspidey2 Member Posts: 959 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    They learned their lesson with Tovan, I think. Elisa Flores works much better as you can dismiss her whenever you want after the tutorial.

    Since she kept gushing about the Vesta class, I had her transfered from my DR to my old SCI Captain who is actually flying one. Her TSIII synergizes quite well with his Torp-boat/PartGen build.
  • protogothprotogoth Member Posts: 2,369 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    My only real problem with him is, when you find his sister and, find a new world for your people, why exactly is he really still hanging around, if he really isn't into being an avid military officer?

    I dunno, maybe because you and D'Vex (now a BOff on your crew, theoretically) and his sister (whose current whereabouts are never revealed, but one would think she's no longer in a hospital) are THE ONLY PEOPLE HE HAS LEFT from Virinat after the Tal'Shiar and Elachi attack?
  • misterde3misterde3 Member Posts: 4,195 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    protogoth wrote: »
    I dunno, maybe because you and D'Vex (now a BOff on your crew, theoretically) and his sister (whose current whereabouts are never revealed, but one would think she's no longer in a hospital) are THE ONLY PEOPLE HE HAS LEFT from Virinat after the Tal'Shiar and Elachi attack?

    That and proabably the fact that he's seen what's out there
    - Breen
    - Tholians
    - Elachi
    - Iconians

    just to name a few. And he probably doesn't want to sit around at a comby job when those dangers are knocking at the door.
  • reximuzreximuz Member Posts: 1,172 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    jagdtier44 wrote: »
    Must be the only Romulan player that doesn't hate Toven.. Honestly don't mind the guy at all and enjoyed the feeling of having a buddy through the story.. And honestly I use him in my away team as he has good ground traits.

    You aren't alone by a long shot, its just that those of us who like him aren't posting about it, especially when those who don't like him tend to make psychotic over the top posts, most people don't want to draw the attention of that type of person. In LOR beta there was a massive thread of praise for Tovan, he's a wildly popular character, despite the level of ire his few detractors seem to raise.
  • tolmariustolmarius Member Posts: 400 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    protogoth wrote: »
    I dunno, maybe because you and D'Vex (now a BOff on your crew, theoretically) and his sister (whose current whereabouts are never revealed, but one would think she's no longer in a hospital) are THE ONLY PEOPLE HE HAS LEFT from Virinat after the Tal'Shiar and Elachi attack?

    Not accurate. There are many other survivors from Virinat. Namely, your entire initial crew, so a core portion of the NCOs and junior officers on your ship will be from the planet. And Rai, the biologist doff you get from Mine Enemy is from Virinat. She mentiona having escaped by hiding in the Khellid caves and then hiking to another settlement. Which means there were other settlements on the planet. Not just the little farming community from the start.
  • rattler2rattler2 Member, Star Trek Online Moderator Posts: 58,874 Community Moderator
    edited April 2015
    jagdtier44 wrote: »
    Must be the only Romulan player that doesn't hate Toven.. Honestly don't mind the guy at all and enjoyed the feeling of having a buddy through the story.. And honestly I use him in my away team as he has good ground traits.

    I dom't mind Tovan either. I think all the hate is because he's pretty much a permanent fixture on your Romulan crew, which screws with people's ability to have an all female "space elf" crew.
    I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
    The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
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  • kodachikunokodachikuno Member Posts: 6,020 Arc User1
    edited April 2015
    rattler2 wrote: »
    I dom't mind Tovan either. I think all the hate is because he's pretty much a permanent fixture on your Romulan crew, which screws with people's ability to have an all female "space elf" crew.

    if I want bridge bunnies Ill play on the KDF side and buy me some orion girls... wait I did that :P if I want space elves Ill do the same with alien gen :P So... there goes your theory... that and Ive generally even kept hiven and d'vex :P
    tacofangs wrote: »
    STO isn't canon, and neither are any of the books.
  • edited April 2015
    This content has been removed.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    patrickngo wrote: »
    I think the real problem is, your Romulan character?

    He (or She) is Tovan Khev's sidekick. your romulan isn't the 'star' (nor is your Reman, nor your liberated borg romulan, nor...)

    You might be the 'captain' but it's Tovan Khev's show.

    I think a lot of Romulan players have an issue with that, esp. since it underscores that the Romulans as a whole aren't a faction of their own, instead being the hangers-on to the Federation (okay, a few are hangers-on to the Empire...very few.)

    Tovan Khev is a reminder that everything you're doing playing Romulan, you're just doing monster-play, supporting cast, supporting caste.

    no matter what your character accomplishes in the game, he or she is just "Tovan's Buddy".

    THAT is what generates the dislike.
    Yeah.... are you playing the same game? I mean really... There's only a handful of misisons tha tTovan does more than occasionally talk in.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • vorwodavorwoda Member Posts: 702 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    The big issues I have/had with him are:

    1. The Romulan storyline was written with him as the hero, rather than with the PC as hero. Good writing for a game should center around the Player as protagonist. Very few people want to play a Sherlock Holmes game as Dr. Watson - or as Inspector Lestrade. Having Khev answering for the PC, or giving orders to the PC - when the PC is supposedly in command - is a major mistake.

    2. Aggravating this, was the offensively aggressive VO work of the actor who recorded Khev's lines. He really came across as insubordinate and pushy, IMHO. When I played Knights of the Old Republic years ago, I remember how much Carth Onassi annoyed me for the exact same VO reasons. At the time of LoR's release, I recall thinking that Tovan Khev was Carth Onassi all over again. Carth was my least favorite character in ANY computer game up to that point, and I've been playing computer games since the dawn of the Commodore 64 era.

    Now I wonder if Tovan's voice files have been replaced with alternate takes where he read them with more restraint, as almost all of them seem MUCH more mellow than I recall from hearing them at LOR's release. I made my second Rom as a Delta Recruit, and the difference in Khev's line delivery (not the actual lines themselves, just the voicing) is staggering to me. As an actor (and VO actor) in RL myself, I tend to notice things like this. The whiny factor has gone down by a huge margin, and I am much more inclined to dislike the character less. I still deplore the way the story was written around him, but his delivery is now much improved, and I am willing to cut him much more slack.

    3. As with the OP, I feel that his presence on the bridge of your ship when you visit the interior (as with other BOFFS) should be tied to whether or not he has been assigned to a bridge station or to a Department Head slot or not. I haven't seen another BOFF who is not either assigned to an active bridge station, nor a department head appear on the bridge in a long time. And Tovan should not be treated differently from the others in this regard. Your assigned First Officer should be sitting in that chair. If that's Tovan, fine. But if it's not, he shouldn't be there. Regardless of your feelings about the character, the mechanics of bridge assignments should be consistent across all BOFFs. It's YOUR ship, and YOUR bridge. YOU make the assignments, and that should be the end of the matter. It is simply a bug which the Devs have not yet fixed - and frankly, right now, I think they have a few more critical ones to squash first.

    In an attempt to lighten the mood on both sides, I offer this song which I wrote some time ago. As I mentioned above, the mellower VO takes have mellowed my own feelings toward the character since then, so please take this as intended - humorously, not seriously. Hopefully, my fellow Romulans will LOL instead of flame. :) The OP reminded me of the second verse, in particular.

    The Ballad of Tovan Khev
    (sung to The Beverly Hillbillies' opening and closing themes - The Ballad of Jed Clampitt)

    Come and listen to a story 'bout this Tovan Khev,
    Young Rommie punk, who's the fav'rite of a Dev.
    Seems Christine T. wrote this blatant Marty Stu,
    So now ev'ry Rom has this jerk on his crew.

    Loud, he is.
    Mouthin' off.

    When you walk on your bridge, he's settin' in that chair.
    You're shocked and say, "Khev, move away from there!"
    You say, "The Sick Bay is the place you're gonna be!"
    So you draw your plasma gun, and you set to "Fricassee".

    Got the proc!
    No effect.
    Darn it all!

    He whines about his sister, and his girlfriend's Tal Shiar.
    I'd love to beam this cretin to the center of a star.
    They won't let you dismiss the yutz, no matter what you do,
    So ev'ry Green is seein' Red and feelin' kinda Blue!

    Out the airlock.
    Plasma Torp.
    Don't come back now, hear?
  • markdb2011markdb2011 Member Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I turned tovan into a skill book muahaha

    Does cause script errors on the Romulan missions as it would pick random boff instead and play back in tovans voice
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