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What are your suggestions for fixing the current "DPS or fail"/MOAR HP meta?



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    ryakidrysryakidrys Member Posts: 830 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    darkjeff wrote: »
    The UI is alright to help one friendly, because we can pin them. Used to do that for NWS.

    Really though, the reason trinity sucks is because most people suck.

    If you get a crappy healer or a crappy tank, the rest of the team is screwed. You can't get yourself good enough to be able to offset the suckiness of particular team members because in a trinity system, the roles are enforced.

    Here in STO, if 4 people are weak (but not utterly incompetent) the 5th can bring up the average DPS and tank such that we succeed. (Exceptions being the queues where teamwork and coordination trump everything else.) So you can offset any weakness in the other members of your team.

    In an enforced trinity system, it's impossible to do that. You can't build any particular role to the point where they don't need the others, and the other roles are necessary for success. So one good player can't bring up a team of weak players, you need at least one good player in each role.

    (In Neverwinter, that's four competent players per team because there are four roles: Tank to grab & hold aggro on the big threats, Healer to keep the Tank upright while he soaks damage, CC to deal with the minions, DPS to actually kill the things. Losing one makes things harder, losing two makes things extremely difficult, and only have one makes it impossible. Utter frustration when you fill your role perfectly but fail because somebody else can't do theirs.)

    That's why, even as messy as the current system can be and is, I do not want an enforced trinity system in the game. As much as it pains me to admit, as much as I think DPSers saying you don't need tanks or healers are closed to the idea of roles, I'm not in favor of making them depend on a tank and healer either. I like the surprise of going into an STF and realizing there are 2 tanks and 3 CCers one time, then 1 tank, 2 CCers and 2 DPSers the next time. The dynamics change each time and make the runs fun. If it was always the same team makeup, it would get boring fast as everybody would do the same thing over and over again with the same results.
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    norobladnoroblad Member Posts: 2,624 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Goodness. You need a 4 or 5 pronged approach. All these ideas together form a basis that would work, but never happen.

    1) we need a new level cap. Yes, I know, I know, we just did that, but what has to happen is disposal of all the old gear -- it needs to be too weak to work at the new cap, and not upgradeable. Just like every other MMO in the universe does every few years. Then the new gear, and new combat mechanics, need to prevent the force multiplier effects that lead to a 10 to 1 multiplier or worse between top and bottom players. The new gear and mechanics should have like a 2 to 1 maximum between top and bottom, say if 100k dps is top, then bottom with white gear and a ship straight out of the c-store with nothing changed would do 50k.

    2) revamp tanking and healing and crowd control paradigms to be effective and *necessary for success in most group content*. Going all dps should fail due to mechanics of the fights.

    3) equalization of cannons, beams, and torps. They don't have to be identical, but general performance should be on par. This means doing things like removal of the excessive cannon damage falloff, triple or better the pursuit speed of projectiles, reduce projectile shield blocking, and maybe a small penalty to beams such as making faw cost twice as much power per shot or something. It also means bringing back some of the unused weapons like 180 arc cannons and dual cannon (not heavy). Every weapon in the game should be a viable choice, including mines an 180 cannons and so on.

    4) equalize the ships a bit more... everyone should have 1 science ship (only feds have one currently), everyone should have an intel damage ship (kdf lacks this still), everyone should have a good carrier and a good tank... etc. If the roles outside dps matter again, we need more variety in the ships!

    5) Adjustments to NPC / AI, skills, behaviors. The cheezy gimmick of extra health and extra damage for NPCs to make up for variety and AI is part of the problem (its ok here and there, like a borg cube, but its garbage when every NPC peon has these kinds of stats). The NPCs should perform about like very well built player ships, maybe a little tougher, but none of this 100 times the health and 10 times the damage garbage. Get rid of one-shot player killer gimmicks and instead have the npcs heal each other or work together, focus fire one player as a group, or other legit tactics.

    6) adjust player defense skills down a bit. Players should notice when being shot and should feel obligated to use defensive skills or run away or something, not just "meh, tac team solves that problem, now let me shoot him once and the problem will be solved permanently..."
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    thatcursedwolfthatcursedwolf Member Posts: 1,617 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    noroblad wrote: »
    Goodness. You need a 4 or 5 pronged approach. All these ideas together form a basis that would work, but never happen.

    1) we need a new level cap.

    T7 ships within a year of T6 (and T5-(F)U) on top of obsoleting all the stuff people dumped a pile of dil upgrading would be the end of the game.
    This is my Risian Corvette. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
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    virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Completely right because as we all know mmos arent about progession...oh wait yes they are so your post is not valid and is totally irrelevant.

    Um, a game where one pays a monthly subscription and gear is obsoleted is one thing...a game where one pays for the gear and it is obsoleted is another thing.
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    xenificationxenification Member Posts: 615 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    thegcbacon wrote: »
    the 4 ppl being carried by the 1 DPSer preDR was fun also? I guess the 4 ppl that are lower DPS than most pets found it "fun" to get free rewards & now can't fend for themselves. Don't blame Cryptic for being a low DPS freeloader, your laziness has finally hurt yourselves.

    My god some of you are childish & Pathetic.

    When I played pre-DR I was enjoying my sci toon quite a lot I felt useful and a majority of time i got people who had no clue what they were doing in elite. Now I have to force myself to go on my tac because if i dont I usually get a team that fails and thats in normal let alone advance so dont bull me with this TRIBBLE about people being freeloaders the game is rigged towards the DPS crowd now... the timers on the optionals in BD are a clear sign of that, destory all 3 dreadnaughts in how long?

    it was never about me being lazy I enjoyed it because I spent most of the time keeping my team alive now regardless of how easy you think the queues were before now you practically have to do absurd amounts of DPS to get anywhere especially in elite and considering how much the R&D system costs players via how much dil upgrades cost to use and with various other things which many people simply cannot afford as we have bills to pay etc, I think you are completely ignorant to the fact that not everyone is like you.

    Im guessing your from the DPS crowd your arrogance and ego speak for themselves it seems.
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    xenificationxenification Member Posts: 615 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    snipey47a wrote: »
    Thanks man. I haven't laughed so hard in a long time. I'm still going actually! Good thing you were joking.... well I hope you are joking.

    Are you joking? Please tell me you are joking?

    Oh my god, if you are not joking that is genuinely horrifying.

    on the contrary im not and if your horrified then I am glad you haven't experienced what I have.

    being raged at multiple times for simply miss clicking and aggroing something is not fun especially when they carry on for the entire queue then pm me after the queue the message you a few days later ... yeah . it drags on.

    and thats one instance, in the last few months since DR ive been flamed more than I ever did pre-DR.

    "get more DPS ***"
    "get teamspeak scrub"

    ^ those are frequent insults I receive for miss clicking seeing as I only really get to play when im tired.

    and your laughing at what i said again...why?
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    thatcursedwolfthatcursedwolf Member Posts: 1,617 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Completely right because as we all know mmos arent about progession...oh wait yes they are so your post is not valid and is totally irrelevant.

    So you would pay (actually pay money, not through Dil) $30+ for a ship that won't last a year?

    When T5 was it, I didn't mind throwing down money for a new ship often enough to bring in as much or more money then a monthly sub would give them. T5U and T6 meant to me that it was time to not spend money on ships anymore. I bought a B'Rel and upgrade with someone else's money though Dil, but I didn't add any to their coffers.

    If ships are going to be throwaway give golds a free top tier ship token a month, though with STO's conversion to the church of the One True Main the "free" respecs while leveling don't really justify the sub cost, even with a free ship a month.

    edit: Actually, if you're gold, you should get access to all the c-store ships. Go silver, any ship or consoles from a ship you didn't buy go poof. Then a sub might be worth something. Kind of like CO's system. If you've bought an AT, you can use it gold or silver. Special Free Form slots you can use gold or silver. If you sub, you can use Free Forms but if you go silver lose access to them.
    This is my Risian Corvette. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
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    virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited April 2015

    Heads up,just read 5-C,read and weep...yeah that is what an mmo is.
    One day all your hard earned gear,ship,etc,etc will useless and there is nothing you can do about it,its the way mmos work.

    Weep? Cause why? You didn't counter anything I said. I know you said English isn't your primary language and all...but uh...
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    xenificationxenification Member Posts: 615 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Maybe next time you wont "misclick" as much or aggro as much,i mean it maybe harsh but i consider that a good learning experience.

    After being yelled 45 times "DONT STAND IN THE FIRE!!" guess what?
    I kept my spanish butt out of the fire,from that moment on i tried not to "missclick" or "aggro" as much,mistakes happen but it seems you do them more than you should...small word of advice,if you're tired dont join group content because there is 3 or 4 more people depending on you and if you fall asleep or missclick because you are "tired" you are wasting their time so just log out and get some rest.

    I never said it was constant I don't actually get it every time same with misclicking usually every several games or so, like I said though long days and I can only ever play queues when I have time which usually is at the end of the day so if i follow your advice then i wouldn't be able to join a queue at all lol

    as for the "learning experience" there are much more constructive ways to help someone other than flaming them or trolling. Though it seems to be irrelevant in most places in this game, I can't believe im going to say this but i get more help from people in Swtor than I do here and that game is beyond toxic especially in pvp. However thank you for not well "trolling". I rarely see constructive criticism here.

    oh and its not always because of me making mistakes those insults I listed were bassically what I get for either simply being there or not meeting a players criteria of ready to play lol even though most of my gear is ultra rare or gold on my main (which i got lucky with when i sold the JHAS because didnt need it or want it) lol
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    virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    ...blah, blah, blah...

    Going to have to put it down to cultural differences because of country of origin.
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    virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Ah come on dont be a sore loser,so you basically just back out and change my quote to "blah blah blah"?¿

    Granted my english isnt perfect but it is undestandable...

    If you do not understand the difference, then you do not understand the difference...the most likely cause of not understanding the difference would be a cultural difference. I'm not an ambassador, this isn't the UN, so it's pointless to try to explain it.

    Weep. Loser.

    Hell, you might even speak perfectly fine English and are nothing but a troll...

    ...it's just not worth the time.
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    zeatrexzeatrex Member Posts: 212 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    ryakidrys wrote: »
    The "healer" is everyone. Nearly everyone has some heal, buff, something they could use on a teammate to help them.

    THIS RIGHT HERE, is what pisses me off about teammates.
    So I go into a Fleet Starbase 5-man alert and I am on an escort, but I have good shields and defense to hold my own even as an escort - yet while I am DPSng there doing crazy damage to the mobs trying to take them down, all of them start to focus on me.

    So it's like this;
    1. I'm the only escort in the match.
    2. 2 Science ships.
    3. 2 Cruisers.
    4. I'm the only DPS so they rely on me to take things out quickly.
    5. My gear is enough to take things down.

    So this is what happens, while I am in there taking all this damage from the mobs, trying to hold out as much as I can to kill as many things as I can - everyone else in my team is FULL HEALTH + FULL SHIELDS right next to me, not far away to another area where the other mobs spawned or anything... While I'm on the verge of getting destroyed - NO ONE HEALS ME.

    It's freaking amazing, there are 2 cruisers and 2 science ships with full shields and hull and they DO NOT spend their heals on me seeing I'm getting my TRIBBLE kicked simply to save their heals for when they need it.

    So one of the cruisers comments on the chatbox;
    "Wow, you lasted a good time, well done!"

    And replied;
    *Warp out*

    TRIBBLE like this makes you want to just let people die. When I go cruiser on my cruiser toon, I heal the TRIBBLE out of everyone. If they get an inch of their HP down, I heal them. I even get thanks from them via PMs and most of the times when the match is finished they even asked who was healing everyone. And I'm talking about healing EVERYONE, other cruisers, escorts, science ships, whatever. It's amazing how fked up this game has become.
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    woodwhitywoodwhity Member Posts: 2,636 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    zeatrex wrote: »
    TRIBBLE like this makes you want to just let people die. When I go cruiser on my cruiser toon, I heal the TRIBBLE out of everyone. If they get an inch of their HP down, I heal them. I even get thanks from them via PMs. It's amazing how fked up this game has become.

    Its not the game that is broken, just the playerbase. Thats pretty much why the need for teamwork and a better AI (which would need teamwork to overcome it easily) wont ever happen in this game without killing the public queues. DPS Chans, fleet and alliances channels wont be as affected by that, since teamwork is already done their. That of course includes using the chat. Something most pugs seem unable to do.
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    neomodiousneomodious Member Posts: 428 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    zeatrex wrote: »
    THIS RIGHT HERE, is what pisses me off about teammates.
    So I go into a Fleet Starbase 5-man alert and I am on an escort, but I have good shields and defense to hold my own even as an escort - yet while I am DPSng there doing crazy damage to the mobs trying to take them down, all of them start to focus on me.

    So it's like this;
    1. I'm the only escort in the match.
    2. 2 Science ships.
    3. 2 Cruisers.
    4. I'm the only DPS so they rely on me to take things out quickly.
    5. My gear is enough to take things down.

    So this is what happens, while I am in there taking all this damage from the mobs, trying to hold out as much as I can to kill as many things as I can - everyone else in my team is FULL HEALTH + FULL SHIELDS right next to me, not far away to another area where the other mobs spawned or anything... While I'm on the verge of getting destroyed - NO ONE HEALS ME.

    It's freaking amazing, there are 2 cruisers and 2 science ships with full shields and hull and they DO NOT spend their heals on me seeing I'm getting my TRIBBLE kicked simply to save their heals for when they need it.

    So one of the cruisers comments on the chatbox;
    "Wow, you lasted a good time, well done!"

    And replied;
    *Warp out*

    TRIBBLE like this makes you want to just let people die. When I go cruiser on my cruiser toon, I heal the TRIBBLE out of everyone. If they get an inch of their HP down, I heal them. I even get thanks from them via PMs and most of the times when the match is finished they even asked who was healing everyone. And I'm talking about healing EVERYONE, other cruisers, escorts, science ships, whatever. It's amazing how fked up this game has become.

    meh. if I'm in any combat, and try to target a friendly to heal them, by the time I go to click on a heal, the game has re-targeted the enemy and the heal is used on my ship. I had that fixed at one point, but it's reverted.
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    rosetyler51rosetyler51 Member Posts: 1,631 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    woodwhity wrote: »
    Its not the game that is broken, just the playerbase. Thats pretty much why the need for teamwork and a better AI (which would need teamwork to overcome it easily) wont ever happen in this game without killing the public queues. DPS Chans, fleet and alliances channels wont be as affected by that, since teamwork is already done their. That of course includes using the chat. Something most pugs seem unable to do.

    This is pretty much what happen post-DR and odds are if they tried to force players into the holy trinity the same would happen. We have seen that some players simply won't adapt.
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    zeatrexzeatrex Member Posts: 212 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    neomodious wrote: »
    meh. if I'm in any combat, and try to target a friendly to heal them, by the time I go to click on a heal, the game has re-targeted the enemy and the heal is used on my ship. I had that fixed at one point, but it's reverted.

    Do not shoot to keep the player targeted to heal them.
    And I mean do not shoot as in hitting space bar (or whatever button you use to fire your weapons).
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    paxdawnpaxdawn Member Posts: 767 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    im with OP here,cure space advanced done in 45 sec,im bored with this advanced/elite stuff..

    Today Ai can doo and must be better,faw like a monkey.keybind keys is not playing...its a illusion of playing,yeah i can go over 100 k,but i now play with uncommon mk12 gear,becouse this dps power creep its really boring playstyle,we need a change...Remove timers,give challenge based on task not time limits...good game rate of completion 60/40% not 100%.(dps league.etc,not pug play)

    You cannot do CSA for 45 secs with 9k DPS in ISA(your recorded parse in DPS league) not unless you are leeching for someone doing high DPS. But yes someone can solo that mission assuming you are top DPS. If you are bored with CSA for 45 secs, stop leechin from top DPSers, do hard missions like Elite, HSE, etc, which your name seems to be absent from table.

    You are just like the OP trying to claim that things are easy, but no proof whatsoever that you are capable of doing it. Trying to make excuses to refuse to do DPS, refuse to do harder elite missions, whatever that fits so as no to prove anything but claim PvE missions are easy. Its like ego massaging so that you and the OP can attach your skill level to the TOP DPSers simply because your a "PvPer" or you simply because you can claim to do it without actually proving your worth.

    Since non of you "claimants" have proven to actually make HSE or elite missions so easy, how sure are you can take on harder AI? All these are like hurdles. You got to go through normal, advanced, elite, then improvement of AI. Until such time that everybody has move to one hurdle there. So if you and those claiming that PvE missions are easy have actually gone beyond the elite hurdle, nor have made advance mission actually look easy without leeching, how do you think you and those "claimants" will fair with a harder AI?

    Now if you ask us "elitists", yes we want harder AI and harder missions because we have went all those hurdles. But that would be unfair for everyone else if all missions are suddenly upgrade that only us will be capable of doing PvE missions when most cannot even do Advanced nor Elite missions.
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    millimidgetmillimidget Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    ^ those are frequent insults I receive for miss clicking seeing as I only really get to play when im tired.
    You must have terrible luck, then.
    darkjeff wrote: »
    If you get a crappy healer or a crappy tank, the rest of the team is screwed. You can't get yourself good enough to be able to offset the suckiness of particular team members because in a trinity system, the roles are enforced.
    You can. Really depends on the game, the particular content, and the skill of everyone else.

    You may only need a really bad tank to hold 1-2 mobs. It's possible for a DPS to kite a boss, with occasional respites when the bad tank misclicks their taunt button. Most DPS classes have enough defensive steroids or utility to tank briefly.

    It really only becomes an issue when you don't have at least two good players in the team, with one of them being either the tank or the healer, and not necessarily both. Unfortunately, that's exactly what PUGs would be if they tried to enforce a trinity in space combat.
    IMO - The reason the Trinity sucks is because if you DO have content that absolutely requires it, and you can't get the ONE type you need for such a group, your evening gameplay experience consists of broadcasting accross the server:

    "STF Group needs <X> PST!" where <X> = "Tank/Healer/DPS"
    This is why you populate your friends list with tanks and healers, and play only a tank or a healer.

    Let some pimple faced teenager play DPS; they've got the time to waste waiting around for you to show up.
    "Tolerance and apathy are the last virtues of a dying society." - Aristotle
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    shadowwraith77shadowwraith77 Member Posts: 6,395 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Trinity is lazy game design, not solid.

    Censoredcraft "wisdom": if the tank dies, it's the healer's fault, if the healer dies, it's the tank's fault, if DPS dies, who cares?

    I wouldn't say it is such a lazy design, as it makes it easier to focus imo on a single role, not multiple roles wrapped into 1 soloist.

    Also, this game has the capability for trinity roles already in place but, the game focuses only on one avenue, dmg!

    Otherwise, anyone can heal, anyone can dps, anyone can CC, anyone can tank [minus the whole crappy threat system in place].
    ryakidrys wrote: »
    IF DPS dies, and there is a tank who has aggro and is fighting to stay alive, praying the next heal will come sooner than later, why did the DPSer die? Is it because the DPSer went ahead of the team and ahead of the tanks aggro? Was it a failed attempt to get GDF by snuggling up to something for a warp core breach?
    If the tank can't hold aggro, it should have plenty of heals to function as a healer.
    The "healer" is everyone. Nearly everyone has some heal, buff, something they could use on a teammate to help them. Failure to help teammates when you have the means to do so is a sad, sad issue with teams these days.

    Pretty much agreed here.

    Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!

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    ilhanskilhansk Member Posts: 620 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    paxdawn wrote: »
    You are just like the OP trying to claim that things are easy, but no proof whatsoever that you are capable of doing it. Trying to make excuses to refuse to do DPS, refuse to do harder elite missions, whatever that fits so as no to prove anything but claim PvE missions are easy. Its like ego massaging so that you and the OP can attach your skill level to the TOP DPSers simply because your a "PvPer" or you simply because you can claim to do it without actually proving your worth.

    In the past, it was a rarity to meet dedicated PvErs displaying meaningful 'scientific' approach, analytical procedure, or results-oriented spreadsheeting mentality in general. Back then PvE content just didn't demand such virtues.

    PvP on the other hand was a completely different animal from the getgo. PvP was the main driving force motivating people to decipher this games inner workings, to surpass real people competition, to learn as much and gain as deep knowledge as possible. Story mission or casual raids just weren't cutting it.

    If I was in trolling mood, I would phrase following analogy: While PvE was dwelling in caves marvelling the sorcery of horse-drawn carriages, PvPers already discovered Quantum Physics and were working on the Manhattan Project. I know, not nice of me to phrase it like that, so everyone who feels offended, please grab your pitch forks now. :P

    The first people ever to beat No-Win scenario were PvPers on tribble, and it took them only very few tries. In response, Cryptic severely increased the "difficulty" level of said mission. Which didn't prevent a certain PvPer to successfully solo (sort of) the scenario after a few days No-Win became available on holodeck.

    I stopped playing No-Win as soon as I became aware of infinitely faster ways to grind marks.

    If you followed closely the rise of this games speedrun sub-culture, you would have noticed that some (back-then) familiar names from the PvP community were deeply intertwined with the increasing 'professionalism' of said sub-culture. People that for various reasons began to retreat from PvP business, looking for other challenges. Since merely beating PvE content wasn't enough challenge (after all, it becomes boring to take a sledgehammer for cracking a nut over and over again), speedrunning became a thing.

    It is a logical fallacy however to view high-dps'ing the be-all and end-all of skill. To paraphrase Spock: "Spreadsheeting is the beginning of wisdom, not the end." ;-)

    Before the release of 'elite' queues most PvP builds were adequat to bumrush any PvE content. In todays grind-heavy environment, people would need to keep up-to-date multiple builds/toons for maintaining excellency in both PvP AND PvE. Considering time and monetary costs, an unlikely thing to happen.

    Most PvPers consider speedruns to be "unprofitable arts" anyway. For most PvPers, once they have tasted sustained success in PvP, any achievements in PvE pale in comparison. ISA or HSE speedruns ain't a proper way to lure back lost PvPers. You might as well offer them dog TRIBBLE.

    I did gently inquire if some of my PvP buddies may be interested in investing time and money to get on some hot Player on NPC action. They thought I was trippin'. :P

    Challenge them to PvP. Show them your op DPS cruiser engineer build. I am certain that at least some will bite. ;)

    PvPers usually play PvE content only to grind up necessities for PvP. They don't like playing it, but it doesn't mean they lackt the skill or cannot optimize. This is a PvPer bored to death playing Argala over and over again. He doesn't seem to struggle with them NPCs however. ;)

    paxdawn wrote: »
    Since non of you "claimants" have proven to actually make HSE or elite missions so easy, how sure are you can take on harder AI? All these are like hurdles. You got to go through normal, advanced, elite, then improvement of AI. Until such time that everybody has move to one hurdle there. So if you and those claiming that PvE missions are easy have actually gone beyond the elite hurdle, nor have made advance mission actually look easy without leeching, how do you think you and those "claimants" will fair with a harder AI?

    What makes you think that PvPers of all people would struggle more against advanced AI?

    Imagine a bunch of high AI Borg NPCs pre-planning an encounter:

    "All right listen up people, some speedrun folks going to queue into our map soon. I am expecting FAW and pet spam, so it shouldn't be too difficult to deal with them. Switch to your Scrambles / Feedback Pulse loadouts and don't forget to crossheal. Focus fire on the damager dealers, they should pop very quick and use PSW/CPB to prevent cloak play. Ignore the supports, unless it's a sci, he may try to nuke our feedbacks. In that case, our spheres will chain-TBR-push their sci into the edge of the map, until he ragequits. Hey, you nanite transformers, stop the ERP, the scimitars are already teaming up, get in position chop chop let's get this over quick, I got some other stuff to do."

    There has been enough matches played of high dps folks vs. experienced PvP premades to strongly indicate that it wouldn't be PvPers out of their depth.

    On the contrary. Compared to PvP, the static nature of PvE content requires only very basic tactical deliberations, piloting, adaptability, quick out-of-the-box thinking or improvisation skills et cetera.

    Do you believe that proper chaining of Tac Fleets or proper timing of APAs are exclusive virtues of high dps'ers? While I respect such 'feats', I can't say I'm impressed. Congratulations for spreadsheeting a very static and very linear path of skill activation order and practising its execution. Now defunct PvP premades were multiple steps ahead in these kind of matters, because the inherent dynamic nature of PvP required them to be.
    paxdawn wrote: »
    Now if you ask us "elitists", yes we want harder AI and harder missions because we have went all those hurdles. But that would be unfair for everyone else if all missions are suddenly upgrade that only us will be capable of doing PvE missions when most cannot even do Advanced nor Elite missions.

    Trust me, "elitist" isn't the term that comes to mind when I am reading your post. "Delusional" would be more fitting.

    Oh well, how times have changed. :-(

    In the past, dozens of PvPers would have laughed you off the stage, nowadays your delusions remain almost unchallenged. Because the PvP community pretty much dissolved and moved on to greener pastures. In Star Trek Online, the most elite content always were enemy PvP premades. A 2011 TSI or 2013 Panda Vape Premade, those were true No-Win-scenarios.

    Who knows, if you repeat your delusions in six months, or one year, even the very last remnants of PvP ghosts will have faded away, and your attempts of denigrating PvP skill may remain unchallenged.

    And who knows, if the game is still up and running in 2018, it probably will be erotic role players claiming that space barbie dress-up gameplay is the one and only true measurement of real skill.
    Visit the Inner Circle YouTube Channel to watch some STO pew pew PVP action!

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    zeatrexzeatrex Member Posts: 212 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    paxdawn wrote: »
    You cannot do CSA for 45 secs with 9k DPS in ISA(your recorded parse in DPS league) not unless you are leeching for someone doing high DPS. But yes someone can solo that mission assuming you are top DPS. If you are bored with CSA for 45 secs, stop leechin from top DPSers, do hard missions like Elite, HSE, etc, which your name seems to be absent from table.

    You are just like the OP trying to claim that things are easy, but no proof whatsoever that you are capable of doing it. Trying to make excuses to refuse to do DPS, refuse to do harder elite missions, whatever that fits so as no to prove anything but claim PvE missions are easy. Its like ego massaging so that you and the OP can attach your skill level to the TOP DPSers simply because your a "PvPer" or you simply because you can claim to do it without actually proving your worth.

    Since non of you "claimants" have proven to actually make HSE or elite missions so easy, how sure are you can take on harder AI? All these are like hurdles. You got to go through normal, advanced, elite, then improvement of AI. Until such time that everybody has move to one hurdle there. So if you and those claiming that PvE missions are easy have actually gone beyond the elite hurdle, nor have made advance mission actually look easy without leeching, how do you think you and those "claimants" will fair with a harder AI?

    Now if you ask us "elitists", yes we want harder AI and harder missions because we have went all those hurdles. But that would be unfair for everyone else if all missions are suddenly upgrade that only us will be capable of doing PvE missions when most cannot even do Advanced nor Elite missions.
    So how are they going to prove it to you?.. Get in an instance with them and see for yourself how they prove it? To be honest, the instances are easy, I have full Dyson reputation space gear, not even Epic weapons and I pass advanced just pretty fine and I use a carrier, not even an Escort. For Elites I will need Epic gear though, but it's manageable. And I mean I do just fine as in when I am targeting single targets myself, not someone comes over to where I am and kill them for me - I mean me targeting a certain enemy and I kill it myself.

    That's my experience there, so how am I going to prove this to you, adding you to a team and doing an advanced/elite with you? You know not all the times people just make TRIBBLE up, you need to relax.

    On that note, Elite is basically for people who have all epic gear and weapons, if you know you don't have it you shouldn't be in there, this is the main thing I see. Idiots in my team getting 2-3 hit killed by mobs... Why are you in an elite with uncommon gear/weapons or even very rare gear for?.

    On top of that, everything is easy.
    All you do is sit there hitting your powers then your heals when your shield or hull is low... The time you die is when all your heals are on cool down.
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    darkjeffdarkjeff Member Posts: 2,590 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    zeatrex wrote: »
    So how are they going to prove it to you?

    /combatlog 1
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    zeatrexzeatrex Member Posts: 212 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    darkjeff wrote: »
    /combatlog 1
    My point is, if you have good gear - everything is easy.
    The reply went on as if the guy was lying about his abilities to do things, which if the guy has full epics he can very well do things easily.

    Which also brings up another point, the STFs aren't innovative at all. It is just kill everything + timed and that's it.
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    woodwhitywoodwhity Member Posts: 2,636 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    zeatrex wrote: »
    Which also brings up another point, the STFs aren't innovative at all. It is just kill everything + timed and that's it.

    Because anything that doesnt include heavy battles are regarded as tedious. Like "from bajor", "Operation gamma" and the first part of UIE. Failing the mission if you are wrong with one deduction, how can that be? Its what should happen, but here ppl just want to fight and click, click, click. Thats why we cant have puzzles and challenging encounters.
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    sysil84sysil84 Member Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    zeatrex wrote: »
    My point is, if you have good gear - everything is easy.
    The reply went on as if the guy was lying about his abilities to do things, which if the guy has full epics he can very well do things easily.

    Which also brings up another point, the STFs aren't innovative at all. It is just kill everything + timed and that's it.

    The only question left is how long does it take you to win.

    And you're right on STF not being innovative, but the thing is if Cryptic ever decided to make a mission where team coordination and strategy was really important the players would ask for a nerf because it would be too hard for them.

    Anyways they would make a hard mission and give out the same rewards as an easy one, so in the end only a fraction of the players would actually play it.
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    gazurtoidgazurtoid Member Posts: 423 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    ilhansk wrote: »
    Because the PvP community pretty much dissolved and moved on to greener pastures.

    Good riddance
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    darkjeffdarkjeff Member Posts: 2,590 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    zeatrex wrote: »
    My point is, if you have good gear - everything is easy.

    This is a common view shared by those who don't know what they're doing. It's kind of a disappointment to hear you state that, you were doing so well in the post I responded to.

    Performance depends on Build, Piloting, and Gear - where Build and Piloting are multipliers for Gear.

    There was someone using VR Mk XIII gear who couldn't take down a single Borg sphere by himself in an Advanced STF, blamed it on his gear, and then complained that it cost too much to get everything to Mk XIV.

    If we gave him all Mk XIV Epics, I doubt he'd suddenly find everything easy.
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    virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    edit: not biting...
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    millimidgetmillimidget Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I can't wait until PvP dies entirely. And I hope the last holdouts take the extreme DPS crowd with them.
    Your elitism is showing.

    Though really, what do you expect? Everyone to play with the level of intelligence of a pre-teen, or the twitch gaming skill of a senior citizen?

    If your threshold for what's acceptable is so low, how is it that others even can bother you?
    woodwhity wrote: »
    Because anything that doesnt include heavy battles are regarded as tedious. Like "from bajor", "Operation gamma" and the first part of UIE. Failing the mission if you are wrong with one deduction, how can that be? Its what should happen, but here ppl just want to fight and click, click, click. Thats why we cant have puzzles and challenging encounters.
    "Tolerance and apathy are the last virtues of a dying society." - Aristotle
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