Please stop using them, they're dysfunctional and causing everyone in the instance to lag.
Here's some that are causing lag:
Pedal to the medal
Pilot tree.
I realize some of these were bought with money and what not but they're not working and they are ruining everyone's fun.
This isn't an order or trying to make everyone suit my desires, it's a plea. The starship traits are really that bad.
Perhaps if the traits were made more "passive" in nature so there wouldnt have to be so many checks and server calls?
/not a programmer, but plays one on TV
I'd be fine with that. I'm fully maxed out on the pilot spec tree, and all the little "thruster bursts" and other things my ship does now are actually sort of annoying. I'd prefer the option to simply get the perks and turn off the graphics.
Its you not the ship traits its you and further more anchored is a personal trait and pilot tree is a specialization.
The sample size of one is certainly representative and all other potential confounding factors seem to be covered.
I think it would be more reasonable to ask Cryptic to fix this. Post-haste.
After all, I don't think anyone is playing the game to suit you or your desires. However, it is in Cryptic's best interest to make the game work as... correctly as possible.
How do you account for the people who aren't experiencing any lag? I am running all the skills you called out apart from Pedal to the Metal, and I've never seen any lag anywhere in the game.
Not saying you're wrong, in fact this is the first coherent-sounding theory apart from ISP issues that I've heard. I just can't figure out how to make it jive with what I'm seeing on my end.
I'd say ESD is more prone to severe rubberbanding and lag (for me) than ISA.
The universe has a wonderful sense of humor. The trick is learning how to take a joke.
That first post for the record is VERY recent. Each of my posts I did within a few minutes of completing the ISA run.
It increases gradually as you add others with the same traits and trees. I had to get people to turn traits and trees off to test things and the differences are night and day. Infact in the video quoted by the OP, I was in BOTH of those runs. What Snipey didn't show in that video was the progression. We actually had a third run not shown there. That run had Pilot tree on. It was better, but not as good as the final.
Top DPS 102k
I never have issues in CCA.
I've had ISA runs without issue...extremely rare.
I've had ISA runs which were bad from start to end...somewhat rare.
I've had ISA runs which are smooth as butter through taking out the first Trans (pug, so it's not a wham, bam, done thing - it's something that would allow for everything to stack) and then it goes to Hell...with the travel time for that pug to get to the other side, everything drops...yet the latency is just as heinous.
Most have some level of frustration from the start, but not the punch the wall thing it can be.
I don't hit up any other queues, but no missions have problems - CCA as I said has no problems - it's just ISA where it's been meh since right before the Crystalline event as if they were shifting resources for Crystalline and never shifted them back. Cause that's when the ISA mess started for me.
Interestingly, the guy that didn't complain, said he had no lag at all. He was at the bottom of the parse.
I've had really bad CCA runs, but nowhere near as bad as ISA.
I think I'm gonna have to quit space for a while and stick to ground maps. It's just ridiculous
The start of it, as far as I know, was the sarr theln carrier trait. That was identified very early on by people as causing problems. For the most part people just unslotted it. It's a weak trait anyways so ... meh.
that's not to say that pilot tree wasn't causing something but when the pilot tree was added pretty much nobody had points in the pilot tree. So, it was a gradual thing.
I think when it really set in was with the command tree, command officers, and the ship traits around that time. That's when it exploded.
it gets tiring to have people blame connection issues or come to some odd knee-jerk-defense of the game
I like the game fine, it's just that their quality assurance stinks bad
it's clearly some of the active traits and tree abilities.
I think the big big offenders are probably the ones that have a multiplicative effect based on how many players nearby have a similar trait or ability or command officer slotted
if only that was addressed - proximity or in-team triggers, I'll bet that would clear up more than 50% of the problem
You want to do real testing, then do at least 10 runs of on and 10 of off with traits. Then narrow it down if all runs give the same results.
Logically it doesn't make any sense that these particular traits cause more lag now than they ever did before, nor that the pilot tree passives are doing something wacky that the intel tree doesn't. It could be the case, but one example doesn't remotely prove anything.
I don't care if it was from 30 seconds ago. That's not the point. Sincerely asking the community to stop using any tool within the game, based on what amounts to zero evidence by any scientific standard, is absurd.
You want me to stop using my traits? Prove they're the cause. And by proof, I don't mean whatever standard feels suitable. A statistically significant sample size is required. Then, account for other potential problems. People's technical specs, hardware and software. In my experience, what most people understand about computers doesn't amount to a pile of beans. For all I know, the lag problems being caused in the single example being given in this thread are a result of a dropbox transfer. Or an origin update. Maybe windows decided it needed to download something. Maybe his cat was chewing on his ethernet cable. From the perspective of the OP, these suggestions may sound ludicrous; but from the perspective of anyone not the OP, asking it all to be taken on faith and therefore change the way we do things, is ridiculous. Even if we were to take all these things on faith, we're still talking about a single datapoint. Others have already chimed in and said their experience has differed from the example given.
When you can round up about a thousand people, run a well-conceived series of tests, account for other potential factors that might introduce lag, then, maybe, an argument can be made for asking the community to alter their play. Until then, all that we have is a hypothesis in need of actual research.
The problem isn't with the idea, it's with the declarations and demands based on it.
What one is attempting to prove has nothing to do with existing standards of proof.
There was an issue with the interaction of the Sarr Theln trait with the Dauntless trait.
Jan 15th, 2015
Don't get all technical and complain that it's not a valid test or something. In these games there's almost always NO way for someone to do a controlled test. The best we can do is aggregate our experiences and try to explain it.
Many people are having the same experiences. Don't dismiss that.
One clear experience I had was in khittomer. This is not a humblebrag, please don't get distracted by that. I took one side solo and the other players took the other side. I had zero lag until I finished my side and joined them. It was literally night and day different from one side to the other.
That definitely sounds like a problem with proximity dependent traits/abilities/trees/boffs to me.
No one is dismissing anything. There is a problem with lag. However it is not universal.
The problem is that blaming traits/boffs/specializations is a really big leap, especailly when not doing any actual testing. To change traits and find out that lag stopped in the next instance is entirely circumstantial.
Could it also be that a particular server(s) is having trouble, and the previous STF was hosted on a bad one while this time you get a good server?
Could it be that some ISP issues were affecting the first run and then were cleared up by the subsequent runs?
Could it be that it only affects certain ship combinations and not traits at all? Or maybe only certain BOFF powers?
Could it be that traits are at the cause, but only for Borg STFs?
Could it be anything else that hasn't been covered?
No, players can't really narrow it down to the point of eliminating all other variables, however you have to have repeatable results. One test proves nothing. Not in science, not in STO, not anywhere. Coincidence, luck, poor methodology, whatever.
You want this problem to be solved, try to narrow it down. If it is trait related, which one(s) is it? This requires testing to narrow down, not just one test, but repeated tests that give the same results.
Get one laggy result where you have no traits and did everything the same as the last lag free result and you have to admit that hey maybe it is not actually the traits afterall. Get several and it is pretty well clear that traits aren't the problem at that point. But you won't find that out without testing. And if the traits are the problem, then you have a much stronger case with 20 runs where 10 with traits were lagfests, while 10 without were not.