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Ship Suggestions for Fed Tac

mrspidey2mrspidey2 Member Posts: 959 Arc User
edited April 2015 in Federation Discussion
So, with DR, I made my first Fed Tac ever. Now I'm having a real hard time trying to find a ship for her to use at max Level.

Now, I don't want to use any ship. She's a proper Starfleet captain, therefore only actual starfleet designs are acceptable. So no Lockbox stuff. Also, escorts are preferrable.

The options I'm looking at are:

1. Fleet Armitage
Pros: Never looked into this one before so I'd like to try her out. I also love the Akira design.
Cons: The cost - 2500+500 for Fleet+ another 700 for T5U = 3700 Zen... Right now, I'm floating about 2.8k Zen in Dil with current exchange rates. Might get the T6 treatment.

2. Phantom
Pros: the cost - 3k square for the whole package including a great trait
Cons: Looks butt-ugly and I'm not a fan of the Intel stuff. My Andorian is a warrior not a spy.

3. Fleet Defiant
Pros: classic canon design with the option to make it more immersive by getting the appropriate interiors
Cons: Even more costly than the Fleet Armitage if i include the DS9 pack later on. Might get the T6 treatment.

4. Presidio
Pros: the cost - same as the Phantom. Also nice design and op ship trait.
Cons: It's still a cruiser at heart, Command powers are useless, Weapon Power Efficiency CC is missing (BIG CON that one).

5. Fleet Avenger
Pros: Great stats, unique even, for fedside.
Cons: Cost. Might get T6 treatment.

Basically, the ones that I would really like, i'm unsure of because they might be made available as T6 later and I HATE wasting that much Zen.
Post edited by mrspidey2 on


  • reynoldsxdreynoldsxd Member Posts: 977 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    investing into a t5 ship is a dead end investment.

    You pay more to get them and get them to t5U than you would by just straight up buying a t6 ship.

    The solution to your problem is: keep your money for now. Wait till there is a t6 that makes you go "YES!"

    As for ships: the Presidio Tac Command cruiser offers a trait that recharges your captain skills faster... phantom offers a trait that charges boff power faster....

    Both also are decent ship in on themselves.

    If you send zen, spend it on a t6, because the traits then are available to all your chars, just need grind some mastery xp.

    Its simply the better money spending decision.
  • seaofsorrowsseaofsorrows Member Posts: 10,919 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I wouldn't invest in anything Tier 5. The cost is high (2500 Zen for the ship, 700 to upgrade to T5-U, 500 for a Fleet Module.) Just not worth it for a ship that's essentially a dead end investment.

    The only real viable options from what you listed are the Presidio and the Phantom.

    Unfortunately, Cryptic is making a strong effort to kill the Escort. The Phantom is the only T6 Fed Escort, it doesn't look like a true Starfleet Ship and it's not Fleet Level. It is however, one of the most powerful offensive ships in the game, the thing is a beast.

    The Presidio fits your criteria, but as you said.. it's a cruiser.

    Honestly, there is no viable ship that fits your requirements. I'm in the same boat, my DR is a Fed Tac flying an Escort. I already have the Phantom, so that will be his ship at 50 simply because it's the only option.

    Cryptic has sent a pretty clear message to players lately.. Play a Cruiser, or don't play.

    It's a shame really, Escorts are a lot of fun.
    Insert witty signature line here.
  • seaofsorrowsseaofsorrows Member Posts: 10,919 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    players that like to be mobile and have to work to stay alive are stuck with only a pancake flat chested prom date looking ship aka Phantom for T6...

    Yep, not only that.. but we can't even get a Fleet Pancake.. we're stuck at base T6.

    That's our option for Fed Escort.. one single ship, that doesn't look like a real Fed Ship and can't be upgraded to fleet standards.

    Absolutely pathetic.
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  • cmdrscarletcmdrscarlet Member Posts: 5,137 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I humbly disagree with @seaofsorrows only because I don't believe in the no win scenario :P

    I favor cruisers because that is my playstyle and I do believe that escorts in the current milieu is not being played as I think they should be (fly fast, strafing run, fly away, rinse/repeat). I do think part of it is game mechanics, the other part is player-driven toward DPS. For the latter, you would pick an escort, fly to target, park and blast (from what I've seen).

    So, if Cryptic is working toward cruisers, part of that may be because of the community derision toward "Escorts Online", where cruisers and certainly science ships were TRIBBLE ... until recently.

    To share my last point of view: fly what YOU want, make it work for you and have fun. If you are looking for "the best" you will get more stressed figuring that out, than having fun playing the game. If it matters, I *still* see Defiants being played and some of them actually use phasers :eek: . I'll give props to those players first because they are taking a subpar escort and making it work for them.

    Good luck!
  • reynoldsxdreynoldsxd Member Posts: 977 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I waited since game release for a proper galaxy class.

    I'm sure you will survive until they pummel your zen wallet with t6 prometheus/defiant/patrol/akira etc.

  • talonxvtalonxv Member Posts: 4,257 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I'd wait I am sure a tier 6 defiant is on the way since they did the galaxy and intrepid
    Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!

  • tunebreakertunebreaker Member Posts: 1,222 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Getting a T5U ship would cost you no more than 2500 ZEN. Plus around 20m EC for module and upgrade (when I last checked them, they were both approx. 9m) which is not very hard to get.

    Out of ships you named, I'd pick Avenger, it's a really nice ship and I'm loving it. IMO better than every T6 ship currently available. However, if you prefer escorts, you could also try looking at Tempest (Patrol Escort Refit), that's also very cool ship.
  • mrspidey2mrspidey2 Member Posts: 959 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Thanks for all the suggestions so far. It's comforting to know I'm not the only one with stuck in this dilemma.

    I guess i'll keep my Dil for the time being and hope for some T6 re-release.
  • artemisa0kartemisa0k Member Posts: 142 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I'm not certain but I think the phantom might be able to use defiant parts in customization if so that for me anyway would be a fairly big bonus.

    I went crazy and bought the fed command ship pack not long ago and honestly I am loving the ship's there are plenty of customization options on them and they are pretty powerful the ability's are decent as well my only real gripe's are that I would have liked the option to select no-neck in customization letting the upper and lower hull be blended more together and the stations could have been nicer dual lt. com's or a lt. com universal preferably.

    all in all though I'm going to try and hold off on any new purchases until I find out what is going on with the "Pilot ships" and what the new ones are going to look like.
  • seaofsorrowsseaofsorrows Member Posts: 10,919 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    artemisa0k wrote: »
    I'm not certain but I think the phantom might be able to use defiant parts in customization if so that for me anyway would be a fairly big bonus.

    I wish that were true, but sadly.. it's not.

    The Phantom can use parts from the Eclipse and the Scryer, but not the Defiant.

    And just for the record, I'm not bashing on Cruiser Captains or making any commentary on skill level required to play a certain style. I just feel that the ship releases over the last year rather they be Give Away ships, C-Store or Lock Box has greatly and overwhelmingly favored one type of ship over everything else. We have received 1 C-Store Escort, 1 Give Away Destroyer (Chel Grett) and the one Vaaduar Escort.. everything else has been Cruisers.

    I own several cruisers including the Command 3 Pack and the Guardian. I love them, I enjoy flying them and have no problem with Cruisers. But I want to have other choices as well, I want variety to differentiate my alts. I do like my Phantom and my DR will use it as his End Game Ship, I just think the class needs some focus from the Dev Team to pull it back up to par with FAW Cruisers.

    I in no way, shape or form endorse any sort of FAW Nerf, any restrictions on Cruisers or taking away anything from anyone. I believe variety is increased through addition of additional options, not by making current options unappealing enough that people quit using them.

    With that in mind, my gut tells me there are some T6 Escorts coming soon.. just not sure exactly when. I suspect that the upcoming 'Pilot Specialization Ships' will be Escorts and Destroyers.
    Insert witty signature line here.
  • mrspidey2mrspidey2 Member Posts: 959 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    So that upcoming pilot ship does look quite nice and escort-ish. I can fly that. Thank you Cryptic.
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