Wow, someone in the art dept seems to have themselves a wee bit of a Tron fetish or REALLY, REALLY, misses the 80's.
In the spirit of the Tron boogie suits, I submit we rename season 10:
Inconians Too: Electric Boogaloo
Unfortunately (to me) those outfits don't say "cool tech" to me they say "What a joke"
As to the gear being locked behind advanced and elite queues, I'll never see any of it as I have never played an advanced or elite queue ever in this game and I wouldn't be doing my fellow players any service being in one.
Really? you couldn't even add an opportunity for players like me to earn even one Singularity Core a day through some other means?
One less Reputation for me to grind.
Edit to add:
Poster for Season 10: Iconians Too! Electric Boogaloo
What? I.....what? The words do not come to mind to describe how hideous that ground set looks, or how blatantly OP the space gear looks. Season 10 has already started off with a bang to be on par with 9 as far as horrible design decisions go, and it's not even here yet.
Wow, even the outfits in Tron looked better than this...
I'm guessing the Iconian/Herald lockbox will have the cooler looking Iconian/Herald outfits?
I'm hoping the Iconian/Herald lockbox and Lobi store has something better. Anything better. Heck, just give us the wear the Heralds use in the promotionalimages.
While I'm a fan of Tron in my Star Trek, from the Aegis set to the Intel skin, to the Club Wear, the armor is complete and utter TRIBBLE on a male. The least they could have done is just outright copy and edit the Tron Legacy Armor. I would have been quite happy with the linked Herald wear, or even the actual Iconian look redone as armor (complete with shadow effect and 6-glowing eyes and all).
However, I AM willing to give it a chance IF they can be customized with alternate glow line patterns, optional extra armor pieces, AND have a proper unified color scheme (black is black across all parts, and not one part can be completely black but the other is just dark, dark grey, for example).
So far I see nothing on marks for solo action. All you listed was group action. I see a few items I might go after.
I hope there is a story like the Dyson and Romulan ones. To give me a reason to do it. Cause the other Reps I didn't bother doing. Only the Delta I did, but that is cause you give me the marks. Without having to go out of my way. For a boring Rep.
USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
Meh, although the gear looks decent with killer procs...I think I'll stick with my phasers. Y'know, to keep things interesting and more of a contest. Also, the phaser proc is STILL the best when it comes to wanting your enemy stood still for a second or two..or to stop shooting at you, or even to give yourself an opening.
I do have one question though - why are phasers vastly under-appreciated/underused in PvP?
Because, if memory serves and it has not been changed, a rather long time ago the devs nerfed phasers to give immunity from their proc for x amount of time after a successful proc because any subsystem coming down, especially shields, is way uber. So phaser disables are so rare and so rarely shields that it's generally better to drain the TRIBBLE out of someone-polaron. crit them to death-antiproton. blow through their resistances-disruptor. burn through their hull-plasma. or some combination of these procs via rep weapons.
Yeah... on one hand I'm thrilled cause alot of debuffs in this game are just so uber, less so now that teams aren't on a shared cool and whatnot, but yeah, those can really wreck your day. However, I know that all this cleansing is going to further push science to the back of the bus... and since they are already back there... out the back of the bus? And then perhaps back over them for good measure.
The one hope I have for those poor science captains is that a "skill tree rework" might be in season 10 that might loosen up the strict defining lines between science, tactical, and engineering captains and might bring in some balance. It's a very, very small glimmer of hope, but it's there.
I think what the devs really need to work on is making debuffs/cleansing debuffs far less binary. Lets say you hit warp plasma, instead of hitting hazard emitters and simply being free like nothing ever happened (which has less than reliable results) I think it should simply reduce the effect/cleanse it slowly, more and more, over time. So it's not yup, you're stuck OR completely unstuck. Give us some scaling middle ground to work with. This way debuffs are less jarring and rage inducing, but also not entirely useless by being nerfed/cleansed into the ground.
I also think that to help science ships compete in the DPS race, damaging science abilities need a bigger AOE. Grav well's crowd control radius can stay at it's current parameters, but I think that the gravimetric sheer (or whatever) should extend out a good 10-15km from the anomaly so that science can have a more aoe space wizard feel.
Since science likes to ignore shields and abilities are often uber at low levels but suck at high end (tachyon beam for example). shield ignoring damage and shield drains could be based on percentage. E.G. gravity well's shield ignoring damage takes 5% (for example, 5% might be OP depending on what happens when resistances are taken into account) hull per tick. This way cruisers, science ships, and escorts are all equally, proportionately damaged by the ability, but damage that would be decent on a cruiser doesn't WRECK an escort or science ship. If tachyon beam worked on percentages, voth city ship's infinity shields would actually do more than be tickled and laugh at the ability, but ships with TRIBBLE shields like escorts wouldn't be stripped bare.
As for science captain powers, I would make sensor scan both an enemy debuff and a self buff. It would work as it presently does debuffing an aoe of enemies from your target, but I think it should also buff the user's damage for several seconds so that when that target goes down, you might still have a buff to be useful on a second target similarly to how attack pattern alpha does for tacs. Perhaps that self buff should only be for exotic damage, as I would also propose that attack pattern alpha/go down fighting only affect weapons and not science type damage... I mean, come on. Let the science captains actually be best with science skills. A tac in a science ship would still be able to wreck faces with science abilities at their normal damage level but with super buffed weapons. While a sci captain in a sci ship would have less buffed weapon damage but higher exotic damage. No? Too fair? Makes too much sense? Get over it.
With the proposed non-binary debuff/cleanse system, I suggest subnuke doesn't strip buffs but rather severely nerfs all buffs on the target and cleansing subnuke wouldn't be instant but would lessen its impact more and more over time until it is cleansed.
Photonic fleet should persist and stay with the captain who used it until the holo ships are destroyed rather than having HP AND a timer. Perhaps they should match the course and speed of the summoning ship and prioritize the summoning ship's target rather than simply spawning and slowly moving around, shooting whatever they please.
And to give engineers a boost (they need some lovin' too!) I think that all of their captain skills, while primarily defensive, are all quite useful and not obvious under performers... with the exception of EPS power transfer since power is handed out like candy, and nadion inversion... again, cause power is handed out like candy.
EPS power transfer: In addition to granting a massive power boost, it also imparts the effects of emergency power to weapons, shields, engines, and auxiliary 3. I.E. +16% weapon damage +30% shield damage resistance +70 flight speed and +4 turn rate and + 20 particle gens/flow caps/subspace decompiler +5km perception radius +100 stealth.
Nadion inversion should not only prevent weapon drain, but ALL power drain. Unless' they've fixed it, last I tested it, energy siphon and tykens rift still sucked your power dry right through a nadion inversion.
So you can only get the marks by playing the three queues? No patrols, no adventure zone, just three queues, over and over? I'd love to be wrong but that's what I got out of the blog. That's most disappointing.
As a tanker, the general healing/resist nature of the space items has me intrigued for the possibilities. Energy Refrequencer particularly so. Advanced/Elite PvEs can be brutal on tanks.
the devs waste their time to create this ugly thing; but they don't have the time to create a decent romulan uniform (the republic uniforms still have problems). why not a special recruit uniform? and also long pants for the KDF toons.
DPS again, again, and again. this poor sci trait is not enough.
I just saw the set pieces at epic quality, and I just have to give up on hoping the devs pay attention to science.
The deflector in particular is like a slap in the face yet again. You make those horrific elite fleet deflectors because of the junk stats. Then you go make this Iconian deflectors ( Was starfleet engineering drunk when they made the fleet ones? Did they forget deflectors are for science purposes and decided to put junk stats on them?
For once I would love to see a rep deflector that actually does something for science. Hell, here is an idea.
Epic Vulcan Science Academy Deflector Mk XIV
+50 Part gens
+50 Grav gens
+50 Flow caps
+2% Stealth Detection
Decreases Cooldown of science abilities by 10%
There, was that so hard? Did I have to think too much? No. Would it make most science captains happy? Yes. Does it have anything to do with DPS, healing, or resistance? No.
I just saw the set pieces at epic quality, and I just have to give up on hoping the devs pay attention to science.
The deflector in particular is like a slap in the face yet again. You make those horrific elite fleet deflectors because of the junk stats. Then you go make this Iconian deflectors ( Was starfleet engineering drunk when they made the fleet ones? Did they forget deflectors are for science purposes and decided to put junk stats on them?
For once I would love to see a rep deflector that actually does something for science. Hell, here is an idea.
Epic Vulcan Science Academy Deflector Mk XIV
+50 Part gens
+50 Grav gens
+50 Flow caps
+2% Stealth Detection
Decreases Cooldown of science abilities by 10%
There, was that so hard? Did I have to think too much? No. Would it make most science captains happy? Yes. Does it have anything to do with DPS, healing, or resistance? No.
I agree! Deflectors should stick to boosting Science abilities and Science related skills.
> <
> <
Looking for a new fleet? Drop by the in-game chat channel, "tenforwardforum", and say hi to the members of A Fleet Called Ten Forward (Fed) and The Orion Pirates (KDF). If you already have a fleet you are happy with, please feel free to drop by our chat channel if you are looking for a friendly bunch of helpful people to socialize with.
the devs waste their time to create this ugly thing; but they don't have the time to create a decent romulan uniform (the republic uniforms still have problems). why not a special recruit uniform? and also long pants for the KDF toons.
DPS again, again, and again. this poor sci trait is not enough.
the devs lack of imagination
yes, really disppointed
I think they stopped listening and have decided to pander to the DPS junkies to keep the metrics going well for them. Either that, or they have decided that science isn't popular enough to do anything good for them except if it's related to heals. I can't think that they ran out of ideas and the only thing they know how to do are tanks, DPS, and heal boats, because I don't think they're that stupid.
I bet they put in more of the same kind of traits and consoles in the next lockbox. No sci ship there either. Just another cruiser for the masses.
Hell, no new doffs either except the type that increases damage against X enemy. Why? They also ran out of ideas there.
So you can only get the marks by playing the three queues? No patrols, no adventure zone, just three queues, over and over? I'd love to be wrong but that's what I got out of the blog. That's most disappointing.
Wouldn't worry too much. There's plenty of time before now and Season 10. There's more Iconian-related stuff to be announced for sure. Might not be any partols, but I can't see them passing up ground / space adventure zones in the Herald Sphere.
As for science captain powers, I would make sensor scan both an enemy debuff and a self buff. It would work as it presently does debuffing an aoe of enemies from your target, but I think it should also buff the user's damage for several seconds so that when that target goes down, you might still have a buff to be useful on a second target similarly to how attack pattern alpha does for tacs. Perhaps that self buff should only be for exotic damage, as I would also propose that attack pattern alpha/go down fighting only affect weapons and not science type damage... I mean, come on. Let the science captains actually be best with science skills. A tac in a science ship would still be able to wreck faces with science abilities at their normal damage level but with super buffed weapons. While a sci captain in a sci ship would have less buffed weapon damage but higher exotic damage. No? Too fair? Makes too much sense? Get over it.
And to give engineers a boost (they need some lovin' too!) I think that all of their captain skills, while primarily defensive, are all quite useful and not obvious under performers... with the exception of EPS power transfer since power is handed out like candy, and nadion inversion... again, cause power is handed out like candy.
EPS power transfer: In addition to granting a massive power boost, it also imparts the effects of emergency power to weapons, shields, engines, and auxiliary 3. I.E. +16% weapon damage +30% shield damage resistance +70 flight speed and +4 turn rate and + 20 particle gens/flow caps/subspace decompiler +5km perception radius +100 stealth.
Nadion inversion should not only prevent weapon drain, but ALL power drain. Unless' they've fixed it, last I tested it, energy siphon and tykens rift still sucked your power dry right through a nadion inversion.
tl/dr Length of the post aside, I do think restricting APA/GDF to energy/kinetic damage would be good, because as it stands with exotic damage, anything a sci can do tac can do better. Perhaps have sensor scan/sci fleet/other captain power do something kinda like the psychological warfare trait and buff by some amount/percentage skills dependent on everything in the "science" part of the skill tree, like grav/prtg/decompiler/etc.
Or maybe have the "fleet" ability for each profession buff skills in the corresponding part of the skill trees for all careers (I know they kinda do already, but work with me...)
As for engi skills (my main would adore some changes), the big thing with them is the non-transferability/team support/power multiplier aspect. Maybe have them be able to be cast on teammates at a reduced (75% ?) effectiveness or with a cast time (e.g. beaming over specialists for miracle worker)
is it too late to change the ground custome design?
i found it plain ugly... nothing against tron but... it looks like a carnival (brazillian) fantasy, not much of a trekkie style(for a franchise who have disco space dinosaurs) i care much for my toons styles (and their officers) dont know something a bit less shiny reflexes? and outrageous big earphones maybe visors like the intel styles? i feel more confortable with even without helmet than a almost beats ripoff
but if is too late i will just stick my goodol'maco/omega armor:cool:
a strike team all with omega costume feel much more badass then this new one just saying...
is it too late to change the ground custome design?
i found it plain ugly... nothing against tron but... it looks like a carnival (brazillian) fantasy, not much of a trekkie style(for a franchise who have disco space dinosaurs) i care much for my toons styles (and their officers) dont know something a bit less shiny reflexes? and outrageous big earphones maybe visors like the intel styles? i feel more confortable with even without helmet than a almost beats ripoff
but if is too late i will just stick my goodol'maco/omega armor:cool:
a strike team all with omega costume feel much more badass then this new one just saying...
That's probably part of the reason why they put the tailor options in, so you could have the look of your favorite armor while having the functionality and stats of another armor.
For best results, read my posts in the voice of Sheogorath, Daedric Prince of Madness.
*busts down your door while wearing a Starfleet uniform* Time to boldy go, losers.
#this is how you SHOULD collect your crew from shore leave
Antiproton weapons again you even know the meaning as f the word balance there is other weapons in game give some love to the faction weapons and stuff and since you seem to be making tron ground armour. Next time make some predator armour complete with cloak throwing disc shoulder cannon and predator spear. Think season 10 is going to be as bad as delta rising but cryptic will see season 10 as the best season ever and the players love it. Only decent thing this season is the walls are gone in sector space
Vice Admiral Volmack ISS Thundermole
Brigadier General Jokag IKS Gorkan
Centurion Kares RRW Tomalak
Cryptic should add a whip and some high boots as part of the ground set to make it even more obvious. Wow those costumes are the most hideous thing you've ever created for this game....
Ugh ....another reputation grind tbh im sick of them really just sick of them and with that kinda getting sick of STO nothing original just more rep grinds and carrots infront of our noses.
Seeing yet another midless and numbing grind set infront of me just makes me not wanna do it at this point im so burnt out with this uber grind fest of a game.....btw cryptic it isnt fun..its work.
In the spirit of the Tron boogie suits, I submit we rename season 10:
Inconians Too: Electric Boogaloo
Unfortunately (to me) those outfits don't say "cool tech" to me they say "What a joke"
As to the gear being locked behind advanced and elite queues, I'll never see any of it as I have never played an advanced or elite queue ever in this game and I wouldn't be doing my fellow players any service being in one.
Really? you couldn't even add an opportunity for players like me to earn even one Singularity Core a day through some other means?
One less Reputation for me to grind.
Edit to add:
Poster for Season 10: Iconians Too! Electric Boogaloo
I was thinking more like Lady Gaga or Madonna
Gaining all set pieces grants special power: CONE BRA! with the "Poker Face" emote.
While I'm a fan of Tron in my Star Trek, from the Aegis set to the Intel skin, to the Club Wear, the armor is complete and utter TRIBBLE on a male. The least they could have done is just outright copy and edit the Tron Legacy Armor. I would have been quite happy with the linked Herald wear, or even the actual Iconian look redone as armor (complete with shadow effect and 6-glowing eyes and all).
However, I AM willing to give it a chance IF they can be customized with alternate glow line patterns, optional extra armor pieces, AND have a proper unified color scheme (black is black across all parts, and not one part can be completely black but the other is just dark, dark grey, for example).
I hope there is a story like the Dyson and Romulan ones. To give me a reason to do it. Cause the other Reps I didn't bother doing. Only the Delta I did, but that is cause you give me the marks. Without having to go out of my way. For a boring Rep.
USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
Because, if memory serves and it has not been changed, a rather long time ago the devs nerfed phasers to give immunity from their proc for x amount of time after a successful proc because any subsystem coming down, especially shields, is way uber. So phaser disables are so rare and so rarely shields that it's generally better to drain the TRIBBLE out of someone-polaron. crit them to death-antiproton. blow through their resistances-disruptor. burn through their hull-plasma. or some combination of these procs via rep weapons.
My second thought: "Man, that armor is ugly."
My third thought: "Wait a second... Tron? Oh yeah."
You mean that something that requires you to do Adventure or Elite difficulity STF's that are L60 will give you amongst the best gear? You don't say!
(I really want to know why they don't update other rep gear.)
Anyway, the armor at least looks interesting, but meh.
The one hope I have for those poor science captains is that a "skill tree rework" might be in season 10 that might loosen up the strict defining lines between science, tactical, and engineering captains and might bring in some balance. It's a very, very small glimmer of hope, but it's there.
I think what the devs really need to work on is making debuffs/cleansing debuffs far less binary. Lets say you hit warp plasma, instead of hitting hazard emitters and simply being free like nothing ever happened (which has less than reliable results) I think it should simply reduce the effect/cleanse it slowly, more and more, over time. So it's not yup, you're stuck OR completely unstuck. Give us some scaling middle ground to work with. This way debuffs are less jarring and rage inducing, but also not entirely useless by being nerfed/cleansed into the ground.
I also think that to help science ships compete in the DPS race, damaging science abilities need a bigger AOE. Grav well's crowd control radius can stay at it's current parameters, but I think that the gravimetric sheer (or whatever) should extend out a good 10-15km from the anomaly so that science can have a more aoe space wizard feel.
Since science likes to ignore shields and abilities are often uber at low levels but suck at high end (tachyon beam for example). shield ignoring damage and shield drains could be based on percentage. E.G. gravity well's shield ignoring damage takes 5% (for example, 5% might be OP depending on what happens when resistances are taken into account) hull per tick. This way cruisers, science ships, and escorts are all equally, proportionately damaged by the ability, but damage that would be decent on a cruiser doesn't WRECK an escort or science ship. If tachyon beam worked on percentages, voth city ship's infinity shields would actually do more than be tickled and laugh at the ability, but ships with TRIBBLE shields like escorts wouldn't be stripped bare.
As for science captain powers, I would make sensor scan both an enemy debuff and a self buff. It would work as it presently does debuffing an aoe of enemies from your target, but I think it should also buff the user's damage for several seconds so that when that target goes down, you might still have a buff to be useful on a second target similarly to how attack pattern alpha does for tacs. Perhaps that self buff should only be for exotic damage, as I would also propose that attack pattern alpha/go down fighting only affect weapons and not science type damage... I mean, come on. Let the science captains actually be best with science skills. A tac in a science ship would still be able to wreck faces with science abilities at their normal damage level but with super buffed weapons. While a sci captain in a sci ship would have less buffed weapon damage but higher exotic damage. No? Too fair? Makes too much sense? Get over it.
With the proposed non-binary debuff/cleanse system, I suggest subnuke doesn't strip buffs but rather severely nerfs all buffs on the target and cleansing subnuke wouldn't be instant but would lessen its impact more and more over time until it is cleansed.
Photonic fleet should persist and stay with the captain who used it until the holo ships are destroyed rather than having HP AND a timer. Perhaps they should match the course and speed of the summoning ship and prioritize the summoning ship's target rather than simply spawning and slowly moving around, shooting whatever they please.
And to give engineers a boost (they need some lovin' too!) I think that all of their captain skills, while primarily defensive, are all quite useful and not obvious under performers... with the exception of EPS power transfer since power is handed out like candy, and nadion inversion... again, cause power is handed out like candy.
EPS power transfer: In addition to granting a massive power boost, it also imparts the effects of emergency power to weapons, shields, engines, and auxiliary 3. I.E. +16% weapon damage +30% shield damage resistance +70 flight speed and +4 turn rate and + 20 particle gens/flow caps/subspace decompiler +5km perception radius +100 stealth.
Nadion inversion should not only prevent weapon drain, but ALL power drain. Unless' they've fixed it, last I tested it, energy siphon and tykens rift still sucked your power dry right through a nadion inversion.
AP is now OP.
As a tanker, the general healing/resist nature of the space items has me intrigued for the possibilities. Energy Refrequencer particularly so. Advanced/Elite PvEs can be brutal on tanks.
and this costume, lol, this is a joke, no?
the devs waste their time to create this ugly thing; but they don't have the time to create a decent romulan uniform (the republic uniforms still have problems). why not a special recruit uniform? and also long pants for the KDF toons.
DPS again, again, and again. this poor sci trait is not enough.
the devs lack of imagination
yes, really disppointed
The deflector in particular is like a slap in the face yet again. You make those horrific elite fleet deflectors because of the junk stats. Then you go make this Iconian deflectors ( Was starfleet engineering drunk when they made the fleet ones? Did they forget deflectors are for science purposes and decided to put junk stats on them?
For once I would love to see a rep deflector that actually does something for science. Hell, here is an idea.
Epic Vulcan Science Academy Deflector Mk XIV
+50 Part gens
+50 Grav gens
+50 Flow caps
+2% Stealth Detection
Decreases Cooldown of science abilities by 10%
There, was that so hard? Did I have to think too much? No. Would it make most science captains happy? Yes. Does it have anything to do with DPS, healing, or resistance? No.
I agree! Deflectors should stick to boosting Science abilities and Science related skills.
> <
> <
I think they stopped listening and have decided to pander to the DPS junkies to keep the metrics going well for them. Either that, or they have decided that science isn't popular enough to do anything good for them except if it's related to heals. I can't think that they ran out of ideas and the only thing they know how to do are tanks, DPS, and heal boats, because I don't think they're that stupid.
I bet they put in more of the same kind of traits and consoles in the next lockbox. No sci ship there either. Just another cruiser for the masses.
Hell, no new doffs either except the type that increases damage against X enemy. Why? They also ran out of ideas there.
Wouldn't worry too much. There's plenty of time before now and Season 10. There's more Iconian-related stuff to be announced for sure. Might not be any partols, but I can't see them passing up ground / space adventure zones in the Herald Sphere.
That's where secondary deflectors are a good start. This new Iconian rep deflector might pair nicely with a secondary.
But yeah, more sci-focused equipment would definitely be appreciated. Not much here with the new rep gear overall.
Or maybe have the "fleet" ability for each profession buff skills in the corresponding part of the skill trees for all careers (I know they kinda do already, but work with me...)
As for engi skills (my main would adore some changes), the big thing with them is the non-transferability/team support/power multiplier aspect. Maybe have them be able to be cast on teammates at a reduced (75% ?) effectiveness or with a cast time (e.g. beaming over specialists for miracle worker)
All aboard the grind train. CHOO CHOO, toDSaH!
*busts down your door while wearing a Starfleet uniform*
Time to boldy go, losers.
#this is how you SHOULD collect your crew from shore leave
i found it plain ugly... nothing against tron but... it looks like a carnival (brazillian) fantasy, not much of a trekkie style(for a franchise who have disco space dinosaurs) i care much for my toons styles (and their officers)
but if is too late i will just stick my goodol'maco/omega armor:cool:
a strike team all with omega costume feel much more badass then this new one just saying...
spocked thumb face...
That's probably part of the reason why they put the tailor options in, so you could have the look of your favorite armor while having the functionality and stats of another armor.
*busts down your door while wearing a Starfleet uniform*
Time to boldy go, losers.
#this is how you SHOULD collect your crew from shore leave
Vice Admiral Volmack ISS Thundermole
Brigadier General Jokag IKS Gorkan
Centurion Kares RRW Tomalak
Those Iconian ground costumes are hideous! :eek:
That actually looks a lot like my hero from Champions.
Seeing yet another midless and numbing grind set infront of me just makes me not wanna do it at this point im so burnt out with this uber grind fest of a game.....btw cryptic it isnt fun..its work.